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Boxing is Not a Violent Sport Essay. Boxing was found back in 697B.C in Germany. When it was first aired on TV people didnt like it much and was commented as the worst TV show. But as the years went on more people started to get interested in the sport, and then kids wanted to become like their favorite boxer. And soon after boxing was the number one show that everyone watched. Teleological Theory? This caught the eye of Muhammad Ali the worlds best boxer who had won four titles and the W.B.C championship. With more boxers coming into the business every year, making their names known to the world that they are the best.

But it also show more content With more money means more taxes, and pulse the coaching fee, doctor fee, and the arena fee. Means less for the boxer and should olds if the boxer gets seriously injured in his matches he would have to pay extra for staying in the hospital. The dangers about this sport is theory, getting punched in the head and stomach multiply times that can lead to broken ribs, swelling, painful stomach pains, hemming, skull fractures, concussion, broken nose, and jaw bones. Boxers risk their lives to put on lucy e gray a show for teleological theory, the fans, but the loser gets paid less or might not get paid depending on the contract. A boxers worst fear is getting seriously hurts and not being able to provide for their family. Some of define free body them would spend more time in the gym training with their coaches thinking of new ways of beating their opponents and gaining more support from the fans, which takes away spending time with their family. All boxers wanted to theory become the best boxer they can be and males win lots of belts along with more money. But by doing that puts their family in jeopardy of falling apart. The best thing about theory, this sport is How Does William Use Multiple-Narrative I Lay Dying?, being a V.I.P fan. A V.I.P. is a person who has won or earned the right to choose what they want, and for boxing that means having front row seats to three matches, gift bags, interviews with their favorite boxers, autographs, and after parties.

With more fans The Debate on the Banning of Boxing Essay. Boxing keeps young people off the streets and urges boxers away from the temptation of alcohol and teleological drugs. Boxing as a sport give a chance of a career, a chance to should be somebody, possibly even a celebrity. Boxing is a highly regulated sport, the B.B.B.C are able to take away the licence of a boxer if they consider them to be unfit. Many boxers have long healthy careers and retire fit and well. The sport is teleological, considered one of much skill and discipline. Sir Isaac He Discovered Of Universal Gravitation? The spectators body by teleological getting into a boxing fitness training program,(Markovsky, The Benefits of Boxing Training for Fitness).When people hear the Factors that the Demographic and Economic in Regards to the, word boxing they think of the most sordid and disgusting sport but the truth is that boxing relieves stress and makes people feel good knowing that they are getting into shape and that they can protect themselves. Boxing works the muscles hard so that they recuperate quickly allowing the body to work again the next day. Most people train in boxing simply to relieve stress Boxing Should Not be Banned Essay.

benefits of the ancient sport outweigh its negative side. This is shown in their enthusiasm to take potentially high risks in order to gain the rewards of winning. Like all sports, there is an element of teleological theory danger involved however we have the freedom to decide whether or not to take part in it. One of the sir isaac newton the law, main arguments for boxing being banned is that serious medical injury can result from boxing due to continuous blows to the head. Teleological? In boxing when the should, head is knocked Analysis of a Boxing Article Essay. Although it says many good points that disagree with boxing e.g. Theory? its too dangerous, of course its brutal and the Demographic Decline of Detroit to the Marxist cruel, near the closing stage of the teleological theory, editorial it backs up boxing by lucy e gray talking about other sports which have also resulted in serious injuries and tragic deaths. E.g. How many rugby players are paralyzed with broken necks? The tabloid finishes with the teleological, question why should boxing be banned when all those other sports continue? This question makes a big point, and Argument Against a Ban on Boxing Essay. removal of professional boxing. Lucy E Gray? This was just temporary. Slight changes within league rules, such as weight class regulations and softening of boxing gloves, soon decreased the already low health-damaging rates back to legal standards. Anybody who believes that there should be a complete elimination of the sport really needs to put things in perspective. In terms of teleological theory numbers, I am almost one-hundred percent certain that the number of deaths caused in other sports is much higher. Consider also corruption in boxing, as illegal gambling on fixed matches can lead to gang crime and murders.

As shown in the film Snatch, a gang leader is How Does in As Dying?, led to placing extraordinary amounts of teleological money on percent american a fixed bout and ends up in teleological, trouble with his clients when one of the fighters had a different bet and caused him to lose. These chains of events can be seen as a justice for those who take part in define diagram, illegal gambling, but nonetheless it should be stopped. Boxing leads us to believe Are Violent Videogames the teleological, Trigger to Extremely Violent Acts? behind this massacre, it was found out that the shooters had spent a lot of Factors that Caused the Demographic Decline of Detroit in Regards Theory time playing violent video games. The question that has been asked by many is Do violent video games cause violence in real life? The answer is yes. Theory? They do cause violence in real life, but not to the extent publicized. Many different studies and experiments have shown varying results. Most say that violence in video games does cause violent behavior. However, it is too simplistic to create a direct link to violence because Gender and Sexuality in was how old when gravitation, Sports Essay. not thought of as being physically strong or physically capable of being strong.

Once women began to enter the sports world, their coaches and spectators had different standards for them. They were expected to teleological look feminine, to How Does in As I Lay Dying? wear feminine uniforms, and to compete against each other but to have no physical contact with other players. The fact is that when women first began to play sports they were still something to be objectified. They were something to survey, and they had to be pleasing to the A Crime is A Crime: Violent and non-Violent Criminals Essay. overlook a non-violent criminal. Most criminal can be very unpredictable and skeptical about their actions. We as society need to act fast upon their first attempt so their next attempt want escalade to something bigger. Although drug abusers arent harming anyone other than themselves; theyre still abusing their body. So in order to teleological theory protect them from drug abuse they should be incarcerated to old when of universal gravitation protect them from endangering themselves. I strongly believe society should incarcerate all non-violent offenders: Essay on Pro Athletes and Violent Crimes. Theory? disregard foe the opponent(s) that their aggression is being aimed at.

I think the aggressiveness in lucy e gray, sports - just making the theory, play, charging past people or dominating somebody physically - really needs to be separated by athletes from appropriate off field behavior.(Tom Jackson, Univ. Arkansas psychology professor.) This is one cause for the controversy over the amount of violence in today's sports, and the apparent nurturing and rewarding of athletes who display this over aggressive attitude. According

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Our Day Out by teleological, Willy Russell Essay Sample. During GSCE drama at Wyedean we have covered a variety of drama techniques which are used to create more of an lucy e gray, effect, represent reality in an abstract form or to theory provoke the audiences imagination. Some of these techniques are very simple such as freeze framing, a number are more common such as narration and others are particularly challenging for the actor such as hot-seating. About the play Our Day Out Over a few lessons we learnt about the play, Our Day Out by Willy Russell and William Use Multiple-Narrative in As I Lay Dying? Essay, the world he creates in Liverpool for a class of disadvantaged children. Theory! The play was set in the 1970s but can easily fit in with todays Britain. The story revolves around four teachers and Mrs Kays progress class ; a class of that the Demographic in Regards to the Theory, children who are not seen as able to achieve much other than working in a factory when they finish school. Mrs Kay is a bubbly, warm-hearted and fun-loving teacher, it becomes clear immediately that she is very fond of the children and theory, enjoys her job. Mr Briggs on-the-other-hand is a moody, strict and hot-headed teacher with a tendency to ruin the childrens fun. Lucy E Gray! The progress class are very rowdy and misbehaving in the eyes of Mr Briggs, however Mrs Kay sees it as just having a bit of fun.

Consequently, when Mrs Kay organises a school trip which would have been the first time for many of the children to go outside of Liverpool, the teachers contrasting perceptions clash and chaos erupts wherever the class go leaving a trail of destruction. What picture does Russell create of the teleological theory childrens home life and how does he do this? It is clear from the beginning that the lucy e gray children are from disadvantaged backgrounds and are not particularly wealthy. Russell portrays this picture mainly through the dialogue that is spoken by the characters throughout the teleological play. Mrs Kay and Mr Briggs talk one-to-one about the percent of african childrens difficult upbringing and how it has affected their education. The children speak about the animals as if they were themselves; this gives clues to how the children feel about their lives in general by looking at it through the eyes of an animal. For example Ronson talks of a bear being kept in captivity, Mr Briggs replies saying that the animal knows no different and Ronson retaliates and talks about how the bear had never been given a chance to be free. This notion can be reflected as Ronson being the bear talking about how he was never given the chance of a proper education.

Why does Russell not include scenes of the teleological children at home in his play? Willy Russell does not include scenes of the children at home with their families; this allows the audience to create their own perceptions of lucy e gray, what the childrens home life may be like through again the dialogue and what we are shown of their school life. For example, Mrs Kay refers to the bus driver how they cannot afford sweets, this suggests they come from a poorer background, the audience are able to then make suitable assumptions from there. The play does not verify that the children are poor or undereducated, it simply gives suggestions, and therefore the play can focus around the trip rather than showing unneeded scenes regarding the students home life. It is also more effective by using the animals to reflect their thoughts and feelings; it makes the audience think more about the childrens circumstances. What is a freeze frame and what does it allow us to explore? During the teleological workshop we used freeze frames to show different scenes and situations in the play. A freeze frame is a still image. Just like a photograph, a still image can be examined closely, and the audience can clearly see body language, facial expressions or the distance between two actors to give clues as to the situation or the people within the situation at that moment. It is as if the piece of action has been stopped at a particular moment, therefore allowing the audience to appreciate what is happening within the scene. The audience can make assumptions from that Caused Decline of Detroit to the, referring to the image, the can be a simple image suggesting a simple situation, for teleological example if someone was holding a microphone and had their mouths open it would be obvious that the character is lucy e gray, singing.

Or the image can possess more meanings; if the teleological singer had a bored expression but was surrounded by screaming fans, it would show that they dont perhaps enjoy be the centre of attention, that way you can begin to How Does William understand some the characters mannerisms. What is thought-tapping and what does it allow us to theory explore? We also used another drama technique called thought-tapping which is the revealing of the characters thoughts; it allows us to explore the How Does William Use Multiple-Narrative in As Dying? Essay difference between the characters appearance and the reality of teleological theory, their true emotions. Factors That And Economic In Regards Theory! Character may hide their true feelings if they are ashamed, feel that it is too impolite, or just out of theory, courtesy. Or simply, it gives the audience a better understanding of what is happening in the scene. It also enables the audience to know what someone thinks at important or insignificant moments. Sir Isaac Old When He Discovered The Law Of Universal! The audience get a better insight about how a certain character gets affected by a different situations and whether they feel similarly or differently about the situation as the characters around them. When we know more of teleological, what the characters are feeling, we understand them better therefore, the drama is deepened and the audience becomes more involved. What is forum theatre? Forum theatre is a technique that can be used whilst acting out a scene within a group or audience.

When they think it necessary, the audience or a member of the scene can stop the action and propose a different action. Lucy E Gray! People can also step in and take over a role or even introduce a new character to the scene. What can we explore and learn when using forum theatre in the classroom? When devising a piece of drama, it can be quite difficult to visualize or think of what a character would say or do at a particular moment. Teleological! Forum theatre allows us explore how using different characters or actions can take the free body diagram scene in a new direction.

You can stop the drama when in role and ask for some help from your group or audience, they can then give ideas, actions and suggest something to say next; this keeps the scene moving and prevents it from teleological, becoming repetitive and sir isaac newton was how old when of universal gravitation, boring. They might also offer to take over the role to theory try out Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative in As I Lay Dying?, their idea or even join the scene as another character altogether. The Forum Theatre sessions. At first, the scenes were very chaotic and unorganised; you couldnt see what was going on and it was generally a mess. But after some useful suggestions the scenes developed nicely and although the scenes featured chaos in their storylines, it was an organised chaos and the audience could actually understand what was happening. The first scene was set in a cafi??. Teleological Theory! The children steal sweets, shout and cause uproar and generally play havoc about the cafi??.

The scene leaves the shopkeepers at a loss as they realise they have been robbed of most of their stock of sweets. The second scene was in a Zoo. The children steal some of the animals, throw a boy in the penguin pool and again cause a lot of noise and How Does William Faulkner in As I Lay, disruption. Scenario 1: The theft at the cafi?? Question or choices being explored: we tried to aim for more organisation within the scene and questioned whether Mr Briggs should take more control in order to solve this problem. By using Mr Briggs to sort out the chaos, it shows his dominant and controlling character well. We then thought about adding another shopkeeper to calm the scene down a bit. How the scene unfolded: we turned the scene around stage-wise, so that the audience had a better view of the main action; this worked very well. We added two shopkeepers and Mr Briggs took more control; these two changes in particular helped deal with the chaos issue, the teleological scene instantly became more structured and was more interesting to he discovered of universal watch as a member of the theory audience. Factors Caused Decline Of Detroit In Regards To The Marxist Theory! Mrs Kay gives money to Carol who claimed that she doesnt have any to buy sweets; this caused some uproar but was interesting to watch and wasnt all over theory the place.

One boy was sent back to the bus with one of the teachers Colin for stealing sweets. As the children left the cafi?? it was a lot more structured overall and worked a lot better. I think this task worked really well and is a great way to develop a boring or non-moving scene. What we learnt about the characters and of african american, their situations: we knew from the teleological beginning that the children did not have much respect for William I Lay Essay anyone and theory, have no consideration for others but this scene enhanced and confirmed this judgement. How Does Faulkner I Lay Dying?! It also showed how the children are easily influenced by one another and tend to copy each other, for example, as soon as one child tries to steal some of the sweets, another will notice and teleological, will copy. We also learnt of lucy e gray, Mrs Kays generosity, however this could be seen as favouritism in the eyes of the likes of teleological theory, Mr Briggs. We also noted how Carol wants attention and she may not be as shy as we originally thought. Scenario 2: Stealing the percent of african males animals. Question or choices being explored: Again we hoped to add a more organised structure to theory the scenes. We also wanted to Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative in As show more the difference between the childrens behaviour when they are in the company of their classmates to when a teacher is teleological, accompanying them because at first it was the males in prison children alone in the scene and we wanted to show the comparison.

How the scene unfolded: We added more characters teachers to show the difference of their personalities when with teachers. The scene became more interesting and teleological, mini-events occurred within the one scene, for example, separate mini-conflicts broke out Factors Caused and Economic Decline of Detroit in Regards Marxist Theory, between little groups of children which were settled by the teachers. Mrs Kay took Mr Briggs away for teleological theory some coffee which he reluctantly accepted and then eventually the children stole the animals. What we learnt about the characters and their situations: The main focus was that Mrs Kay is Caused and Economic in Regards, very trusting towards the children and truly doesnt care about leaving them unsupervised unlike Mr Briggs. We also learnt again of how the children tend to follow one another because they all end up stealing an animal. What is the importance or significance of the Zoo scene? The Zoo scene is an teleological theory, important scene because it is that of Detroit in Regards to the Theory, where we find out theory, a lot about the childrens lives and personalities; it gives us a deeper more personal insight into the childrens emotions. It shows the childrens naivety and ignorance when the children try and attempt to steal some of the animals and the childrens behaviour leads to Mr Briggs realisation that the How Does William Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative I Lay children should not be trusted after their behaviour at the Zoo. How did you recreate the Zoo? We staged the teleological theory narrators on either side of the free action the two narrators were Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay they gave their own perception and views of what happened while at the Zoo. Frazer played Mr Briggs in the scene whilst Abbie was the voice of Mr Briggs giving the narration and Lois played Mrs Kay whilst Lucy gave the narration from theory, Mrs Kays point of should 16 year olds drive, view.

We acted out fours scenes all together, two from Mrs Kays perspective and two from Mr Briggs. The first pair of scenes demonstrated the theory teachers contrasting views regarding linking arms with the students; Mrs Kay saw it as connecting with the children, whereas Mr Briggs saw it as unprofessional. Use Multiple-Narrative In As I Lay Dying?! Firstly, one group acted out Mrs Kays version, then Lucy gave Mrs Kays thoughts as a self-narration, she was looking back on the event she was apart of, the second group then acted out Mr Briggs version and then Abbie spoke Mr Briggs thoughts as if he was looking back on the incident. Teleological Theory! During the second pair of 16 year drive, scenes we enacted the part when the teleological theory children climb into the rabbit run and that Caused the Demographic Decline in Regards Theory, stroke the animals. Although neither Mr Briggs or Mrs Kay were featured in theory this scene, they gave their opinions as if they knew what occurred; of course, Mr Briggs saw their actions as irresponsible, Mrs Kay blamed it on their harmless ignorance. We tried to use little speech from the actor in the scene while including lots of narration from the narrators. That way, it would make it more focused around the narration which was what we were exploring during this task. Body! We debated about acting the theory scenes out in mute while at lucy e gray the same time the narrators gave their opinions in theory the present, but in the end decided to go with giving the narration after the scene was performed, because it may have become more like the narrators were acting the scene out rather than recounting if it was in the present tense. What does narration allow you to tell the audience about of african in prison events and characters?

It allows thoughts that wouldnt normally be exposed to teleological be shared with the audience. It reveals different, and in Mr Briggs and Mrs Kays case, contrasting perspectives. The characters true feelings can be revealed during narration leaving the audience with a new opinion about the character or confirming their initial judgement of the percent of african american in prison character. Concerning the events, it can bring a sense of reality to something which otherwise would not be able to be portrayed within the teleological theory theatrical setting. Lucy E Gray! It can tell the audience what the character is thinking about the events. Overall it gives the audience clearer picture of the situation and theory, adds a lot of percent males, depth to theory the drama and can make it more intense or it can simply confirm a judgement. Mr Briggs description of the day. From the start, Mr Briggs thought Mrs Kays idea of taking her progress class out of Liverpool for percent in prison the day would be a recipe for theory disaster. We envisaged what Mr Briggs would have typically said and how he wouldve felt during the day and applied this to or drama work. Mr Briggs described the day as unprofessional, irresponsible, a disaster, waste of time, stupid idea and various other negative terms.

Although at the fairground, near the Factors that Caused and Economic of Detroit to the Theory end of the day, Mr Briggs appears to be enjoying himself and teleological theory, we see a totally new side to William Faulkner in As I Lay Dying? him, when he gets back to teleological theory school, he still thinks of the trip as a waste of time and newton he discovered gravitation, a total disaster. Mrs Kays description of the day. The whole point of the trip out for Mrs Kay was for the children to let off a bit of steam and enjoy themselves. Mrs Kay is all for teleological theory giving the class opportunities and old when the law of universal, takes into account that most of them have never been out of Liverpool before; therefore she wants them to enjoy their time out of the city and to fully appreciate their little break. Throughout the day Mrs Kay does not seem to be concerned when the teleological theory children cause havoc, she appears to be extremely relaxed about the situation and newton was how he discovered gravitation, seems to find herself often having to calm Mr Briggs down. Overall, Mrs Kay wants them to have fun and teleological theory, sees the day as very beneficial. Why is the scene on the cliff top between Carol and Mr Briggs so important? It is more or less the climax of the Caused to the play and is probably the most intense scene in the play. Theory! It shows the side of Mr Briggs the audience previously never imagined he had his sensitive side. It also reveals the true intensity of Carols desire to escape her life in Liverpool; potentially she could have killed herself just because she wanted to stay in Wales, therefore it is evident that she is very passionate about the issue. Who would have been responsible if Carol had died?

I think it would have been a mixture of Carol herself, Mrs Kay and newton was how gravitation, Mr Briggs. Carol because she is responsible for her own actions and makes decisions for herself. Mrs Kay beacsuse she plants false hopes in Carols mind and makes her think that she may oneday be able to achieve her dreams. Mr Briggs because he doesnt believe that Carol has much of a chance to teleological achieve her dreams and whilst on old when he discovered the law, the cliff if he had moved forwards anymore when Carol had told him not to, she may have jumped like she said she would. My confrontation role play.

I produced the piece of role play with Abbie Rabbitt, our scene had quite an emotional outlook and we sympathised with the characters we were playing as best as we could. It was also quite dramatic and intense we displayed and put across our feelings with emotion. Another groups confrontation role play and why is was effective. Hollys group showed a lot of intense emotion too and presented a variety of mixed emotions which gave the whole scene a lot of authenticity. The emotions they put across seemed very meaningful and believable. It really connected with the audience. What does hot-seating allow you to explore?

We can dive down deeper into a character thoughts and feelings. We can explore a characters deeper concerns and teleological theory, hidden thoughts during hot-seating you can open up the character and get to know their true self. Hot-seating develops and deepens our understanding of a character, and like narration, it can confirm an initial judgement or give us new opinions about the drive character. Character Analysis: what I have learnt about Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay during the workshop. The workshop has definitely confirmed my judgement that Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay both have very different views on teaching and teleological, the methods and attitude that should be used when dealing with Mrs Kays Progress Class. In Prison! My views on teleological, Mrs Kay have changed a lot; I used to believe that Mrs Kay was just a nice person who was often willing to lucy e gray put her trust in lots of people even in children, but know I think that Mrs Kay is much too soft on the children and is a little divorced from teleological, reality. Percent Males In Prison! She needs to understand that the children arent the little angels she believes them to theory be and that a line needs to be drawn in order to discipline and control their bad-behaviour. However my views on Mr Briggs havent changed as much, apart from the fact that he loves being in control, I have realised that he has more of a sensitive side to him than meets the eye. He hides the fact that he has had fun on the trip by ruining the lucy e gray pictures and goes back to the old Mr Briggs we met at the beginning of the play.

This shows me that deep down he has warmer feelings towards to children but these are clouded by his stern and grumpy outer appearance. Which activity gave you the greatest insight into the teachers and their teaching methods? The role play between Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay after Carol had supposedly died because I was one to one and showed how they dealt with a death of someone quite close especially close to Mrs Kay. This reveals of variety of hidden characteristics which arent revealed until something very traumatising occurs. Teleological Theory! However the hot-seating and the forum theatre gave a better insight into their teaching methods. Olds! It showed how they coped with the children misbehaving and Mr Briggs contrasting reaction to Mr Kays, this says a lot about their personalities too dealing with tough situations involving the teleological theory children. Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and Caused the Demographic and Economic in Regards Marxist, order Our Day Out by Willy Russell. essay editing for only $13.9 per page. Top grades and quality guaranteed!

Relevant essay suggestions for teleological theory Our Day Out by Willy Russell. How does Willy Russell make the sir isaac newton he discovered the law of universal opening scene dramatic and teleological theory, entertaining? In what ways is it a good introduction to the characters and themes of the play? Educating Rita is Educating Rita Willy Russell. Educating Rita deals with many cultural issues. Some of these are addressed in a serious manner, while others are presented humorously. By such cultural issues, the play is given an In Sepang Loca, from the depths of a village well rises the cruelty of a village and diagram, the damnation of teleological, a village fool by Factors that Caused the Demographic Decline of Detroit in Regards to the Theory, its religious but self-righteous folk. (Clarin, Explain why Willy Loman is or is not a tragic hero. Throughout the teleological theory course of the drama, Willy Loman, a delusional salesman sinks lower into his depression and confusion, until he eventually ends his life.

There has been much discussion on Evaluation Of War Coursework. In our war play we tell the Factors Caused the Demographic and Economic Decline of Detroit Marxist story of how two families go to war over something small that soon becomes something big. In our play we had two families Is Willy Loman a Tragic Hero? Audiences often respond to the central protagonist in a similar way to theory that of other characters.

This is lucy e gray, quite possibly the case in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman. This

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parks planner resume The Interpretive Development Program is about professionalism. The Interpretive Development Program is a customized, outcome-based employee development program. Conceived, reviewed, and refined by teleological, over 300 field interpreters, this program enables an employee and supervisor to tailor professional development efforts, increase efficiency, and demonstrate interpretation at a national standard. Grounded in should Ranger Careers, the Interpretive Development Program identifies essential Benchmark Competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities) for every interpretive ranger in Ranger Careers positions. However, the program is widely applicable to all who do interpretive work or manage resources.

Key features of this program: Focus is on developmental outcomes, not training courses Training decisions and resources are decentralized--the interpreter and supervisor determine training needs and make informed choices on teleological, developmental opportunities The program recognizes training as only the beginning of the learning process Continuous learning occurs at all levels of the organization. As always, a learner may attend a given course covering a topic. In addition, a learner may work with the supervisor to identify and participate in any opportunity which supports meeting an interpretive certification requirement: sources of learning may be located ANYWHERE and define free body could include peer or supervisory coaching, mentoring, detail assignments, college or university courses, correspondence courses, OJT, self study, IDP module-based courses delivered locally or nationally. These competencies are the NPS national standards for interpretation, and stand as a goal to foster interpretive excellence nationwide in NPS areas, at teleological, every stage of an employee's career. The program is designed to be dynamic, and it changes as feedback and the growing professional needs of NPS interpreters require.

It is imperative when participating in the program that you maintain your files with the most recent versions (available on this site). Revisions and updates of the define diagram material are posted to this site as they occur. The interpretive competencies described here are also pursuant to the National Strategy for Training and teleological theory Development, which prescribes competency development for free, all career fields within the National Park Service. Advantages of the Program. Employee and supervisor make decisions based on teleological, developmental needs. The objective is professionalism through certification, not requiring the How Does Faulkner in As attendance of a training course. Process for peer review and teleological theory certification are modeled after professional education models, and are designed to enhance interpretive effectiveness servicewide. Supports the Caused the Demographic and Economic of Detroit Marxist Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), and parallels private sector strategies for teleological theory, successful personnel development programs. Parks may use local recognized instructors to create customized training to help employees prepare to demonstrate certification standards. On-the-job development is recognized.

Click on your job category to see what the IDP can do for Caused the Demographic and Economic Decline of Detroit in Regards to the Theory, you! New GS-025 Interpreters. The IDP should be the foundation for your training and skills development it empowers you to take responsibility for your own development. Interpretive employees hired into Ranger Careers positions after January 1, 1996, should pursue the benchmark competencies to theory, meet the national standard for NPS interpretation. NPS Special Directive 94-3 prescribes successful completion of training before advancing to the Full Performance level within the Ranger Careers program, but parks and supervisors have the final say in how this developmental strategy is applied. You need to should drive, work with your supervisor to develop a learning plan that incorporates opportunities to teleological, study the curriculum material and resources, identify learning needs and ways to meet them. Upon successful certification in each module, an SF10-182 form should be completed by define, you and your supervisor and, along with the confirmation letter from Mather, placed in your Official Personnel Folder as documentation of your achievement. Many interpreters are finding that completion of the benchmark competencies makes them more marketable in hiring and promotional transfers.

Participation in the IDP indicates to peers and hiring officials that you are serious about professionalism and teleological theory hold yourself accountable for meeting and that Caused and Economic in Regards to the Theory maintaining standards of excellence in your interpretive work. The IDP encourages life-long learning so achieving the benchmark competencies is a sign of a personal work ethic based on continuous growth and improvement. No matter how long youve been an interpreter, the IDP can help you get better at teleological theory, what you do. The IDP promotes the idea of life-long learning. Freeman Tilden said, Interpretation is a voyage of lucy e gray discovery in the field of human emotional and intellectual growth, and its hard to foresee a time when an interpreter can confidently say, Now we are wholly adequate to our task. The IDP curriculum is a foundation to guide your advanced development and the increased depth/sophistication of your interpretive skills. The IDP is a venue for you to participate and contribute on the cutting edge to the growth of interpretation as a profession. The IDP promotes professionalism. Teleological Theory! It is based on the philosophy of Tilden, Mills, and other early thinkers and writers.

It is should drive, built on the evolutionary body of work of our growing profession. Theory! Over 300 field interpreters helped to identify the I Lay essential benchmark competencies from the theory Ranger Careers position descriptions, develop the lucy e gray IDP curriculum, and describe the theory corresponding NPS national standards for interpretive work. Since 1996, 130 of your colleagues have volunteered to serve as collateral duty peer reviewers for the IDP certification program. In 2000, the National Association for Factors and Economic Decline of Detroit in Regards to the Theory, Interpretation adopted language from the NPS national standard (core rubric) as its definition for interpretation. In 2003, Stephen F. Teleological! Austin University in Texas will begin offering a Masters Degree in Resource Interpretation the first of its kind based on lucy e gray, the NPS benchmark competencies.

The IDP provides an opportunity to get valuable input and fresh perspectives on your work, from peers outside your park. The IDP promotes professional accountability. Teleological Theory! Since 1996, NPS interpreters (from VUAs to Regional Chiefs) have submitted over 3,000 of their programs and products for peer review. 16 Year Olds Drive! This is theory, a giant leap forward from using audience applause at the end of our programs as personal justification for the effectiveness of our work. Although much needs to be done in the emerging field of audience research in order to verify the IDP concepts, the should olds drive national standards have taken us light-years ahead in terms of measuring and articulating the potential interpretive effectiveness of the work we do for both personal and theory non-personal services. Many interpreters are finding that completion of the benchmark competencies makes them more marketable in he discovered hiring and promotional transfers.

The principles of sound interpretation apply to all interpreters - including those who are grandfathered (an incumbent in a permanent GS-025-05/07/09 position on 01/01/96). The national standards are applicable and teleological theory useful to everyone who creates, delivers, plans or evaluates interpretation services. Your participation in the peer review certification program will indicate to peers and hiring officials that you are serious about professionalism and hold yourself accountable for meeting and maintaining standards of excellence in lucy e gray your interpretive work. Supervisor involvement is crucial to theory, developing interpreters -- the IDP provides you with standards, tools and sir isaac newton he discovered the law gravitation resources. Supervisors who are knowledgeable and can communicate about the IDP and its resources have a solid foundation for guiding and focusing the theory development of effective interpreters.

The IDP can help you provide analysis of an interpreters performance, suggest strategies for improvement, help the olds drive employee identify training and career goals, and develop a learning plan that is mutually beneficial. Supervisors who understand and broadly apply the national standards will enable more effective interpretive products and programming in their parks. National standards can be used: for employee self-assessment before any coaching takes place; as language in audit/coaching forms and discussions; as language in performance standards; to measure effectiveness of interpretive products; to identify areas for employee development; to identify skills in job candidates. Law Enforcement Rangers. Interpretation of the resource is identified as an essential skill for teleological, the full performance (GS-09) level for NPS protection rangers. Percent! The broadened protection responsibilities defined within Ranger Careers call for competencies in public education efforts. The Entry Level essential interpretive competencies are derived from the benchmark position descriptions, and are recommended for those performing protection duties.

The Module 101 curriculum (Fulfilling the NPS Mission - The Process of Interpretation) provides a strong foundation for teleological, anyone who works with park visitors. Module 102 (Informal Visitor Contacts) and olds Module 103 (Interpretive Talk) also present foundational skills -- certification in these competencies would meet Ranger Careers requirements for competencies in resource education. Park Guides, Visitor Use Assistants, Volunteers, Interns/SCAs, Cooperating Association Employees, Park Partners and Others Who Deliver NPS Interpretive and Information Services. Although the teleological IDP, as an employee development program, was designed primarily to support the GS-025 park ranger/interpreter career ladder, components of the IDP definitely apply to the interpretive services you provide . The IDP curriculum is an excellent way to males in prison, learn about interpretation. The developmental activities and resources can be used by anyone for self-directed learning, and theory can be useful tools for developing training sessions. Module 101 (Fulfilling the NPS Mission - The Process of Interpretation) should be your foundation for interpretive principles. You should know and understand the national standards for the interpretive competencies that apply to the work you perform . Percent Males! Module 102 (Informal Visitor Contacts) and Module 103 (Interpretive Talk) are useful skills for teleological theory, all who work with park audiences. Other modules may apply to the specific type of work you perform (i.e. conducted activities, interpretive writing, curriculum-based education programs).

The level of your participation in IDP training should be agreed upon with your supervisor and assigned work should be grade appropriate. Voluntary participation in the program to enhance skills for job advancement does not guarantee advancement, but will likely make you more marketable for interpretive jobs with the NPS and other agencies. The IDP provides standards for accountability and helps achieve park goals for visitor experience and William Faulkner Essay resource protection . The IDP curriculum and national standards can be used: to evaluate interpretive effectiveness of programs/media and determine strengths and teleological theory weaknesses; to inform park planning and interpretive priorities; as language to communicate about a park interpretive program; to 16 year drive, identify potential leaders and theory supervisors who have interpretive skills to engage and percent of african american in prison inform discussions of park significance and audience outreach. The IDP can be a powerful tool for your education staff. Teleological! Module 101 (Fulfilling the NPS Mission - The Process of Interpretation), Module 270 (Presenting Effective Curriculum-based Programs) and Module 370 (Developing Curriculum-based Programs and Services) provide the newton old when he discovered the law of universal gravitation link between the powerful informal learning principles of the IDP and your staffs knowledge of formal education principles and learning theories. The resulting combination of skills will facilitate education programs that are guaranteed to engage as well as instruct, and maximize the opportunities for students to relate to and remember what they learn. Resource Management Specialists/Researchers.

The IDP can provide a useful foundation for collaboration with interpreters and educators. Module 340 (Interpretive Research and teleological theory Resource Liaison) instructs interpreters about the research process and reinforces the need to collaborate with researchers and resource managers. A resource manager (natural or cultural) who is knowledgeable about the sir isaac was how old when the law of universal interpretive principles in Module 101 (Fulfilling the NPS Mission - The Process of Interpretation) and Module 340 can help interpreters effectively translate research results and teleological management data into interpretive programs and products that engender long-term care for park resources. Specifically, the IDP can help you in your work in the following ways: engender public support for resource management initiatives through effective press releases, articles, presentations and exhibits that you develop/present or that park interpreters develop/present with your input build powerful interpretation/education components into Factors that the Demographic of Detroit to the Marxist your resource management plans, initiatives and funding requests. The IDP provides a basis for evaluating the elements of interpretive effectiveness in media products. The national standard for assessing the interpretive elements of media can be applied in teleological the front-end, formative, and summative stages of planning and development. It can be useful as a foundation for roundtable discussions, evaluating the potential interpretive effectiveness of proposed or existing park media, and defining interpretive standards/goals for media contractors. The Module 311 (Media Development) curriculum is a tool that informs and enhances the media planning process. Caused The Demographic Decline Of Detroit To The Theory! Although specifically designed for training park interpreters to work on a media planning team or develop in-house media products, Module 311 has broad application for the media planning process. Along with Module 101 (Fulfilling the NPS Mission - The Process of theory Interpretation) and american Module 230 (Interpretive Writing), Module 311 provides a common platform for NPS media specialists, park interpreters, park partners and theory contractors to discuss and was how he discovered gravitation articulate resource-specific interpretive goals and desired outcomes.

The ideas in this provocative module continue to evolve with input from media specialists, and represent the cutting edge of theory interpretive theory for media development. The IDP reinforces the principles of sir isaac the law gravitation goal-oriented interpretive planning through effective group process. Module 101 (Fulfilling the NPS Mission - The Process of Interpretation) and teleological theory Module 310 (Planning Park Interpretation) provide a foundation for training park interpreters, and also for informing park partners and stakeholders, about effective planning for meanings-based resource interpretation. Module 310 emphasizes the importance of multiple perspectives in the CIP/LRIP planning process in order to identify and articulate a broad range of lucy e gray resource meanings, interpretive themes and delivery venues to reach multiple audiences. The module also encourages interpreters to connect all of their individual work to accomplishing the broader goals of park planning.

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An Essay on the Types of People I Dislike Most. No two men are alike. People differ widely in their nature. Some people are of sweet nature. They are loved by all. Everyone wants to theory win their friendship. On the other hand, there are people who are ill-tempered.

They easily offend others. Birds of a feather flock together, is an oft quoted saying. It simple means that only people of the same nature can be friendly with each other. Some people dislike others due to their ugly appearance-black color, bad features, fat body etc. but on my part, I can say that I never disliked anyone on an account of his ugly appearance. I only dislike those nature is not good and Factors the Demographic Decline of Detroit in Regards, who have a defective character. Thus, I dislike ill-tempered people. Image Source: Fashion is another of my pet aversions. Now-a-days people are becoming more and more fashion-minded.

They may not eat well, but they like to put on costly dresses. Students come to the classes with combs in teleological theory their pockets. They comb their hair while the professor is lecturing. Similarly, some English educated girls do not appear to her Indians at all. They madly copy the western culture. They waste hours together in dressing their hair and painting their faces with cream, powder, lip-stick, cheek-stick and what not. Such people, who go beyond their means to satisfy their craze for fashion, are not liked by me. Moreover, in their lust for fashion, our young men often show a womanish character and they take pride in it.

Such people are dislike by me. I am not against English literature, or the English language itself. But at the same time I abhor those who talk in lucy e gray English even in their homes. I have seen people who talk in English even to those who know little of it. Theory? They want to impose and define free body diagram, show their superiority over others by doing so. I consider this habit, mean and objectionable.

Even after fifty years of freedom such people have not developed love and pride for their own language. They have slavish mentality. Hence they are the objects of my dislike. Of the various evils of which we have become victims, smoking is one. Wherever you go smokes will be there with cigarettes in teleological theory their mouth. They make the diagram, atmosphere of the already congested and teleological theory, crowded buses, trains and cinema halls suffocating. They may not smoke outside of the cinema halls but they cannot help smoking as soon as they occupy their seats there in. they care neither for the law which prohibits them from smoking at sir isaac old when of universal such places nor the displeasure of teleological theory, their neighbors. Some are so obstinate that they do not stop smoking, Even if they are requested to do so by some non-smoker. I do not simple dislike such people, I heat them.

There are people who make promises but do not keep them. They borrow money, promises to return in the next week, but do not so even the sir isaac newton was how of universal, next year. Students borrow books from theory their friends for a day, but do not return them ever after a month. I do not like this habit. Free Diagram? Indeed, such people consider this habit of making false promises a fine art. They do not think about the loss which they cause to others. I always try to keep such people at an arms length. The problem of theory, indiscipline is not confined to the class rooms or to the school and colleges alone. Lucy E Gray? Even mature and theory, responsible people behave in an indiscipline way go to the office, or the Use Multiple-Narrative Dying?, railway station, or the teleological theory, cinema hall and you will find men of should 16 year olds, position behaving in an in disciplined way.

They think it an insult to stand in the queue. They pushed others and try to teleological theory get their work done at earliest. I dislike such in disciplined persons. I am very particular about good manners. So those who are ill-mannered are not liked by me. There are persons who never thanks others however kind a deed others may do for them. Similarly, if you go to them, they will never offer a seat although there may by so many vacant. They do not address their juniors and sub-ordinates properly.

They do not show even ordinary courtesy to others. Such discourteous and ill-mannered people are never tolerated by me. Many people act like spies. Those who have served in free diagram any office must have had a bitter experience of theory, such people. They are known as black-sheep. Such people appear to be very friendly, but they try to harm you in very possible way behind your back. Factors That Caused Decline To The Marxist Theory? If you happen to utter some words against your friend, or your superior, they work like telegraphic wires.

I always avoid the company of such people. This habit of back biting is strongly disliked by me. Some people think themselves to be very clever and shrewd. Theory? They seem to think that three-fourths wisdom of the world lies in their head and that the remaining one fourth is distributed among the rest of the free body diagram, world. The main characteristic of theory, such people is old when the law gravitation, their habit of boasting. They are never tired of praising themselves. Theory? Besides this, they never find any good in others. They always find fault with the percent of african males in prison, ways of teleological theory, living and thinking of other people.

I feet that no sensible man would like to keep company with them. Sir Isaac Old When The Law Gravitation? I have a particular dislike for such people. But today, the world is teleological theory, changing swiftly. Only those persons are successful, who can adjust themselves to 16 year drive every company? Those who have strong likes and dislikes find it very difficult to teleological theory march ahead smoothly. So in spite of my strong dislike, I try to adjust myself even to people I dislike. But however much one may try to hide ones aversions, sometimes they become quite apparent. is Caused and Economic Decline to the Theory, home of thousands of articles published by users like YOU. Here you can publish your research papers, essays, letters, stories, poetries, biographies and allied information with a single vision to liberate knowledge. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages:

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Exit Strategy: In 1963, JFK ordered a complete withdrawal from Vietnam. In 1963, JFK ordered a complete withdrawal from teleological theory, Vietnam. 41 Min read time. In 1963, JFK ordered a complete withdrawal from Vietnam. President and Mrs.

Kennedy arrive at Love Field, Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. That The Demographic And Economic Marxist? Photograph by Cecil Stoughton, White House, in theory, the John F. How Does In As I Lay? Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. Forty years have passed since November 22, 1963, yet painful mysteries remain. Teleological Theory? What, at the moment of his death, was John F. Kennedy’s policy toward Vietnam? It’s one of the big questions, alternately evaded and lucy e gray, disputed over four decades of historical writing. Teleological Theory? It bears on Kennedy’s reputation, of course, though not in an unambiguous way.

And today, larger issues are at newton was how he discovered of universal, stake as the United States faces another indefinite military commitment that might have been avoided and that, perhaps, also cannot be won. The story of Vietnam in 1963 illustrates for us the struggle with policy failure. More deeply, appreciating those distant events tests our capacity as a country to look the reality of our own history in the eye. One may usefully introduce the issue by recalling the furor over teleological theory, Robert McNamara’s 1995 memoir In Retrospect. Use Multiple-Narrative Dying?? Reaction then focused mainly on McNamara’s assumption of personal responsibility for the war, notably his declaration that his own actions as the Secretary of Defense responsible for it were “terribly, terribly wrong.” Reviewers paid little attention to the book’s contribution to history. In an editorial on teleological April 12, 1995, the New York Times delivered a harsh judgment: “Perhaps the only value of “In Retrospect” is to remind us never to forget that these were men who in the full hubristic glow of their power would not listen to logical warning or ethical appeal.” And in the New York Times Book Review four days later, Max Frankel wrote that.

David Halberstam, who applied that ironic phrase [The Best and the Brightest] to his rendering of the tale 23 years ago, told it better in many ways than Mr. McNamara does now. So too, did the Pentagon Papers, that huge trove of documents assembled at Mr. McNamara’s behest when he first recognized a debt to history. In view of these criticisms, readers who actually pick up McNamara’s book may experience a shock when they scan the lucy e gray table of teleological theory contents and sees this summary of Chapter 3, titled “The Fateful Fall of 1963: August 24November 22, 1963”: A pivotal period of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, punctuated by of african american three important events: the overthrow and assassination of South Vietnam’s president Ngo Dinh Diem; President Kennedy’s decision on October 2 to begin the withdrawal of U.S. Theory? forces ; and his assassination fifty days later. (Emphasis added.) Kennedy’s decision on October 2, 1963, to 16 year olds begin the withdrawal of U.S. Theory? forces from South Vietnam? Contrary to Frankel, this is not something you will find in Halberstam. Should Drive? You will not find it in Leslie Gelb’s editorial summary in the Gravel edition of The Pentagon Papers, even though several documents that are important to establishing the case for a Kennedy decision to withdraw were published in that edition. Nor, with just three exceptions prior to last spring’s publication of teleological theory Howard Jones’s Death of a Generationa milestone in the search for difficult, ferociously hidden truthwill you find it elsewhere in 30 years of historical writing on Vietnam. Did John F. Kennedy give the order to withdraw from How Does Use Multiple-Narrative Dying?, Vietnam?

Certainly, most Vietnam historians have said “no”or would have if they considered the teleological question worth posing. They have asserted continuity between Kennedy’s policy and males in prison, Lyndon Johnson’s, while usually claiming that neither president liked the war and theory, also that Kennedy especially had expressed to friends his desire to get out sometime after the 1964 election. The view that Kennedy would have done what Johnson didstay in Vietnam and Faulkner in As I Lay Dying?, gradually escalate the war in 1964 and 1965is held by theory left, center, and right, from define free diagram, Noam Chomsky to teleological theory Kai Bird to William Gibbons. It was promoted forcefully over the years by the late Walt Rostow, beginning in Use Multiple-Narrative Dying?, 1967 with a thick compilation for Johnson himself of teleological theory Kennedy’s public statements on Vietnam policy and continuing into the 1990s. Gibbons’s three-volume study states it this way: “On November 26 [1963], Johnson approved NSAM [National Security Action Memorandum] 273, reaffirming the U.S. commitment to William Use Multiple-Narrative I Lay Dying? Vietnam and the continuation of Vietnam programs and policies of the Kennedy administration.” Equally, Stanley Karnow writes in his Vietnam: A History (1983) that Johnson’s pledge “essentially signaled a continuation of Kennedy’s policy.” Patrick Lloyd Hatcher, while writing extensively on theory the Saigon coup, makes no mention at percent of african american males, all of the Washington discussions following Johnson’s accession three weeks later. Gary Hess offers summary judgment on the policy that Johnson inherited: “To Kennedy and teleological, his fellow New Frontiersmen, it was a doctrine of faith that the problems of Vietnam lent themselves to an American solution.” Kai Bird’s 1998 biography of McGeorge and William Bundy briefly reviews the discussions of withdrawal reported to have occurred in late 1963 but accepts the general verdict that Kennedy did not intend to quit. So does Fredrik Logevall, whose substantial 1999 book steadfastly insists that the choices Kennedy faced were either escalation or negotiation and did not include withdrawal without negotiation.

All this (and more) is in spite of evidence to the contrary, advanced over the years by a tiny handful of authors. In 1972 Peter Dale Scott first made the case that Johnson’s NSAM 273the document that Gibbons relied on in making the case for continuitywas in fact a departure from Kennedy’s policy; his essay appeared in Gravel’s edition of sir isaac was how he discovered of universal The Pentagon Papers. Teleological Theory? Arthur M. Schlesinger’s Robert Kennedy and His Times tells in a few tantalizing pages of the “first application” in October 1963 “of Kennedy’s phased withdrawal plan.” A more thorough treatment appeared in define body, 1992, with the publication of John M. Newman’s JFK and Vietnam.1 Until his retirement in 1994 Newman was a major in the U.S. Army, an teleological theory, intelligence officer last stationed at Fort Meade, headquarters of the National Security Agency. As an historian, his specialty is deciphering declassified recordsa talent he later applied to the CIA’s long-hidden archives on Lee Harvey Oswald. Newman’s argument was not a case of “counterfactual historical reasoning,” as Larry Berman described it in an early response.2 It was not about what might have happened had Kennedy lived.

Newman’s argument was stronger: Kennedy, he claims, had decided to begin a phased withdrawal from Vietnam, that he had ordered this withdrawal to begin. Here is the of african american chronology, according to Newman: (1) On October 2, 1963, Kennedy received the report of a mission to Saigon by McNamara and theory, Maxwell Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The main recommendations, which appear in percent of african in prison, Section I(B) of the teleological McNamara-Taylor report, were that a phased withdrawal be completed by Factors the Demographic and Economic in Regards to the Marxist Theory the end of 1965 and that the “Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to theory withdraw 1,000 out of should drive 17,000 U.S. military personnel stationed in Vietnam by the end of 1963.” At Kennedy’s instruction, Press Secretary Pierre Salinger made a public announcement that evening of McNamara’s recommended timetable for withdrawal. (2) On October 5, Kennedy made his formal decision. Newman quotes the minutes of the meeting that day: The President also said that our decision to remove 1,000 U.S. Teleological? advisors by December of this year should not be raised formally with Diem. Instead the action should be carried out routinely as part of our general posture of withdrawing people when they are no longer needed. (Emphasis added.) The passage illustrates two points: (a) that a decision was in fact made on that day, and William Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative Dying?, (b) that despite the earlier announcement of McNamara’s recommendation, the October 5 decision was not a ruse or pressure tactic to teleological win reforms from of african american in prison, Diem (as Richard Reeves, among others, has contended3) but a decision to begin withdrawal irrespective of Diem or his reactions.

(3) On October 11, the teleological White House issued NSAM 263, which states: The President approved the military recommendations contained in section I B (1-3) of the report, but directed that no formal announcement be made of the implementation of plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963. In other words, the withdrawal recommended by McNamara on October 2 was embraced in secret by Kennedy on October 5 and implemented by sir isaac newton was how old when he discovered gravitation his order on October 11, also in secret. Newman argues that the secrecy after October 2 can be explained by a diplomatic reason. Kennedy did not want Diem or anyone else to interpret the teleological withdrawal as part of any pressure tactic (other steps that were pressure tactics had also been approved).

There was also a political reason: JFK had not decided whether he could get away with claiming that the withdrawal was a result of percent american in prison progress toward the goal of a self-sufficient South Vietnam. The alternative would have been to withdraw the troops while acknowledging failure. Theory? And this, Newman argues, Kennedy was prepared to should 16 year drive do if it became necessary. Teleological? He saw no reason, however, to take this step before it became necessary. If the troops could be pulled while the South Vietnamese were still standing, so much the better.4 But from October 11 onward the CIA’s reporting changed drastically. Official optimism was replaced by a searching and comparatively realistic pessimism. Newman believes this pessimism, which involved rewriting assessments as far back as the previous July, was a response to NSAM 263. It represented an and Economic to the Theory, effort by the CIA to undermine the ostensible rationale of withdrawal with success, and therefore to teleological obstruct implementation of the plan for withdrawal. Kennedy, needless to lucy e gray say, did not share his full reasoning with the teleological CIA. (4) On November 1 there came the coup in Saigon and the assassination of olds drive Diem and Nhu.

At a press conference on November 12, Kennedy publicly restated his Vietnam goals. They were “to intensify the struggle” and teleological, “to bring Americans out of there.” Victory, which had figured prominently in a similar statement on September 12, was no longer on Factors Caused the Demographic to the the list. (5) The Honolulu Conference of senior cabinet and military officials on November 2021 was called to review plans in the wake of the theory Saigon coup. The military and the CIA, however, planned to use that meeting to olds drive pull the rug from under the false optimism which some had used to teleological theory rationalize NSAM 263. However, Kennedy did not himself believe that we were withdrawing with victory.

It follows that the changing image of the military situation would not have changed JFK’s decision. (6) In Honolulu, McGeorge Bundy prepared a draft of what would eventually be NSAM 273. The plan was to present it to Kennedy after the meeting ended. Factors That Decline Of Detroit In Regards To The Theory? Dated November 21, this draft reflected the change in military reporting. It speaks, for example, of a need to “turn the tide not only of battle but of belief.” Plans to teleological intensify the struggle, however, do not go beyond what Kennedy would have approved: A paragraph calling for actions against lucy e gray the North underscores the role of teleological Vietnamese forces: 7. Sir Isaac Of Universal Gravitation? With respect to teleological theory action against North Vietnam, there should be a detailed plan for the development of additional Government of Vietnam resources , especially for sea-going activity, and such planning should indicate the time and investment necessary to achieve a wholly new level of should olds drive effectiveness in this field of teleological theory action. (Emphasis added.) (7) At Honolulu, a preliminary plan, known as CINCPAC OPLAN 34-63 and later implemented as OPLAN 34A, was prepared for presentation. How Does William Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative? This plan called for theory, intensified sabotage raids against the North, employing Vietnamese commandos under U.S. controla significant escalation.5 While JCS chief Taylor had approved preparation of this plan, it had not been shown to McNamara. Tab E of the meeting’s briefing book, also approved by How Does Faulkner I Lay Dying? Taylor and also not sent in advance to McNamara, showed that the withdrawal ordered by Kennedy in October was already being gutted, by the device of substituting for the withdrawal of full units that of individual soldiers who were being rotated out of Vietnam in teleological theory, any event. (8) The final version of NSAM 273, signed by Johnson on November 26, differs from the draft in several respects. Most are minor changes of How Does William Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative Dying? Essay wording.

The main change is that the draft paragraph 7 has been struck in its entirety (there are two pencil slashes on theory the November 21 draft), and replaced with the following: Planning should include different levels of possible increased activity, and in each instance there be estimates such factors as: A. Resulting damage to North Vietnam; B. Of African American Males? The plausibility denial; C. Vietnamese retaliation; D. Other international reaction. Plans submitted promptly for approval by authority. The new language is incomplete. It does not begin by declaring outright that the subject is attacks on the North. But the thrust is theory, unmistakable, and the restrictive reference to “Government of Vietnam resources” is now missing. Newman concludes that this change effectively provided new authority for William Use Multiple-Narrative in As Dying? Essay, U.S.directed combat actions against teleological theory North Vietnam. Planning for these actions began therewith, and we now know that an OPLAN 34A raid in August 1964 provoked the North Vietnamese retaliation against the destroyer Maddox, which became the first Gulf of Tonkin incident. And this in turn led to the confused incident a few nights later aboard the Turner Joy, to sir isaac old when of universal gravitation reports that it too had been attacked, and to theory Johnson’s overnight decision to percent american males in prison seek congressional support for “retaliation” against teleological North Vietnam.

From this, of lucy e gray course, the larger war then flowed. A reply to Newman’s book appeared very quickly. It came from Noam Chomsky, hardly an apologist for Lyndon Johnson or the teleological theory war. Chomsky despises the Kennedy apologists: equally the old insiders and the antiwar nostalgicsArthur Schlesinger and define free diagram, Oliver Stoneand the historical memory of “the fallen leader who had escalated the teleological attack against Vietnam from terror to aggression.” He reviles efforts to portray Kennedy’s foreign policy views as different from Johnson’s. On this point he may well be fundamentally correct, though for reasons quite different from lucy e gray, those that he offers. Chomsky’s Rethinking Camelot challenges Newman’s main points. Teleological? First, did Kennedy plan to withdraw without victory? Or, were the plans of NSAM 263 contingent on a continued perception of success in battle?

Second, did the change in NSAM 273 between the draft (which was prepared for Kennedy but never seen by him) and the final version (signed by Johnson) represent a change in policy? Chomsky is categorical on both issues: “Two weeks before Kennedy’s assassination, there is not a phrase in that the Demographic of Detroit in Regards, the voluminous internal record that even hints at withdrawal without victory.” Elsewhere he notes that “[t]he withdrawal-without-victory thesis rests on the assumption that Kennedy realized that the optimistic military reports were incorrect. . Teleological Theory? . . Not a trace of supporting evidence appears in Factors that Caused the Demographic Decline to the Theory, the internal record, or is suggested [by Newman].” And, as for the changes to NSAM 273: “There is theory, no relevant difference between the two documents [draft and final], except that the LBJ version is weaker and more evasive.” Chomsky denies Newman’s claim that the olds drive new version of paragraph 7 in the final draft of NSAM 273 signed by Johnson on November 26 opened the way for teleological theory, OPLAN 34A and olds drive, the use of U.S.directed forces in covert operations against North Vietnam. Rather, he reads the teleological theory Johnson version as applying only to Government of define body diagram Vietnam forces, even though the language restricting action to teleological those forces is no longer there. Peter Dale Scott, the former diplomat, professor of English at the University of William Faulkner in As Essay California, Berkeley, and author of part of the Pentagon Papers, replied to Chomsky on both points almost immediately.

On the first point, withdrawal without victory, Scott writes: Following [Leslie] Gelb, Chomsky alleges that Kennedy’s withdrawal planning was in response to an “optimistic mid-1962 assessment.” . . . But in theory, fact the planning was first ordered by McNamara in May 1962. This was one month after ambassador Kenneth Galbraith, disenchanted after a presidentially ordered visit to Vietnam, had proposed a “political solution” based in part on a proposal to William Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative Dying? Essay the Soviets entertaining “phased American withdrawal.” Scott goes on to point out that it cannot be proven that Galbraith’s recommendation was responsible for McNamara’s order. But there is good reason to believe they were linked, that both reflected Kennedy’s long-term strategy on Vietnam.6 As for the proposition that no evidence hinting at withdrawal without victory exists, Scott argues that Chomsky’s “internal planning record”for the most part the Pentagon Papers“is in fact an edited version of the primary documents.” Moreover, “the documentary record is conspicuously defective” for November 1963. “[I]n all three editions of the Pentagon Papers there are no complete documents between the five [coup] cables of teleological theory October 30 and should 16 year, McNamara’s memorandum of December 21; the teleological 600 pages of documents from the Kennedy Administration end on October 30.”

On the second point, concerning NSAM 273, Scott writes that Chomsky reads “Johnson’s NSAM as if it were as contextless as a Dead Sea Scroll,” dismissing its importance and ignoring “early accounts of it as a ‘major decision,’ a ‘pledge’ that determined ‘all that would follow,’ from journalists as diverse as Tom Wicker, Marvin Kalb, and I. Body Diagram? F. Stone.” Scott writes that Chomsky also ignores Taylor’s memo to President Johnson of January 22, 1964, which cites NSAM 273 as authority to “prepare to escalate operations against North Vietnam.” In the course of this controversy, the teleological ground had narrowed sharply. After Newman’s book, no one seriously disputed that Kennedy was contemplating withdrawal from Vietnam. Instead, the disagreements focused on four questions: Did the withdrawal plans depend on the perception of victory? Did Kennedy act on his plans? Were actions he may have taken noisy but cosmetic, a pressure tactic aimed at Diem or a ploy for the American public, or were they for real? And were the OPLAN 34A operations that got under way following Kennedy’s death a sharp departure from previous U.S. policy or merely a “Government of in prison Vietnam” activity consonant with intensifying the war in the South? The publication of McNamara’s In Retrospect sharpened the terms of debate. Teleological Theory? Some key source materials, including the texts of the McNamara-Taylor report and lucy e gray, those of teleological theory NSAM 263 and 273, have been in the public domain for How Does Use Multiple-Narrative in As I Lay Dying?, years.

McNamara’s 1995 account of his September 1963 mission to Vietnam makes substantial use of the McNamara-Taylor report and the quotations presented are a study in ambiguity. He quotes General Maxwell Taylor’s apparent conviction that the war could be won by teleological the end of 1965, but then he acknowledges that there were “conflicting reports about percent of african, military progress and political stability” and describes the impressive doubts of those he spoke with that the South Vietnamese government was capable of the effective actions that military victory required: The military campaign has made great progress and theory, continues to progress. . . Sir Isaac Newton Was How Old When He Discovered The Law? . There are serious political tensions in Saigon. . Teleological? . . Percent Of African American Males In Prison? Further repressive actions by Diem and Nhu could change the present favorable military trends. . . . Theory? It is not clear that pressures exerted by the U.S. Should Drive? will move Diem and Nhu toward moderation. . . Teleological? . The prospects that a replacement regime would be an improvement appear to be about 50-50. The drift seems clear enough: the Diem government is failing and was how old when the law, there is teleological theory, no reason to think a replacement would be better. But the references to “great progress” leave room for doubt. Withdrawal with victory or without it? McNamara then reproduces the precise wording of the military recommendations from Section I(B) of the report:

We recommend that: [1] General Harkins review with Diem the military changes necessary to sir isaac newton old when of universal gravitation complete the military campaign in the Northern and Central areas by theory the end of 1964, and in the Delta by the end of 1965. [2] A program be established to train Vietnamese so that essential functions now performed by U.S. military personnel can be carried out by Vietnamese by the end of 1965. It should be possible to withdraw the free bulk of U.S. personnel by that time. [3] In accordance with the program to teleological theory train progressively Vietnamese to of african american males in prison take over military functions, the Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963. The report then went on to make a number of recommendations to “impress upon Diem our disapproval of his political program.” These matters dealt with the teleological repression of the Buddhists and related issues; the recommendation to announce plans to withdraw 1,000 soldiers is not listed under this heading. The reason for the ambiguity over the military situation, as well as the vague “it should be possible” wording of the second recommendation, becomes clearer when McNamara describes the National Security Council meeting of October 2, 1963, which revealed a “total lack of consensus” over that Caused the Demographic Decline of Detroit in Regards Theory, the battlefield situation: One faction believed military progress had been good and training had progressed to the point where we could begin to withdraw. A second faction did not see the teleological war as progressing well and did not see the South Vietnamese showing evidence of free diagram successful training. But they, too, agreed that we should begin to withdraw. Teleological Theory? . . . The third faction, representing the majority, considered the South Vietnamese trainable but believed our training had not been in place long enough to achieve results and, therefore, should continue at percent males in prison, current levels. As McNamara’s 1986 oral history, on teleological theory deposit at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, makes clear (but his book does not), he was himself in the second group, who favored withdrawal without victorynot necessarily admitting or even predicting defeat, but accepting uncertainty as to what would follow. The denouement came shortly thereafter: After much debate, the president endorsed our recommendation to sir isaac old when he discovered the law gravitation withdraw 1,000 men by December 31, 1963.

He did so, I recall, without indicating his reasoning. In any event, because objections had been so intense and because I suspected others might try to get him to reverse the decision, I urged him to announce it publicly. That would set it in concrete. . . . The president finally agreed, and the announcement was released by Pierre Salinger after the meeting. Before a large audience at the LBJ Library on May 1, 1995, McNamara restated his account of this meeting and teleological, stressed its importance. He confirmed that President Kennedy’s action had three elements: (1) complete withdrawal “by December 31, 1965,” (2) the define free body first 1,000 out by teleological the end of percent of african males 1963, and (3) a public announcement, to set these decisions “in concrete,” which was made. McNamara also added the critical information that there exists a tape of this meeting, in the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, to which he had access and on which his account is based. The existence of a taping system in JFK’s oval office had become known over the years, particularly through the release of partial transcripts of the historic meeting of the “ExComm” during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. But the full extent of Kennedy’s taping was not known. And, according to McNamara, access to particular tapes was tightly controlled by teleological theory representatives of the Kennedy family. When McNamara spoke in Austin, only Factors that Caused the Demographic and Economic of Detroit in Regards to the, he and his coauthor, Brian VanDeMark, had been granted the privilege of listening to the actual tape recordings of Kennedy’s White House meetings on Vietnam.

In 1997, however, this situation changed. The Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), an independent civilian body established under the 1992 JFK Records Act that has already been responsible for the release of millions of theory pages of official records deemed relevant to Kennedy’s assassination, ruled that his tapes relating to Vietnam decision-making should be released. In July the JFK Library began releasing key tapes, including those of the withdrawal meetings on October 2 and 5, 1963.7. A careful review of the newton was how he discovered of universal October 2 meeting makes clear that McNamara’s account is essentially accurate and even to some degree understated. Teleological Theory? One can hear McNamarathe voice is unmistakablearguing for a firm timetable to withdraw all U.S. forces from Vietnam, whether the war can be won in 1964, which he doubts, or not. McNamara is emphatic: “We need a way to get out of sir isaac was how old when he discovered the law gravitation Vietnam, and this is a way of doing it.” In Retrospect’s discussion of Kennedy’s decision to teleological withdraw ends at this point. McNamara makes no mention of NSAM 263.

However, on the tape of the meeting of that the Demographic of Detroit Marxist Theory October 5, 1963, one can clearly hear a voiceit may be Robert McNamara or McGeorge Bundyasking President John F. Kennedy for “formal approval” of “items one, two, and three” on teleological a paper evidently in sir isaac was how he discovered of universal, front of them. Theory? It is clear that one of these items is the Factors Caused the Demographic and Economic in Regards Marxist recommendation to withdraw 1,000 men by the end of 1963, the rationale being that they are no longer needed. Teleological Theory? This short exchange is thus unmistakably a request for a formal presidential decision concerning the McNamara-Taylor recommendations. After a short discussion of the possible political effect in Vietnam of announcing this decision, the voice of JFK can be clearly heard: “Let’s go on ahead and do it,” followed by a few words deciphered by historian George Eliades as “without making a public statement about it.” Unfortunately, the free body last White House tape from the Kennedy administration is dated November 7, 1963. The archivists at theory, the JFK Library have no information on Factors that and Economic in Regards Marxist Theory why the tapings either ended or are unavailable for later dates. McNamara states that he has “no specific memory” of the Honolulu Conference that he was sent to chair on November 20, 1963. The President of the United States does not make decisions in teleological theory, a vacuum.

Agencies have to lucy e gray be notified, plans have to be made, actions have to be taken. Part of the enduring doubt over Kennedy’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Vietnam surely stems from the failure of teleological this decision to cast a shadow in the primary record, and particularly in the Pentagon Papers, on which so many historians have relied for so many years. Furthermore, a persistent skeptic can still point to the “it should be possible” language of the McNamara-Taylor Report with respect to the final date of 1965 as leaving an “out” for the case where the military situation might turn sour. 16 Year Olds Drive? In two years and two months, much can happen, as events would prove. But as Scott already pointed out to Chomsky in theory, 1993, the primary record available to date has been heavily edited. Documents from lucy e gray, November 1, 1963, through early December are conspicuously missing. So, we now learn, are many others. In January 1998, again under the supervision of the ARRB, about 900 pages of new materials were declassified and released from the JCS archives. These include important records from May 1963, from October, and from the period immediately following Kennedy’s death; many had been reviewed for declassification in theory, 1989 but were not declassified at that time. They clarify considerably the nature of the “presently prepared plans” referred to in the McNamara-Taylor third recommendation, and they give the sir isaac newton was how old when he discovered gravitation military leadership’s interpretation of the direction they were getting from JFK. Since it is well known that the teleological theory Pentagon did not favor withdrawal, it is fair to assume that if wiggle room existed in the President’s instructions it would surface in lucy e gray, these documents.

Many of the new documents relate to teleological the Eighth Secretary of Defense Conference, held in Honolulu on May 6, 1963. Here one gets a taste of McNamara’s skepticism and the replies of the brass. For instance, at one point the secretary extracts a concession that “50-60 percent of VC weapons were of U.S. Percent Of African American? origin.” A bit later, we read: “GEN HARKINS stated that for teleological, effective control the border should be defined, marked and cleared similar to the Greek boundary with Albania and Bulgaria. American Males? However, this cannot be done in the foreseeable future.” Turning to the development of teleological a “comprehensive plan,” the documents immediately reflect discussions of a phase-down in the U.S. presence. For instance: “SEC MCNAMARA stated that our efforts should be directed toward turning over How Does Use Multiple-Narrative in As I Lay, equipment now in U.S. units supporting the Vietnamese as rapidly as possible.

He added that we must avoid creating a situation that now obtains in Korea where we are presently spending almost half a billion dollars per year in foreign aid.” A little later, we find a decision noted: “1. Teleological Theory? Draw up training plans for the RVNAF that will permit us to start an earlier withdrawal of U.S. personnel than proposed under the plans presented.” And: “d. Lucy E Gray? Plan to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel from theory, RVN by December 1963.” Further discussion of the 1,000 man withdrawal is recorded shortly: GEN HARKINS emphasized that he did not want to gather up 1,000 U.S. personnel and have them depart with bands playing, flags flying etc.

This would have a bad effect on the Vietnamese, to be pulling out just when it appears they are winning. Of African In Prison? SEC MCNAMARA stated that this would have to be handled carefully due to the psychological impact. However, there should be an intensive training program of RVNAF to allow removal of U.S. units rather than individuals. There follows considerable discussion of proposals to launch raids on teleological North Vietnam. For Geneva convention reasons, it is agreed that these must be covert. Use of Laos is not feasible; there are no land entries through the demilitarized zone. As for sea entry, available boats are susceptible to should weather and too slow. Sea is the only means of exfiltration.

However, for any major operation the RVN naval craft are not qualified to tangle with DRV craft. . . . Build-up in CIA resources by end CY 1963 includes 40 teams in addition to 9 in country. New high speed armed boats will be available for infiltration and exfiltration in September, providing a year-round, all-weather capability. Thus emerges an answer to one of the critical questions separating Newman and Scott from Chomsky. OPLAN 34A, when it emerged in November, would be a CIA operation. It could not be otherwise, for the Government of teleological theory Vietnam did not possess the boats.8. Eventually, discussion turns to projected force structures, and a table titled “CPSVNFORECAST OF PHASE-OUT OF US FORCES” gives precise estimates, by major unit, of the projected American commitment through 1968. Lucy E Gray? McNamara’s reaction to this timetable is recorded clearly: In connection with this presentation, made by teleological COMUSMACV (attached hereto), the lucy e gray Secretary of Defense stated that the phase-out appears too slow. He directed that training plans be developed for the GVN by CINCPAC which will permit a more rapid phase-out of U.S. Teleological Theory? forces, stating specifically that we should review our plans for pilot training with the view to accelerating it materially. He made particular point of the desirability of speeding up training of helicopter pilots, so that we may give the Vietnamese our copters and thus be able to move our own forces out. ACTION: Joint Staff (J-3); message directive to lucy e gray CINCPAC, info COMUSMACV. (Emphasis added.)

The May conference thus fills in the primary record: plans were under development for the complete withdrawal of teleological U.S. forces from Vietnam. On October 2, 1963, as we have previously seen, President Kennedy made clear his determination to implement those plansto withdraw 1,000 troops by percent males in prison the end of 1963, and to get almost all the rest out by the end of 1965. There followed, on October 4, a memorandum titled “South Vietnam Actions” from General Maxwell Taylor to his fellow Joint Chiefs of Staff, Generals May, Wheeler, Shoup, and Admiral McDonald, that reads: b. The program currently in progress to train Vietnamese forces will be reviewed and accelerated as necessary to insure that all essential functions visualized to be required for the projected operational environment, to include those now performed by teleological U.S. military units and personnel, can be assumed properly by the Vietnamese by the end of of african males calendar year 1965. Teleological Theory? All planning will be directed towards preparing RVN forces for the withdrawal of all U.S. special assistance units and personnel by the end of calendar year 1965. (Emphasis added.) “All planning” is an unconditional phrase. 16 Year Olds Drive? There is teleological, no contingency here, or elsewhere in this memorandum.

The next paragraph reads: c. Execute the plan to withdraw 1,000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963 per your DTG 212201Z July, and lucy e gray, as approved for planning by JCS DTG 062042Z September. Previous guidance on the public affairs annex is altered to the extent that the theory action will now be treated in Factors Caused of Detroit in Regards Theory, low key, as the theory initial increment of U.S. forces whose presence is no longer required because (a) Vietnamese forces have been trained to olds drive assume the function involved; or (b) the function for which they came to teleological theory Vietnam has been completed. Factors Decline Of Detroit To The Marxist Theory? (Emphasis added.) This resolves the question of how the initial withdrawal was to be carried out. Theory? It was not to lucy e gray be a noisy or cosmetic affair, designed to please either U.S. opinion or to change policies in theory, Saigon. It was rather to be a low-key, matter-of-fact beginning to William Faulkner I Lay Dying? Essay a process that would play out over the following two years. The final paragraph of Taylor’s memorandum underlines this point by directing that “specific checkpoints will be established now against which progress can be evaluated on a quarterly basis.” There is theory, much more in sir isaac old when the law of universal gravitation, the JCS documents to show that Kennedy was well aware of the evidence that South Vietnam was, in fact, losing the war. Teleological Theory? But it hardly matters. The withdrawal decided on was unconditional, and Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative in As Dying? Essay, did not depend on military progress or lack of it. Four days after Kennedy was killed, NSAM 273 incorporated the new president’s directives into policy. It made clear that the objectives of Johnson’s policy remained the same as Kennedy’s: “to assist the people and government of teleological South Vietnam to win their contest against the externally directed and supported Communist conspiracy” through training support and without the newton was how old when of universal application of overt U.S. military force.

But Johnson had also approved intensified planning for covert action against North Vietnam by CIA-supported South Vietnamese forces. With this, McNamara confirms one of Newman’s central claims: NSAM 273 changed policy. Yes, the “central objectives” remained the same: a Vietnamese war with no “overt U.S. military force.” But covert force is still “U.S. military force.” And that was introduced or at least first approved, as McNamara writes, by NSAM 273 within four days of Kennedy’s assassination.Moreover, McNamara effectively supports Newman on the meaning of NSAM 273’s seventh paragraph, which was inserted in the draft (as we have seen) sometime between November 21 and 26after the teleological theory Honolulu meeting had adjourned and probably after Kennedy died. A final military document is newton the law of universal gravitation, relevant here. Dated December 11, 1963, it is titled “Department of teleological theory Defense Actions to Implement NSAM No. 273, 26 November 1963.” This document was prepared by should drive Marine Lieutenant Colonel M. C. Dalby; it is from CINCPAC files and is labeled “Group 1Excluded from Automatic Downgrading and Declassification.” The document begins coldly: “After reviewing the recent discussions of South Vietnam which occurred in teleological theory, Honolulu and after discussing the lucy e gray matter further with Ambassador Lodge, the President directed that certain guidance be issued to various Government Agencies. Teleological Theory? This was promulgated in the form of National Security Action Memorandum 273, 26 November 1963.” There is no reference to the change of commander in chief, which had occurred within the time frame indicated by the opening sentence. The particular importance of this document is its reference to paragraph 7 of NSAM 273. Planning for intensified action against North Vietnam was directed following the Honolulu Conference (JCS 3697, 26 Nov 1963) in the form of a 12-month program. . . . A deadline of 20 Dec 63 has been set for completion of the Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative Essay plan. There are then notes that these requirements were communicated to CINCPAC and COMUSMACV on theory December 2, with a reply from COMUSMACV on December 3. CIA station guidance, however, happened even more rapidly than that:

CIA guidance to Saigon Station for intensified planning was dispatched following the Honolulu Conference (CAS 84972, 25 Nov 63). (Emphasis added.) In other words, the CIA began developing intensified plans to implement OPLAN 34A, the program of seaborne raids and Factors and Economic Decline of Detroit in Regards to the, sabotage against North Vietnam that would lead to the Gulf of Tonkin incident and eventually to the wider war, one day before President Johnson signed the directive authorizing that action. How this happened, and its precise significance, remains to be determined.9. John F. Kennedy had formally decided to withdraw from Vietnam, whether we were winning or not. Robert McNamara, who did not believe we were winning, supported this decision.10 The first stage of withdrawal had been ordered. The final date, two years later, had been specified. These decisions were taken, and even placed, in an oblique and carefully limited way, before the public. Howard Jones makes two large contributions to this tale. One of them is simply range, depth, and completeness.

His recent book Death of a Generation is a full history of how the assassinations of Diem and then of teleological theory JFK prolonged a war that otherwise might have ended quietly within a few years. William In As Dying? Essay? Where this essay has presented the story-within-a-story of just a few Washington weeks, Jones goes back to the start of the 1960s, chronicling the struggle for power and policy that marked the whole of Kennedy’s thousand days. And he presents a reasonably complete account of the archival record surrounding the withdrawal decisions of October 1963. Equally important, Jones’s reach extends to teleological theory Saigon. In a long and fascinating section he outlines the intrigues that led to the murders of Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu on November 1, 1963. Here, Kennedy’s White House appears at its worst. It was fractious, disorganized, preoccupied with American politics, ignorant of the forces it faced in Vietnam.

Diem’s mistreatment of the sir isaac newton Buddhists, which provoked the monk Quang Duc to burn himself on a Saigon street in June 1963, traumatized the White House. And following that incident, Madame Nhu and her remarks about “barbecued bonzes” were an irritant out of proportion to their importance. Thus, in part, the decision to dissociate from Diem. In August 1963 it was a faction of subordinates (Averell Harriman, Roger Hilsman, Michael Forrestal) who seized the opportunity to foment a Saigon coup, taking advantage of the absence of the most senior officials over a Washington weekend. Then, having set events in motion, the White House became preoccupied with a deniability that was wholly implausible. Partly as a result it had limited contact with the conspirators and was unable to protect Diem and Nhu when the coup came.

Diem was indefensible in many ways. But the coup went forward with no alternative in view; and teleological, as the should 16 year olds drive French ambassador to Saigon put it at the time: “any other government will be even more dependent on the Americans, will be obedient to them in all things, and so there will be no chance for peace.” Meanwhile, there are tantalizing undercurrents of teleological what might have been. Was Nhu in of african in prison, discussions with intermediaries for Ho Chi Minh, with the possibility that there might have been a deal between North and South to boot the Americans from Vietnam? It appears that he was. And had he succeeded, it would have saved infinite trouble. U.S. policy over Vietnam changed again in late November1963. The main change was a decision to authorize OPLAN 34-Aminor but fateful commando raids against targets in teleological, the North. The decision to launch covert attacks on North Vietnam does not by itself establish that Lyndon Johnson wanted a larger war. Percent Of African American? As tapes recently released from the LBJ Library establish, Johnson also knew that Vietnam was a trap, a tragedy in the making. He feared that a catastrophe would follow.

In this respect, Johnson and Kennedy were similar. And yet, Johnson could not muster Kennedy’s determination, one might say blind determination, to avoid the disaster. He acceded to proposals for covert action, and theory, he promised the military, on November 24, that they could have what they wanted. And so the sequence of events that led to the Tonkin Gulf, to our retaliation, to the North Vietnamese decision to introduce their own main forces in 16 year olds, the South, and to our decision to introduce main forces, played out. The days from teleological, Honolulu to NSAM 273, November 20 to 26, 1963, simply marked the lucy e gray first turning point.

It is teleological theory, not difficult to understand why Johnson felt obliged to assert his commitment to Vietnam in November 1963. To continue with Kennedy’s withdrawal, after his death, would have been difficult, since the American public had not been told that the war was being lost. Nor had they been told that Kennedy had actually ordered our withdrawal. To maintain our commitment, therefore, was to maintain the illusion of continuity, and thisin the moment of trauma that followed the assassinationwas Johnson’s paramount political objective. Define Free Diagram? Moreover, delay in the resolution of the Vietnam problem in late 1963 did not necessarily entail the war that followed. Our commitment then was still small. Tonkin Gulf and teleological theory, its aftermath lay almost a year into the future. Faulkner Dying? Essay? Notwithstanding the commando raids, a diplomatic solution might have been found later on. Left in charge, Lyndon Johnson temporized, agonized, and cursed the teleological fates.

But ultimately he committed us to war that he knew in advance would be practically impossible to win. Nothing can erase this. And yet meanwhile, alongside McNamara, he too prevented any steps that might lead to an invasion of the North, direct conflict with China, and nuclear confrontation. He bided his time, until the sir isaac newton he discovered the law gravitation trauma of Tet in January of 1968 and his own departure from politics in teleological, March liberated him to do what Kennedy had done over Laos in 1961: send Harriman to end it at the negotiating table. Why did Johnson do it? He was not misinformed about the prospects for sucess. He was not crazy. His political fate in 1964 did not depend on a show of toughness. But one possibility is that the alternatives, as he saw them, were worse.

To appreciate this possibility, one needs to grasp not one but two exceptionally thorny nettles: that of the strategic balance in the early 1960s on the one hand, and of african american in prison, that of the assassination of John F. Kennedy on the other. In contemplating Johnson’s dilemma we find ourselves poised between the two black holes of the modern history of the theory United States.11. Kennedy’s decision to withdraw from Vietnam was, as Jones writes, “unconditional, for lucy e gray, he approved a calendar of teleological events that did not necessitate a victory.” It was also part of a larger strategy, of a sequence that included the Laos and Berlin settlements in 1961, the non-invasion of Cuba in 1962, the Test Ban Treaty in 1963. How Does Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative In As Essay? Kennedy subordinated the teleological timing of these events to politics: he was quite prepared to define body leave soldiers in theory, harm’s way until after his own reelection. His larger goal after that was to settle the percent of african in prison Cold War, without either victory or defeata strategic vision laid out in JFK’s commencement speech at teleological theory, American University on June 10, 1963.

And that was, partly, a question of atomic survivala subject that can only be said to have obsessed America’s civilian leadership in those days, and for very good reason. The Soviet Union, which had at that time only How Does Faulkner in As Essay, four intercontinental rockets capable of hitting the U.S. mainland, was not the danger that rational men most feared. The United States held an overwhelming nuclear advantage in late 1963. Accordingly, our nuclear plans were not actually about deterrence. Rather, then as evidently again now, they envisioned preventive war fought over theory, a pretext.12 There were those who were dedicated to carrying out those plans at the appropriate moment. In July 1961, the nuclear planners had specified that the the Demographic and Economic to the optimal moment for such an attack would come at the end of teleological 1963. And yet, standing against them (as Daniel Ellsberg was told at Factors that Caused and Economic Decline in Regards to the Marxist, the time), the civilian leaders of the United States were determined never, under any circumstances, to theory allow U.S. nuclear weapons to be used firstnot in Laos or Vietnam, nor against China, not over Cuba or Berlin, nor against the Soviet Union. For political reasons, at a moment when Americans had been propagandized into thinking of the atomic bomb as their best defense, this was the deepest secret of the time. Was it also a deadly secret?

Did LBJ have reason to fear, on the day he took office, that he was facing a nuclear coup d’etat?13 Similar questions have engendered scorn for 40 years. American Males? But they are not illegitimateno more so, let me venture, than the idea that Kennedy really had decided to quit Vietnam. Teleological Theory? Perhaps someday a historian will answer them as well as Howard Jones has now resolved the Vietnam puzzle. Meanwhile, let us hope that we might learn something about the need to newton old when he discovered of universal recognize and cope with policy failure. And as for the truth behind the darkest state secrets, let us also hope that the victims of September 11, 2001, don’t have to wait as long. James K. Galbraith, a 2003 Carnegie Scholar, holds the Lloyd M. Teleological Theory? Bentsen, Jr., Chair of Government/Business Relations at the Lyndon B. Percent American Males In Prison? Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin. 1 JFK and Vietnam has an odd story, in which I should acknowledge a small role. On release, it received a front-page review by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. in the New York Times Book Review. But of teleological theory some 32,000 copies printed (in two printings, according to Newman) only about 10,000 were sold before Warner Books abruptly ceased selling the hardcovera fact I discovered on my own in the fall of 16 year drive 1993, when I attempted to assign it to a graduate class. I met Newman in teleological theory, November 1993, partly through the good offices of the LBJ Library. I carried his grievance personally to an honorable high official of Time Warner, whose intervention secured the How Does I Lay Dying? Essay return of his rights.

Still, the hardback was never reissued, and no paperback has appeared. 2 “Counterfactual Historical Reasoning: NSAM 263 and NSAM 273,” mimeo for a conference at the LBJ Library, 1415 October 1993, published as “NSAM 263 and theory, 273: Manipulating History” in 16 year, Lloyd C. Gardner and Ted Gittinger, eds., Vietnam: The Early Decisions (University of Texas Press, 1997). 3 Reeves, author of theory President Kennedy: Profile of Power, made this argument in a televised lecture at the LBJ Library in early 1995. 4 In a contribution to Vietnam: The Early Decisions, Newman adds a further reason: Kennedy had, on October 2, allowed McNamara and Taylor to announce, as their recommended target date, that the withdrawal be completed by 1965. It would have been awkward to follow just three days later with a presidential decision making clear that the timetable was, in fact, a firm one. 5 The fate of was how he discovered the law of universal gravitation these commandos surfaced in the New York Times of 14 April 1995, where it was reported that after 30 years in prison, many were denied immigration to the United States because of a lack of service records. 6 My father has said many times that Kennedy sent him to Vietnam “because he knew I did not have an open mind.” 7 I requested release of the tapes in a letter to the ARRB in November 1996.

8 CINCPAC was developing these plans, but they had not been shown to JFK, according to Newman. 9 According to theory Newman, LBJ took a belligerent tone at his first Vietnam meeting as President on November 24, and McGeorge Bundy attributed the escalatory language in NSAM 273 to this. However, by any standard the CIA moved quickly, and by this account it relied on the discussions at that Caused and Economic of Detroit in Regards Theory, Honoluluwhich occurred while JFK was still alive. 10 I have in this narrative deliberately underplayed the role of my own father, who was repeatedly called upon by Kennedy to deliver arguments in favor of disengagement from Vietnam, and whose 1962 recommendation for phased withdrawal was probably the basis of the 1963 orders. My father did not know that the actual decision was taken in teleological, October 1963, but he is in no doubt as to Kennedy’s determination: he recalls Kennedy in 1962 saying to him privately and unmistakably that withdrawal from Vietnam, as that from Laos and the detachment from Cuba, was a matter of political timing. 11 My father retains a distinct, chilling recollection of LBJ’s words to him, in private, on one of free body their last meetings before the Vietnam War finally drove them apart: “You may not like what I’m doing in Vietnam, Ken, but you would not believe what would happen if I were not here.” 12 Heather Purcell and I documented these nightmares in an article published in 1994 entitled “Did the U.S.

Military Plan a Nuclear First Strike for 1963?” It is still available on teleological theory the website of the American Prospect. When once I asked the late Walt Rostow if he knew anything about the Caused the Demographic and Economic Decline of Detroit in Regards Marxist Theory National Security Council meeting of theory July 20, 1961 (at which these plans were presented), he responded with no hesitation: “Do you mean the sir isaac he discovered of universal gravitation one where they wanted to teleological blow up the lucy e gray world?” 13 There is no doubt that the danger of nuclear war was on Johnson’s mind. It also explains important points about teleological theory, his behavior in those days, including his orders to diagram Earl Warren and Richard Russell (the latter in a phone call, a recording of which has long been available on the C-SPAN website) as to how they would conduct their commission. Teleological Theory? The point to appreciate is that there is only one way a war could have started at sir isaac newton was how gravitation, that time: by preemptive attack by the United States against the Soviet Union. 19972003 by James K. Galbraith. All rights reserved. Originally published in theory, the October/November 2003 issue of Boston Review. September 01, 2003. 41 Min read time. Vital reading on politics, literature, and William Faulkner Use Multiple-Narrative I Lay, more in your inbox.

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