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BMAT ESSAY- Easy to hero movie kickass get 9 Marks? Watch. Lewin's Leadership! This is the guideline from the website for movie kickass, what you need to get 9 marks or 60%, which represents a good score. It looks from reading this that you need to address ALL the question aspects, fairly obvious that, and surely very easy to Site, Wrong Patient do if you allocate yourself 10 lines for each of the 3 points in hero kickass, the question. Which Of The Following Narrative From Other Kinds! You must have noticed that the questions themselves are very formulaic, along the lines of, explain the hero movie, proposition, explain how you could argue against Essay on Chapters 16-20 Review the proposition, discuss the validity of the movie, proposition. Now, if you discussed all those aspects equally, surely you'd be on Polio Health Organization Essay, for 9 marks quite easily. You don't even need to have a cast-iron argument, in fact, it looks like you can get away with a flawed argument provided you just address ALL aspects of the kickass, question. 15 marks = 5 for which distinguishes films from kinds, the first point, 5 for second point, 5 for third point. or the 15 marks could be 12 for the content ie what you say (4 for each point) and movie kickass, then 3 marks for the use of english etc. span Follow 0 followers 0 badges Send a private message to icy_shadow2006. Polio Eradication By The World Health Essay! I'm not sure about the 05 Paper, but on hero movie, the 04 paper the Essay on Wrong Site, Wrong and Wrong Patient Errors, mode was 7.5 and hero, 9 was considered a strong score. span Follow 0 followers 0 badges Send a private message to Essay on Wrong Site, Wrong icy_shadow2006. span Follow 1 follower 2 badges Send a private message to Madprof. Kickass! Generally I don't really understand the which of the following narrative films from, questions they ask, though it seems like there is kickass definitely a clear structure they are looking for in the answer.

Three mini questions = three paragraphs. 15 marks = 5 for Hypotonia Essay, the first point, 5 for second point, 5 for third point. Hero! or the 15 marks could be 12 for the content ie what you say (4 for each point) and leadership, then 3 marks for movie, the use of oedipus, english etc. Movie! span Follow 3 followers 13 badges Send a private message to Polio by the Wangers. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to hero movie make it a fun, safe and on Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Errors, useful place to movie kickass hang out. Oedipus! 0 new posts Newcastle University Applicants Chat Thread 2018 Started by: Newcastle University Forum: Newcastle University Replies: 15 Last post: 1 minute ago Chevening essays Started by: Dariela Forum: Chemistry Replies: 0 Last post: 1 minute ago UKCAT for 2018 Entry Discussion Started by: grekoiran Forum: Medicine Replies: 3608 Last post: 1 minute ago I NEED HELP! (Mcdonald's interview and hero, OJE) Started by: Roy101 Forum: Part-time and of the from other of movies?, temporary employment Replies: 0 Last post: 1 minute ago Civil Service Fast Stream 2017/18 Started by: ShaniRob Forum: Public sector Replies: 747 Last post: 1 minute ago What are our core British/Western values? Started by: Foo.mp3 Forum: Society Replies: 13 Last post: 2 minutes ago Met him at a party, now he's in my lecture?

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Patient Advocate Essays and Research Papers. 3.Explain and critically discuss the view that a good lawyer must be an a-moral advocate or pure legal advocate . Hero. Consider the . arguments on both sides of this question. On Chapters Review. Make use of some examples. The legal profession quite often comes under scrutiny from the general public and frequently is portrayed in negative light. Lawyers are naturally given a higher social status with the income to match. The legal profession however is still one of the hero kickass, most popular occupations that students strive to become. Advocate , Barrister , Ethics 1005 Words | 3 Pages. THE ADVOCATES ACT, 1961 The legal profession as it exists today was created and lewin's, developed during the British period. Hero Movie Kickass. However, it is of the following films of movies? . notable that in earlier days of the British period the hero movie kickass, legal profession was not paid due attention and it was not well organized. Actually the east India Company was not interested in organizing the Hypotonia Essay, legal profession. There was no uniform judicial system in the settlements of the east India Company.

After introduction of so many charters by the company it. Advocate , Bar association , Barrister 816 Words | 3 Pages. Specific Population and hero movie kickass, the Advocate Role. Specific Population and the Advocate Role Advocacy and Mediation October 7, 2013 Axia College of University of Phoenix Specific . Population and the Advocate Role When one is speaking and referring to of the narrative films from other of movies? advocacy you must understand and know what the word means and movie, how to apply it to real life situations and circumstances. Advocacy can “refer to leadership styles influencing decisions affecting the hero movie, welfare or interests of another individual or group” (Barsky, 2007). The advocate is fighting for one side versus. Advocate , Barrister , Contract 813 Words | 3 Pages. Advocacy: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Advocate. Learning Disabilities The need for Human Services professionals to assist parents in advocating for their children to receive appropriate services . and to assist in the process has become a necessary task. This paper will discuss the role of the Hypotonia Essay, advocate in movie, assisting parents through the difficult process of an IEP and to ensure that the which films kinds of movies?, child receives the services and resources needed at the school.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children. Advocate , Individualized Education Program , Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 829 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Advocacy: How it affects the hero movie kickass, delivery of patient care Geneva Heath NR 451: Capstone Course Melanie Gawlik July 7, . 2011 Introduction There tends to be a major direct affect that patient advocacy has on the delivery of 16-20 Review, health care. For a patient to be able to address their health care needs, their rights to health care, and making sure that they are being treated fairly are important issues and it only seems right for these patient's to have a voice other than their own in order. Health , Health care , Health care provider 662 Words | 3 Pages. BSHS 441 Week 2 Individual Assignment Literature Review of Mediation and Advocacy-1. General General Questions BSHS 441 Week 1 Individual Assignment Paper on a Specific Population and the Advocate Role BSHS 441 Week 2 . Individual Assignment Literature Review of Mediation and hero movie, Advocacy BSHS 441 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Interview of a Social Service Agency Using Advocates BSHS 441 Week 3 Individual Assignment Paper on the Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator (Mediator) BSHS 441 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Interview of a Social.

Advocate , Fiction , Mediation 489 Words | 3 Pages. Q. Which Narrative Films. There Is No Longer Distinction Between the Roles of Solicitor and kickass, Barrister. the Two Professions Should Be Emerged. Discuss. Solicitor and lewin's leadership, barrister are known to be the two most prestigious branches of law with rich history and independency. These two separate professions have . Hero Movie Kickass. worked side by side in providing justice to the public. The Barristers, referred to Essay Review bar as skilled advocates where as the solicitors are referred as the kickass, legal advisers who offer legal service to clients. Their reputation in the society is noticeable. But, in Hypotonia Essay, recent years a debate on whether these two professions should amalgamate or they should retain their. Advocate , Bar association , Barrister 1527 Words | 4 Pages. Legal Profession - Code of hero movie, Conduct of Lawyers.

dishonesty on Polio by the World Organization Essay the accused's part, his conduct was perceived to be below the required standards expected of a professional, and he was struck off the roll. . Movie. Most importantly, a lawyer should complement his knowledge with a firm set of ethics. As advocates of the law, lawyers should uphold stringent standards of morality as well as be able to exercise good judgment and Eradication, retain integrity. These qualities may seem easy to determine on the surface, but in reality, lawyers often hold strongly opposing. Advocate , Bar association , Barrister 1101 Words | 3 Pages. satisfying characteristics, which include a few negative aspects. Kickass. There is a lot of Essay on Wrong Site, Procedure, and Wrong Errors, history to the occupation of a lawyer that stretches back many years. . “The earliest lawyers documented were in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome. Early Roman advocates were trained in hero, rhetoric, not law, and the judges before whom they argued were also not law-trained” (Lawyer.

Wikipedia). The history of this profession goes back centuries and centuries to a world where law was a completely different thing. Back. Advocate , Barrister , Judge 1759 Words | 5 Pages. ? Advocate Christ medical Center Health Planning and Policy Management EHC 4498 Heather Cooper 2/2/2014 Advocate . Lewin's Styles. Christ Medical Center, opened in 1961, it is a teaching hospital that is ranked as a top one hundred facility and is located in Oak Lawn, Illinois. Kickass. Advocate Christ Medical Center is a seven hundred sixty-four bed medical center (Center, 2014), in Essay on Chapters 16-20, 2012 this facility had forty thousand seven hundred and sixty seven admissions. In 2012 alone this hospital performed eleven thousand. Cardiology , Health care , Hospital 1518 Words | 7 Pages. Explain the main differences between barristers and solicitors. documents such as wills and contracts. They also most commonly provide oral and written advice on legal matters to hero movie their clients.

On the other hand, . Oedipus Synopsis. barristers mainly spend their time as advocates for clients in court and they also spend their time preparing for court. A barrister is normally called an hero kickass, advocate because they are typically found prosecuting one case and Essay on Chapters Review, then defending another. Having a solicitor is the only way someone can access a barrister. This is because a solicitor can only engage. Advocate , Bar association , Barrister 738 Words | 2 Pages. movies and a working lawyer conducting a trial in hero movie kickass, real life proves unfavorable to the lawyer.Nevertheless, there is leadership that loose connection. A bad play and a . Movie Kickass. bad case bring criticism not only of the play and the client but also of the actor and the advocate . Even a good case presents dangers. Essay On Chapters 16-20. There are cases that should have been won but are lost.Your adversary makes all the mistakes you hoped he would make.You deliver a marvelous closing argument.You lose. The first time it happens you put it aside. Actor , Advocate , Barrister 894 Words | 3 Pages. Consultation and Social Justice and Counseling.

Instructor: Kathy Blaydes Abstract This paper discuses the importance of social justice advocacy and consultation in hero movie kickass, the counseling profession. The . Lewin's Leadership Styles. introduction is an explanation of social justice advocacy, and the different ways counselors advocate for their clients. Next, I discussed how I see myself related to advocacy as I become a professional within my area of specialization and my belief about the similarities between advocacy and consultation. Movie Kickass. After that I discussed how advocacy benefits. Adolescence , Advocate , Justice 305 Words | 3 Pages. the present, participate in presenting or threaten to present criminal charges solely to obtain an advantage in a civil matter.

The maximum penalty for a . violation of Hypotonia Essay, this Rule is disbarment. 7- Can a lawyer act as both advocate and witness in the same trial? A lawyer shall not act as advocate at a trial in hero, which the leadership styles, lawyer is likely to hero be a necessary witness except where the Essay Site, Procedure, Patient Errors, testimony relates to an uncontested issue, the testimony relates to the nature and value of legal services rendered in the case. ACT , Advocate , Counsel 952 Words | 2 Pages. Running head: MODEL OF NURSING CARE AND PATIENT SAFETY Model of hero kickass, Nursing Care and Patient Safety October 10, 2009 Model . of oedipus, Nursing Care and Patient Safety The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the model of nursing care used in my facility, and how it relates to the American Nurses Code of Ethics (ANA) and hero movie kickass, patient safety guidelines. The hospital I worked for is a catholic based nonprofit organization, which uses Patient Centered Nursing Care model in most of the areas. Anesthesia , Ethics , Hospital 735 Words | 3 Pages. determinations neither of Polio Eradication by the World Essay, whom is right or wrong nor concerning the parties decided resolution of the conflict. An advocate , conversely, can . be defined as one who speaks, plead, or argues in favor of propounding a client’s interest as it relates to the resolution of conflict. Advocates are privy to client information, germane to the details of the conflict and hero kickass, otherwise, that helps the advocate successfully to promote the Essay, cause or interest of the kickass, client. Having two seemingly similar functions, the distinctions.

Advocate , Barrister , Dispute resolution 1081 Words | 3 Pages. the Mayor. Similar Supreme Courts were established in Madras in oedipus, 1801 and Bombay in 1823. Movie Kickass. The first barristers appeared in India after the opening of the . Hypotonia Essay. Supreme Court in Calcutta in hero movie, 1774. Synopsis. As barristers began to come into the Courts on work as advocates , the attorneys gave up pleading and worked as solicitors. The two grades of legal practice gradually became distinct and separate as they were in England.

Madras gained its first barrister in 1778 with Mr. Hero Movie. Benjamin Sullivan. Thus, the Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Patient Errors, establishment. Advocate , Bar association , Barrister 1371 Words | 4 Pages. The Nurses Role in Patient Advocacy. position to always remain an advocate for their patient . A scenario has been created in which a terminally ill . patient has asked the movie, doctor about alternative healthcare treatment options. The doctor in this case dismisses them as quack practices. What role does the nurse play in this situation? “When the patient’s wishes are in conflict with others, the nurse seeks to help resolve the Essay 16-20, conflict. Where conflict persists, the nurse’s commitment remains to the identified patient ” (Code of ethics for nurses.

Alternative medicine , Ethics , Health care 1366 Words | 4 Pages. questions that include the kickass, law. Lewin's Leadership Styles. As I said above there are two kinds of a lawyer- advocate and just an advisor. These two parts of the . profession are a lot different but probably the hero movie kickass, only thing that they have in Hypotonia Essay, common is that they both have something to do with law. Advocates help people in the court so they want go to jail, or so they won’t pay the money to the other person, who is against them. Movie. Most of the time advocates get a lot higher salary then advisors, but it is only if they are good, and if. Academic degree , Advocate , Barrister 1217 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Advocacy: a Concept Analysis. ANALYSIS Concept Analysis: Patient Advocacy Abstract The purpose of this concept analysis is to clarify, define, and refine how . patient advocacy is perceived in the nursing community. Essay Review. Much of the kickass, literature has attempted to define patient advocacy and emphasis its role within the nursing profession. Polio By The World Health Organization. This paper will discuss multiple definitions of hero movie kickass, patient advocacy from existing literature and refine them into two critical characteristics.

Concept Analysis: Patient Advocacy (10%)I ? SELECTION. Decision making , Health care provider , Illness 1331 Words | 4 Pages. Concept Analysis: Patient Advocacy Yvette Thornton NURS 502 Grand Canyon University April 24, 2013 Concept Analysis: . On Chapters 16-20. Patient AdvocacyIntroduction The concept of movie kickass, patient advocacy was the focus of the article entitled, “Developing a mid –range theory of patient advocacy through concept analysis” by Xiaoyan Bu and Mary Ann Jezewski published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007. In an attempt to clarify the definition as well as the refine the concept of patient advocacy, the. Health , Health care , Health care provider 1133 Words | 4 Pages. Words Mentioned IN Acts/Rules/Orders: Advocates Act, 1961 - Section 35, Advocates Act, 1961 - Section 35(3), . Oedipus Synopsis. Advocates Act, 1961 - Section 35B, Advocates Act, 1961 - Section 38 Disposition: Appeal dismissed Case Note: Advocates Act, 1961 - Section 35 -- Professional misconduct--Complainants requesting Court of Session for appointment of amicus curiae to defend them in murder trial--But complainants convicted and hero kickass, sentenced to death--Appellant advocate meeting them in which of the distinguishes from other of movies?, jail and getting vakalatnama.

Advocate , Bar association , Barrister 2672 Words | 7 Pages. Patient Compliance and movie kickass, Patient Education. acquiescing, or yielding. Oedipus. The patient is passively abide by the advice and yield to the health care professional. Hero Kickass. It has a dictatorial . Oedipus. connotation. The patient abides by the goals of the health professional. In contrast, the terms adherence and collaboration are used to describe implied that patients have more autonomy and independent in following their treatment planning. Adherence is kickass based on Polio by the Health Organization Essay patient -centered model; through research, it has shown to kickass promote patient satisfaction and health outcomes.

Clinical officer , Educational psychology , Health care 915 Words | 3 Pages. but still keep the on Chapters Review, information that shared among the two to themselves because at hero movie, that time the individual trusted in him. The process of the . Essay On Chapters Review. Lawyer–Client relationship becomes when an individual has committed a crime and needs a zealous advocate to represent him in the matter. In other words the defendant needs a best friend who will stand up for hero, him and on Wrong Site, Wrong Errors, protect him when the defendant is not able to hero movie defend for himself. Although the relationship is similar to a personal friendship the lawyer. Advocate , Attorney at synopsis, law , Barrister 960 Words | 3 Pages. Censorship Necessary for hero movie, Proper Education of Guardian. thinks that musical training should start before physical training because the beginning is the most important part as the minds of the on Chapters 16-20 Review, children are . Movie Kickass. malleable and best takes on whatever pattern one wishes to Wrong imprint on hero movie kickass it (377 b). Plato strongly advocates the censorship of storytelling by mothers and leadership, nurses because if children’s beliefs absorb false stories then they will become unalterable.

He believes in shaping their souls with these stories rather than shaping their bodies (377c). Plato says. Advocate , Fear , Mind 960 Words | 3 Pages. Patient and Nursing Sensitive Indicators. ? In the 1800’s an effort to hero redefine nursing, by improving upon patient care, Florence Nightingale stands as the patron leader. She went onto . grapple with the task of improving upon deplorable hospital conditions; while, measuring patient’s outcomes in a statistical method. Over a hundred years later, more recent compiled research related to a link between hospital staffing issues and adverse patient outcomes grabs the attention of internal and external healthcare populations. In the 90’s and Essay on Wrong and Wrong, early. Florence Nightingale , Hospital , Illness 896 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Flow in Waiting Room Haik Janoian MGT/554 ? Operations Management University of Phoenix Group PA04MBA10 April 5, 2006 . Patient Flow in Waiting Room Healthcare clinics are under a great deal of pressure to reduce costs and improve quality of service.

In recent years, healthcare organizations have concentrated on preventive medicine practices and have tried to reduce the length of time that patients stay in hero kickass, a hospital. Which Of The From Other Kinds Of Movies?. Outpatient services have gradually become an essential component. Health care , Health care provider , Illness 1780 Words | 5 Pages. interventions and outcomes Initiates communication with patients before screening and diagnostic procedures/treatments Informs . patients of services and resources Increases health awareness in movie kickass, individuals The Patient Navigator will establish early contact with cancer patients within the Eradication World Essay, community to eliminate the barriers to timely diagnosis and treatment. This position will compassionately provide patients with resources, support programs and services available through. American Cancer Society , Cancer , Health care 1421 Words | 5 Pages.

Importance of Nurse Patient Relationship. Watson defined therapeutic nurse- patient relationship as “a helping relationship that’s based on mutual trust and movie, respect, the nurturing of leadership, . faith and hope, being sensitive to self and others, and assisting with the hero, gratification of your patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through your knowledge and skill” ( as quoted in Pullen, 2010, p.4). Nurse’s are expected to portray and by the World Health, act professionally, legally and ethically in hero kickass, order to established an effective nurse-client relationship. Health , Health literacy , Nurse 1817 Words | 5 Pages. HIPAA’s Impact on Patients Rights Now, more than ever is the time to care about the privacy of our medical information. Intimate details . that are shared between Doctors and patients are either stored in Essay Site, Wrong and Wrong Errors, file cabinets or data files. The risk of a patient privacy rights being mishandled are high.

This is when HIPAA, which stands for hero movie kickass, “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” comes in to effect. HIPAA was passed by which of the following distinguishes films from other Congress in 1996 and was used to set a national standard for hero movie kickass, electronic. Health care , Health care provider , Health economics 921 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Portals HCS/490 January 28, 2013 Russell Wettstein Patient Portals Every day more and more people use the . Polio Eradication World. internet to communicate with friends, family, and coworkers. The internet is hero movie kickass used for banking, making reservations, reading books, and now they can manage their health care online.

Many providers now offer health care portals to their patients . Hypotonia Essay. They can email their physician, check lab results, and even make appointments right from the comfort of their home. Portals have. Health , Health care , Health care provider 808 Words | 3 Pages. and even more to movie kickass generate the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) by Congress in remedy to its torts, patient dumping . still appear to be an issue in our society today. In fact, patient dumping occurs when hospitals deny treatment to emergency patients -- often because those patients can't pay. As Patient dumping is the practice of refusing to lewin's treat patients who cannot pay for healthcare services. Federal anti-dumping law, initiated by movie kickass Congress as part of the Consolidated Omnibus. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , Emergency medical services , Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act 977 Words | 3 Pages. understanding. Can do simple fractions. Patient is talkative and understands the hospital setting and his illness.

He speaks about his . personal life and communicates his needs. Patient was in distinguishes films kinds, pain and did not want to ambulate; however, he had been told that he needed to walk in order to go home. Patient used logical thinking and ambulated so he could go home on time. Under the circumstances of kickass, his hospitalization, we did not observe the patient using mathematical or organizational skills. . Child development , Developmental psychology , Human height 802 Words | 4 Pages. Reflection on Assessment of Asthmatic Patient.

A reflective overview: Developing knowledge on the assessment and intervention of asthmatic patient focusing on adult Introduction . In this essay, I need to reflect on the situation that taken place during my clinical assignment to develop and utilize my experiences on the assessment and intervention of which of the following narrative films other kinds, asthmatic patient in my work place. In this reflection, I am going to use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988) consists. Asthma , Communication , Facial expression 2544 Words | 7 Pages.

Importance of Patient Care Patient care is learning the movie kickass, basics of health care in order to meet the patient’s needs. Some basic . concepts that are learned are: professionalism, management of illness, and safety techniques. Patient care is an essential part of the health care field because the skills learned will be used constantly to ensure patient safety. Therefore, it is important in any profession to understand every aspect of patient care. The health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Communication , Health care , Health care provider 872 Words | 3 Pages. various kinds of situations and many emergencies. Patient Errors. However, while you might be prepared to deal with emergencies, dealing with difficult . Movie Kickass. patients is another treatment in itself. Every health care provider has its share of difficult patients . You dread seeing their names on your daily schedule, while the office staff is wary of returning their calls. Difficult patients are usually clingy, manipulative, dependent, non-compliant, self-destructive, hostile and even litigious.

They feel that they deserve. Complaint , Health care , Health care provider 663 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Confidentiality 1 Article background: “Some 13 per cent of US medical schools have reported that their students . have leaked confidential information about lewin's styles, patients via blogs or social networking websites. The students didn't name names, but did provide enough personal information, such as the medical condition involved and hospital, for patients or their families to recognize who is being described…The information was provided by medical school administrators as part. Anatomy , Doctor , Doctor of Medicine 1003 Words | 3 Pages.

? Patient Satisfaction Patient satisfaction is at the core of patient centered medicine. Improved . patient satisfaction not only leads to an enhanced patient experience—something every sick or injured patient deserves—it is also associated with improved treatment outcomes. Measuring and reporting on hero movie kickass patient satisfaction with health care has become a major industry. Background Patient satisfaction is a widely used health care quality metric. Essay On Chapters. However, the relationship between patient satisfaction and. Health care , Health care provider , Hospital 811 Words | 2 Pages. Title: Access and Patient Safety Issues Author: Dorcas Moore Capella University Access and movie, Patient Safety Issues . Patient Safety: Multiple failed organizational and departmental processes may lead to Site, Wrong Procedure, Errors wrong patient , wrong procedure, wrong side or wrong site. Prevention of these errors requires a safety system to ensure accurate scheduling and procedure ordering. Kickass. Proper patient identification will also eliminate these errors. Lewin's. Ensuring correct patient identification is a recognized healthcare. Health care , Health care provider , Healthcare 856 Words | 3 Pages.

Psychosocial Factors and Patient Education 09 Oct 11 Zahava Ohana Homework Week Two (1) Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect . the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on the patient education; Patient’s background. Hero Movie. For example, that patient came from a background that does not believe on any medicines. They go to a “voodoo doctor” for Polio Eradication by the Health Organization, some spiritual interventions and hero movie, they are content on that. Because they are not too well educated or maybe it is. Health , Health care , Health care provider 1281 Words | 4 Pages. role in Essay 16-20, Patient Education By Shannon Reidt, PharmD and Todd D. Sorensen, PharmD Upon conclusion of hero movie, this program, the pharmacist should be . able to: 1. Explain the need for pharmacist-based patient education.

2. Lewin's. List the steps recommended for the pharmacist-conducted patient education process. 3. Describe the recommended components of the pharmacist-conducted patient education. 4. Evaluate the evidence supporting patient medication education. 5. Explain the movie, role of OBRA-90 on patient medication. Health care , Health care provider , Medical prescription 2164 Words | 7 Pages. Concept of Patient Satisfaction Nursing theories gives directions and of the other, guidance for structuring nursing practice and also these theories are . the part of nursing education and research. Many of the nursing theories are based on movie the concept of caring.

Watsons Human caring theory one of the well-known caring theory. The institution I work for uses the caring model which is based on synopsis the human caring theory of Jean Watson. “Transpersonal Caring Relationship” is the foundation of her theory. Watson based. Health care , Health care provider , Healthcare 1073 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Safety and kickass, Efforts of Infection Prevention in the Surgical Field Dana Cook Nova Southeastern University Patient . Safety and Efforts of Infection Prevention in the Surgical Field It is estimated that 1 in 10 patients will experience a nosocomial infection (Biddle, 2009). With this staggering fact, patient safety and infection prevention is at which of the distinguishes from, the forefront of healthcare. Many changes have occurred in kickass, this area since the 1840s. This is when Semmelweis, a Viennese obstetrician, made. Hand washing , Health care , Health care provider 1454 Words | 4 Pages. not only the medications and treatments but also the personal connection between patients and Hypotonia Essay, their caregivers Through these people, Schwartz . learned how to handle his physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.

Physically, Schwartz was in a state of readiness for enhanced knowledge. In this instance a patient expresses an interest to learn about his/her choices in relation to his/her condition. When cancer patients take their lives into their hands, and decide to cooperate and join the fight to. Anxiety , Clinical officer , Health 1466 Words | 4 Pages. Patient confidentiality In a television episode of ER which aired on NBC in 2000, Carol Hathaway became aware of risky sexual behaviors that . had led to a 14 year old girl having a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and cervical cancer. Prior to finding this information out, Carol Hathaway had promised the patient that she would not tell anyone about whatever the patient discussed with her. But upon realizing the movie kickass, high risk of the girl’s behavior, Carol Hathaway came to find herself in a dilemma. Health , Health care , Health care provider 919 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Privacy HCS/335 February 9, 2012 In health care patient privacy is important in organizations. . Lewin's. Patients have a right to have their information protected and confidential at all times. Patient Privacy is a major concern and has enforced privacy laws into place, which protect patients medical and movie, the confidentiality of records. Patients have a right to understand also exactly what information is private and protected.

Patient put their trust in their health care. Health care , Health care provider , Health Insurance Portability and Hypotonia Essay, Accountability Act 1226 Words | 4 Pages. ISSUES IN PATIENT CARE LASONDRA HOLLIE ISSUES IN PATIENT CARE Patient cares issues in the healthcare field is . very profound in United States issues surrounding the medical field can make are break an individual’s career. Patient care can be very intense in hero, the medical field in most sittings it’s hard to Polio World separate and individual emotions especially in the field of pediatric health care however when loved ones get involved with the patient it’s a known fact that issues in hero movie, patient dramatic And. Health , Health care , Healthcare 1038 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Confidentiality and on Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong, HIPAA Tamika Marshall HPIC/245C Fundamentals of Information Systems for Health Care July 21, 2013 University . of Phoenix After three years of hero movie kickass, making sure they got it correct, the Unites States signed into law HIPAA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was developed by The Department of Health and Human Services. August 21, 1996 changed the which distinguishes narrative other kinds, way medical professionals conducted patient business forever.

The. Health care , Health care provider , Health Insurance Portability and kickass, Accountability Act 593 Words | 3 Pages. This paper explores different peer-reviewed articles that attempts to shed some light on the phenomenon of the Hypotonia Essay, lived experience of patients . with cancer; supporting the hero movie kickass, fact that individuality is a huge factor in the care of oedipus, cancer patients . Manu types of cancers exist and patients should be treated as individuals versus as a disease or diagnosis. Hero Kickass. As oncology nurses we accumulate knowledge on a daily basis that may be revised in practice. Essay On Chapters 16-20 Review. Therefore, it becomes our innate duty to hero visit the Essay on Chapters 16-20, literature. Breast cancer , Cancer , Chemotherapy 1904 Words | 5 Pages. Patient satisfaction is movie kickass critically important to the health care industry today due to the competitive nature of the field. . Patients have many choices when it comes to seeking medical attention, and hospitals are dependent on return business to stay operational. Hospitals have traditionally utilized the Eradication by the World, semi-private room model in hero kickass, order to increase profitability. Hypotonia Essay. A semi-private room is a room shared by movie two patients . Each patient is given their own bed, but they usually share a single bathroom. Health care , Health care provider , Hospital 2195 Words | 6 Pages.

Running head: Tracer Summary 1 Patient 453355 Tracer at Essay Wrong Patient Errors, Nightingale Community Hospital Patient Tracer Summary 2 . Patient 453355 Tracer at Nightingale Community Hospital To provide an accurate assessment of the hero, systems and processes for the delivery of care, treatment, and services at the Nightingale Community Hospital, weekly patient chart reviews of patient medical cases is performed using The Joint Commission tracer methodology for oedipus, a thorough review of current services and possible. Communication , Critical phenomena , Critical point 984 Words | 4 Pages. Patient Privacy Destiny Hill HCS 335 October 2, 2011 Patient Privacy The law protecting patients ’ . Hero Movie. rights and privacy known as Health Insurance Probability and Accountability (HIPPA) was enacted and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. HIPPA is created to oedipus help protect patients ’ medical records and personal health records nationwide in addition to keeping all medical information confidential. Documents are filed and stored, but with technology evolving documents. Electronic medical record , Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act , Hospital 1151 Words | 4 Pages. Patient Safety at Grand River Hospital amp; St. Kickass. Mary’s General Hospital Most patients would like to think that safety is a . major priority at the hospital they are visiting.

They would like to believe that the hospital actively engages in lewin's leadership, practices that should nearly diminish any possibility for an accident or mistake to occur. However, the premise of patient safety is relatively new. Medical errors remain a sensitive topic with patients , physicians, and hospital administrators. Physicians and. Health care , Health care provider , Hospital 1032 Words | 3 Pages. Communicating with Dementia Patients Monica Wolfe Therapeutic Communications Everest University August 3, 2012 ABSTRACT Dementia is the . progressive debilitation of the movie kickass, cognitive function of an Polio Health, individual which affects their ability to hero kickass properly process thought. Dementia can be brought about by the normal process of aging, or can have its onset which results in damage from a stroke, or it may be brought on because of a disease process, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Although dementia is leadership styles common. Alzheimer's disease , Communication , Health care provider 1070 Words | 4 Pages. Politics, Legislation, and Implications to Patient Care. Politics, Legislation, and Implications to Patient Care Abstract There are constant changes to laws and . legislation regarding patient care and safety. The purpose of this report is to inform the reader of recent and upcoming changes to legislation that may affect nursing care of movie, patients . Research by leadership styles L. Aiken, et al. and hero movie kickass, A. Tourangeau, support the need for higher education of registered nurses. Hypotonia Essay. Their research proves that patient outcomes are improved when registered. Academic degree , Healthcare occupations , Higher education 2287 Words | 7 Pages. hospitals, nursing homes, and movie kickass, physicians' offices that their staff would appropriately deny patient information to an unknown caller?

Too . often, unauthorized people succeed in extracting protected information from health care providers. Invasion of Hypotonia Essay, privacy also affects noncelebrities, when anyone seeks health information the patient has not chosen to share. More often, though, scam artists seek patients ' billing information for financial gain. The patient's insurance identifier is hero movie then used by an. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , Health care , Health care provider 979 Words | 3 Pages. need to listen as a moral act. Essay On Chapters Review. In a sense, it is a person's duty to hero movie listen to the stories of the ill. In doing so, one can more fully comprehend the story . being told and in turn, be able to relate in some way to the patient . This allows for a more full understanding of what the patient is going through and opens the eyes of the listener in ways that are beneficial for him/her. This way of leadership styles, thinking often deteriorates when the hero kickass, listener is not just a friend or family, but the appointed physician or doctor.

Healing , Human , Illness 1708 Words | 5 Pages. I am increasingly convinced that many (thousands) of Hypotonia Essay, patients pass in out of our nation's teaching hospitals without ever really being . Hero. examined: the oedipus, interns/residents (our physicians-in-training) don't examine them, and their teaching attendings don't examine them either (they just sign-off on the trainees' notes). I've been an inpatient teaching attending (medicine) for 10 years, and I'm seeing this more more. Why do I type about it now? The other day, one of hero, my interns (one of.

Heart murmur , Hospital , Medical education 1560 Words | 4 Pages. Gabriel College Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan A Collection of styles, Interviews Presented to hero movie Mrs. Lenore O. Essay Site, Wrong Procedure, And Wrong Errors. Medina, RN, MAN Instructor In Partial Fulfillment . of the Requirements in Advance Computer Application with Electronic Spreadsheet PATIENT PROFILE Prepared by Jamie Nacar Christy Jade Reyes Eleonor Tumlos Levi Gale Valencia Mardelyn Zaradulla February 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We, the Interviewers, would like to thank the several persons who supported and hero kickass, read this text with. Health care , Health care provider , Hospital 590 Words | 3 Pages. Patient Teaching: Importance of Repositioning Sean Crayton University of Toledo College of Nursing Patient Teaching: . Importance of Repositioning Assessment of synopsis, Patients Learning Needs M.C. is an elderly male who was admitted and treated for a fall and hip fracture. Hero Kickass. He had surgery, is bed ridden but is soon to Essay Site, Procedure, be released.

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resume o sebe V teto casti bychom vam radi nabidli nektera doporuceni, ktera lze pouzit k odstraneni „vychovnych” vlivu karmy. Movie Kickass? Cistit je treba vsechno a porad. Co je treba delat pro Polio by the World to, abychom nebyli „vychovavani”? Z sirsiho hlediska lze rici toto: je treba ocistit vsechna nase tela od nejruznejsich negaci, ktere se v nas nakumulovaly. Movie? Znamena to Hypotonia Essay, vycistit vsechna nase jemnohmotna tela.

Samozrejme, ze pri tom nesmime zapomenout ani na nase telo fyzicke. Kickass? Avsak nemuzeme zacinat s cistenim tela fyzickeho, jak to styles, bezne delame, ale prave naopak. Kickass? S cistenim je nejlepe zacit prave u nejjemnejsich tel a postupne prechazet k tzv. Hypotonia Essay? telum hrubsim. Model usporadani jemnohmotnych tel cloveka jsme si objasnili ve druhe casti. Movie? Pripomenme si, ze clovek nevlastni jen telo fyzicke, ale i etericke, emocionalni (astralni), mentalni a kauzalni (karmicke).

Krome nich vsak existuje jeste nekolik jeste jemnejsich tel, o kterych zatim hovorit nebudeme. On Chapters? Stejne tak se zatim nebudeme zminovat o praci s nimi. Jejich poznani tedy zatim odhalovat nebudeme. Hero Movie Kickass? Ale hovorit urcite budeme o tom, co delat s temi jemnohmotnymi tely, o kterych jsme jiz hovorili. Takze, pokud jste se odhodlali postoupit do pozice osviceneho cloveka (tzn. Lewin's Styles? chcete zacit vyprazdnovat svoji karmickou zatez), predkladame vam navrh, jak lze provadet ocistu vsech vasich jemnohmotnych tel s tim, ze zacneme u toho nejjemnejsiho. Jinak se efekt cisteni nedostavi nebo bude jen docasny. Bylo by movie kickass, ucinne, kdybychom ocistili vsechno a v maximalni mire? Neni to oedipus, tak jednoznacne. Hero Movie? Vzdyt spolu s uplnou ocistou muzeme ztratit zajem o nas realny zivot. Jiz drive jsme poukazali na to, ze zcela prazdnou „karmickou nadobu” maji pouze svati nebo blahoslaveni, kteri na tomto svete nemaji zadna osobni prani.

Pokud se chcete dat na cestu uplne ocisty, znamena to styles, pro vas v pripade uspechu velke riziko, a tomu se radeji vyhnete. Movie? Muzete dosahnout vseho, na co si jen vzpomenete, jenze vy nic chtit nebudete. Site, Wrong Procedure, And Wrong Patient Errors? Zadna udalost vas vlastne nikterak neznepokoji – jednoduse vsechno v klidu tak, jak prichazi, nechate odeznit. Kickass? Budete spokojeni jako karas, ktery zmrznul v ledove kre. Libila by se vam takova budoucnost? Domnivame se, ze ne. Synopsis? Presneji receno, je pro movie kickass vas prakticky nedosazitelna. Essay Site, Wrong? V zilach vam kypi krev, televize a tisk vas pritahuji mnozstvim senzaci, pribuzni a znami vas provokuji k dialogu, plnemu „laskavosti”. Hero? Zivot vas bije kladivem po hlave a vyhnout se tomuto nastroji je prakticky nemozne. Synopsis? Co s tim? Navrhujeme vam uvedomele si limitovat svoje osviceni.

To znamena vybrat si nekolik zaklopek pro hero „karmickou nadobu”, ktere jsou pro synopsis vas nejprijatelnejsi. Movie Kickass? A dovolit jim, aby i trosku „protekaly”, tj. On Chapters? – dovolit si lehkou idealizaci nekterych aspektu zivota. Hero? Napr. Distinguishes Narrative From Of Movies?? lasky nebo rodinnych vztahu, penez, tvorivosti atd. Movie? Ale ostatni kohoutky musi byt naprosto pevne! Vseje dobre uzavreno, vy se neurazite, neodsuzujete druhe, neprehlizite je a dovolite svetu, aby byl takovy, jakym je. Muzete tak zit v pohode a v „karmicke nadobe” mit hladinu 45 – 55 %. Polio Eradication World Health Organization Essay? A to kickass, je, jak jiz vime z drivejska, optimalni hladina procent pro Essay on Chapters 16-20 zadani (a realizaci) kvalitnich pozemskych prani. Pokud si toto doporuceni vezmete k srdci, prejdeme k uvedeni prikladu nebo technik, pomoci nichz se muzete dostat do tohoto prijemneho stavu. Kickass? Ostatne, pokud touzite po uplnem osviceni a nic pozemskeho vas jiz nezajima, je i to, co zde nabizime, prinosem.Na druhe strane je v teto publikaci technik pro Hypotonia Essay dosazeni uplneho osviceni malo. Movie Kickass? Ty nase dovoluji ocistu do 15 %. Lewin's? Potom je jiz treba slozitejsich technik. Movie Kickass? To je ale otazka, ktera neni naplni teto knihy.

Nuze – prikrocme k popisum technik ocisty. PROBLEMATIKA KARMICKEHO TELA. Pokud si vzpominate, patri kauzalni (karmicke) telo mezi tela jemnohmotna, ktera prinalezi nasi Dusi, tzn. Polio Eradication World Health Essay? nasi nesmrtelnosti (monade), prevtelujici se z jednoho zivota do druheho v prubehu nasich reinkarnaci. Hero Movie Kickass? V dusledku toho se v nasem soucasnem tele (trebaze je to lewin's leadership, mozne v jakemkoliv jinem z nesmrtelnych tel) schranuji informace o problemech, ktere jsme si privodili v prubehu zivotu minulych. Ne vsechny problemy pochazeji z minulych zivotu. Kickass? Zkusenost nam ukazala, ze tyto problemy nema zdaleka kazdy clovek. Essay On Wrong Patient? Hledat v minulych zivotech priciny svych neuspechu ma smysl pouze tehdy, kdyz se problemy vaseho soucasneho zivota nedaji vubec nijak vysvetlit z hlediska vasich konkretnich mylnych postoju, a tim tedy doj dek zaplneni hladiny „karmicke nadoby “.

Takovych problemu je nepatrne mnozstvi, ale obcas se objevi. Kickass? Jiz jsme hovorili o karmickych problemech, karmickych uzlech a dalsich jevech, ktere nam zneprijemnuji zivot. Jen neni treba hledat priciny vsech techto slozitosti v minulych zivotech! Vetsinu problemu jsme si zpusobili v zivote nynejsim! Zacnete hledat v soucasnem zivote. Casto se setkavame s lidmi, kterym jasnovidci odkryli mnozstvi evidentne nakupenych problemu, udajne z minulych zivotu. Oedipus Synopsis? A v tomto zivote tedy sklizeji urodu za sve minule hrichy. Hero Kickass? Clovek je tak absolutne bezmocny tvari tvar tomu, ze nevi, co vlastne Spatneho v minulem zivote provedl a fakticky ho to oedipus, stavi do zavislosti na jasnovidci, ktery takove problemy vyhledava a snazi se mu pomoci. Movie? To znamena, ze jedinec se ze zajeti religioznich (socialnich, politickych atd.) hrichu dostava do zajeti hrichu z minulych zivotu.

Je jedno, jak se onen hrich nazyva, jen kdyz se podari cloveka zmanipulovat! Uznavame, ze ponekud vhodnejsi je jiny pristup. Hypotonia Essay? Bez toho, aniz bychom popreli problem jako takovy (nejenom obcasny), jenz si prinasime z pro hero nas nepoznane minulosti, navrhujeme vam zpocatku se pokusit samostatne si probrat, zdali priciny nesouvisi s vasim soucasnym zivotem. V nespravnych nazorech, v negativnich prozitcich, v jednani. Essay 16-20? Nejspis sami zjistite, ze tomu tak je. Hero? Jakmile se presvedcite o tom, ze zadnym spatnym nazorem ani udalostmi vaseho soucasneho zivota neni mozne objasnit to, co se s vami deje, teprve potom lze zacit hledat, ktere ze to of the following distinguishes narrative kinds, problemy z minulych zivotu vsechno natropily. Hero Kickass? Tzn. Health Organization Essay? jakou informaci o problemech z minulosti prinesla s sebou vase nesmrtelna duse do zivota soucasneho. Hero? Casto podobnou informaci odecteme sami. Jak si lze odecitat svoji minulost. Nej drive je treba vyloucit vsechny pripady vaseho „vychovavani” za chyby, jejichz pocatek lze spatrovat v soucasnem zivote. Review? Proto je treba provest podrobnou analyzu vsech nynejsich problemu, vychazeje pritom z moznosti existence „vychovneho” procesu, pokud jde o nas samotne. Kickass? Znamena to Eradication World Health Essay, vycislit si veskere chybne nazory a idealizace, ktere se vam mohly nakupit jiz drive, avsak jiz ve veku, ktery si plne uvedomujete.

Vychazejte z moznosti pouziti nektereho z peti zpusobu likvidace idealizaci. Hero Movie Kickass? Anebo ze vsech peti zpusobu dohromady. A pouze pokud se nejaky problem neda vysvetlit v ramci modelu „karmicke nadoby”, je mozne se pokusit pochopit pomoci jednoducheho logickeho usudku, jake negativni udalosti mohly najit sve misto ve vasi davne minulosti. Napr. Essay? mate strach z vody a bojite se naucit plavat, i kdyz ve vasem soucasnem zivote se nestal zadny pripad, ktery by hero movie kickass, mel souvislost se smrtelnym strachem z vody. Leadership Styles? Pravdepodobne to hero movie kickass, znamena, ze ve vasem karmickem tele je otisk hruzy, kterou jste zazili, kdyz jste se topili v jednom ze svych drivejsich zivotu. Oedipus? Je dobre si objasnit, jak k tomu doslo – zdali pri lodni katastrofe nebo individualne, nahodou nebo cestou nasili, aby se podarilo spravne prekodovat tuto informaci. Nasledkem takto provedene logicke analyzy udalosti v zivote se jindy da vycist, jaky inkarnacni program by hero kickass, tedy mohl byt v nasem jemnohmotnem tele a jake idealizace nebo karmicke problemy si clovek mohl prinest s sebou z zivotu minulych. Oedipus? V danem pripade jiz neni nutne dozvidat se podrobnosti z minuleho zivota, protoze informace je dostacujici k pochopeni toho, jaka role nas ceka v zivote tomto, jak ji zvladnout, poddat se „vychove”. Movie? Nic vic neni nutne. Jak si lze odecitat informace.

Ale jak to World Health, vsechno provest, kdyz k tomu, abychom zmenili vzpominky z nasi minulosti, potrebujeme podrobne znat ony udalosti, ktere se do naseho karmickeho tela otiskly? Cesta k ziskani danych informaci je nekolik. Napr. Movie Kickass? lze v prubehu meditace zadat dotaz a spatrit ukazku toho, co potrebujeme vedet. Essay 16-20 Review? Dari se to hero movie, vcelku dobre lidem emocionalnim, kteri maji silne vyvinutou predstavivost. Oedipus Synopsis? Muze jit o jakoukoli meditaci nebo meditaci specialni. Hero Kickass? Napr. Hypotonia Essay? specialni reinkarnacni meditace jsou dnes velmi rozsirene. Je take mozne si potrebny dotaz zadat pred spanim.

Lze toho dosahnout, protoze odpoved se dostavi formou snu, zvlaste, pokud budete svuj dotaz vicekrat opakovat. Hero Movie? Odpoved se muze objevit v jakekoliv forme – spatrite ve snu udalost z vasi davne minulosti nebo se vam objevi sen, ale s prekodovanou informaci, a tu muzete cestou jednoduchych uvah (nebo snare) pochopit. Koneckoncu je take mozne se obratit s primym dotazem na sve podvedomi. Leadership Styles? Jak na to kickass, si vysvetlime podrobne v sedme casti knihy. V krajnim pripade je mozne se obratit o pomoc ke zkusenemu jasnovidci.Dulezite je vsak vedet, ze neni vhodne chodit se ptat najeden problem vice jasnovidcu, protoze ziskane odpovedi se budou zcela urcite lisit, a to which of the distinguishes narrative films from kinds, vas evidentne rozrusi.

Proto nejprve pracujte s pouhou jedinou otazkou k reseni a odpoved od jasnovidce dostanete. Hero Kickass? Pokud mate pocit, ze vam takova odpoved nestaci, pokracujte v dalsich dotazech, ktere vam napovi vice. Presne tak lze pracovat s jakymkoli dalsim problemem, ktery nelze pochopit z hlediska „karmicke nadoby”. Health Organization? Bojite se uzavrenych prostor – nejspis je ve vasem karmickem tele zakodovana hruza, ktera vznikla pri vasem skonu v uzavrenem prostoru (byli jste zavaleni pri zemetreseni nebo ve valce, Ci jste byli nasilne zazdeni atd.). Podobne lze najit zcela racionalni inkarnacni priciny mnohych „fobii”, objevujicich se u rady osob. Hero Kickass? Ovsem pozor, ne-poutejte se prilis na takove vyhledavani problemu.

Podle nasich pozorovani jsou v 90 – 95 % pripadu pricinou nynejsich problemu chybne postoje k soucasnemu zivotu a jeho idealizace. Which Of The Narrative From Other Kinds Of Movies?? A pouze 5-10 % pripadu pricin problemu ma sve zduvodneni v minulych zivotech. Co delat se ziskanou informaci. Pripustme tedy, ze jste zhruba pochopili, jake negativni udalosti se vlastne prihodily ve vasem minulem zivote. Kickass? Co je ale nutne delat dal? Dal je to oedipus synopsis, skutecne proste. Movie? Je nutne prekodovat danou informaci, ktera dosud setrvava ve vasem karmickem tele. Which Of The Following Distinguishes From Kinds Of Movies?? Realne zmenit vasi minulost nejde – mela totiz kdysi svuj vyznam a nikdy se jiz nevrati. Kickass? Ale lze zmenit vasi vzpominku na ni. Eradication By The World Organization Essay? K tomu doporucujeme nasledujici cviceni.

Provadi se bud bezprostredne v case meditace, kdy se vam v predstave vybavi udalosti minuleho zivota nebo jinak, napr. Movie Kickass? tim, ze uvidite danou informaci ve snu, dotazem ke svemu podvedomi neboji ziskate od jasnovidce. Cviceni na „PREKODOVANI SVE MINULOSTI” Najdete si misto, kde vas nebude nikdo rusit po dobu cca 15-20 minut. Hypotonia Essay? Zaujmete pohodlnou pozici, zavrete oci, uvolnete svaly celeho tela a zklidnete mysl. Hero Movie Kickass? Do vsech podrobnosti (podle moznosti) prozkoumejte (nebo si predstavte) tu udalost, v jejimz dusledku vam vznikl karmicky problem (topite se pod vodou, zasypala vas hlina, zabijite jineho cloveka nebo zivocicha, nekdo vas pripravuje o zivot atd.). Nyni svymi myslenkami „rozmotejte” dany dej od konce az k zacatku udalosti. Essay Site, Wrong And Wrong Patient? A vedome tuto udalost zpracujte tak, aby skoncila dobre. Movie? (Napr. Eradication World Essay? topili jste se, ale znenadani se vam vratily sily, nekolikrat jste se rozmachli pazemi a vyplavali na hladinu a tam vas uvideli nejaci lide na lodce a pomohli vam. Movie? Nebo jste byli zavaleni hlinou, ale zpozoroval to Hypotonia Essay, vas pritel. Hero Movie Kickass? Rychle sehnal dalsi lidi a ti vas vcas vyhrabali.). Doprejte si radost nad timto vitezstvim nad nestestim.

V myslenkach podekujte Bohu a svemu andelu straznemu za pomoc a za to, ze vam pomohli v nestesti. Jak sami vidite, cviceni je velice jednoduche. Oedipus? Je dostupne kazdemu, kdo je schopen videt obrazy na svem vlastnim vnitrnim promitacim platne. Kickass? A pokud to Essay on Chapters, clovek nedokaze, nevadi, cviceni lze provadet tak jako tak. Hero Movie? Jen misto vytvorene obrazove predstavy je nutne toto same umet povypravet (pro sebe) svymi slovy. Oedipus Synopsis? Efekt bude vlastne stejny. Toto cviceni ma mnohem sirsi uplatneni, nez jenom u vyvolani vzpominky na minulost.

Doporucujeme jej pouzivat vzdy, kdyz se vam zdaji desive sny. Hero Movie Kickass? Pokud jste se vzbudili hruzou – ve snu vas nekdo honil, padate se strze, najizdi na vas auto nebo se objevi neco stejne hrozneho – prekodujte si takovy sen! Je treba zavrit oci (pokud jste se jiz probudili), vzpomente si na sen, ktery vas tak vydesil a pridejte si k nemu stastny konec. Oedipus? To znamena, ze pokud padate do rokle, dole se neobjevi kameny, ale voda. Hero Movie? Vyplavete na hladinu a v klidu plavete ke brehu. Essay Site, Patient Errors? Pokud vas nekdo honil, necekane se objevuje policie, zatyka pronasledovatele a vas doveze autem domu. Hero Movie? A tak dale. Hypotonia Essay? Stejnym zpusobem muzete pozmenovat k lepsimu i svoji realnou budoucnost! Je mozne, ze jste ve snu ziskali o vasi blizke budoucnosti informaci. Hero Kickass? A pokud tuto informaci zmenite, kulicky vaseho zivota se dokutali do daleko priznivejsiho dolicku.

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An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and hero Actions on 9/11. By Allan Wood, Paul Thompson. DISCLAIMER: The analytical articles published on of the following distinguishes narrative, this website were written and kickass published by “project managers” of certain investigative projects hosted by the History Commons website. Oedipus! Therefore, any views, conclusions, or opinions expressed in this or any other article should not be attributed to History Commons. For questions concerning an movie, article, please contact the author(s) directly. #8220;It was an interesting day.#8221;#8212;President Bush, recalling 9/11 [White House, 1/5/02] Both images taken at 9:03 a.m.: Bush takes part in which of the following distinguishes narrative films from kinds, a meaningless photo-op, knowing full well the movie kickass US is already under attack. [left, from Booker video, right from Hypotonia Essay, Getty Images] At approximately 8:48 a.m. on the morning of September 11, 2001, the hero kickass first pictures of the burning World Trade Center were broadcast on live television. On Wrong Site, Wrong And Wrong! The news anchors, reporters, and viewers had little idea what had happened in kickass, lower Manhattan, but there were some people who did know. By that time, the Hypotonia Essay Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon, the White House, the Secret Service, and Canada#8217;s Strategic Command all knew that three commercial airplanes had been hijacked. They knew that one plane had been flown deliberately into the World Trade Center#8217;s North Tower; a second plane was wildly off course and hero kickass also heading toward Manhattan; and a third plane had abruptly turned around over Ohio and was flying back toward Washington, DC.

So why, at 9:03 a.m.#8212;fifteen minutes after it was clear the United States was under terrorist attack#8212;did President Bush sit down with a classroom of second-graders and begin a 20-minute pre-planned photo op? No one knows the answer to that question. In fact, no one has even asked Bush about it. Bush#8217;s actions on September 11 have been the which other of movies? subject of lively debate, mostly on the internet. Hero! Details reported that day and in the week after the attacks#8212;both the media reports and Essay Site, Procedure, and Wrong Patient Errors accounts given by Bush himself#8212;have changed radically over hero movie kickass, the past 18 months. Site, Wrong Procedure, Errors! Culling hundreds of reports from kickass, newspapers, magazines, and of the following distinguishes narrative films from of movies? the internet has only hero movie kickass made finding the #8220;truth#8221; of what happened and World Health when it happened more confusing. In the changed political climate after 9/11, few have dared raise challenging questions about Bush#8217;s actions. A journalist who said Bush was #8220;flying around the country like a scared child, seeking refuge in his mother#8217;s bed after having a nightmare#8221; and another who said Bush #8220;skedaddled#8221; were fired. [Washington Post, 9/29/01 (B)] We should have a concise record of where President Bush was throughout the hero day the US was attacked, but we do not. What follows is an attempt to give the most complete account of Bush#8217;s actions#8212;from Florida to lewin's Louisiana to Nebraska to movie kickass Washington, DC. Bush#8217;s appearance at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, on Hypotonia Essay, September 11, 2001 had been in the planning stages since August [Booker web site], but was only publicly announced on the morning of September 7. [White House, 9/7/01] Later that same day, 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and kickass Marwan Alshehhi traveled to Sarasota and enjoyed drinks and dinner at of the narrative from other of movies?, a Holiday Inn only two miles down the sandy beach from movie kickass, where Bush was scheduled to stay during his Sarasota visit. Synopsis! [Longboat Observer, 11/21/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02] The Colony Beach and hero kickass Tennis Resort, where Bush stayed the night before 9/11. [Colony Resort web site] On the night of September 10th, Bush stayed at the Colony Beach Resort#8212;#8220;an upscale and 16-20 relatively pristine tropical island enclave located directly on the Gulf of Mexico, a spindly coral island#8230; off Sarasota, Florida.#8221; [AP, 07/29/01] Zainlabdeen Omer, a Sudanese native living in Sarasota, told the local police that night that someone he knew who had made violent threats against Bush was in movie kickass, town and Omer was worried about Bush#8217;s safety.

The man was identified only as #8220;Ghandi.#8221; A police report states the Procedure, Secret Service was informed immediately. Hero! [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] After a private dinner with various Florida politicians (including his brother Jeb) and Republican donors, Bush went to bed around 10:00 p.m. [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02] Surface-to-air missiles were placed on the roof of the resort [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02], and an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane circled high overhead. [ Fighting Back: The War on of the following distinguishes films other, Terrorism#8212;From Inside the Bush White House , by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 25] It#8217;s not clear if this type of protection was standard for the president or whether security was increased because of possible threats. An Assassination Attempt? Bush awoke a little before 6:00 a.m. on movie, September 11, pulled on shorts and an old T-shirt and laced up his running shoes. Oedipus Synopsis! [CBS, 11/1/02] At 6:30 a.m., Bush, a reporter friend, and kickass his Secret Service crew took a four-mile jog in the half-light of dawn around a nearby golf course. [Washington Post, 1/27/02, Washington Post, 09/11/01] At about the same time Bush was getting ready for leadership, his jog, a van carrying several Middle Eastern men pulled up to the Colony#8217;s guard station. The men said they were a television news crew with a scheduled #8220;poolside#8221; interview with the president. They asked for a certain Secret Service agent by hero name. Synopsis! The message was relayed to hero movie kickass a Secret Service agent inside the resort, who hadn#8217;t heard of the agent mentioned or of synopsis plans for an interview. Hero Kickass! He told the men to of the from kinds of movies? contact the president#8217;s public relations office in hero kickass, Washington, DC, and had the van turned away. [Longboat Observer, 9/26/01] General Ahmed Shah Massoud. The Secret Service may have foiled an assassination attempt. Styles! Two days earlier, Ahmed Shah Massoud, leader of Afghanistan#8217;s Northern Alliance, had been murdered by a similar ruse.

Two North African men, posing as journalists from #8220;Arabic News International,#8221; had been requesting an interview with Massoud since late August. Ahmad Jamsheed, Massoud#8217;s secretary, said that by the night of hero kickass September 8, #8220;they were so worried and following distinguishes narrative from kinds of movies? excitable, they were begging us.#8221; An interview was arranged for the following day. Hero! As it began, a bomb hidden in the video camera exploded, killing the two journalists. Site, Wrong Procedure, Patient Errors! Massoud was rushed by helicopter to a hospital in Tajikistan, but was pronounced dead on arrival (although his death was not acknowledged until September 15). [International Policy Institute for hero kickass, Counter-Terrorism, 10/30/01, Newsday, 10/26/01] The assassination is widely believed to have been timed to remove the Essay 16-20 Taliban#8217;s most popular and respected opponent in anticipation of the backlash that would occur after the 9/11 attacks. [BBC, 9/10/01, BBC, 9/10/01 (B), Time, 8/4/02, St. Movie! Petersburg Times, 9/9/02] The Northern Alliance blamed al-Qaeda and the ISI, Pakistan#8217;s secret service, for the attacks. Which Of The Following Narrative Films Kinds Of Movies?! [Radio Free Europe, 9/10/01, Newsday, 9/15/01, Reuters, 10/4/01] Nearly three hours after the hero incident at the Colony, another Longboat Key resident reported a run-in with possibly the which of the following distinguishes narrative films from kinds same men. At about 8:50 (when reports of the hero kickass first World Trade Center crash were first broadcast), while standing on the Sarasota bay front waiting for the presidential motorcade to pass by, this man saw two Middle Eastern men in on Chapters, a dilapidated van #8220;screaming out the windows #145;Down with Bush#146; and movie kickass raising their fists in the air.#8221; The FBI questioned the man, but it#8217;s not known if this was the same van that had visited the Colony. [Longboat Observer, 9/26/01] Later on the morning of September 11, the Secret Service searched a Sarasota apartment looking for further corroboration of Zainlabdeen Omer#8217;s report of an assassination threat. Three Sudanese men were questioned for about ten hours. The Secret Service also raided a beauty supply store in Sarasota, whose owner, identified as #8220;Hakim,#8221; told the agents that #8220;Ghandi#8221; was a member of the Sudanese People#8217;s Liberation Army, a group fighting against the fundamentalist Muslim government in leadership styles, Sudan. [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] Monica Yadav of hero kickass Sarasota#8217;s ABC News 40 reported that a few days after the Secret Service visit, the beauty supply store was closed up and Essay on Wrong and Wrong Patient Errors Hakim was long gone.

Yadav also learned that Zainlabdeen Omer had suddenly quit his jobs and hero movie kickass vacated his apartment. Polio Eradication! #8220;All I know is movie, he can#8217;t leave town,#8221; a friend of Omer#8217;s told Yadav. #8220;Omer got in a lot of trouble with the Essay Patient law.#8221; The Special Agent in hero movie kickass, charge of the Presidential detail in Sarasota told Yadav that Bush was never in any danger and the various warnings and possible terrorist connections were all #8220;just a coincidence.#8221; [Hopsicker, 7/22/02] Yet, as we will see below, there are more details of a threat against Bush before he left Sarasota. Bush Is Briefed as the Essay Procedure, Hijackings Begin. After his jog, Bush showered, then sat down for his daily intelligence briefing around 8 a.m. #8220;The President#8217;s briefing appears to have included some reference to hero movie the heightened terrorist risk reported throughout the summer, but contained nothing specific, severe or imminent enough to necessitate a call to [National Security Advisor] Condoleezza Rice.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01] While Bush was being briefed, the planes that would be hijacked began taking off. American Airlines Flight 11 was first, leaving Boston#8217;s Logan Airport at Essay on Wrong Procedure, Patient Errors, 7:59 a.m. The others soon followed, except for United Flight 93, scheduled to leave at 8:01, but which was delayed on the runway for about 40 minutes. Hero Movie! [Boston Globe, 11/23/01] (For more information on oedipus, the four flights, see Flight 11, Flight 175, Flight 77, Flight 93.) At approximately 8:13, Flight 11 was instructed by air traffic controllers at movie, the FAA#8217;s Boston Center, in Eradication by the Health, Nashua, New Hampshire, to climb to kickass 35,000 feet. Hypotonia Essay! The plane did not obey the hero order and its transponder was turned off. Air traffic control manager Glenn Michael said, #8220;we considered it at that time to be a possible hijacking.#8221; [AP, 8/12/02, emphasis added] According to FAA regulations, that was the correct decision: #8220;Consider that an aircraft emergency exists#8230; when#8230; there is lewin's leadership, unexpected loss of radar contact and movie kickass radio communications with any#8230; aircraft.#8221; [FAA Air Traffic Control Regulations, Chapter 10, Section 2-5 ] Air traffic controller Matt McCluskey stands in the Boston tower where the Flight 11 hijack was first detected. Of The Distinguishes Films Other Kinds! [AP] If air traffic controllers believed Flight 11 had been hijacked at 8:13, NORAD should have been informed immediately, so military planes could be scrambled to investigate. However, NORAD and the FAA both claimed NORAD was not informed until 8:40#8212;27 minutes later. [NORAD, 9/18/01, AP, 8/12/02, AP, 8/19/02, Newsday, 9/10/02; one NORAD employee said it took place at 8:31, ABC News, 9/11/02] Indeed, before contacting NORAD, Boston air traffic controllers watched Flight 11 make an unexpected 100-degree turn and head south toward New York City [Christian Science Monitor, 9/13/01], told other controllers of the hijacking at 8:25 [Guardian, 10/17/01], continued to hear highly suspicious dialogue from the hero movie kickass cockpit (such as, #8220;Nobody move, please, we are going back to the airport. Hypotonia Essay! Don#8217;t try to movie make any stupid moves#8221; ) [Guardian, 10/17/01, New York Times, 10/16/01], and Hypotonia Essay even asked the pilots of Flight 175 to scan the movie skies for the errant plane. Hypotonia Essay! [Guardian, 10/17/01, Boston Globe, 11/23/01] Is NORAD#8217;s claim credible? If so, the hero movie air traffic controllers (including Mr. Michael) should have been fired and Hypotonia Essay subject to possible criminal charges for hero movie kickass, their inaction.

To date, however, there has been no word of any person being disciplined at any institution at any level for Hypotonia Essay, what happened on 9/11. Movie! If NORAD#8217;s claim is false, and it was indeed informed within the time frame outlined in FAA regulations that Flight 11 may have been hijacked, that would mean NORAD did absolutely nothing for almost thirty minutes while a hijacked commercial airliner flew off course through some of the most congested airspace in the world. Which Following Distinguishes From Other Kinds Of Movies?! Presumably, that would warrant some very serious charges. Again, no one associated with NORAD or the FAA has been punished. According to phone calls made by movie fight attendants Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney, the Essay on Chapters 16-20 Review hijackers had stabbed and killed at least one passenger and two flight attendants by about 8:21. [ABC News, 7/18/02, Boston Globe, 11/23/01, AP, 10/5/01, Los Angeles Times, 9/20/01] (One hijacker may have been riding in the cockpit and begun the hijacking earlier.) After 8:21, both women apparently remained on the phone with American Airlines#8217; headquarters for kickass, 25 minutes, until their plane crashed into the World Trade Center#8217;s North Tower. [ABC News, 7/18/02, AP, 10/5/01] These calls make NORAD#8217;s supposed ignorance of a crisis even more dubious. Bush#8217;s motorcade arrives at Booker Elementary. [A still from Booker video] Bush Leaves for Booker Elementary. Around the synopsis same time the movie kickass Flight 11 hijackers were stabbing passenger Daniel Lewin#8212;at 8:20 a.m.#8212;Bush#8217;s briefing ended and he said good-bye to the Colony#8217;s general manager. Which Distinguishes From Kinds Of Movies?! [Telegraph, 12/16/01, Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] The first event on Bush#8217;s schedule was what is known as a #8220;soft event#8221; #150; a photo-op with children at Emma Booker Elementary School#8212;promoting his proposed education bill. [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/11/01] After spending about 20 minutes with the children, Bush was scheduled to give a short press conference at about 9:30. Hero Movie Kickass! [White House, 9/7/01, Federal News Service, 9/10/01] Accounts of when Bush#8217;s motorcade left for the school vary from 8:30 to 8:39. [8:30, Washington Post, 1/27/02, 8:35, Sarasota Magazine, 9/19/01, 8:39, Washington Times, 10/7/02] One account has the Bush party leave the Hypotonia Essay Colony suite at movie, 8:30 and drive away at 8:39. Leadership! Whenever he left, the motorcade traveled quickly: #8220;The police shut down traffic in both directions, leaving roads utterly deserted for Bush#8217;s long motorcade, which barreled along at 40 mph, running red lights with impunity.#8221; [ Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism#8212;From Inside the Bush White House , by Bill Sammon, 10/02, pp.

37-38] At 40 mph, it would take about 14 minutes to travel the hero nine-mile distance to the school. Several accounts say the synopsis journey took about 20 minutes [New York Times, 9/16/01 (B), St. Petersburg Times, 9/8/02 (B), MSNBC, 10/29/02], which means that Bush arrived shortly before 9:00. Hero Movie Kickass! [8:46, ABC News, 9/11/02, 8:55, Washington Times, 10/7/02, 8:55, Sarasota Magazine, 9/19/01, #8220;just before 9:00,#8221;Telegraph, 12/16/01, #8220;shortly before 9:00,#8221;Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02, #8220;just before 9:00,#8221;New York Times, 9/16/01 (B), 9:00, Albuquerque Tribune, 9/10/02] When Did Bush First Learn of the which of the following distinguishes narrative films other of movies? Attacks? Why does it matter when Bush left the resort and movie kickass arrived at the school? Because this is the Essay on Chapters Review crucial time when Bush was first told, or should have been told, of the attacks.

Official accounts, including the words of Bush himself, say Bush was first told of what was happening in New York City after he arrived at movie kickass, the school. [Telegraph, 12/16/01, CBS, 9/11/02] However, this statement does not stand up to scrutiny. Hypotonia Essay! There are at least four reports that Bush was told of the movie first crash before he arrived at Polio, the school. Hero Movie Kickass! In this map, the yellow star is roughly where Bush#8217;s motorcade is when Flight 11 crashes at 8:46, and Essay on Wrong Site, Wrong and Wrong Patient Errors the orange star is where he is when told about the crash a few minutes later. [Made with Yahoo Maps] Two accounts explicitly state Bush was told while in hero kickass, the motorcade. Oedipus Synopsis! #8220;The President was on Highway 301, just north of Main Street#8230; [when] he received the news that a plane had crashed in New York City.#8221; [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] (See adjacent map for hero movie kickass, the location where he is Hypotonia Essay, told.) Another account states, #8220;Bush was driving to the school in a motorcade when the phone rang. Hero Movie Kickass! An airline accident appeared to have happened. He pressed on with his visit.#8221; [Observer, 9/16/01] The first media reports of Flight 11#8217;s crash into lewin's leadership the World Trade Center began around 8:48, two minutes after the crash happened. [New York Times, 9/15/01] CNN broke into its regular programming at movie kickass, that time [CNN, 9/11/01], though other networks, such as ABC, took a few more minutes to begin reporting. [ABC, 9/14/02] So within minutes, millions were aware of the story, yet Bush supposedly remained unaware for about another ten minutes. Claims of Bush#8217;s ignorance become harder to believe when one learns that others in his motorcade were immediately told of the Polio attack. For instance, Kia Baskerville, a CBS News producer traveling with Bush that morning, received a message about hero, a plane crash #8220;as the oedipus synopsis presidential motorcade headed to President Bush#8217;s first event.#8221; Baskerville said, #8220;Fifteen minutes later I was standing in movie, a second grade classroom [waiting for Bush#8217;s entrance]#8221;#8212;which means she got the news at about 8:47#8212;right as the story was first being reported. [CBS, 8/19/02] A news photographer in Essay 16-20, the motorcade overheard a radio transmission that Press Secretary Ari Fleischer would be needed on arrival at movie, the school to discuss reports of following distinguishes narrative of movies? some sort of crash. [Christian Science Monitor, 9/17/01] Another account notes Fleischer got the news that the crash had occurred #8220;just minutes before,#8221; but notes that Bush was not in the same car as Fleischer. Hero Movie Kickass! [CBS, 11/1/02] Senior presidential communications officer Thomas Herman said, #8220;Just as we were arriving at the school, I received a notification from our operations center than [sic] an airliner had struck one of the towers#8230;.#8221; [Marist College Magazine, Fall 2002] Meanwhile, CIA Director George Tenet was told of the crash a few minutes after it happened.

A messenger gave him the which following narrative news as he was eating breakfast with former Senator David Boren in a Washington restaurant three blocks from the hero White House. Boren says Tenet was told that the World Trade Center had been attacked by an airplane: #8220;I was struck by synopsis the fact that [the messenger] used the word attacked.#8221; An aide then handed a cell phone to hero kickass Tenet, and Tenet made some calls, showing that at least some at the highest levels of the Bush administration were talking about an attack at leadership styles, this time. Tenet then said to hero Boren, #8220;You know, this has bin Laden#8217;s fingerprints all over it.#8221; [ABC, 9/14/02] Some people at the school also heard of the news before Bush arrived. Around 8:50, Tampa Bay#8217;s Channel 8 reporter Jackie Barron was on the phone with her mother, who mentioned the first news reports. At almost the same time, Brian Goff, a Fox reporter from Tampa, heard the same thing on his cell phone. [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] Associated Press reporter Sonia Ross was also told of the crash by phone from a colleague. Essay On Chapters Review! [AP, 9/12/01 (D)] Florida Congressman Dan Miller, waiting in front of the school as part of the kickass official greeting party, was told by an aide about the crash at 8:55, before Bush arrived. On Chapters Review! [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] Given all this, how could Bush have remained ignorant? Could he have been out of the loop because he was in hero kickass, a car?

No. The previous night, Colony Resort manager Katie Klauber Moulon toured the presidential limousine and marveled #8220;at all the phones and electronic equipment.#8221; [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] Karl Rove, Bush#8217;s #8220;chief political strategist,#8221; who presumably was riding with Bush, used a wireless e-mail device on 9/11 as well. [Newsweek, 10/14/02] There seems to have been ample opportunity and the means to alert Bush. White House Situation Room Director Deborah Loewer. Hypotonia Essay! If Bush wasn#8217;t told while in kickass, his limousine, he certainly was told immediately after he got out of it. Polio Health! US Navy Captain Deborah Loewer, the director of the White House Situation Room, was traveling in the motorcade when she received a message from an assistant back in hero kickass, Washington about the first crash. Loewer said that as soon as the car arrived at Essay Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Patient, Booker, she ran quickly over to Bush. #8220;It#8217;s a very good thing the Secret Service knows who I am,#8221; Loewer later said. She told Bush that an hero movie kickass, aircraft had #8220;impacted the World Trade Center. This is Eradication Health Essay, all we know.#8221; [Catholic Telegraph, 12/7/01, AP, 11/26/01] Meanwhile, More Hijackings. Flight 77#8217;s intended and actual routes. [USA Today] Note the strange loop off course about halfway along the route to the west, which was the first sign the movie kickass plane was hijacked. Such a large diversion is extremely uncommon, and oedipus synopsis should have triggered an immediate fighter response. Hero Movie! Even though Flight 175 left about the Essay on Wrong Wrong Procedure, and Wrong same time as Flight 11, it appears to have been hijacked much later.

At 8:41, its pilot was still talking to ground control [New York Times, 10/16/01], but at 8:42 it sharply veered off course, and movie kickass a flight controller noted that its transponder had been turned off and communication cut. [Boston Globe, 11/23/01, New York Times, 10/16/01] One minute later, at 8:43, NORAD was notified the Essay plane had been hijacked. [NORAD, 9/18/01] The hijackers turned the transponder back on but used a different signal code. Movie! This allowed flight controllers to #8220;easily#8221; track the plane as it flew toward New York City. [Washington Post, 9/17/01] At about Hypotonia Essay, 8:46, Flight 77 began to go severely off course. According to regulations, a fighter is required to movie kickass be dispatched if a plane strays from its official course by oedipus more than two miles or 15 degrees [MSNBC, 9/12/01]. Movie Kickass! As the lewin's leadership styles adjacent map shows, Flight 77 returned to its proper course for a time, but its last radio contact occurred at 8:50. [Guardian, 10/17/01] Supposedly, NORAD was not officially notified that Flight 77 has been hijacked until 9:24 [NORAD, 9/18/01], but the New York Times reported that by around 8:50, military officials at the Pentagon were already discussing what to do about hero, Flight 77. [New York Times, 9/15/01] Note the difference in notification times: 27 minutes for Flight 11, 1 minute for Flight 175 and 38 minutes for Flight 77. Flight 93 wasn#8217;t hijacked until about Site, Procedure, Patient, 9:16, but by about 8:50, it was clear that at hero kickass, least three planes had been hijacked. Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking on NBC#8217;s Meet the Press, said, #8220;The Secret Service has an oedipus synopsis, arrangement with the FAA.

They had open lines after the World Trade Center was#8230;#8221; [Meet the movie Press, 9/16/01] Cheney never finished his sentence (interesting in Essay on Wrong Procedure, Errors, itself#8212;did he say too much?), but it seems safe to say that his next word would have been #8220;hit.#8221; Cheney#8217;s statement makes it clear the hero Secret Service knew the extent of the situation well before 9:00 am. Intelligence agencies were suffering #8220;warning fatigue#8221; from Review, so many warnings of an al-Qaeda attack [Independent, 9/7/02], some specifically mentioning the use of hijacked airplanes as missiles (see this essay). Bush himself was given an intelligence briefing a month earlier entitled #8220;Bin Laden to movie kickass Strike in oedipus synopsis, US,#8221; and it contained a warning from the hero British government that the US should expect multiple airline hijackings from al-Qaeda. [Sunday Herald, 5/19/02] So with the clear knowledge that three planes had been hijacked, with one of them already crashed into the World Trade Center, who would have possibly assumed that Flight 11#8217;s crash was an accident? Yet that is precisely what the official story claims. Synopsis! There are a number of different #8220;official#8221; accounts, but all of them stress that Bush wasn#8217;t told until after he arrived inside the school (contrary to the account of Captain Loewer) and movie kickass that it was assumed to be an accident (contradicting Tenet being told that it was an attack). Karl Rove [Reuters], Andrew Card [AP], and Dan Bartlett. In some accounts, #8220;President Bush had emerged from his car and was shaking hands with local officials standing outside the school when Chief of Staff Andrew Card sidled up to him with the Polio Organization news.#8221; [CBS, 11/1/02] Bush later recalled that it was Card who first notified him: #8220;#145;Here#8217;s what you#8217;re going to be doing; you#8217;re going to meet so-and-so, such-and-such.#146; Then Andy Card said, #145;By the way, an aircraft flew into the World Trade Center.#146; #8221; [Washington Times, 10/7/02] At a press conference later that day, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer also claimed it was Andy Card who first informed him, #8220;as the President finished shaking hands in hero movie, a hallway of school officials.#8221; [Knoxville News Sentinel, 9/11/01] In other accounts, it was advisor Karl Rove who first told Bush. According to photographer Eric Draper, who was standing nearby, Rove rushed up, took Bush aside in lewin's styles, a corridor inside the school and said the cause of the movie crash was unclear. Bush replied, #8220;What a horrible accident!#8221; Bush also suggested the pilot may have had a heart attack. [Daily Mail, 9/8/02] Dan Bartlett, White House Communications Director, says he was there when Bush was told: #8220; [Bush] being a former pilot, had kind of the same reaction, going, was it bad weather? And I said no, apparently not.#8221; [ABC News, 9/11/02] A reporter who was standing nearby later said, #8220;From the Essay on Chapters 16-20 demeanor of the President, grinning at the children, it appeared that the movie kickass enormity of styles what he had been told was taking a while to sink in.#8221; [Daily Mail, 9/8/02] One account explicitly says that Rove told Bush the World Trade Center had been hit by a large commercial airliner. [Telegraph, 12/16/01] However, Bush later remembered Rove saying it appeared to kickass be an accident involving a small, twin-engine plane. [Washington Post, 1/27/02, MSNBC, 9/02] In yet another account, Blake Gottesman, Bush#8217;s personal assistant, while giving the president some final instructions as they walked to the school, remarked, #8220;Andy Card says, #145;By the way, an Eradication World Health Essay, aircraft flew into movie the World Trade Center.#146; #8221; [ Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism#8212;From Inside the Bush White House , by Bill Sammon, 10/02, pp.

41-42] Condoleezza Rice. Lewin's Leadership! [AP] Told Again, Yet Still Clueless. Hero Movie Kickass! Booker principal Gwen Tose-Rigell was waiting for Bush outside the school. #8220;The limousine stops and Hypotonia Essay the president comes out. He walks toward me. I#8217;m standing there in a lineup; there are about five people. He walks over and says he has to make a phone call, and movie kickass he#8217;ll be right back.#8221; [MSNBC, 09/02, Telegraph, 12/16/01] The phone call was with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. From a room with secure communications, Rice updated Bush on the situation. [Christian Science Monitor, 9/17/01, Time, 9/12/01] The fact that Bush immediately said he had to Hypotonia Essay make an important call strongly suggests he was told about the situation while in the motorcade. But some accounts have Andrew Card saying to Bush as he gets out of hero his limousine, #8220;Mr. President, you really need to take this phone call,#8221; thereby implying that Card knows what#8217;s going on, but Bush doesn#8217;t. [St. Petersburg Times, 9/8/02 (B)] As National Security Advisor, Rice had to have had as much information as anyone. By the time she spoke to Bush, she must have known that three planes had been hijacked and that the country was under attack.

We know very little about the Hypotonia Essay conversation#8212;only that Rice later claimed, #8220; [Bush] said, what a terrible, it sounds like a terrible accident. Hero Movie Kickass! Keep me informed.#8221; [ABC News, 9/11/02] One reporter noted: #8220;Bush did not appear preoccupied [after the phone call] #133; There was no sign that Rice had just told [him] about the first attack [on the World Trade Center].#8221; [Cox News, 9/12/01 (B)] Tose-Rigell was then summoned to a room to talk with Bush: #8220;He said a commercial plane has hit the World Trade Center, and we#8217;re going to go ahead and go on, we#8217;re going on Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Errors, to do the reading thing anyway.#8221; [AP, 8/19/02 (D)] One local reporter notes that at kickass, this point, #8220;He could and arguably should have left Emma E. Booker Elementary School immediately, gotten onto Air Force One and left Sarasota without a moment#8217;s delay#8230; But he didn#8217;t.#8221; [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/12/01 (B)] The only possible excuse is that Bush was completely clueless as to oedipus what was happening. Sure enough, at a press conference on kickass, the evening of 9/11, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was asked by a reporter, #8220;And then this morning, when Andy Card told him about the first accident, was Andy Card or Condi Rice or any of on Wrong and Wrong Errors those aware of the hijackings? What did they know when they#8212;-#8221; Fleischer cut in and replied, #8220;No, at that point they were not.#8221; [Knoxville News Sentinel, 9/11/01] So supposedly, 15 minutes after the first crash, none of Bush#8217;s aides, not even Rice back in kickass, Washington, DC, knew a thing about the hijackings that had been reported to NORAD 20 minutes earlier? This simply is not plausible. Hypotonia Essay! Booker Elementary School. [MSNBC]

Bush#8217;s Confused Recollection. Bush#8217;s own recollection of the hero movie first crash only complicates the picture. Less than two months after the attacks, Bush made the preposterous claim that he had watched the first attack as it happened on live television. This is the seventh different account of Hypotonia Essay how Bush learned about the hero first crash (in his limousine, from Loewer, from Card, from Rove, from Gottesman, from Essay on Chapters 16-20 Review, Rice, from movie kickass, television). On December 4, 2001, Bush was asked: #8220;How did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?#8221; Bush replied, #8220;I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower#8212;the TV was obviously on.

And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there#8217;s one terrible pilot. On Wrong Procedure, And Wrong Patient! I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn#8217;t have much time to think about movie kickass, it.#8221; [White House, 12/4/01] There was no film footage of the first attack until at least the Review following day, and Bush didn#8217;t have access to a television until 15 or so minutes later. Hero Movie Kickass! [Washington Times, 10/7/02] The Boston Herald later noted, #8220;Think about that. Bush#8217;s remark implies he saw the first plane hit the tower. But we all know that video of the first plane hitting did not surface until the next day. Could Bush have meant he saw the second plane hit#8212;which many Americans witnessed? No, because he said that he was in the classroom when Card whispered in oedipus synopsis, his ear that a second plane hit.#8221; [Boston Herald, 10/22/02] Bush#8217;s recollection has many precise details. Is he simply confused? It#8217;s doubly strange why his advisors didn#8217;t correct him or#8212;at the very least#8212;stop him from repeating the same story only four weeks later. [White House, 1/5/02, CBS, 9/11/02] On January 5, 2002, Bush stated: #8220;Well, I was sitting in a schoolhouse in movie, Florida#8230; and my Chief of Staff #150; well, first of all, when we walked into which following narrative from other the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on. And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake.

And something was wrong with the hero movie kickass plane#8230;#8221; [White House, 1/5/02] Unfortunately, Bush has never been asked#8212;not even once#8212;to explain these statements. His memory not only contradicts every single media report, it also contradicts what he said that evening. In his speech to the nation that evening, Bush said: #8220;Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government#8217;s emergency response plans.#8221; [White House, 9/11/01] It#8217;s not known what these emergency plans were, because neither Bush nor anyone in his administration mentioned this immediate response again. Implementing #8220;emergency response plans#8221; seems to completely contradict Bush#8217;s #8220;by the way#8221; recollection of a small airplane accident. Oedipus Synopsis! Bush meets teacher Sandra Kay Daniels. [A still from Booker video] Inside the Classroom and the Second Plane Crash. Shortly after his call with National Security Advisor Rice, Bush entered Sandra Kay Daniels#8217;s second-grade class for a photo-op to promote Bush#8217;s education policies. Hero Movie! [Daily Mail, 9/8/02] The event was to begin precisely at 16-20, 9:00, but the call pushed it back to hero movie about 9:03. Hypotonia Essay! [Washington Times, 10/8/02, Telegraph, 12/16/01, Daily Mail, 9/8/02] Numerous reporters who were traveling with the president, as well as members of the hero kickass local media, watched from the back of the room. [AP, 8/19/02 (D)] Altogether there were about 150 people in synopsis, the room, only 16 of hero them students. Following Distinguishes Other! Bush was introduced to the children and then posed for hero kickass, a number of pictures. Daniels then led the students through some reading exercises (video footage shows this lasted about three minutes). [Salon, 9/12/01 (B)] Bush later related what he was thinking at the time: #8220;I was concentrating on the program at this point, thinking about what I was going to say [about the plane crash]. Obviously, I felt it was an accident.

I was concerned about it, but there were no alarm bells.#8221; [Washington Times, 10/7/02] At 9:03, Flight 175 crashed into oedipus the South Tower of the World Trade Center. News of this traveled extremely rapidly. Hero Kickass! In fact, some of Essay Wrong Procedure, Patient Bush#8217;s Secret Service agents watched the second crash live on television in an adjacent room. [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02] Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, in hero movie kickass, the same room as Bush but not near him, immediately received the news on and Wrong Patient, his pager. Movie Kickass! [CBS, 9/11/02] Other pagers were going off as well. Lewin's Leadership Styles! Andrew Card tells Bush the second tower has been hit. Hero! [White House via AP] See a video of Bush#8217;s reaction here: [ABC, 9/14/02] Chief of which of the following films from of movies? Staff Andrew Card was in a nearby room when he heard the news. He waited until there was a pause in hero movie kickass, the reading drill to walk in and tell Bush. [Washington Times, 10/7/02, Washington Times, 10/8/02] The children were getting their books from under their seats to read a story together when Card came in. [Daily Mail, 9/8/02] Card whispered to oedipus Bush: #8220;A second plane hit the second tower.

America is under attack.#8221; [San Francisco Chronicle, 9/11/02] Another account has Card saying: #8220;A second plane has hit the World Trade Center. Hero Movie Kickass! America is under attack.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01] Accounts vary as to when Card gave Bush the news. Some say 9:05 [Salon 9/11/01, New York Times, 9/16/01 (B), Telegraph, 12/16/01, Albuquerque Tribune, 9/10/02], and Essay Site, Wrong and Wrong Patient some say 9:07. Hero Movie! [Washington Post, 9/11/01, Washington Times, 10/8/02] ABC News reporter Ann Compton, who was in the room, said she was surprised by the interruption and #8220;wrote [the time] down in my reporter#8217;s notebook, by my watch, 9:07 a.m.#8221; [ABC News, 9/11/02] The Reaction#8212;Or Lack of One. Another picture of Andrew Card telling Bush the second tower has been hit. [White House via AP] Descriptions vary greatly as to how Bush responded to the news. It is of the following distinguishes narrative from other kinds, said he #8220;blanched#8221; [Richmond Times-Dispatch, 10/1/02], #8220;the color drained from the president#8217;s face#8221; [AP, 9/12/01 (D)], he #8220;wore a bemused smile#8221; [Orlando Sentinel, 9/12/01], #8220;because visibly tense and serious#8221; [Time, 9/12/01], and movie so on.

Watch the video and by the World Essay draw your own conclusions (the 11-minute video can be viewed at the Center for Cooperative Research, Buzzflash, Global Free Press, The Emperor#8217;s New Clothes, or Liberty DYNU). Bush later recalled his own reaction: #8220;I am very aware of the cameras. I#8217;m trying to hero movie kickass absorb that knowledge. I have nobody to talk to. I#8217;m sitting in the midst of Eradication Health Organization Essay a classroom with little kids, listening to a children#8217;s story and I realize I#8217;m the Commander in Chief and the country has just come under attack.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01, CBS, 11/1/02] Asked again what he thought after he heard the news, Bush said, #8220;We#8217;re at war and somebody has dared attack us and kickass we#8217;re going to do something about it.

I realized I was in a unique setting to 16-20 Review receive a message that somebody attacked us #133; [I]t became evident that we were, you know, that the world had changed.#8221; [CBS, 9/11/02] So what did the Commander in Chief do with the knowledge that the United States was under attack? Bush did not say one word. He did not ask Card any questions. He did not give any orders. Movie! He did not know who (or which country) was attacking, whether there would be more attacks, what military plans had been taken, what military actions should be taken#8212;indeed, he knew virtually nothing about what was going on outside the room. He just sat there.

Bush later recalled: #8220;There was no time for discussion or anything.#8221; [ Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism#8212;From Inside the of the distinguishes from Bush White House , by kickass Bill Sammon, 10/02, pp. 83-84] Even stranger, as one newspaper put it, although the nation was under terrorist attack, #8220;for some reason, Secret Service agents [did] not bustle him away.#8221; [Globe and leadership styles Mail, 9/12/01] Military pilots must have #8220;permission from the hero movie White House because only the president has the authority to order a civilian aircraft shot down.#8221; [CNN, 10/26/99] But if retaliatory strikes needed to the authorized, Bush was not available. If one of the planes had to be shot down to lewin's save more lives on the ground, Bush was not available. Hero Movie! Although several fighters had been dispatched to oedipus synopsis defend New York City, the pilot of movie kickass one of the planes flying to catch Flight 175 later noted that it wouldn#8217;t have mattered if he caught up with it, because only Bush could order a shootdown, and Bush could not be reached in which following distinguishes narrative from kinds of movies?, the classroom. [Cape Cod Times, 8/21/02] Bush not long after being told of the second plane crash. [A still from Booker video] Secret Service agents and movie other security personnel had set up a television in a nearby classroom. They turned on Polio by the Essay, the TV just as Flight 175 crashed into the World Trade Center. According to Sarasota County Sheriff Bill Balkwill, who was in the room, a Marine responsible for carrying Bush#8217;s phone immediately said to Balkwill, #8220;We#8217;re out of here. Can you get everyone ready?#8221; [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02] But he must have been overruled by movie someone, because Bush did not leave. Essay On Chapters 16-20! Meanwhile, Secret Service agents burst into Vice President Cheney#8217;s White House office. They carried him under his arms#8212;nearly lifting him off the ground#8212;and propelled him down the steps into the White House basement and through a long tunnel toward an underground bunker.

Accounts of when this happened vary greatly, from movie, 9:06 [New York Times, 9/16/01 (B), Telegraph, 12/16/01] to after 9:30. [CBS, 9/11/02, Washington Post, 1/27/02] Cheney#8217;s own account is Organization, vague and contradictory. [Meet the Press, 9/16/01] The one eyewitness account, by White House photographer David Bohrer, said it happened just after 9:00. [ABC, 9/14/02 (B)] It#8217;s easy to see why the White House would have wanted this event placed at a later time (after Bush#8217;s initial statement to the nation rather than after the second crash) to avoid the obvious question: if Cheney was immediately evacuated, why wasn#8217;t Bush? The Photo-Op Goes On. After Card told Bush about the second plane and quickly left, the classroom was silent for about 30 seconds or so. [Tampa Tribune, 9/1/02] The children were about to hero kickass take turns reading from a story called The Pet Goat . [AFP, 9/7/02] Bush picked up the book and distinguishes narrative films other kinds of movies? began to read with the children. [Tampa Tribune, 9/1/02] In unison, the children read out loud, #8220;The#8212;Pet#8212;Goat. A#8212;girl#8212;got#8212;a#8212;pet#8212;goat. But#8212;the#8212;goat#8212;did#8212;some#8212;things#8212;that#8212;made#8212;the#8212;girl#8217;s#8212;dad#8212;mad.#8221; Bush mostly listened, but occasionally asked the children a few questions to encourage them. [Washington Times, 10/7/02] At one point he said, #8220;Really good readers, whew!#8230; These must be sixth-graders!#8221; [Time, 9/12/01] Who was really in control? Certainly not Bush. In the hero movie kickass back of the room, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer caught Bush#8217;s eye and held up a pad of oedipus paper for him to see, with #8220;DON#8217;T SAY ANYTHING YET#8221; written on it in big block letters. [Washington Times, 10/7/02] Some person or people had overruled the security who wanted Bush evacuated immediately, even as Vice President Cheney was taken from hero kickass, his White House office to on Chapters 16-20 a safe location. Bush#8217;s security overruled Bush on movie, security matters later in the day on Air Force One, but who overruled them that morning? Bush with his Pet Goat book in Sandra Kay Daniels#8217;s elementary school classroom. [Eric Draper] When Did Bush Leave the Classroom?

Nearly every news account fails to mention when Bush left the Polio by the World Health classroom after being told America was under attack. Three mention 9:12 a.m. [New York Times, 9/16/01 (B), Telegraph, 12/16/01, Daily Mail, 9/8/02] Remaining in the classroom for hero movie, approximately five to seven minutes is inexcusable, but the video of Bush in the classroom suggests he stayed longer than that. The video contains several edits and ends before Bush leaves the room, so it also doesn#8217;t tell us exactly how long he stayed. One newspaper suggested he remained #8220;for eight or nine minutes#8221;#8212;sometime between 9:13 and of the following films other kinds of movies? 9:16, since Card#8217;s arrival is hero kickass, uncertain. [Tampa Tribune, 9/1/02] When Bush finally did leave, he didn#8217;t act like a man in a hurry. In fact, he was described as #8220;openly stretching out the moment.#8221; [ Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism#8212;From Inside the Bush White House , by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. By The! 89] When the lesson was over, Bush said to hero movie the children: #8220;Hoo! These are great readers. Very impressive! Thank you all so much for oedipus synopsis, showing me your reading skills.

I bet they practice too. Don#8217;t you? Reading more than they watch TV? Anybody do that? Read more than you watch TV? [Hands go up] Oh that#8217;s great! Very good. Very important to movie practice! Thanks for having me.

Very impressed.#8221; [Transcribed from Booker video, Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism#8212;From Inside the of the distinguishes from other kinds Bush White House , by Bill Sammon, 10/02, pp. 89-90] Bush still continued to talk, advising the children to stay in kickass, school and be good citizens. [Tampa Tribune, 9/1/02, St. Petersburg Times, 9/8/02 (B)] One student asked Bush a question, and he gave a quick response on his education policy. [New York Post, 9/12/02] The only source to describe what happened next is Fighting Back by Bill Sammon. Publishers Weekly described Sammon#8217;s book as an #8220;inside account of the Bush administration#8217;s reaction to 9-11 [and] a breathless, highly complimentary portrait of the lewin's president [showing] the great merit and unwavering moral vision of hero movie his inner circle.#8221; [Publisher#8217;s Weekly, 10/15/02] Sammon#8217;s conservative perspective makes his account of Bush#8217;s behavior at the end of the photo-op all the more surprising. Bush is of the from other kinds, described as smiling and kickass chatting with the Eradication by the World Organization Essay children #8220;as if he didn#8217;t have a care in the world#8221; and #8220;in the hero movie most relaxed manner imaginable.#8221; White House aide Gordon Johndroe, then came in as he usually does at the end of press conferences, and said, #8220;Thank you, press. If you could step out the door we came in, please.#8221; A reporter then asked, #8220;Mr. President, are you aware of the reports of the plane crash in New York? Is there anything#8230;,#8221; But Bush interrupted, and of the narrative other kinds no doubt recalling his order, #8220;DON#8217;T SAY ANYTHING YET,#8221; Bush responded, #8220;I#8217;ll talk about hero movie kickass, it later.#8221; But still the president did not leave. #8220;He stepped forward and shook hands with [classroom teacher] Daniels, slipping his left hand behind her in by the World Health, another photo-op pose.

He was taking his good old time.#8230; Bush lingered until the press was gone.#8221; [ Fighting Back: The War on hero, Terrorism#8212;From Inside the Bush White House , by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 90] Think about that: rather than rush out of the room at Wrong and Wrong, the first chance, Bush actually stayed until after all the dozens of reporters had left! Having just been told of a Pearl Harbor-type attack on US soil, Bush was indeed #8220;openly stretching out the moment.#8221; But he still wasn#8217;t done. Bush then turned to principal Tose-Rigell, who was waiting to hero movie kickass take him to the library for his speech on education. He explained to her about the on Chapters terror attacks and why he had to hero movie kickass leave. [ Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism#8212;From Inside the Hypotonia Essay Bush White House , by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 90] Finally, he went to movie kickass an empty classroom next door where his staff was based. [ABC News, 9/11/02] Given that Bush#8217;s program was supposed to end at 9:20, he left the classroom only a couple of minutes earlier than planned, if even that. [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/16/01] The reason given why Bush didn#8217;t leave as soon as Card told him the news is: #8220;Without all the leadership styles facts at hero movie kickass, hand, George Bush had no intention of Polio Eradication Health upsetting the schoolchildren who had come to read for him.#8221; [MSNBC, 10/29/02] Advisor Karl Rove said, #8220;The President thought for a second or two about getting up and hero walking out of the room. But the drill was coming to a close and he didn#8217;t want to Essay on Chapters 16-20 alarm the children.#8221; [ABC, 9/11/02] This excuse is patently absurd, given the security risks and importance of movie Bush being informed and making decisions as Commander in Chief. Nor was the lewin's leadership styles drill coming to a close: one drill had ended and another was about to begin#8212;it was a perfect time to simply say, #8220;Excuse me#8221; and leave the room. Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport is only 3frac12; miles away; in hero kickass, fact, Booker was chosen as the on Wrong Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Patient location for hero movie kickass, the photo-op partly because of styles its proximity to the airport. Hero Movie Kickass! [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/12/02] Hijackers could have crashed a plane into Bush#8217;s publicized location and his security would have been completely helpless to Hypotonia Essay stop it. Remember, Bush#8217;s schedule had been announced on September 7 and hero movie two of the 9/11 hijackers came to on Wrong and Wrong Patient Sarasota that same day. Movie! [White House, 9/7/01, Longboat Observer, 11/21/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02] Furthermore, the Essay Site, Wrong Procedure, Patient Secret Service was aware of the strange request for an interview a few hours earlier and the previous night#8217;s report of a person in town who had made violent threats against hero kickass, Bush. Indeed, a few days after 9/11, Sarasota#8217;s main newspaper reported, #8220;Sarasota barely skirted its own disaster. As it turns out, terrorists targeted the which films from kinds president and Air Force One on Tuesday, maybe even while they were on the ground in movie, Sarasota and certainly not long after.

The Secret Service learned of the lewin's threat just minutes after Bush left Booker Elementary.#8221; [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/16/01] Bush in a holding room before giving his speech. Communications director Dan Bartlett points to movie the TV, and the clock reads 9:25. [White House] Once he was out of the by the World Health Essay classroom, did Bush immediately leave Booker? No. He stayed in the adjacent room with his staff, calling Vice President Cheney and National Security Advisor Rice, and hero movie kickass preparing a speech. [Telegraph, 12/16/01, St. Lewin's! Petersburg Times 9/8/02] Incredibly, even as uncertain information began to surface, suggesting that more planes had been hijacked (eventually 11 planes would be suspected) [CBS, 9/11/02], Bush was allowed to make his remarks at 9:30#8212;exactly the movie kickass time and place stated on his advance schedule. [Federal News Service, 9/10/01, see the transcript of his speech here] Why hasn#8217;t Bush#8217;s security staff been criticized for their completely inexplicable decision to by the Health stay at the school? And why didn#8217;t Bush#8217;s concern for the children extend to not making them and movie kickass the rest of the Review 200 or so people at the school terrorist targets? President Bush speaks at 9:29 in the library of Booker Elementary School. Hero! [From Booker Elementary website] At 9:16, NORAD was notified that Flight 93 had been hijacked, and at 9:24 it was notified that Flight 77 had also been hijacked and World Health Essay was heading toward Washington (though, as discussed above, the hijacking was known long before this). [NORAD, 9/18/01] No media report has suggested that the hero movie kickass possible shooting down of Essay on Wrong Site, Wrong hijacked airplanes was discussed at hero kickass, this time, however. It appears the discussion was not broached until after 9:55. [Washington Post, 1/27/02, CBS, 9/11/02] At about 9:26, it was either FAA head Jane Garvey or FAA administrator Ben Sliney (and not Bush) who decided to Essay on Chapters 16-20 halt all airplane takeoffs in the US. [Time, 9/14/01, USA Today, 8/13/02] Additionally, no evidence has appeared suggesting Bush had a role in ordering any fighters into the skies. Hero! Finally, to the Airport.

Bush talks on of the distinguishes from, a cell phone on the way to the Sarasota airport. Hero Kickass! Andrew Card is in front of him. [AP] By 9:35, Bush#8217;s motorcade was ready to Essay on Chapters Review take him to the Sarasota airport where Air Force One was waiting. [Telegraph, 12/16/01] At 9:37, Flight 77 crashed into movie kickass the Pentagon. On Chapters Review! Bush was informed as his motorcade got near the airport. (Apparently Bush could be reached by phone in his limousine at this time.) [Washington Times, 10/8/02, Telegraph, 12/16/01] The motorcade arrived around 9:43 and pulled up close to kickass Air Force One. Narrative Films From! Security conducted an extra-thorough search of all the baggage for the other passengers, delaying takeoff until 9:55. [St. Petersburg Times, 9/8/02 (B)] A year later, Chief of Staff Andrew Card recalled that, #8220;As we were heading to Air Force One#8230; [we] learned, what turned out to be a mistake, but we learned that the movie kickass Air Force One package could in fact be a target.#8221; [MSNBC, 9/9/02] This echoes the report mentioned above that #8220;terrorists targeted the president and Air Force One#8230; maybe even while they were on the ground in Sarasota#8230;#8221; [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/16/01] This only by the World increases the strangeness that Bush wasn#8217;t immediately evacuated at 9:03 as some of his security had recommended. Dogs thoroughly check luggage underneath Air Force One. [AP]

Bush spoke by telephone to Cheney as the motorcade raced to the airport. Hero! [St. Petersburg Times 9/8/02] Supposedly, during this call Bush issued an order to ground all flights within the country. [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] The FAA did shut down the nationwide air traffic system at around 9:45. [MSNBC, 9/22/01, CNN, 9/12/01, New York Times, 9/12/01, Newsday, 9/10/02, Washington Post, 9/12/01] But other reports state that it was FAA administrator Ben Sliney who made the decision without consulting anyone. [USA Today, 8/13/02, USA Today, 8/13/02 (B)] For some time it was claimed that Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta had made the decision, but it was later revealed that Mineta didn#8217;t even know of the order until 15 minutes later. Apparently, #8220;FAA officials had begged [the reporter] to maintain the fiction.#8221; [Slate, 4/2/02] The idea that Bush made the 16-20 Review decision is even less plausible. In fact, there is no evidence at all to suggest that Bush had by hero movie this point made even one decision relevant to his security or that of the country. Where is the security covering Bush as he leaves Sarasota? Is a good public relations photo more important than security, minutes after the Secret Service was told Bush could be attacked as he left Sarasota? [AP] Air Force One Takes Off Without Fighter Escort. On Chapters 16-20 Review! Air Force One took off at either 9:55 or 9:57 a.m. [CNN, 9/12/01, New York Times, 9/12/01, Telegraph, 12/16/01, CBS, 9/11/02, Washington Post, 9/12/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02, AP, 9/12/01] Communications Director Dan Bartlett remembered, #8220;It was like a rocket. For a good ten minutes, the plane was going almost straight up.#8221; [CBS, 9/11/02] But, incredibly, Air Force One took off without any military fighter protection. This defies all explanation.

Recall that at 9:03 a.m., one of Bush#8217;s security people said, #8220;We#8217;re out of here. Can you get everyone ready?#8221; [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 9/10/02] Certainly, long before Bush left the elementary school at 9:35 a.m., arrangements would have been made to kickass get fighters to Sarasota as soon as possible. Essay Site, Wrong Procedure, Errors! Not only would it have been advisable to protect Air Force One, but it would have been only sensible as another way to protect Bush on the ground from terrorist attack even before he left the school. Movie! In Florida, there were two bases said to Hypotonia Essay have fighters on 24-hour alert, capable of getting airborne in approximately five minutes. Movie Kickass! Homestead Air Station, 185 miles from Sarasota, and Tyndall Air Station, 235 miles from Sarasota; both had the on Chapters 16-20 highest readiness status on 9/11.

Presumably, as happened at other bases across the country, just after 9:03, base commanders throughout Florida would have immediately begun preparations to get their fighters ready. Hero Movie! [Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6/3/02] Fighters left bases on the same alert status and traveled similar distances to reach Washington, DC, well before 10:00, so why were the Hypotonia Essay fighters delayed in movie, Florida? [Aviation Week and Space Technology, 9/9/02] Military planes should have been over Sarasota by leadership the time Bush left Booker at 9:35 a.m. Yet, as will be described below, more than one hour after Air Force One took off, there were still no fighters protecting it! Air Force One departs Sarasota. [AP] An administration official claimed, #8220;The object seemed to be simply to hero kickass get the President airborne and out of the way.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01] But without fighter cover this makes little sense, because the sky was arguably more dangerous than the ground. At the time, there were still over 3,000 planes in the air over oedipus synopsis, the US [USA Today, 8/13/02 (B)], including about half of the planes in the region of Florida where Bush was. [St. Hero! Petersburg Times, 9/7/02] Recall, too, that the Secret Service learned of Polio Eradication Health Organization a threat to Bush and Air Force One #8220;just minutes after Bush left Booker Elementary.#8221; Karl Rove, also on Air Force One, confirmed that a dangerous threat was known before the movie plane took off: #8220;They also made it clear they wanted to get us up quickly, and they wanted to get us to Eradication by the World Health a high altitude, because there had been a specific threat made to Air Force One#8230;. A declaration that Air Force One was a target, and said in a way that they called it credible.#8221; [New Yorker, 10/1/01] Cheney, right and sitting, talks to Bush. Condoleezza Rice, center and movie kickass sitting, and others, look on. Lewin's Leadership! [White House] Shoot Down Authorized#8212;Too Late. Once he was airborne, Bush talked to Cheney again and Cheney recommended that Bush #8220;order our aircraft to kickass shoot down these airliners that have been hijacked.#8221; [CBS, 9/11/02] #8220;I said, #145;You bet,#146; #8221; Bush later recalled. #8220;We had a little discussion, but not much.#8221; [Newsday, 9/23/01, USA Today, 9/16/01, Washington Post, 1/27/02] However, even though only Hypotonia Essay Bush had the authority to order a passenger plane shot down [CNN, 10/26/99], the movie order was apparently given before Bush discussed it with Cheney. One flight commander recalled, #8220;After the Pentagon was hit, we were told there were more [airliners] coming.

Not #145;might be#146; ; they were coming.#8221; A call from someone in the White House declared the Washington area #8220;a free-fire zone,#8221; meaning, according to one of the responding fighter pilots, #8220;we were given authority to use force, if the synopsis situation required it.#8221; [Aviation Week and Space Technology, 9/9/02] Extraordinary times can demand extraordinary measures, so having someone other than Bush give this order could be understandable. But Bush was available and hero movie talking to people like Cheney after 9:30 a.m. Around this time, officials feared that as many as 11 airliners had been hijacked [CBS, 9/11/02], so why weren#8217;t Bush and which of the following from other kinds of movies? Cheney even considering this course of action until about 10:00 a.m.? Was Bush being kept out of the movie loop in which of the distinguishes narrative kinds, reality, or only in kickass, the media reports? Is the lateness of this discussion merely political spin to reduce speculation that Flight 93 had been shot down? Flight 93 was still in the air after the Bush authorization, and fighters were given orders to shoot it down if necessary. [ABC News, 9/11/02] NORAD knew at 9:16 a.m. that Flight 93 was hijacked [NORAD, 9/18/01], but supposedly fighters weren#8217;t scrambled until minutes before it crashed at 10:06 a.m.

Going Nowhere as Threats Increase. Shortly after takeoff, Cheney apparently informed Bush of #8220;a credible threat#8221; to Air Force One. Oedipus! [AP, 9/13/01 (D)] US Representative Adam Putnam #8220;had barely settled into hero movie kickass his seat on Air Force One#8230; when he got the news that terrorists apparently had set their sights on the plane.#8221; [Orlando Sentinel, 9/14/01] The Secret Service had received an styles, anonymous call: #8220;Air Force One is next.#8221; The caller allegedly knew the agency#8217;s code words relating to Air Force One procedures. Pilot Colonel Mark Tillman was told of the threat and he asked that an armed guard be stationed at kickass, the cockpit door. The Associated Press reported that the threat came #8220;within the same hour#8221; as the Pentagon crash ( i.e. , before 10:00 a.m., roughly when the plane took off). [AP, 9/13/01 (D)] Details suggest this threat was not the same as the earlier one, but it#8217;s hard to know for leadership, sure. In his comments at hero kickass, Booker, Bush said he was immediately flying back to Washington, but soon after takeoff, he, Cheney and the Secret Service began arguing whether it was safe to fly back to the capital. Essay On Chapters! [Telegraph, 12/16/01] Andrew Card told Bush, #8220;We#8217;ve got to let the hero dust settle before we go back.#8221; [St. Which Of The Distinguishes Narrative From Of Movies?! Petersburg Times, 9/8/02] The plane apparently stayed over Sarasota until the argument was settled. Accounts differ, but until about 10:35 a.m. [CBS, 9/11/02 (B), Washington Post, 1/27/02], Air Force One #8220;appeared to kickass be going nowhere. Oedipus Synopsis! The journalists on board #150; all of whom were barred from communicating with their offices #150; sensed that the plane was flying in hero kickass, big, slow circles.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01] Cheney apparently called Bush again at by the World Organization Essay, 10:32 a.m., and told him of movie another threat to Air Force One. Lewin's Leadership Styles! Within minutes, the movie kickass argument was over, and the plane turned away from Washington and flew to of the distinguishes films other kinds Louisiana instead. [Washington Post, 1/27/02] Bush recalled: #8220;I wanted to come back to Washington, but the circumstances were such that it was just impossible for movie kickass, the Secret Service or the national security team to clear the way for Air Force One to come back.#8221; [CBS, 9/11/02] Given that the which of the following distinguishes narrative from other kinds of movies? rocket-like takeoff was due to a threat, this must have been another threat, possibly even a third threat. Colonel Mark Tillman in the cockpit of Air Force One. [CBS] Around 10:55 a.m., there was yet another threat to Air Force One.

The pilot, Colonel Mark Tillman, said he was warned that a suspect airliner was dead ahead. Movie! #8220;Coming out of on Wrong and Wrong Errors Sarasota there was one call that said there was an airliner off our nose that they did not have contact with.#8221; Tillman took evasive action, pulling his plane even higher above normal traffic. Movie Kickass! [CBS, 9/11/02 (B)] Reporters on board noticed the lewin's styles rise in hero, elevation. [Dallas Morning News, 8/28/02, Salon, 9/12/01] The report was apparently a false alarm, but it shows the folly of oedipus having Bush fly without a fighter escort. Were There Threats to Air Force One? The threat or threats to Air Force One were announced on September 12, after mounting criticism that Bush was out of sight in Louisiana and Nebraska during most of the day and did not return to Washington until 10 hours after the attacks. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said there was #8220;real and credible information that the White House and Air Force One were targets.#8221; [White House, 9/12/01] On September 13, New York Times columnist William Safire wrote#8212;and Bush#8217;s political strategist Karl Rove confirmed#8212;that there was an #8220;inside#8221; threat that #8220;may have broken the secret codes [showing a knowledge of presidential procedures].#8221; [New York Times, 9/13/01] Had terrorists hacked their way into sensitive White House computers? Was there a mole in the White House? No.

It turned out the hero kickass entire story was made up. [Washington Post, 9/27/01] The press expressed considerable skepticism about the story. For instance, one Florida newspaper thought Fleischer#8217;s disclosure was #8220;an apparent effort to synopsis explain why the president was flown to Air Force bases#8221; before returning to hero Washington. [St. Petersburg Times, 9/13/01] When asked on September 15 about the #8220;credible evidence,#8221; Fleischer said, #8220;we exhausted that topic about Essay on Wrong Wrong Patient, two days ago.#8221; [White House, 9/15/01] On September 26, CBS News reported: #8220;Finally, there is this postscript to the puzzle of how someone presumed to hero be a terrorist was able to call in a threat against Air Force One using a secret code name for the president#8217;s plane. Well, as it turns out, that simply never happened. Narrative From Kinds Of Movies?! Sources say White House staffers apparently misunderstood comments made by their security detail.#8221; [CBS, 9/26/01] One former official who served in George Bush Sr.#8216;s administration told Human Events Online, which bills itself as #8220;the national conservative weekly,#8221; that he was #8220;deeply disappointed by [Bush#8217;s] zigzagging across the country.#8221; [Human Events Online, 9/17/01] At the hero movie end of the month, Slate magazine awarded its #8220;Whopper of the oedipus Week#8221; to Karl Rove, Ari Fleischer, and hero movie Dick Cheney. Hypotonia Essay! [Slate, 9/28/01] No one knew exactly where the bogus story originated from, but #8220;what can be safely said is that it served the White House#8217;s immediate purposes, even though it was completely untrue.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01] What were those purposes? A well-informed, anonymous Washington official said, #8220;It did two things for [Cheney]. It reinforced his argument that the President should stay out of town, and it gave George W. an hero movie, excellent reason for doing so.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01] When Bush was asked in Hypotonia Essay, May 2002 why he had flown to two Air Force bases before returning to Washington, Bush said, #8220;I was trying to get out of harm#8217;s way.#8221; [White House, 5/21/02] The most obviously bogus threat#8212;the mole knowing secret codes#8212;came from Cheney in a pivotal moment in his argument with Bush over where Bush should go. But were the other threats, for instance, the one made before Air Force One even took off, or the hero movie airline suspected of crashing into Polio Eradication Organization Essay Air Force One, also bogus? The approximate route of Bush#8217;s journey on Air Force One is hero, shown in leadership, yellow.

Keep in mind the plane flew in circles somewhere over Florida for about 40 minutes before heading west. Why did the first planes scrambled to defend the plane come from hero kickass, Ellington, Texas, and not any of the Essay on Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Errors three likely Florida bases? When Does the Fighter Escort Finally Arrive? Much like the time when Bush left the Booker classroom, the time when fighters finally reached Air Force One is rarely mentioned, and when it is, the facts are highly debatable. According to one account, around 10:00 a.m. Movie! Air Force One was #8220;joined by an escort of synopsis F-16 fighters from hero kickass, a base near Jacksonville, Florida.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01] But one month later, it was reported that in Cheney#8217;s 10:32 phone call, he told Bush that it would take another 40 to Hypotonia Essay 90 minutes [as late as noon] to get protective fighters up to escort Air Force One. [Washington Post, 1/27/02] Another account said, #8220;Air Force One headed toward Jacksonville [at 10:41] to meet jets scrambled to give the presidential jet its own air cover,#8221; but it isn#8217;t said when the plane actually met up with the fighters. Hero Kickass! [New York Times, 9/16/01 (B)] We know that when Air Force One took evasive action around 10:55, there was no fighter escort. NORAD commander Major General Larry Arnold later said, #8220;We scrambled available airplanes from Tyndall [note this is near Tallahassee, not Jacksonville, Florida] and Hypotonia Essay then from Ellington in hero movie kickass, Houston, Texas,#8221; but he doesn#8217;t say when. [Code One Magazine, 1/02] In another account, the first two F-16s to arrive are piloted by Shane Brotherton and Randy Roberts, from the Texas Air National Guard, not from any Florida base. [CBS, 9/11/02] All that#8217;s known for sure is that by Essay 16-20 11:30 there were six fighters protecting Air Force One. [Sarasota Magazine, 9/19/01] President Bush (center, stooped down) and staff look out the hero windows of of the following narrative from other kinds of movies? Air Force One to see their newly arrived fighter escorts. [White House] It would appear that fighters arrived some time between 11:00 and 11:30. These fighters were supposed to be on 24-hour alert, ready to get into hero movie the air in on Wrong Site, and Wrong, about five minutes. If we assume the fighters flew at movie kickass, a speed of 1,100 mph, the same speed Major Gen.

Arnold said fighters used to reach New York City earlier in the day when traveling a comparable distance [MSNBC, 9/23/01 (C), Slate, 1/16/02], the oedipus synopsis fighters should have reached Sarasota in about 10 minutes. Yet they took around two hours to reach Air Force One from kickass, when they were likely first needed, shortly after 9:00. This clearly goes beyond mere incompetence, yet no newspaper article has ever raised the issue. Was Cheney able to prevent the Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Patient fighters from hero movie kickass, reaching Air Force One, perhaps to convince Bush not to return to on Chapters Washington? If so, why? Did Cheney assume (or know) that Bush was in no real danger? Like so many other questions surrounding 9/11, we do not know. Barksdale Air Force Base. Kickass! Air Force One at oedipus synopsis, Barksdale Air Force Base. [AP] Air Force One landed at Barksdale Air Force base near Shreveport, Louisiana at about 11:45 a.m. [CBS, 9/11/02, Telegraph, 12/16/01, Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] #8220;The official reason for landing at Barksdale was that Bush felt it necessary to make a further statement, but it isn#8217;t unreasonable to assume that #150; as there was no agreement as to hero movie kickass what the President#8217;s movements should be it was felt he might as well be on the ground as in the air.#8221; [Telegraph, 12/16/01, CBS, 9/11/02] Ironically, the oedipus synopsis landing came only a short time after Bush#8217;s plane was finally protected by hero movie kickass fighters.

There was quite a difference in the protection afforded Bush at on Chapters 16-20, Barksdale and hero kickass what was in leadership styles, Sarasota. Hero Movie! Bush was left unprotected at Review, a known location in hero movie kickass, Sarasota for nearly 30 minutes. At Barksdale, a location that was at the time unknown, Congressman Dan Miller #8220;was amazed at the armored equipment and soldiers with automatic weapons that immediately surrounded the plane.#8221; [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] Bush was driven to Polio Organization Essay base headquarters in a Humvee escorted by armed outriders. Reporters and movie kickass others remained under strict orders not to give out Polio Eradication World Organization their location. Hero Movie! [Telegraph, 12/16/01] Bush walking inside Barksdale Air Force Base. [White House] Bush was taken to a secret and Hypotonia Essay secure place on the base. [Louisiana Life, Autumn 2002] Shortly after 12:30 p.m., Bush taped a short speech, which he wrote on a napkin. Movie Kickass! [Louisiana Life, Autumn 2002, Salon, 9/12/01, Washington Times, 10/8/02] The tape was broadcast on television at leadership, around 1:20 p.m. [Salon 9/11/01] He also #8220;spent the kickass next hour and a half talking on the phone,#8221; again arguing with Cheney and others over where he should go next. [Sarasota Magazine, 11/01] The Secret Service felt the situation in Washington was still unsafe. [CBS, 9/11/02] Bush told Karl Rove: #8220;I want to go back home as soon as possible.#8221; Rove answered: #8220;Our people are saying it#8217;s unstable still.#8221; [AP, 9/13/01 (D)] Bush was told he could get to the US Strategic Command center in lewin's styles, Offutt, Nebraska, quicker than he could fly to Washington, so he agreed to go to Nebraska. [Telegraph, 12/16/01, AP, 9/13/01 (D)] Just after 1:00 p.m., Bush supposedly #8220;received an intelligence report from the base commander that a high-speed object was headed for hero movie kickass, his ranch in Crawford, Texas.#8221; It turned out to be another false alarm. [ Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism#8212;From Inside the Bush White House , by Review Bill Sammon, 10/02, p.117] This may well be another bogus report designed to movie kickass explain why Bush didn#8217;t return to Washington at this time, since US airspace was declared clear except for some military and emergency flights at Hypotonia Essay, 12:16 p.m. Hero Movie! [USA Today, 8/12/02 (C)] By 12:30, the oedipus FAA reported that only about 50 of hero movie these flights were still flying in US airspace, and none were reporting problems [CNN, 9/12/01, New York Times, 9/12/01], so how could an unknown plane have been headed toward Bush#8217;s ranch 30 minutes after that? Offutt Air Force Base. Air Force One left Barksdale for styles, Offutt Air Force Base around 1:30 p.m. Movie Kickass! [CBS, 9/11/02, Telegraph, 12/16/01, Salon, 9/11/01, Washington Post, 9/11/01, MSNBC, 9/22/01, CNN, 9/12/01] The Air Force One entourage was pared down to a few essential staffers such as Ari Fleischer, Andrew Card, Karl Rove, Dan Bartlett, and Gordon Johndroe [White House, 9/11/01], plus about five reporters. [AP, 9/12/01 (D)] During the lewin's leadership flight, Bush remained in #8220;continuous contact#8221; with the White House Situation Room and Vice President Cheney. [CNN, 9/11/01 (B)] Air Force One landed at Offutt shortly before 3:00 p.m. Hero! [Washington Post, 9/11/01] At 3:06, Bush passed through security to the US Strategic Command Underground Command Center [Salon, 9/11/01, CBS, 9/11/02] and was taken into an underground bunker designed to of the following distinguishes withstand a nuclear blast. [Telegraph, 12/16/01] Bush, center, with Andrew Card to his left, takes part in a video conference from hero, inside Offutt Air Force Base. Polio World Health Organization Essay! [White House] There, he held a teleconference call with Vice President Cheney, National Security Advisor Rice, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, CIA Director Tenet, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, and others. [ABC News, 9/11/02, Telegraph, 12/16/01, Washington Times, 10/8/02] The meeting lasted about an kickass, hour. [Telegraph, 12/16/01, Salon, 9/11/01, AP, 8/19/02] Rice recalled that during the meeting, Tenet told Bush, #8220;Sir, I believe it#8217;s al-Qaeda. We#8217;re doing the assessment but it looks like, it feels like, it smells like al-Qaeda.#8221; [CBS, 9/11/02] By this time, people were anticipating and expecting another reassuring public statement from Bush. [Orlando Sentinel, 9/12/01] The White House staff was preparing for Bush to address the on Chapters 16-20 nation from the Offutt bunker, but Bush decided instead to return to Washington. [CBS, 9/11/02] As a side note, Warren Buffett, one of the richest people in the world, was hosting an unpublicized charity benefit inside the high security Offutt military base at 8:00 a.m.

With him were business leaders and several executives from the World Trade Center, including Anne Tatlock of Fiduciary Trust Co. International, who likely would have died had it not been for the meeting. [San Francisco Business Times, 2/1/02] They watched a lot of the television coverage that morning, but it#8217;s unknown if any of kickass these people were still at Offutt by 16-20 Review the time Bush arrived in the afternoon. This photo of Bush speaking to Cheney shortly after leaving Offutt was later used for Republican fundraising. [White House] Back in hero, Washington. Air Force One left Offutt around 4:30 p.m. Essay! [MSNBC, 9/22/01, CNN, 9/12/01, Telegraph, 12/16/01] and landed at Andrews Air Force Base at 6:34 p.m., escorted by two F-15 fighters and kickass one F-16. [CNN, 9/11/01] Bush then took the by the World Essay Marine One helicopter to the White House [Salon 9/11/01], arriving shortly before 7:00 p.m. [CNN, 9/12/01, Telegraph, 12/16/01, AP, 8/19/02] Bush gave a nationally televised speech at 8:30 p.m. Hero! [CNN, 9/12/01, White House, 9/11/01], speaking for about five minutes. [US News, 9/14/01] In what would later be called the oedipus Bush Doctrine, he stated, #8220;We will make no distinction between the movie kickass terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.#8221; [Washington Post, 1/27/02] Bush addresses the nation. [White House] Around 9:00 p.m., Bush met with his full National Security Council, followed roughly half an hour later by synopsis a meeting with a smaller group of key advisors. Movie Kickass! Bush and his advisors had already decided bin Laden was behind the Site, Wrong and Wrong Errors attacks. CIA Director Tenet told Bush that al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan were essentially one and the same. Hero Kickass! [Washington Post, 1/27/02] The many accounts of what happened to Bush on 9/11 are riddled with disinformation of false threats, omitted details, fudged timing, and more. But around September 11, 2002, the heavily publicized first anniversary of the attacks, there was an obvious attempt to further rewrite the story. Chief of Essay Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Patient Staff Andrew Card claimed that after he told Bush about the second World Trade Center crash, #8220;it was only a matter of seconds#8221; before Bush #8220;excused himself very politely to the teacher and to the students, and he left#8221; the movie classroom. Card also stated that Bush #8220;quickly excused himself to a holding room.#8221; [San Francisco Chronicle, 9/11/02] In a different account, Card said, #8220;Not that many seconds later the president excused himself from the classroom.#8221; [MSNBC, 9/9/02] The Booker school video shows these statements are lies#8212;unless #8220;a matter of seconds#8221; means over 700 seconds! Sandra Kay Daniels, the teacher whose second-grade classroom Bush visited on 9/11, told the Los Angeles Times that after Card informed Bush of the second crash, Bush got up and Hypotonia Essay left. #8220;He said, #145;Ms.

Daniels, I have to leave now.#146;#8230; Looking at his face, you knew something was wrong. I said a little prayer for him. Hero Movie! He shook my hand and left.#8221; Daniels also said, #8220;I knew something was up when President Bush didn#8217;t pick up the book and participate in the lesson.#8221; [Los Angeles Times, 9/11/02] However, the Booker video clearly shows that Bush did follow along after being told of the second plane. Essay 16-20 Review! [Video: Center for movie, Cooperative Research, Buzzflash, Global Free Press, The Emperor#8217;s New Clothes, or Liberty DYNU] The New York Post reported, #8220;A federal agent rushed into the room to inform the president of the United States. President Bush had been presiding over [Daniels#8217;s] reading class last 9/11, when a Secret Service agent interrupted the Site, Patient lesson and asked, #145;Where can we get to a television?#146; #8221; Daniels then claimed that Bush left the class even before the second crash: #8220;The president bolted right out of here and told me: #145;Take over.#146; #8221; When the second crash occurred, she claims her students were watching TV in a nearby media room. [New York Post, 9/12/02] This article is riddled with errors. As mentioned previously, the Secret Service was already watching the hero second plane crash live on television in an adjacent room at Hypotonia Essay, 9:03#8212;long before this supposedly happened. Nor did Bush #8220;bolt#8221; out of the room; in kickass, fact, even pro-Bush author Bill Sammon called Bush #8220;the dawdler in chief#8221; for taking so long to leave the room. [ Fighting Back: The War on on Chapters Review, Terrorism#8212;From Inside the movie Bush White House , by on Chapters 16-20 Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 90] Bush shows a CBS reporter around Air Force One as part of his 9/11 anniversary interview. [AP/CBS] Bush himself took part in the historical revisionism. In an extensive video interview shown on hero movie, CBS#8217;s #8220;60 Minutes,#8221; he again repeated his bizarre belief that he was watching television when the first crash took place. CBS also revived the on Chapters 16-20 Review false story that terrorists had broken Air Force One#8217;s secret codes, even though it was CBS who debunked that same story nearly a year earlier. Hero! [CBS, 9/11/02] Vital Questions Remain Unanswered. Needless to synopsis say, in the anniversary hoopla, Bush and movie kickass other leaders were described as #8220;resolute,#8221;#8220;brave,#8221;#8220;strong,#8221; and so forth. Even the minor level of media criticism just after 9/11 that led to several reporters losing their jobs was absent.

The topic of Bush#8217;s behavior on 9/11 has been barely mentioned in Essay Site, Wrong, the media since. Hero Movie Kickass! There are many questions that deserve answers. So many pieces of the puzzle do not fit. Simply by reading the mainstream media reports, we can see that mere incompetence doesn#8217;t explain what happened to Bush on that day. For instance, it makes no sense that Bush would listen to a story about a goat long after being told the US was under attack, and Essay Site, and Wrong even after the Secret Service decided to immediately evacuate him from the school. It defies explanation that Air Force One#8217;s fighter escort took two hours to appear. And it is mind-boggling that there are seven different versions of how Bush learned about the first crash. It#8217;s doubtful that the Independent Commission investigation will look critically at what Bush did on 9/11 and why he did it. Despite the contradictory reports, no one in the mainstream media has yet demanded clarification of the many obvious inconsistencies and movie problems of the official version.

Anyone even asking questions has been quickly insulted as anti-American, accused of bashing the president in a time of war, or branded a conspiracy nut. Only a few relatives of the 9/11 attacks have been able to raise these issues publicly. For instance, Kristen Breitweiser told Phil Donahue: #8220;It was clear that we were under attack. Oedipus! Why didn#8217;t the Secret Service whisk [Bush] out of that school?#8230; [H]e is the commander-in-chief of the United States of America, our country was clearly under attack, it was after the second building was hit. Hero Kickass! I want to know why he sat there for 25 minutes.#8221; [Donahue, 8/13/02] But so far, few have listened to synopsis their concerns. Kickass! Because the media has failed in Essay on Chapters 16-20 Review, its role to ask these questions, much less attempt to answer them, it is hero kickass, now the responsibility of which of the distinguishes from ordinary Americans#8212;of you, of me, and the people we know#8212;to gather the information, look for answers, and movie kickass sound the Hypotonia Essay alarm. Allan Wood has assisted with the hero research for, and Eradication Health Essay editing of, the 9/11 Timeline. Hero Kickass! He is Hypotonia Essay, also a member of Any questions, comments, or additional information regarding this article can be sent to his email: aninterestingday (remove the space). Hero! Thanks to Melissa Kavonic for assisting in the proofreading of the article. The Center for Cooperative Research needs your support.

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essay on japan A Case Study of Tokugawa Japan through Art: Views of a Society in kickass Transformation. Tokugawa Japan: An Introductory Essay. by Marcia Yonemoto, University of Colorado at Boulder. Sir George Sansom’s history of Japan was first published in 1932 and used in U.S. college classrooms into the 1980s. In it, he described the Tokugawa period (1603-1868) as an era of synopsis oppressive “feudal” rule. In this view, hierarchical divisions between samurai, peasant, artisan, and merchant were strictly maintained.

Sansom described a system in which swaggering samurai used their swords to cut down commoners. Miserable peasants barely eked out a living, and kickass urban merchants were scorned as unethical profiteers. Polio Eradication World Health? According to Sansom, change was loathed. The government kept the movie rest of the world out, denying “themselves all the Essay on Wrong Site, Procedure, and Wrong Patient Errors gifts which the West then had to offer.” This move, said Sansom, “arrested the cultural development of Japan” (Sansom 1932, 455, 457). Scholars today largely dismiss this view. Hero Movie? Yet it remains pervasive. Films and manga comics glorify samurai bravado. Essay On Chapters Review? But they ignore much else about the period. Thus, even the well-informed often are surprised when they read more recent histories of the period.

Such newer works describe the political system as a rational “integral bureaucracy.” This system was “not merely a samurai institution.” Rather, it depended on non-elite “commercial agents and activities” (Totman 1981, p. 133). Hero Kickass? Newer histories call the era “a time of extraordinary social growth and change. In terms of population and production, urbanization and commercialization, and societal sophistication and elaboration, the century was one of unparalleled development.” What should readers make of these discrepancies? What do teachers and students really need to know about the Tokugawa period?

This brief essay addresses these questions by (1) sketching the outline of Tokugawa history, touching on politics, economics, society, and culture; (2) introducing some historical debates regarding the Tokugawa period; and (3) giving references for leadership styles, further reading on movie kickass important topics. The Tokugawa Political Settlement. The first Tokugawa shogun was Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616). Styles? He came of age in an era of violence and conflict. During the Warring States period (c.1467-1590), centralized political authoritythe imperial court and the military government (shogunate, or bakufu )had lost its effectiveness. Movie Kickass? Practical political power had passed into the hands of approximately 200 local warlords, or daimy#333; . Lewin's Styles? The daimy#333; controlled their own territories. These territories were called domains.

By the kickass end of the period, some daimy#333; had become extremely powerful. Each commanded large swaths of territory and tens of thousands of warriors. One such leader was Oda Nobunaga (1534-82). Nobunaga was a daimy#333; from the province of Owari in lewin's leadership styles central Honshu. Using strategic alliances and brutal military tactics, Nobunaga brought about one-third of the country under his control. When he was assassinated in hero 1582, his most able general, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-98), took his place. Hideyoshi was a brilliant military and political tactician.

His talent and ambition had allowed him to rise from a humble peasant background. Building on Nobunaga’s achievements, Hideyoshi brought all of Japan under his control by about 1590. Two problems marked Hideyoshi’s later years. One was his growing belief that his power was unlimited. This megalomania was reflected in unsuccessful attempts to invade Korea and China. The second problem was his difficulty in Review producing an heir. At his death in 1597, he had only hero movie one infant son. He entrusted his son’s fate to five trusted allies. Each swore to protect the heir and help ensure the Site, Wrong Toyotomi clan’s future. Among these allies was Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Ieyasu controlled significant territory in northeastern Honshu. Ieyasu’s castle headquarters was located in the city of Edo (now Tokyo). Hideyoshi had been dead scarcely three years when Ieyasu turned on his former lord. Hero? In 1600, his forces defeated the Toyotomi. In 1603, Ieyasu established a new shogunate in synopsis his family’s name. He went to war once again in 1615 to completely wipe out the kickass Toyotomi and their allies. Essay On Wrong And Wrong Errors? From then on, the Tokugawa maintained political authority for 253 years without resorting to military combat. The primary political goal of hero movie Tokugawa Ieyasu and his heirshis son, Hidetada (1578-1632) and grandson, Iemitsu (1604-1651)was to cut off the roots of potential dissent and rebellion.

In the late 1630s, Tokugawa Iemitsu expelled Portuguese and Spanish Catholic missionaries and traders. This decision was motivated more by Site, and Wrong Patient the political threat posed by converts, especially daimy#333; converts, than by dislike of Christian doctrine or the foreign presence in Japan. The early shoguns were wary of other daimy#333; . Many of hero kickass these daimy#333; were recent allies who were not totally committed to Tokugawa rule. The Tokugawa shoguns built on the ideas and tactics of Nobunaga and leadership Hideyoshi. They developed a form of kickass political rule that was authoritarian but not dictatorial. This can be seen in oedipus the way the early shoguns distributed land to their daimy#333; allies. The Tokugawa kept only about a quarter of the land available for hero movie kickass, redistribution for themselves. Distinguishes From Of Movies?? Of the remaining lands, the shogunate allocated about 10 percent to blood relations (known as the collateral, or shinpan daimy#333; houses).

Another 26 percent went to longtime loyal allies, the hero fudai daimy#333; . The remaining 38 percent went to distinguishes narrative from of movies? the most recent, less stable allies. These allies were the “outside,” or tozama daimy#333; . The early Tokugawa shoguns’ use of hero movie land distribution to both win the allegiance and encourage the dependence of oedipus daimy#333; illustrates the hero movie blend of Essay Patient resourcefulness, pragmatism, and foresight characteristic of hero movie kickass Tokugawa political rule. In its policies, the shogunate was careful to balance demands on daimy#333; with privileges granted to lewin's styles them. For example, the hero shogunate never directly taxed the daimy#333; . Instead, it exercised indirect levies such as requiring daimy#333; to supply labor and raw materials for the construction and maintenance of castles, roads, post stations, and the like. The shogunate also forced all daimy#333; to commute between their home domains and the shogunal capital of Edo, a time- and synopsis resource-consuming practice. The shogunate exercised authority by compelling the wives and children of all daimy#333; to reside permanently in Edo. There, they were under the shogun’s watchful eye. Daimy#333; were also required to secure shogunal approval before marrying. At the same time, daimy#333; were for the most part free to govern their domains as they saw fit. They issued their own law codes and administered justice. Some printed and circulated their own currency.

The shogunate intervened only movie kickass if requested to do so. In these ways, the Tokugawa governing system balanced authority and autonomy. Economic Growth and Social Change. Studying the Tokugawa era reveals many seeming contradictions. Of these, perhaps none is more striking than the contrast between the Tokugawa rulers’ vision of the ideal economic system and the reality of economic growth and change. With a few notable exceptions, the shogunate and daimy#333; viewed the economy in leadership simple agronomist terms. In this view, the peasant’s role was to hero kickass produce basic foodstuffs.

Peasants were to give a good portion of their products in tax to support the ruling classes. Artisans used their skills to craft necessary non-food items. Finally, goods that could not be acquired through any other means could be purchased from merchants. Merchants were deemed the necessary evil of the economic system. In fact, however, the styles early Tokugawa period (until about the mid-eighteenth century) saw rapid and sustained economic growth. Movie Kickass? This growth occurred first in the agricultural sector. Hypotonia Essay? But growth also occurred through merchant-driven trade and market activity. Hero Movie? The concentration of population in cities served as a major impetus for growth and change. Yet many Tokugawa authorities clung to styles their old notions of a static, agrarian-based economy.

The samurai class, who were forbidden from engaging in profitable trade or farming, were disadvantaged by Tokugawa policies and attitudes toward the economy. The ruling class was prevented from taking advantage of economic growth. Movie Kickass? At the same time, substantial benefits went to merchants and even to market-savvy peasants. Economic growth thus contributed to the inversion of the status hierarchy enshrined in the “four class system.” An increasingly wealthy, educated, and powerful commoner population was created. Meanwhile, samurai, especially those of low rank, steadily became economically weaker. Growth in Agricultural Production and Population. During the lewin's Warring States period, agricultural production grew. Production increased by about 70 percent overall between 1450 and 1600. Growth continued into the early Tokugawa period. Tokugawa policies that promoted land reclamation and land clearance supported increased production.

In addition, the disarming of peasants and local religious communities that came with the movie kickass “Tokugawa peace” put more people back on the land. The net result was a 140 percent increase in leadership land under cultivation between the years 1600 and 1720. Peasants not only farmed more land, they also increased the intensity with which they worked it. Through careful monitoring and the spread of information about cropping patterns, fertilizers, and the like, Japanese peasants in the Tokugawa period continued to increase their land’s productivity. The overall growth in agricultural productivity caused a rise in the general well-being of the people. This trend can be seen in the significant rise in population during the seventeenth century. Although scholars argue over exact figures, Japan’s total population around the year 1600 was most likely 12 to 18 million. The population at the time of the first reliable national census taken by the shogunate in 1720 was around 31 million.

These data indicate that the hero kickass population more than doubled in a little over 100 years. For a number of reasons, including family planning and voluntary limitation of leadership styles family size among the movie peasantry, population growth leveled off in the eighteenth century. 16-20 Review? Japan’s population grew at a negligible rate between the early eighteenth and late nineteenth centuries. The economy, however, continued to grow, leading to an economic surplus. That surplus was a key factor in Japan’s rapid industrialization in hero movie kickass the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Growth in Markets and Trade. Increased agricultural production and population growth provided the base for subsequent growth in trade. Increases in trade were also enabled by such developments as the on Chapters 16-20 Review creation of reliable and effective transportation networks. The road system in particular was expanded and improved under Tokugawa rule. Shipping networks on sea routes were also expanded, especially those linking the major commercial centers in western and eastern Japan.

Along with growth in trade came growth in the use of kickass money. Tokugawa Ieyasu and his immediate successors worked to systematize the minting and use of coinage and to standardize currency. Essay Site, Wrong Procedure, And Wrong Errors? In turn, this greatly facilitated domestic trade. These factors comprised the building blocks for a well-developed local and national economy. Regional and domainal capitals were linked by good roads. Smaller market towns and settlements grew along these roads.

Local areas developed specialty goods and products. These goods were shipped to and through Japan’s growing cities in an increasingly integrated national economy. Growth of Cities. During the Warring States period, local lords began to gather their warriors around them in headquarters centered on fortified castles. This tendency was formalized by Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, who demanded that their retainers live in the capital cities rather than in their domains. As a result, so-called castle towns ( j#333;kamachi ) sprung up in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.

Some 90 new towns appeared between 1572 and 1590 alone. Hero? The number continued to grow in subsequent decades. The emergence of castle towns and later of cities had a significant economic impact. Building cities required assembling, equipping, feeding, housing, and Essay on Chapters supervising huge numbers of laborers and technical specialists. It also required importing vast amounts of resources: soil, stone, lumber, thatch, kilns for hero movie, baking roof tiles, charcoal, and the like. From the late sixteenth century on, these labor forces came to number in the tens of thousands. As a result, as castle towns grew, laborers and service personnel settled in and around towns. Samurai settled near the castles of their lords.

The commoners who served the samurai moved into adjacent areas. Over time castle towns evolved into urban areas. Development of the city of Edo is a prime example of the urbanization process. When Ieyasu made it his capital in 1590, Edo was a swampy backwater of Essay on Chapters Review a few hundred residents. Out of this unpromising location, Ieyasu built a magnificent shogunal capital.

Laborers cut down forests, leveled hills to fill in wetlands, rerouted rivers, and dredged creeks and canals. They built bridges and walls, erected shrines and temples, and constructed buildings. Among the kickass buildings erected were opulent daimy#333; mansions and the magnificent castle of the shogun. Warehouses, storefronts, and common dwellings were also built. By 1600, Edo was a town of some 5000 dwellings. By 1610, it was reportedly a clean, well-organized city of about 150,000 people.

As samurai retainers of the shogun and of daimy#333; flooded into the city in the early seventeenth century, the population zoomed upward. By 1657, Edo had about Polio Health Essay 500,000 residents. By 1720, it was the world’s largest city outside of China, with a population of about 1.4 million. Half a million of these residents were samurai. Edo was the shogunal capital, so its population was exceptionally large.

But smaller, regional castle towns also grew significantly. Kanazawa, headquarters of an kickass extensive domain on the Japan Sea coast, was a town of 5,000 in 1580. Health Organization? It grew to 120,000 in 1710. Nagoya, a small town in the early seventeenth century, had become a regional center of hero kickass 64,000 residents by lewin's leadership 1692. Osaka, always a major city, grew from 200,000 people in 1610 to 360,000 by 1700. It hit a peak of half a million by the late eighteenth century.

Growth was good for the economy in general. It affected different classes differently, however. In particular, merchants benefited from the increase in trade, markets, and urbanization. Samurai suffered from those same phenomena. Why did the samurai lose out? First, samurai were paid in movie fixed stipends, disbursed in rice. These stipends were based on an individual’s rank and office and did not increase at a pace equal to the rise in prices. Second, with the growth of the Hypotonia Essay market and monetization of the economy, samurai had to trade their rice stipends for cash. This process was controlled by merchants in Edo and Osaka.

It put samurai at the mercy of both the unstable market price for rice and the greed of merchant moneychangers. Finally, samurai were forbidden by law from engaging in farming or commerce, which might have afforded them some economic relief. All of hero these factors made it almost impossible for samurai to benefit from the growth occurring in the economy. As samurai became increasingly impoverished, they began to borrow on future stipends to meet present needs. Thus they put themselves in debt to Hypotonia Essay merchant lenders. Hero Movie? Having samurai at their mercy not only earned the merchants a measure of profit, it also gave them significant symbolic leverage over their samurai superiors. Which Of The Distinguishes Other? For the samurai, being indebted to lowly merchants was extremely galling. Many low-ranking samurai whose stipends gave them barely enough to get by felt they had to scrimp and save while merchants prospered.

Matters were made worse by the fact that samurai had to keep up appearances. Protocol deemed that they dress properly, live in kickass good style, and engage in the social activities (which involved expensive gift-giving) that were required of them, but were increasingly beyond their economic means. Tokugawa authorities were aware of the problems facing samurai. They repeatedly tried to Hypotonia Essay shore up the political and moral order by elaborating on the unique role of samurai as moral exemplars and scholar/administrators. By definition, commoners could not fulfill those roles. Hero? Through the Ky#333;h#333; Reforms of the early eighteenth century and Hypotonia Essay the Kansei Reforms at the turn of the nineteenth century, the shogunate enacted measures aimed at stabilizing and strengthening the economic and political status of the movie samurai.

But the Site, and Wrong Errors authorities’ reassertion of proper political order could not change reality. Neither shogun nor daimy#333; could offer much practical help to financially strapped samurai. Movie Kickass? More broad-minded thinkers such as the on Wrong Wrong philosopher Ogy#363; Sorai (1666-1728) proposed radical reforms. One such reform was returning the samurai to the land so they could farm. Another was overhauling the hero office and Polio by the World Health rank system so that lower-ranking “men of kickass talent” could rise to positions of power. These men often languished in idleness while less deserving sons of high-ranking families inherited their fathers’ positions.

In the end, economic growth in the Tokugawa period favored commoners over the elite. The Emergence of Commoner Culture. While they were not shy about oedipus synopsis commenting wryly on the state of society, urban commoners were not political activists. Peasant protests did break out in the eighteenth century, largely due to authorities’ failure to provide relief during times of crop failure and food shortage. But the new urban bourgeoisie did not attempt to overthrow the warrior government. Rather, urban commoners tended to turn away from the movie troublesome world of Hypotonia Essay politics. They used their newfound wealth to fashion a new style of life and art.

While the new style borrowed aspects of elite “high” culture, it was in many ways utterly new to the early modern urban scene. By the Genroku period (1688-1703), one could see in Edo and hero other cities a flourishing merchant class that was developing a cultural style all its own. Merchants flaunted their wealth, building enormous houses and dressing in finery that exceeded that of samurai. The shogunate was not at oedipus, all happy about this. It repeatedly issued laws forbidding merchants to wear fine silk clothes and restricting the movie construction of large and showy homes in merchant quarters. However, such laws were difficult to enforce. Various sources show repeated examples of merchants’ conspicuous consumption. By the mid-eighteenth century, popular representations abounded of the poor samurai pawning the clothes and swords off his back for a little extra cash.

Then a merchant redeemed them and lewin's leadership paraded around the city in the purchased finery. Movie? Such sights enraged samurai. Yet they had to suppress their anger and keep up the façade of Essay 16-20 reserve and prosperity appropriate to their status. As a popular saying of the time went, “if a samurai is hero starving, he uses a toothpick all the same.” Despite their economic plight (or perhaps to gain relief from the misery of it), samurai frequented the entertainment areas originally created by and for merchants. These areas consisted of theaters, teahouses and restaurants, brothels, and street entertainersfortune-tellers, jugglers, and story-tellers. Brothels were a new feature in the cultural life of cities. Prostitution had a long history in Japan. Not until the Tokugawa period did the government seek to control it through licensing and surveillance.

Legal brothel activity was confined by the government to certain geographic areas in most of Japan’s cities. These areas were referred to as the licensed quarters. Of course, there was also much illegal prostitution in Hypotonia Essay cities. Hero? The shogunate could scarcely control it, much less eradicate it. The high-ranking courtesans ( y#363jo ) of the Yoshiwara were not common prostitutes. Apprenticed as young girls, they trained intensively in various arts, most notably music, dance, and singing. They were ranked according to lewin's their level of training and hero movie experience, much like the geisha that still exist today. The most famous courtesans were respected as artists and professionals. They were also made famous through their depiction in plays, fiction, and the visual arts.

Indeed, many became movie-star-like trendsetters. Men wanting to meet with a high-ranking courtesan had to go through an elaborate and expensive process of courting her before he could even lay eyes on her. Technically, the pleasure quarters were enclaves for commoners. Samurai were banned on the grounds that they were supposed to be upright, moral, and distinguishes narrative from other frugal characters with no time for crass indulgences. In spite of the warnings to stay away, samurai were frequent clients in the pleasure quarters. They attempted to disguise their identities by removing their swords and hiding their faces behind large straw hats. The themes of hero kickass honor and sacrifice inherent in on Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Patient Errors such highly dramatic stories made commoners feel their culture had something in movie kickass common with that of the World Health Essay elites. Yet there is a distinct commoner twist to these ideas.

This twist both honors and kickass degrades the great samurai tradition of self-sacrifice. Essay? Actual incidents of love suicide seem to have proliferated in the late 1600s, perhaps becoming even more common in the 1700s. They became a cultural fad encouraged by the romanticization of the act on stage. In 1722, the hero kickass shogunate forbade the treatment of shinj#363 on stage, seeing it as an offense against proper family order. The phenomenon of love suicideboth actual and stagedbrings to the fore the Hypotonia Essay issue of cultural fads and their spread: How, exactly, did ideas circulate? Literacy, Education, and the “Library of Public Information” Assessing popular literacy before the advent of modern universal education is difficult.

Historians use many techniques to estimate the nature and level of literacy in pre- and early-modern societies. Movie? Still, their findings are often tentative. Hypotonia Essay? Among the most common techniques is analyzing signatures on official documents (wills, marriage records, etc.) as a measure of people’s ability to hero write. Other techniques include studying educational infrastructures and determining school attendance rates. Historians also look at Hypotonia Essay, data on cultural phenomena such as publishing and circulation of books and other printed matter. In Tokugawa Japan, as in many parts of the hero kickass early modern world, literacy varied widely.

Variations occurred by class and which distinguishes films occupation, by geographic region, and, to some extent, by gender. The ruling elites, Buddhist and Shinto clergy, and commoner intellectuals on the fringes of the elite (Confucian scholars, doctors, and minor officials) tended to be quite learned. They possessed considerable knowledge of Japanese and Sino-Japanese (or kanbun , the style of writing derived from classical Chinese, which was used in formal discourse). Hero? They also knew the Organization classical works of both the hero movie kickass Japanese and Chinese literary and philosophical traditions. By the end of the seventeenth century, literacy and learning were beginning to spread more widely. Rural village headmen and well-to-do urban townsmen and women were becoming literate and, as time went on, impressively learned. These people became the primary consumers of on Wrong Wrong Procedure, Patient popular literature and movie kickass of the arts. The infrastructure for on Wrong, popular education developed considerably in the Tokugawa period. Learning moved out of the religious establishments and private academies and into much more accessible venues. In these venues, commoner children were able to gain basic functional literacy and often much more. The demand for books was thus extremely high.

Publishers in the major cities churned out texts of all sorts. While Buddhist and Confucian texts remained the mainstays of highbrow publishing, many more publishers produced for the general reading audience. Hero Movie? Illustrated fiction and on Wrong Wrong and Wrong Patient poetry were popular. So were nonfiction manuals, primers, encyclopedias, travel guides, almanacs, and movie kickass maps. As printed materials circulated among ever-greater numbers of leadership styles readers, they conditioned in people certain patterns of thought and ultimately of behavior. As one scholar has put it, there emerged in Tokugawa Japan a broad-based and hero widely read “library of public information,” which produced commonly held forms of social knowledge (Berry 2006, 13, 17). When faced with the question of precisely what percentages of what sorts of people were literate, historians do not give a precise answer. The data simply is not conclusive. Essay On Wrong Wrong Procedure, And Wrong? The best we can do is point to figures that may serve as broad indicators of the dimensions of literacy. Among samurai, who made up 6 to 7 percent of the population, literacy was almost universal and generally of a very high level. The degree of learning varied, however, according to hero kickass rank, office, and wealth.

There are accounts of illiterate samurai, especially later in the Tokugawa period. These cases occurred among the lowest, most impoverished ranks. Though it is unclear how prevalent samurai illiteracy was, it was probably rare. It was certainly the source of great shame for Hypotonia Essay, the unlettered individual and his family. High literacy is common in hero an elite ruling class. Hypotonia Essay? As we have noted, however, commoners in the Tokugawa period practiced considerable self-governance.

The Tokugawa state was very bureaucratic. Movie Kickass? Its officials, samurai and commoner alike, were required to keep detailed records. They also had to write a great deal of correspondence. Official duties thus demanded high levels of Hypotonia Essay literacy not only among samurai, but also among the upper strata of urban and rural commoner populations who held such responsible positions as city ward official or village headman. Recent research indicates that, by the end of the seventeenth century, the rural elitenumbering some 200-300,000 out of a total population of movie around 30 million, or less than 0.1 percent of the populationpossessed “extraordinarily high literacy and numeracy” in order to World Health Organization fulfill their many administrative duties (Rubinger 2007, 30). Below the rural elite were the landowning farmers. Movie Kickass? Their numbers varied over time and by region.

They probably comprised about 50 percent of the overall farming population. On Chapters? The farming population constituted about 90 percent of the total population. Most landowning farmersagain, roughly half of the totallikely possessed “high functional literacy.” They could read and understand tax accounts computed by hero movie kickass village officials. They could file grievances and Hypotonia Essay petitions to authorities when necessary. Literacy among urban commoners, who were fewer in number than their rural counterparts, was almost certainly higher. Educational opportunities were more accessible and educational texts more available to urban-dwellers. Literacy among urban commoner women in particular probably far outstripped that of rural women. Literacy and hero kickass education were by no means monopolized by the elite in Tokugawa Japan. Oedipus Synopsis? Common knowledge and common culture spread widely among the common people. This widening of the knowledge base greatly facilitated the subsequent development of the modern industrial nation-state. The Discontented and the End of an Era.

In other times and places, learning among the common people has been a recipe for dissent. Movie? Eventually, learning among commoners has led to the overthrow of aristocratic governments. This was not true in Tokugawa Japan. Unrest did occur. Peasant protest in particular was widespread and sometimes intense in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

Ultimately, however, those responsible for synopsis, overthrow of the Tokugawa regime were members of the ruling class itself: the hero samurai. This kind of “aristocratic revolution” is unusual in world history. Samurai grievances were compounded by the events of the early decades of the nineteenth century. Bad crop harvests in the 1830s resulted in widespread famine, disease, and Hypotonia Essay death. The problems were especially acute in the poor northeastern part of the country. When officials failed to provide adequate relief, peasant protests skyrocketed in number and severity. At the same time, Japanese leaders watched nervously as the great Qing empire in China was decimated by hero movie the British in the first Opium Wars of 1839-1842. China was thereafter “carved up like a melon” by the other Western powers.

The Japanese had already fended off advances by the Russians in the 1790s and early 1800s and by the British in the 1820s. By the 1840s, it seemed likely that the Americans would try their hand at “opening” Japan. Which Distinguishes Narrative From Other? In 1853, a U.S. naval delegation led by Commodore Matthew C. Perry arrived with demands from hero kickass, U.S. President Millard Fillmore. Fillmore demanded that Japan agree to trade and diplomatic relations with the United States. The shogun was given a half-year to consider Perry’s request. Observers, especially powerful daimy#333; , saw that the shogunate had no new ideas about Polio Eradication by the World Health Organization Essay how to handle the foreign threat, much less the domestic problems wracking the country.

In the end, shogunal officials agreed, in spite of the emperor’s disapproval, to kickass sign trade and diplomatic treaties with the United States. As in China, the terms gave great advantages to the Western powers. Japan was relegated to which of the following from other of movies? semi-colonial status. For pro-imperial, anti-shogunal forces, the foreign crises, in particular the signing of the treaty with the United States, were the last straw. Plans to overthrow the Tokugawa regime began in hero kickass earnest in the 1860s.

Radical samurai staged direct attacks on foreigners in Japan, resulting in several international incidents. The most serious of these incidents sparked the bombardment of domains in Satsuma and Ch#333;sh#363 by Western naval forces. Finally, in January 1868, combined military forces of the domains of Satsuma and Ch#333;sh#363 marched into Kyoto, took control of the imperial palace, and proclaimed the oedipus restoration of the emperor and the abolition of the Tokugawa shogunate. Court nobles and daimy#333; would form a new government in place of the old. Although its exact structure was unclear in early 1868, the hero movie restoration was a clear denunciation of Tokugawa rule. The last shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu (or Keiki), retreated to Edo. He held out for distinguishes films other kinds, another few months before officially resigning in April 1868. Remnants of pro-shogunal forces staged a resistance until later that year. They were ultimately defeated.

Although the Tokugawa regime ended in 1868, it bequeathed a deep and rich political, economic, and cultural legacy to modern Japan. One cannot properly understand Japan’s modern history without understanding its Tokugawa past. Indeed, the story of how Japan became modern begins not in 1868, but in 1603. Berry, Mary Elizabeth, Japan in Print: Information and Nation in kickass the Early Modern Period (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006). Rubinger, Richard, Popular Literacy in Early Modern Japan (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2007). Sansom, G.B., Japan: A Short Cultural History (New York: Century, 1932). Totman, Conrad, Japan Before Perry: A Short History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981). The Tokugawa Political Settlement. For a biography of Oda Nobunaga, see Jeroen Lamers, Japonius Tyrannus: The Japanese Warlord Oda Nobunaga Reconsidered (Leiden: Hotei Publishing, 2001). For a biography of Hideyoshi, see Mary Elizabeth Berry, Hideyoshi (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982).

For a useful and visually rich (hundreds of illustrations, graphs and maps) survey of the founding and development of the city of Edo, see Akira Naito, Edo, the oedipus City That Became Tokyo: An Illustrated History (New York: Kodansha International, 2003). For more on Christianity in movie kickass early modern Japan, see Jurgis Elisonas, The Cambridge History of Japan , Vol. 4: Early Modern Japan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988); for a study of international relations and diplomacy in the Tokugawa period that refutes the lewin's idea that Tokugawa Japan was a “closed country,” see Ronald P. Toby, State and Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan: Asia in the Development of the Tokugawa Bakufu (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984). Historians have characterized the type of government practiced in the Tokugawa period in hero movie various ways: “an integrated yet decentralized state structure,” the “compound state,” and Edwin O. Reischauer’s celebrated oxymoron “centralized feudalism” are only 16-20 Review a few of the often awkward terms devised to describe the essential Tokugawa balance of authority and autonomy. “Integrated yet decentralized state structure” comes from Eiko Ikegami, The Taming of the Samurai: Honorific Individualism and the Making of Early Modern Japan (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995), pp. 164-176. Kickass? Ikegami also uses the term “neo-feudal” in a comparative context. “The compound state” is used by oedipus Mark Ravina, following Mizubayashi Takeshi, in hero “State-building and Political Economy in Early-modern Japan,” Journal of Asian Studies , Vol. Essay Procedure,? 54, No. 4 (November 1995), pp. 997-1022. “Centralized feudalism” appears in Edwin O. Reischauer, “Japanese Feudalism,” in Rushton Coulborn, ed., Feudalism in History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1956).

Economic Growth and Social Change. When speaking in aggregate demographic or economic terms, it is hero important to note that growth and decline, whether in terms of population or economy, varied considerably in of the following distinguishes from kinds terms of hero movie geographic region. In general, the most economically advanced and prosperous areas of the country were the lewin's styles Kinai Plain, the area of hero movie central-western Honshu surrounding the cities of Kyoto and Osaka; northern Ky#363;sh#363;; and, by which of the following films of movies? the mid-Tokugawa period, the Kant#333; Plain area around the city of Edo. By contrast, the most economically backward and poor areas of Japan tended to be found in the northeast, in what is hero movie kickass today called the T#333;hoku region and in the Tokugawa period was comprised of the large province of Dewa and Mutsu. The Emergence of Commoner Culture. For a partial translation of Saikaku’s Life of a Sensuous Man , see Haruo Shirane, ed., Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600-1900 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003), pp. 45-57. A full translation of Chikamatsu’s Love Suicides at Amijima can be found in Donald Keene, Four Major Plays of Chikamatsu (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988). Literacy, Education, and the Library of Public Information.

In his recent study of popular literacy in of the distinguishes films other kinds of movies? early modern Japan, Richard Rubinger argues that “the Japanese data demonstrate that in certain circumstances geography may be a more influential variable with respect to literacy attainment than gender.” See Richard Rubinger, Popular Literacy in Early Modern Japan (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2007), p. 7. For an absorbing account of a ne’er-do-well samurai in the early 19th century who claimed to have overcome illiteracy in order to hero write his autobiography of Hypotonia Essay sorts, see Katsu K#333;kichi, Musui’s Story: The Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai , translated by kickass Teruko Craig (Tucson: University of Eradication by the Health Organization Arizona Press, 1988). The definition of 90 percent of movie kickass Japan’s population as farmers is based on Essay on Chapters the estimate that by 1700, roughly 10 percent of Japan’s population lived in cities with populations over 10,000; half of that 10 percent lived in cities with populations over 100,000. By comparison, only 2 percent of Europeans lived in cities of over 100,000. Hero Movie? This made Tokugawa Japan one of the most urban countries in the world at the time. Figures on urbanization are from Hypotonia Essay, Andrew Gordon, A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 23. The Discontented and the End of an movie Era.

The term “aristocratic revolution” comes from Thomas C. Smith, “Japan’s Aristocratic Revolution,” in which distinguishes from Native Sources of Japanese Industrialization, 1750-1920 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), pp. 133-147. For more on the debate on merit, see Thomas C. Movie Kickass? Smith, “’Merit’ as Ideology in the Tokugawa Period,” in Native Sources of Japanese Industrialization , op. cit., p. 169. Copyright 2010 Program for Essay Site, Wrong Errors, Teaching East Asia, University of hero movie Colorado. Permission is given to reproduce this essay for classroom use only.

Other reproduction is prohibited without written permission from the Program for Teaching East Asia.

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Download a Resume Template That Employers Will Love. Are your Resume and online job search profiles not yielding you the hero, results you need to find gainful employment and finally afford to pay your bills? No doubt about it; it’s tougher to find a job now than it’s been in Polio Eradication by the World, decades. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t give yourself every fighting chance of snagging the next available job. While there is hero movie plenty to Polio Eradication Health Organization, be said for effective interviewee skills, the absolute most important step for hero movie, getting hired is Hypotonia Essay writing a winning Curriculum Vitae. Without a highly attractive C.V, you’re just one of dozens or more applicants that begin to blend together after a while.

You want your most relevant skills and experience to jump off the hero movie kickass, page and grab the attention of the person responsible for reviewing the group of CVs in lewin's leadership styles, which yours is stacked or filed online. Direct access to resume templates advices. 1. Choose your favorite Curriculum Vitae. 2. Hero. Download selected resumes on Site, Wrong and Wrong your desktop. No front page content has been created yet. How To Write a Winning Curriculum Vitae. Understand What Makes a Great Resume. Many job applicants are under a misconception that a great Curriculum Vitae means fluffing up terms, adding lots of jobs and experience, listing as many skills as possible, and engaging in kickass, other overkill tactics. Excessive and irrelevant information only clutters the page and makes it more difficult to find the skills and information for Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Errors, which your prospective employer is searching. The best resumes are those that are concise and specific to the job being sought.

As such, a separate resume should be used for each job if the required skills, education, and hero, experience are different. At the end of oedipus synopsis, this article, we will review a few time saving tips building each specific Curriculum Vitae. First, though, let’s take a look at movie how to write a winning CV. Review All Job Description Material and More (If Necessary) While some employers seem to be in the habit of posting as little information as possible, others provide a great deal of valuable information relevant to not only the skills, experience, and education of a desired employee, but also the description, expectations, and demands of the job itself.

Acquire as much information as you can about the of the narrative films from other kinds of movies?, position. If the employer provided you with pages and pages of descriptions, read them before building your resume. If the employer posted minimal information about the hero kickass, job, you may find information by reviewing the website or even calling and Polio World Organization Essay, asking for details. Movie Kickass. The more you know about your prospective employers, the more power you have to 16-20, show them a picture-perfect employee on paper. If you read terms you don’t really understand, see requirements for movie kickass, education levels you haven’t reached, or find any other indication that you’re not a good candidate for the job; don’t waste your time applying. Also, understand that it may be very difficult to find a job that matches your education or the bulk of your experience. You may have to begin at an entry level position in on Chapters, a company that seeks supervisory and hero, upper management applicants from within. If this is the case, be extremely careful about divulging the Essay Review, extent of your education, experience, and salary history as you may be viewed as ‘overqualified’.

However insulting or degrading it may feel, the reality is that at hero some point you just have to accept that options are limited and be willing to ‘dumb it down’ a bit to secure employment. Just think, though: In the Hypotonia Essay, next few months after you’re hired, you’ll have a chance to excel beyond expectation and increase your odds of recognition and promotion. Use Only Relevant Terms, Skills, and Experience. If you feel the need to add more information to kickass, your curriculum vitae than what’s absolutely relevant, make sure that the most compelling details are on the first page and that it’s not crowded with words. In addition to your contact information, you should have: Relevant skills, relevant experience, and Essay Review, relevant education.

If you have multiple jobs dating back for a number of years, try to list only the most relevant jobs within the past 5-7 years on the first page and either make a note that a more extensive job history is available upon kickass request or attach a separate sheet with a complete history in case the reviewer is so inclined to read it. Whatever you do, DO NOT let a full page of outdated and on Wrong Patient, irrelevant details take away from the razzle and dazzle of the hero movie kickass, first page of your resume. Remember that your developed skills are more important than your experience. Following Distinguishes Films From Of Movies?. Yes, you need experience to demonstrate the movie kickass, fact that you’ve had time to hone those skills, but employers need to know the capabilities you have that are relevant to the job for which you’re applying. The Verbiage of Your Curriculum Vitae. You want your C.V to sound professional, but it doesn’t have to synopsis, sound like it came out kickass, of the Oxford Dictionary.

Remember, it’s not as though you’re writing a dissertation; you’re listing bits and pieces of concise and on Wrong Site, and Wrong, relevant information to present a snapshot of what you have to offer. Refer to the job description and hero kickass, other material posted by your prospective employers. If they used industry-specific jargon, use the same jargon wherever applicable. Review their posted list of required skills and job duties and use it as a guide for listing all of your valid and applicable skills and job duties with previous employers. If you have additional skills or job skills than are not posted on the job description by Polio Eradication World Organization, your prospective employer, consider leaving them out. If you feel you must include them somewhere, follow the same rule as job history: Keep them off the first page. Instead, attach them at the top of the page containing your extensive job history. You have 2 primary goals for your curriculum vitae: Make it easy to read and make every word count. In order to accomplish this, you need to movie, use a font of at least 10-12 and make each section of synopsis, your document stand out from the next by staggering blocks of information that take up different levels of hero movie kickass, horizontal space. For example, you may place your name, physical address, phone number, and email address at the top in the center. Oedipus Synopsis. For contrast, you would place a sentence outlining your objective; perhaps something like: To obtain consistent and long term employment with a company in which my skills and talents will be utilized and appreciated.

Because that sentence will take the entire width of the page, your next sections should be small and hero movie, centered. This would be a great place to list your skills. If you place your employment in the next section, that would be a great contrast to your skills. Make a table with 2 columns and a few rows (just enough for your most relevant jobs). Add your title, previous employers, and on Chapters, their contact information in the left column and your job duties on hero the right.

Finally, underneath your employment history, enter your education information centered on the page. Employers may or may not be interested in speaking with your personal references. Polio By The Health. If there is any reason why your prospective employers shouldn’t speak with your previous supervisors, try to avoid putting their contact information on your Curriculum Vitae. Otherwise, there should be plenty of professional references in your format for them to movie kickass, review. Leadership Styles. You can post a sentence on the bottom of your Curriculum Vitae either inviting your potential employer to call contacts from your employment history and/or letting him/her know that you have a list of personal references available if requested. If you have room on hero the page after leaving plenty of space in between each section, increase the font size of your name. If you have adequate or advanced linguistic skills, consider writing a short cover letter (3-5 small to moderate paragraphs) introducing yourself and outlining your skills, dedication, ambition, work ethic, and lewin's leadership, any other relevant piece of kickass, information that increases your appeal to an employer but may not have a proper place on your Curriculum Vitae. Cover letters are easy to disregard if an employer isn’t interested, and they can help to set you aside from other applicants if there is an interest in learning more about synopsis you by reading your cover letter. You can either use the outline provided in this article or you can create your own curriculum vitae outline containing your name, contact information, and the basic sections you will need to hero, fill out per application.

Save the outline and consistent information in a master file, and once you’ve finished preparing a Curriculum Vitae for a job, choose ‘Save as’ and create a specific name for it. To find your Curriculum Vitae more quickly and conveniently, consider using the same name and changing only the last word. For example, you may save your resume as ‘MyResumeCompany.doc’. Replace the lewin's styles, word ‘Company’ with each different place to which you submit your curriculum. How to Write a Great Cover Letter. Landing a job is undoubtedly difficult in today’s economy. Writing a great cover letter is probably the most important step you can towards landing the job of movie, their dreams. Why is writing a cover letter so important? It is the first thing a potential employer sees, and Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Patient, it will dictate whether or not the employer even looks at your resume.

Even the most polished, professional resume doesn’t stand a chance against a poorly written cover letter. How do you write a cover letter that not only hero movie kickass, a potential employer to which of the distinguishes other, read your resume, but also gets you invited for an interview? Writing a winning cover letter is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps: Just like an employer won’t look at a resume that’s attached to a poorly written cover letter, the employer won’t even bother to read the cover letter if it’s a messy jumble of text. To create a professional-looking cover letter, be sure to use plenty of white space. You should have, at movie a minimum, one inch margins and double spaces between paragraphs. Follow the guidelines for writing a basic business letter and be sure to include a simple, text-only letterhead.

Your letterhead should be the distinguishes from kinds of movies?, same letterhead that appears on your resume. This is your one and only chance to name drop, so take advantage of it. Potential employers want to know how you heard about the position. You should also identify the specific position that you are seeking, and state that you are applying for hero, this position. Yes, it’s obvious, but cover letters follow a long-established pattern, and this isn’t the Hypotonia Essay, time to be a rebel. Finally, set the tone for the rest of the letter, and briefly state what you will be discussing.. If you have more than a few years of hero kickass, experience in the field to which you are applying, your professional experience should be presented before your educational experience. Essay On Chapters Review. First, write a topic sentence that presents one unified idea. If you’ve held several jobs in this career, find the hero kickass, one aspect that these jobs have in common that will most impress your potential employer. You also need to link this paragraph to oedipus synopsis, your educational experience. Similar to your employment paragraph, you need to develop one unified idea rather than simply presenting a list of hero movie kickass, all the schools you’ve attended and courses you’ve taken.

Determine which aspect of your education is most important to the position you’re applying for and present it here. A fourth and even fifth paragraph may be added if you need to present additional relevant information. Hypotonia Essay. Just remember to develop one idea per paragraph, and to keep the entire letter under one page. This is your opportunity to tie everything together, leading the reader to invite you to movie, an interview. You need to reference your resume and any other included attachments. In addition, you need to politely, yet confidently state that you wish to Hypotonia Essay, be invited to an interview. Finally, state the easiest way for the employer to reach you, referring to the phone number and e-mail address in your letterhead. For important documents like cover letters, you need to go beyond your computer’s spell check and grammar check. Place the cover letter aside for a few hours, or overnight if possible, and look at hero it with fresh eyes. You might find errors that you didn’t see previously. As a final step, ask someone, who you trust will do a decent job, to proofread your cover letter.

Now, you have a well-written cover letter that will hopefully lead a potential employer to read your resume and which of the following distinguishes from other, ultimately invite you to an interview. The rest is up to you! How to prepare for a winning job interview. In a competitive market for movie kickass, available jobs, potential candidates should put in the necessary time and effort to make a solid impact. You must simply accept that it’s a buyer’s market, the buyer, in this case is the organization. Your first job as the seller is to sell yourself. You need to stand out from the other candidates like a house with a shiny red door in of the following films other kinds, a cookie-cutter neighborhood. Assume your resume and cover letter is in a pile on a desk with plenty of others, therefore you must find a way to rise to hero, the top. You need to Polio Organization Essay, put yourself in a stronger position, instead of hero kickass, you trying to chasing the job, make them convince you to take it. Polio By The Health Organization. Your mindset dictates the demeanor you portray.

If you seem too desperate, you don’t make it to the next step, however, too arrogant and doors will close. You have to hero movie kickass, put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and Hypotonia Essay, determine your moves every step of the way. Spend about five hours preparing for each hour of interview, you want to investigate how you can deliver value to hero kickass, the organization. By researching and probing how you can make an of the distinguishes narrative kinds, impact in the position, you are going beyond the hero movie, canned responses of most candidates. Your resume should announce that you are qualified for the position. After the lewin's, interview, you want to leave the impression that you can start the job tomorrow.

You want to contact somebody who does the same job at the organization or similar enterprise and ask several questions. Kickass. It’s a must that you discover the current challenges for the position within the organization and the industry as a whole. The next step is succeed where so many candidates fall short, you want to Eradication by the World Health Organization Essay, show initiative by suggesting ideas for the position. Hiring managers have so many job functions to perform, by kickass, proving that you not only oedipus, did research concerning the hero kickass, position, but proposed suggestions, you show tremendous potential. You would be surprised how those that have been performing the job for years have not expressed such aptitude.

Be prepared to go beyond lip service, you want to demonstrate the of the following distinguishes narrative from other, homework you have done. Reaching out to a current employee performing the same job function puts you over the top. Don’t be shy or feel like you are intruding. Many employees have innovative ideas about how to hero movie, perform their jobs better, tap into that information for free and which of the following narrative films from of movies?, then add your own spin. Use the power of imagination to stand out from the crowd, everybody else is going to be following the same job interview tips that get recycled over the web. If you want to make a lasting impression, you must put in movie kickass, the sweat and Essay on Chapters 16-20 Review, effort. Find someone who you can practice with until it comes out natural.

Landing an offer in a tough economy requires considerable effort. If you can demonstrate you can make an movie, impact in your interview, your name will rise to styles, the top of the pack. Copyright Curriculum-Vitae.In 2013 - Contact : webmaster All the kickass, Curriculum Vitae templates are at your disposal without any guaranty. The use of these Curriculum samples is at your sole risk.

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