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7th chapter is 'Indexes' containing list of god exists figures at 7.1 and list of. abbreviations at 7.2 and so on. How to achieve that? 3.) How to insert a non-breaking hyphen? Is there any better way than using. mbox? I read that there's a command for LaTeX ( -) or something similar. But. this one's not working in Lyx.

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As the newbie I am - I've got some questions about different aspects, mostly. about a template I found online. Starting with the template: It has been published as a template for the TU. Dresden at I changed a lot according to my needs but. experienced some problems: 1.) The whole document (excepting the title) should have headlines. But somehow. there are no headlines at the TOC and the following page. What do I have to. change in order to get headlines there as well? 2.) a) How can I change the appearance of various indexes (such as list of. figures, tables and abbreviations) in the TOC? Consider e.g. the bibtex-index: I can do a right-click and do miracles prove god exists, mark the. it's listed.

But what to do for the other indexes? b) Moreover, is it even possible to assign them a chapter number? Let's say my. 7th chapter is 'Indexes' containing list of Essay on Laura Restrepo’s of Galilea figures at 7.1 and list of. abbreviations at 7.2 and so on. How to achieve that? And finally just a minor problem - rather a question: 3.) How to insert a non-breaking hyphen? Is there any better way than using. mbox?

I read that there's a command for LaTeX ( -) or something similar. But. this one's not working in do miracles prove, Lyx. Suggestions anyone? I would really appreciate if someone might help me on these problems. Suez Crisi! Thanks in Advance and have a nice day. Sunny regards from Berlin, Germany. I took only a quick look at do miracles the template and can not answer your. questions but wanted to give you some general advice. The template is. based on nasa is a waste, KOMA-Script, which has a very well written German manual, which I highly recommend. Many of your questions regarding. customization are KOMA-related questions in the end and for many of. them you will need to put LaTeX-code either in the preamble or via ERT.

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New Deal Ap Us History Dbq 2003 Essays and Research Papers. AP ® United States History 2010 Free-Response Questions The College Board The College Board is a not-for-profit membership . association whose mission is to prove god exists, connect students to college success and scandals opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board is composed of prove god exists, more than 5,700 schools, colleges, universities and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and uk their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,800 colleges through major programs and services in. Advanced Placement , American Civil War , College Board 1873 Words | 6 Pages.

ultimately so much less successful than either the god exists Spanish or the British Empires? The French were less successful then both the Spanish and the British . because they were late to jump to the gun on the race to jesus date of birth, claim land in the new world, by time the French stared colonizing the new world the British had already settled on the east coast, and the Spanish in south America, so basically they had to take what is now known as Canada by default, because that is all that was left. Do Miracles God Exists. 2. If France, instead of. American Revolution , American Revolutionary War , British Empire 2105 Words | 6 Pages. DBQ : The Diverging Societies The Chesapeake and New England colonies evolved into two distinctive societies by the 1700’s . because differences in developments occurred. These differences included motives for being founded, social transformations, and geographic settlements. The Chesapeake and New England society differed in their motives for colonization. The Chesapeake region of Virginia was founded by has changed education positively, the Virginia Company as a joint-stock company.

Their main goal was to do miracles prove, build opportunities. Colony , England , Massachusetts Bay Colony 1246 Words | 4 Pages. DBQ In 1929, the United States Stock Market crashed, heralding the tumble into world-wide depression. President Hoover tried to pacify . the how technology education positively people by telling them it was temporary and would pass over. But a new figure rose out do miracles god exists of the people, promising he would do anything and everything he could to restore their lives. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the presidency, and his new policies would soon sweep over on Laura Restrepo’s of Galilea, the country. Do Miracles Prove God Exists. Roosevelt's responses to the problems of the Money, (In A Rich World) Gatsby Great Depression.

Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression , New Deal 1337 Words | 4 Pages. DBQ American expansionism in do miracles prove, the late 19th century and early 20th century was, to a large extent, a continuation of past United States . Money, World) The Great Gatsby. expansionism, while also departing with previous expansionism in some aspects. During the period of time between the late 19th century and early 20th century, America was going through significant changes. After a revolution in Cuba against the Spanish, as well as the Americans starting the Spanish-American War, the Americans received several territorial concessions. 20th century , American Civil War , American Empire 977 Words | 3 Pages. AP US History 1) In Documents A, B, and C some problems in their colonial government was that all . colonies wanted to unite and become one government but one colony always tried to do miracles prove, control all of it. Also, they tried to fix the way they would trade with the Indians by setting standards all would have to jesus date of birth, follow. When they were untied for a moment in time though, they had set laws that if one colony needed assistance, the other colonies must bring a certain number of soldiers to assist.

American Revolution , Benjamin Franklin , Colonialism 940 Words | 3 Pages. raised a new Democratic approach to run the government and United States. The United States was in for a lot of reform movements being that a . Do Miracles Prove God Exists. Democrat was president, and something needed to be done to The Angel, prevent the status of the United States to do miracles god exists, fail even more. Uk. Franklin D. Roosevelt responded to the problems of the Great Depression with an optimistic mindset. Roosevelt took the do miracles god exists best approach he possibly could in order to preserve America. How Technology Education Positively. Clearly, Roosevelt’s responses such as, the New Deal , social. Democratic Party , Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression 1172 Words | 3 Pages. New Deal DBQ The 1929 stock-market crash and do miracles the ensuing Great Depression exposed major weaknesses in the U.S. . and world economies. These ranged from chronically low farm prices and uneven income distribution to trade barriers, a surplus of consumer goods, and scandals a constricted money supply. As the crisis deepened, President Hoover struggled to respond.

In 1932, with Hoover's reputation in tatters, FDR and his promised “ New Deal brought a surge of god exists, hope. Although FDR's New Deal did not end the Great. Democratic Party , Franklin D. How Technology Education. Roosevelt , Great Depression 939 Words | 3 Pages. II. Eisenhower Administration A. Massive retaliation; nuclear weapons prevented USSR attack. B. Containment policy to prevent war/attack. C. Interstate . Highway System to ^ US defense against Communism. D. CIA overthrowing/prevention of spread of Communism. E. Korean Armistice/Peace treaty b/w China/North Korea amp; US . F. Prove. Domino Theory, eco/mil aid to education, Southern Viet to build stable/anti communist state.

G. Do Miracles Prove. SEATO, helped strengthen anti-communist countries. H. Accounting Uk. Eisenhower Doctrine, aid to any. Cold War , Communism , Communist state 1089 Words | 4 Pages. ?Elliott Gengo AP US DBQ Summary 10/7/14 Document A Thomas Jefferson wrote to Gibeon Granger . about the powers of the states. Jefferson believes the country is prove, too large to have a single federal government.

He believes that the of money states should have some power too. Jefferson says the Republicans have accepted these rights from the Constitution and the federalists have opposed them. Document B Jefferson tells Samuel Miller that the Constitution doesn’t give the federal government. Democratic-Republican Party , Federalism , James Madison 910 Words | 4 Pages. Articles of do miracles prove god exists, Confederation Ap Us History Dbq. Essay #4 Trevor Gaston 10/21/10 AP US History C-Block “From 1781 to 1789, the Articles of Confederation . provided the United States with an Money, Money (In A Rich World) Gatsby effective government;” a bold statement considering the fact that the do miracles god exists Articles lasted only 8 years. Although, I suppose the Money, Money, Rich World) Gatsby case could be made that the Articles of do miracles god exists, Confederation provided the Essay Restrepo’s of Galilea means for a temporary government, only acting as a first-time attempt for the colonies in creating a more perfect representation for the colonies as a whole. Do Miracles God Exists. This. Articles of Money, Money, Man's World), Confederation , Federal government of the United States , Massachusetts 955 Words | 3 Pages.

New Deal DBQ Using you knowledge AND the god exists documents provided, write a well-reasoned essay on the following prompt: . How did the New Deal of the how technology has changed education positively Great Depression create a lasting impact on the role of do miracles, government in business and the lives o the American people? Document 1 Source: America 1900-1999: Letters of the how technology education positively Century, Grunwald, Lisa and Adler, Stephen. Troy, NY Jan. 2, 1935 Dear Mrs. Do Miracles God Exists. Roosevelt, About a month ago I wrote you asking if you would buy some baby clothes. Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression , Great Depression in the United States 1173 Words | 5 Pages.

Dbq American Revolution Ap Us History. was given to 2nd period APUSH on their first in- class essay. Included were 10 documents (if interested in seeing them, please come into waste of money, class). The . Do Miracles God Exists. DBQ writer needed to take ideas and topics from the documents, and ADD significant outside fact and analysis. Notice that this writer does a complete job. He/she deals with the entire question ( deals with extent) and answers the question from economic, political and social points of view. Additionally, he/she used a significant amount of documents. American Revolution , American Revolutionary War , Articles of Confederation 901 Words | 3 Pages.

AP US History Period 4 23 April 2013 The Effects of the nasa is a of money Vietnam War By 1965, few Americans protested . involvement in the Vietnam War. However, soon after, a series of “teach-ins” on do miracles, university campuses, created a massive debate over the war and United States involvement. By 1967, there was massive opposition to of birth, the war, from god exists, students, the general public, congressmen, including William Fulbright, and even former members of the armed forces. This opposition was not the only tension in the nation. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution , Hubert Humphrey , John F. How Technology Education Positively. Kennedy 1048 Words | 3 Pages. Anthony Edwards 8/24/12 AP US History - Jones Colonial America DBQ An . interesting characteristic of the colonies that the do miracles prove English founded during the 17th and 18th centuries on the eastern coast of modern day America is that while all were indeed settled by people from England they each developed their own very distinct cultures and ways of accounting, life. While the varying environments from each colony to prove god exists, the next certainly isn’t a negligible factor in the diversification of. Colonialism , Colony , Connecticut 2011 Words | 5 Pages. AP United States History Document-Based Question After its victory over Britain in the War of 1812, the United States of suez crisi, . God Exists. America became immersed in national pride which led to Era of Good Feelings, a period of unprecedented political unity.

However, problems and disagreements grew behind the facets of the era that manifested nationalism. Sectionalism began to form as the dissent between the north and the south and different political figures intensified. Divergence among politicians was. American Civil War , James Monroe , John Quincy Adams 957 Words | 3 Pages. The American History: Opposition of The New Deal. ?Topic Opposition Of The New Deal Class: US History Date: November 20, 2013 Questions/Main . Accounting Scandals. Ideas: Notes Opposition The Oppositon took 3 forms - New Deal isn’t doing enough - New Deal is doing too much -Opposition from the prove Supreme Court “The New Deal isn’t doing enough!” Many people were still very poor (Black people, farmers hit hardest) Huey Long *Key person* **Dr. Francis Townsend - $200/month pensions for y.o.s (if they spend it in the same month = stimulating the economy). Franklin D. Roosevelt , Huey Long , Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937 488 Words | 3 Pages. US History AP Outline Chapter 17 The Transformation of the Trans-Mississippi West, 1860-1900 I. Native Americans . and the Trans-Mississippi West a. The Plains Indians i. Three major sub regions: -The northern Plains: Lakota, Flatheads, Blackfeet, Assiniboins, northern Cheyennes, Arapahos, and Crows -The Central region: Five Civilized Tribes, agricultural life, before horses -South: western Kansas, Colorado, eastern New Mexico, and Texas: the Comanches, Kiowas, southern Arapahos, and Kiowa. American Old West , Cheyenne , Great Plains 1789 Words | 6 Pages. pitching in to help and create more jobs for people o “…leading us fast to jesus of birth, a condition where the do miracles god exists Government must more and more expand its . relief activities…” ?the government is using its money to create more jobs for jesus people ? government was playing a major role in providing people jobs Document C: • some of the people believed that FDR’s actions during the Great Depression was too radical and it was changing America into a whole new nation instead of fixing the problem o “It is a evolution, not.

Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression , Herbert Hoover 975 Words | 4 Pages. Science and Math High School 280 Pleasant Avenue New York, New York 10029 Tele # (212) 876-4639 – Fax # (212) 348-1167 . J. God Exists. David Jimenez, Principal Daniel Albetta, Assistant Principal Mr. Musialik, Social Studies Department Email: 2014-2015 School Year Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Advanced Placement United States History Course for (In A Man's The Great the 2014-2015 school year. With. Africa , History of the do miracles prove United States , Martin Luther King, Jr. Restrepo’s Of Galilea. 623 Words | 2 Pages. US History Honors 29 October 2010 A Successful Man George Washington, a man of few yet insightful words, stepped into his . presidency and prove defined the precedents for future presidents. Suez Crisi. His intentions, on unifying the states, relieving economic stress and setting up the United States as a country worthy of respect, are worthy of praise due to the success that came out of his presidency. The way he handled each aspect of his presidency set the precedent for the future.

George Washington had a very. Alexander Hamilton , George Washington , John Jay 815 Words | 3 Pages. ? Payne 1 Max Payne AP English 11 Ms. Paul 13 November 2012 The Rise and Fall It is November 9, the Year of Our Lord 1799, and a . battered French army begins the god exists arduous climb up the Alps, just as a light snow begins to gently fall, a precursor of the hardship and bone chilling temperatures to come. They are led by the newly crowned consulate and France’s savior, Napoleon Bonaparte.

There is how technology has changed education positively, a fear that Genoa may fall to Austrians. Prove God Exists. This fateful journey was captured in a painting by accounting uk, artist. Charlotte Corday , First French Empire , French Revolution 1080 Words | 3 Pages. Summer 2012 Assignments: Due Thursday, September 6th. Welcome to AP . US History ! The following is a summer . assignment to get you started for prove god exists the new school year. Part I: Textbook Assignment. (Use the textbook if you received it in June or download the PDF files or use the dropbox link) Part II: Free Response Question Essay Part I: Use your American Passages textbook if you have, or Download the pdf files titled “ AP US CH 1” and “ AP US Chapter 2 excerpts” Read. How Technology Education. As you read, Outline the chapter and.

Essay , Following , Protestant Reformation 993 Words | 5 Pages. 1993 DBQ New England and do miracles Chesapeake were two of the first colonies settled by people of English origin. That is Essay on Laura Restrepo’s The Angel, where the . similarities end. These two colonies evolved into two completely different societies. There are many factors that contributed to do miracles, the different lifestyles. These factors include government of society, socioeconomic status, and climate. These four exceedingly important aspects of any society provided a split in these two early English colonies. Those who arrived in the. Colonialism , Colony , New England 1241 Words | 4 Pages. AP US HISTORY DBQ - Era of Good Feelings. while in the urban areas factories and corporations that ran them were running in the ring of suez crisi, pleasure and could fatten upon them.

In Document B, John . Calhoun says, the extent of the republic exposes us to the greatest of calamities disunitywe are rapidly growing this is our weakness and our strengthlet us , then, bind the republic together with a perfect system of roads This suggests the size and distance of do miracles, our growing nation was going to be another source of disunity. Because of the on Laura Restrepo’s of Galilea distance and lack. New England , President of the United States , Southern United States 834 Words | 3 Pages. The New Deal and do miracles prove the Great Society. Clark AP United States History 25 March 2013 The New Deal and the Great Society Although the . New Deal was established about thirty years before the Great Society was, they both embodied similar characteristics. The origins of these two parts of history clearly resemble each other. Also, the goals of the Great Society largely compare to those of the New Deal . Finally, the New Deal and the Great Society prove to be alike through their lasting legacies. The Great Society resembles the New Deal in scandals uk, its. Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 , Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression 1173 Words | 4 Pages. The New Deal During the 1930's, America witnessed a breakdown of the Democratic and free enterprise system as the . US fell into the worst depression in history . The economic depression that beset the United States and other countries was unique in its severity and its consequences. At the depth of the prove god exists depression, in nasa, 1933, one American worker in every four was out of a job.

The great industrial slump continued throughout the 1930's, shaking the foundations of Western capitalism. . Franklin D. Prove. Roosevelt , Great Depression , National Industrial Recovery Act 876 Words | 3 Pages. In the accounting years leading up to god exists, the American revolution it was evident that a new identity was developing for colonist. Stemming from the Seven . Year’s colonists were slowly discovering a new way of viewing the mother country and themselves. By the eve of the American revolution most colonist had adopted the nasa identity of British citizens fighting to protect their liberties. A strong bond of unity can be seen from colonists’ shared opinions and agreed course of action, while a large loyalist population supports. American Revolution , American Revolutionary War , First Continental Congress 999 Words | 3 Pages. ? AP U.S. History Summer HW Sec. Prove. 1: 1. The settlers were finally able to get food when the Essay of Galilea Indians decided to prove god exists, give them corn . and bread.

The problems that still remained were that they were once again running out of food and they had no houses to suez crisi, live in. Do Miracles. This led to how technology has changed positively, sickness and starvation amongst the settlers. 2. Prove. The indications that Smith gave that morale and leadership were problems for the young colony were that their president of the colony, Captain Wingfeild, was deposed of his presidency. Agriculture , Colonialism , Colony 1524 Words | 5 Pages. US History DBQ Essay: New England and Chesapeake. The New England and scandals uk Chesapeake region developed differently by 1700 mainly due to differences in religious backgrounds. These two regions may . have shared the same origin and prove spoke the same English language, but they hardly ever came to an agreement. Because of suez crisi, this culture barrier, a separated north and prove god exists south was created, causing two distinctly different societies to evolve.

New England was a refuge for religious separatists leaving England, while people who immigrated to the Chesapeake region had. Boston , Massachusetts , Massachusetts Bay Colony 1120 Words | 3 Pages. AP European History DBQ Activity Using the APEURO DBQ from 2008 answer the . following questions. Write down the suez crisi question you are going to be answering. Explain the reasons for the adaptation of a new calendar in the revolutionary France and analyze reactions to it in do miracles, the period of 1789 to 1806. Write down the waste 6 elements of the god exists basic core you will be scored on accounting, and explain how you will receive these points. 1. Do Miracles God Exists. Thesis 2. Essay On Laura The Angel Of Galilea. Majority. Catholic Church , Documents , Explanation 349 Words | 3 Pages. Ch. 12 1) Among the do miracles god exists primary reasons that young farm women moved from the farms to work in textile mill towns in the early 19th century was: To escape farm . life and scandals earn wages 2) The history of do miracles prove god exists, Lowell epitomizes this transition: Self-sufficient farm families to urban wageworkers 3)In the pre-industrial system, a boy who wanted to learn a trade Entered a formal apprenticeship system 4)The organization of a family business in the pre-industrial era was Patriarchal 5) If you lived in Boston. Abraham Lincoln , American Civil War , Compromise of 1850 1039 Words | 4 Pages.

membership reaches 5 million Scopes Trial –Evolution, Tennessee Model T Ford drops to cost $290 (3 months wages) “Scarface” Al Capone begins 6 years of of birth, . gang warfare Nellie Tayloe Ross elected Governor of Wyoming, First woman governor of a U.S. State US troops occupy Nicaragua Lindbergh’s first solo flight across the Atlantic; Sacco and Vanzetti executed; Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs for the Yankees; Al Jolson stars in The Jazz Singer, the prove first talking film U.S. citizenship granted to inhabitants. Aaron Burr , Alexander Hamilton , Democratic-Republican Party 416 Words | 3 Pages. The green revolution was the worlds introduction to modern agricultural and a time of accounting uk, vast improvements in the worlds fight in hunger. Prove God Exists. New . technologies such as hi yield variety seeds Chemical fertilizer and agricultural machinery lid this revolution and are still a big part of the way we produce food for scandals uk the world we live in today. The green revolution saved A lot of small developing countries throughout the world. Food is now a mass produced all around the world in do miracles, fields and accounting distributed to countries. Africa , Agriculture , Famine 2451 Words | 6 Pages. in order to become “civilized” in do miracles god exists, the eyes of the has changed education positively white Americans. They were socially accepted in some ways by do miracles prove god exists, the white Americans if they converted to . Christianity.

The Indians became intellectually smarter when they grasped new technological developments like the gun ( new for them) so that they could hunt properly. However, they lost a lot of land to the white Americans geographically. The second half of the jesus date 19th Century gave the Indians more problems than happiness. 19th century , American Bison , American Old West 507 Words | 3 Pages. position of workers in the period from do miracles, 1875 to 1900? Analyze the factors that contributed to the level of success achieved. “It is impossible for . capitalists and laborers to have common interest.” The Second Industrial Revolution skyrocketed with new inventions and machines and changed how factories and jobs were worked. As the industries grew, so did the need for unions among the suez crisi workers.

To a certain degree the do miracles prove god exists unions were successful in improving the position of the workers. They were not highly. Capitalism , Collective bargaining , Eight-hour day 1102 Words | 3 Pages. settlement in is a of money, the new world helped England succeed in the age of colonization. The New England colonies, consisting of . Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island were some of the most successful early colonies.

Though they faced difficulties early on, they were able to do miracles, overcome them even more quickly than that of the Virginia colonies. The colonies in the Caribbean were settled for different reasons than the New England colonies. Is A Of Money. To examine the similarities between the New England colonies. British America , Connecticut , Former British colonies 1455 Words | 5 Pages. issue was a poultry slaughterhouse that received chickens from various sources out of prove, state but did all their respective dealings within the state of . How Technology Education. New York. Also at issue were the NIRA's demands on labor requirements. The Court showed that all interstate commerce had ended at do miracles, the slaughterhouse. On Laura. If the chickens had been shipped out of the state of New York, then the United States Congress would have had the power to control aspects of the business under the Commerce Clause.

It also stated that since. Chief Justice of the United States , Commerce Clause , Gonzales v. Do Miracles God Exists. Raich 1060 Words | 3 Pages. people's lives, and more people would turn to is a waste, the federal government for do miracles help. The New Deal restored people's faith in themselves . and in suez crisi, the government. FDR's New Deal Legislation received opposition. People were accused of being socialists and communists. Do Miracles Prove. People believed that it was against jesus of birth, the stimulation of business, which ultimately would create unemployment.

In a letter to Senator Robert Wagner, it is stated that this new legislation will end in disaster. [Document B]. Specifically, the do miracles prove god exists NIRA, the. Civilian Conservation Corps , Federal Emergency Relief Administration , Franklin D. Roosevelt 856 Words | 3 Pages. Cynthia Ms. Conboy AP U.S.

History 25 January 2012 After the has changed positively 13th Amendment was passed, African American slaves were . freed from god exists, their lifetime involuntary servitude, and jesus date life for them seemed to be on do miracles prove, the way to happiness (Document A). An economy that worked without slaves was a new concept to the South; freedmen were joyous about it, and white planters loathed it. The United States underwent a sort of how technology has changed education, revolution in its economy and its social hierarchy (Document D). After the Civil War ended. African American , American Civil War , Black people 717 Words | 2 Pages. Alfred Thayer Mahan promoted American overseas expansion by ??? the need to god exists, find new African and Asian soures of raw materials for American . Waste. industry Which of the following was not among the factors propelling America toward overseas expansion in the 1980s? The desire to expand overseas agricultural and manufacturing exports The yellow press of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst The need to find new African and Asian sources of do miracles, raw materials for American industry The ideologies. Grover Cleveland , John Hay , Latin America 1175 Words | 4 Pages. Throughout history there have been many different opinions about government regulation. Suez Crisi. Because the do miracles prove god exists relative greed of businesses in terms of . profit margins and little interest in the increase of wages and positive working environments played a role in jesus date, causing the do miracles prove Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt implemented a set of policies known as the New Deal . The New Deal attempted to provide recovery and relief from the waste of money Great Depression through programs of business regulation.

The New Deal posed as. Civilian Conservation Corps , Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression 616 Words | 3 Pages. the Great Depression EXCEPT: B.:-) He saw the Depression as akin to an act of nature, about which nothing could be done except to ride it out. . 2.Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program attempted or achieved all of the following EXCEPT C.:-) supported the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. 3.The “ New Immigration” was made up primarily of D.:-) persons from Southern and Eastern Europe. 4.By “normalcy” President Warren G. Do Miracles Prove God Exists. Harding meant not only suez crisi, peace after the prove recent. Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression , Herbert Hoover 1672 Words | 8 Pages. The New Deal During the 1930's, America witnessed a breakdown of the Democratic and free enterprise system as the nasa of money United . Do Miracles. States fell into the worst depression in history . The economic depression that beset the nasa waste of money United States and other countries was unique in its severity and do miracles prove god exists its consequences. At the date of birth depth of the depression, in 1933, one American worker in every four was out of a job.

The great industrial slump continued throughout the 1930's, shaking the foundations of Western capitalism. The. Federal Emergency Relief Administration , Franklin D. Roosevelt , Great Depression 1698 Words | 5 Pages. Delano Roosevelt entered the White House in do miracles god exists, 1932, promising a new deal for the American people. The package of legislative . Jesus Of Birth. reforms that came to do miracles god exists, be known as the on Laura New Deal permanently and dramatically transformed the politics and economy of the United States. In the field of relief, the New Deal proved to prove, be highly successful. However, in terms of reform, the New Deal legacy may have been unmatched in American history . Although the new deal temporarily ramped up industry to Essay The Angel of Galilea, meet the demand for war goods. Democratic Party , Federal Emergency Relief Administration , Franklin D. Roosevelt 1391 Words | 4 Pages. Ap World History Dbq Christianity. Unit 6 DBQ When thinking about the history of the world, one must always consider that merchants as well as trade have played an . immerse role in shaping the world as it is today.

They are responsible for many of the cross-cultural interactions that we have had in the past. Christianity and do miracles Islam, the two predominant religions of the scandals uk world today, have both grown and spread through merchants and god exists trade also. These two chief religions both have attitudes towards merchants and trade that have either. International trade , Islam , Merchant 1597 Words | 4 Pages. DBQ : US expansion American expansion in the late 19th century and early 20th century held many similarities to that of early . American expansionism. The motives for early American expansion held similar to that of the turn of the 19th century in that the United States has grown in the reasoning of jesus date, Manifest Destiny, the do miracles prove god exists progress of the American economy and an increasing perception of suez crisi, American racial supremacy.

Through the course of history , American expansionist incentives have shifted from god exists, withstanding. 19th century , American Civil War , Cold War 1159 Words | 4 Pages. 2003 AP US DBQ The Progressive Era was a twenty year period, between 1900 and 1920, of much . change in the U.S. Many Americans would begin to stand up for what they believed was right. This would lead to jesus of birth, a number of reforms to help improve American life. Laws passed under Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, would dramatically change this country all the way into the present time. As industry became a large part of urban America, many citizens were oppressed. Unfair and prove unsanitary conditions. African American , Democracy , Franklin D. Roosevelt 973 Words | 3 Pages.

? AP – United States History STUDY GUIDE - Test #1 (Units 1-3, Chapters 1-9) 1. Explain the jesus official ending of the American . Revolution in 1783? 2. In 1754, identify Benjamin Franklin and his use of a political cartoon at the Albany Congress on “the present disunited state of the British Colonies”. God Exists. 3. On the issue of women’s rights, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention did what? 4. Identify the English relationship with Native Americans in the early history of Virginia. Accounting Uk. 5. Which general. Benjamin Franklin , North America , Thirteen Colonies 1347 Words | 4 Pages. Although New England And The Chesapeake Region Were Both Settled Largely By People Of English Origin, By 1700 The Regions Had Evolved Into Two . Distinct Societies. Why Did This Difference In Development Occur? The settlers of the New England and Chesapeake region came from the same origin,but by 1700 their social, economical, and political differences led them in two different directions. People began to adapt to their regions and looked for ways to do miracles prove, survive and benefit from the geography they lived. Connecticut , Connecticut Colony , Human migration 563 Words | 2 Pages.

2013 1. The Great Gatsby motion pictures is a drama film. 2. The Great Gatsby shows us the various love affairs that goes on in the raging . Money, Money Rich Man's In Fitzgerald´s The Great. 20s of New York City, through the do miracles prove god exists viewpoint of Nick Carraway. Throughout the movie, relationships, hidden pasts, secrets, and affairs between Nick’s friends are revealed and shown. Gatsby, who is known to hold extravagant parties in the probation period of US history , befriends Nick in order to get close to his cousin Daisy, his first ever love. However. F. Scott Fitzgerald , Film , Great Depression 2295 Words | 6 Pages. Ap Us History - Industrialization Notes. By 1870, mechanization sufficiently developed and available to facilitate industrialization Panic of 1873 increases unemployment, decreases . standard-of-living and income – availability of labor for jesus date industry Steel industry based in upper- New York ; 1,643 tons of steel ingot – 1897; 7.1 million steel ingot Substantial competition between Iron companies labors upon railroads – companies resort to ruthless tactics (e.g., price slashing, sabotage, blackmail, seeking of do miracles god exists, rebates, unfair.

Andrew Carnegie , ExxonMobil , John D. Rockefeller 1135 Words | 7 Pages. ? Visions of The New Deal and Civil Rights Despite many dissatisfied Americans, the national mood was mixed as the 1932 . Date. election approached. Prove God Exists. Many discouraged Americans had blamed themselves for their economic hardships. Other unemployed Americans felt the deeper frustrations of the nasa of money nation’s economic hardships. Regardless of their circumstances, most Americans believed that something completely new had to be tried.

The Republicans unenthusiastically renominated Hoover, while the Democrats. African American , Democratic Party , Franklin D. Roosevelt 1998 Words | 6 Pages. AP Exam Essays 2001-2010 2010 AP Exam Essays 1. In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the . political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s? 2. Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for prove the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Date. Confine your answer to the period 1775–1783.

3. Analyze the ways in which controversy over the extension of slavery into prove god exists, western territories contributed to the. American Civil War , American Revolution , Cold War 1649 Words | 5 Pages. on Lake Erie during the Money, Money, Money Rich Man's World) in Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby War of god exists, 1812. HS: Petty’s win made him a hero among Americans and it also gave new life to the Americans in the war of . Essay Restrepo’s Of Galilea. 1812 2. Thomas Macdonough- was a naval officer for the United States during the War of 1812. He led his forces that were able to force the invading British army in Plattsburgh, New York in do miracles prove, 1814. HS: Macdonough saved New York from being invaded if New York was defeated then the war might have had a different outcome. It also had a positive effect on American. Andrew Jackson , James Monroe , John Quincy Adams 2310 Words | 7 Pages.

mobile forces to deal with small international problems before they developed into global nuclear war. For this reason, he created the Essay Restrepo’s of Galilea Special . Forces, otherwise known as the Green Berets. Kennedy sent these troops to do miracles prove god exists, Korea to test their effectiveness. LJB entered into conflict with Vietnam for more threatening reasons. Unlike JFK—there was direct confrontation; there was an apparent attack on US ships by the North Vietnamese Navy in the Gulf of Tonkin in July 1964. How Technology Has Changed Education Positively. LBJ pushed for a US military response. Cold War , John F. Kennedy , Lyndon B. Do Miracles. Johnson 1318 Words | 4 Pages. FDR's The New Deal: Strengthening the Role of the Federal Government. AP U.S. History DBQ The roaring twenties was a time of is a waste, fun and prosperity.

Women started showing more skin, . alcohol was heavily consumed, and the rich were becoming richer. Do Miracles. This time however left Americans unprepared for uk what would happen in the 1930s. Prove God Exists. On October 29, 1929, also known as Black Tuesday, the stock market crashed. Essay On Laura Of Galilea. The president at the time, Herbert Hoover, struggled with helping the do miracles prove nation. Like some previous presidents, he maintained the idea of suez crisi, laissez-faire. This idea, however.

Franklin D. God Exists. Roosevelt , Great Depression , National Recovery Administration 867 Words | 3 Pages. AP WORLD HISTORY Name___________________ DBQ Period ______ Description: Students will research and then . create their own document-based question ( DBQ ) in AP World History . Money, World) In Fitzgerald´s Gatsby. The DBQ should follow the format used on the Advanced Placement Examination, and students should observe the following guideline: 1. The question should be phrased using one of the following key terms or phrases: • -Defend or refute • -Analyze • -Evaluate • -To what extent and in what ways . APA style , Diary , Following 394 Words | 4 Pages. Progressive Era, however society still needed reforms even after that period. Theodore Roosevelt became our president after William Mckinley's . Do Miracles God Exists. assassination, however his enforcements and suez crisi actions weren't accidental. He successfully enforced his Square Deal policy, in which he aggressively restricted big businesses from prove, forming a monopoly which led him to be known as a trust-buster (Doc. A). Rich Man's World) In Fitzgerald´s. The expanding power of the executive branch and do miracles prove god exists strengthen power of the Interstate Commerce Commission was a. History of the United States , President of the jesus of birth United States , Theodore Roosevelt 673 Words | 2 Pages. The New Deal 1933-2939 1933-1939 periods were one of the most critical periods in the American History . Do Miracles God Exists. Around . 1929, Americans faced unremitting economical privation, where complete reformation was required in order to restore its economical health. The Great Depression of is a of money, America destroyed its confidence and do miracles prove trusts in the government, furthermore, the suez crisi causes of the Great Depression were merely due to the failure of the economical status of America. Do Miracles. President Franklin D. On Laura The Angel Of Galilea. Roosevelt- one of the greatest.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration , Franklin D. Prove. Roosevelt , Great Depression 1470 Words | 4 Pages.

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The terrorist inside my husband's brain. Funding for Travel or Speaker Honoraria: Clinical Procedures or Imaging Studies: Research Support, Foundations and Societies: Serving on the board of directors for the American Brain Foundation. Stock/Stock Options/Board of Directors Compensation:

License Fee Payments, Technology or Inventions: Royalty Payments, Technology or Inventions: Stock/Stock Options, Medical Equipment Materials: I am writing to share a story with you, specifically for prove god exists, you. My hope is that it will help you understand your patients along with their spouses and caregivers a little more. And as for suez crisi, the research you do, perhaps this will add a few more faces behind the why you do what you do. I am sure there are already so many. This is a personal story, sadly tragic and heartbreaking, but by sharing this information with you I know that you can help make a difference in do miracles prove the lives of others. As you may know, my husband Robin Williams had the little-known but deadly Lewy body disease (LBD).

He died from suicide in 2014 at the end of an of birth, intense, confusing, and relatively swift persecution at prove god exists, the hand of this disease's symptoms and Essay The Angel pathology. He was not alone in his traumatic experience with this neurologic disease. As you may know, almost 1.5 million nationwide are suffering similarly right now. Although not alone, his case was extreme. Do Miracles Prove God Exists. Not until the coroner's report, 3 months after his death, would I learn that it was diffuse LBD that took him. All 4 of the doctors I met with afterwards and of birth who had reviewed his records indicated his was one of the worst pathologies they had seen. He had about 40% loss of dopamine neurons and almost no neurons were free of do miracles god exists, Lewy bodies throughout the accounting uk entire brain and brainstem. Robin is and will always be a larger-than-life spirit who was inside the body of do miracles god exists, a normal man with a human brain.

He just happened to jesus date of birth be that 1 in 6 who is do miracles, affected by brain disease. Not only did I lose my husband to LBD, I lost my best friend. Robin and I had in each other a safe harbor of unconditional love that we had both always longed for. For 7 years together, we got to tell each other our greatest hopes and suez crisi fears without any judgment, just safety. As we said often to do miracles prove god exists one another, we were each other's anchor and mojo: that magical elixir of feeling grounded and inspired at the same time by each other's presence.

One of my favorite bedrock things we would do together was review how our days went. Often, this was more than just at the end of the day. It did not matter if we were both working at home, traveling together, or if he was on the road. We would discuss our joys and how technology has changed education triumphs, our fears and do miracles god exists insecurities, and our concerns. Jesus Date. Any obstacles life threw at us individually or as a couple were somehow surmountable because we had each other. When LBD began sending a firestorm of do miracles, symptoms our way, this foundation of friendship and is a waste of money love was our armor. The colors were changing and the air was crisp; it was already late October of 2013 and our second wedding anniversary. Robin had been under his doctors' care. Do Miracles. He had been struggling with symptoms that seemed unrelated: constipation, urinary difficulty, heartburn, sleeplessness and Essay on Laura of Galilea insomnia, and a poor sense of smell—and lots of stress.

He also had a slight tremor in his left hand that would come and go. For the god exists time being, that was attributed to suez crisi a previous shoulder injury. On this particular weekend, he started having gut discomfort. Having been by my husband's side for many years already, I knew his normal reactions when it came to fear and prove god exists anxiety. What would follow was markedly out of character for suez crisi, him. His fear and anxiety skyrocketed to a point that was alarming. I wondered privately, Is my husband a hypochondriac? Not until after Robin left us would I discover that a sudden and prolonged spike in fear and anxiety can be an early indication of LBD. He was tested for god exists, diverticulitis and nasa waste of money the results were negative.

Like the do miracles rest of the symptoms that followed, they seemed to come and go at random times. Has Changed Education Positively. Some symptoms were more prevalent than others, but these increased in frequency and severity over the next 10 months. By wintertime, problems with paranoia, delusions and prove looping, insomnia, memory, and high cortisol levels—just to name a few—were settling in hard. Is A Waste Of Money. Psychotherapy and other medical help was becoming a constant in trying to do miracles god exists manage and solve these seemingly disparate conditions. I was getting accustomed to the two of us spending more time in reviewing our days. Accounting Scandals Uk. The subjects though were starting to fall predominantly in prove the category of fear and Money, (In A Rich World) in Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby anxiety. These concerns that used to have a normal range of tenor were beginning to lodge at a high frequency for him. Once the prove god exists coroner's report was reviewed, a doctor was able to point out to me that there was a high concentration of Lewy bodies within the amygdala.

This likely caused the acute paranoia and is a out-of-character emotional responses he was having. How I wish he could have known why he was struggling, that it was not a weakness in his heart, spirit, or character. In early April, Robin had a panic attack. Do Miracles. He was in has changed education positively Vancouver, filming Night at the Museum 3 . His doctor recommended an antipsychotic medication to help with the anxiety. It seemed to make things better in some ways, but far worse in others. Quickly we searched for something else. Not until after he left us would I discover that antipsychotic medications often make things worse for people with LBD. Also, Robin had a high sensitivity to medications and do miracles prove sometimes his reactions were unpredictable. This is apparently a common theme in people with LBD. During the filming of the movie, Robin was having trouble remembering even one line for his scenes, while just 3 years prior he had played in a full 5-month season of the Broadway production Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo , often doing two shows a day with hundreds of lines—and not one mistake.

This loss of memory and inability to control his anxiety was devastating to him. While I was on a photo shoot at Phoenix Lake, capturing scenes to paint, he called several times. He was very concerned with insecurities he was having about himself and interactions with others. We went over every detail. The fears were unfounded and I could not convince him otherwise. I was powerless in helping him see his own brilliance. For the first time, my own reasoning had no effect in helping my husband find the light through the tunnels of his fear. Essay The Angel Of Galilea. I felt his disbelief in do miracles prove the truths I was saying. My heart and my hope were shattered temporarily. Suez Crisi. We had reached a place we had never been before. My husband was trapped in do miracles prove god exists the twisted architecture of accounting uk, his neurons and no matter what I did I could not pull him out.

In early May, the movie wrapped and he came home from Vancouver—like a 747 airplane coming in with no landing gear. I have since learned that people with LBD who are highly intelligent may appear to be okay for longer initially, but then, it is as though the do miracles prove god exists dam suddenly breaks and suez crisi they cannot hold it back anymore. Do Miracles God Exists. In Robin's case, on top of being a genius, he was a Julliard-trained actor. I will never know the true depth of his suffering, nor just how hard he was fighting. But from suez crisi, where I stood, I saw the bravest man in prove god exists the world playing the jesus date of birth hardest role of his life. Robin was losing his mind and he was aware of it. Can you imagine the pain he felt as he experienced himself disintegrating ? And not from something he would ever know the name of, or understand? Neither he, nor anyone could stop it—no amount of intelligence or love could hold it back. Powerless and frozen, I stood in the darkness of not knowing what was happening to my husband.

Was it a single source, a single terrorist, or was this a combo pack of prove, disease raining down on him? He kept saying, “I just want to reboot my brain.” Doctor appointments, testing, and psychiatry kept us in uk perpetual motion. Countless blood tests, urine tests, plus rechecks of cortisol levels and lymph nodes. A brain scan was done, looking for a possible tumor on his pituitary gland, and his cardiologist rechecked his heart. Everything came back negative, except for high cortisol levels. Do Miracles. We wanted to be happy about all the negative test results, but Robin and I both had a deep sense that something was terribly wrong. On May 28th, he was diagnosed with Parkinson disease (PD). We had an answer. My heart swelled with hope. But somehow I knew Robin was not buying it.

When we were in the neurologist's office learning exactly what this meant, Robin had a chance to ask some burning questions. He asked, “Do I have Alzheimer's? Dementia? Am I schizophrenic?” The answers were the best we could have gotten: No, no, and no. There were no indications of these other diseases. It is apparent to me now that he was most likely keeping the depth of his symptoms to himself. Robin continued doing all the right things—therapy, physical therapy, bike riding, and working out of birth with his trainer. He used all the skills he picked up and had fine-tuned from the Dan Anderson retreat in Minnesota, like deeper 12-step work, meditation, and yoga.

We went to see a specialist at Stanford University who taught him self-hypnosis techniques to do miracles prove quell the irrational fears and anxiety. Nothing seemed to alleviate his symptoms for Money, Rich Man's in Fitzgerald´s, long. Throughout all of this, Robin was clean and sober, and somehow, we sprinkled those summer months with happiness, joy, and prove the simple things we loved: meals and birthday celebrations with family and Essay on Laura Restrepo’s of Galilea friends, meditating together, massages, and movies, but mostly just holding each other's hand. Robin was growing weary. The parkinsonian mask was ever present and do miracles his voice was weakened. His left hand tremor was continuous now and he had a slow, shuffling gait. He hated that he could not find the words he wanted in conversations. He would thrash at night and nasa is a waste of money still had terrible insomnia.

At times, he would find himself stuck in a frozen stance, unable to move, and frustrated when he came out of it. He was beginning to have trouble with visual and spatial abilities in do miracles god exists the way of has changed education positively, judging distance and depth. His loss of basic reasoning just added to his growing confusion. It felt like he was drowning in his symptoms, and I was drowning along with him. Do Miracles God Exists. Typically the plethora of LBD symptoms appear and disappear at random times—even throughout the course of of money, a day. I experienced my brilliant husband being lucid with clear reasoning 1 minute and then, 5 minutes later, blank, lost in prove confusion. Prior history can also complicate a diagnosis. In Robin's case, he had a history of depression that had not been active for 6 years. So when he showed signs of depression just months before he left, it was interpreted as a satellite issue, maybe connected to PD.

Throughout the course of Robin's battle, he had experienced nearly all of the how technology has changed education 40-plus symptoms of LBD, except for one. Do Miracles. He never said he had hallucinations. A year after he left, in speaking with one of the doctors who reviewed his records, it became evident that most likely he did have hallucinations, but was keeping that to himself. It was nearing the how technology positively end of July and do miracles we were told Robin would need to have inpatient neurocognitive testing done in accounting scandals uk order to evaluate the do miracles prove god exists mood disorder aspect of his condition. In the jesus date meantime, his medication was switched from god exists, Mirapex to Sinemet in an effort to reduce symptoms. We were assured Robin would be feeling better soon, and that his PD was early and mild. We felt hopeful again. What we did not know was that when these diseases “start” (are diagnosed) they have actually been going on for a long time. By now, our combined sleep deficit was becoming a danger to Money, Money, Man's World) in Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby both of us. Prove God Exists. We were instructed to sleep apart until we could catch up on our sleep.

The goal was to have him begin inpatient testing free of the sleep-deprived state he was in. As the second weekend in August approached, it seemed his delusional looping was calming down. Maybe the switch in medications was working. Has Changed Education Positively. We did all the things we love on Saturday day and into the evening, it was perfect—like one long date. By the end of Sunday, I was feeling that he was getting better.

When we retired for sleep, in do miracles prove god exists our customary way, my husband said to me, “Goodnight, my love,” and waited for my familiar reply: “Goodnight, my love.” His words still echo through my heart today. Monday, August 11, Robin was gone. After Robin left, time has never functioned the same for me. Has Changed. My search for do miracles, meaning has replicated like an inescapable spring throughout nearly every aspect of nasa waste, my world, including the most mundane.

Robin and I had begun our unplanned research on the brain through the prove door of is a, blind experience. During the final months we shared together, our sights were locked fast on identifying and vanquishing the terrorist within his brain. Do Miracles. Since then, I have continued our research but on the other side of that experience, in the realm of the science behind it. Three months after Robin's death, the autopsy report was finally ready for suez crisi, review. When the do miracles god exists forensic pathologist and coroner's deputy asked if I was surprised by the diffuse LBD pathology, I said, “Absolutely not,” even though I had no idea what it meant at the time. Money, Money (In A Man's World) Gatsby. The mere fact that something had invaded nearly every region of my husband's brain made perfect sense to me. In the year that followed, I set out to do miracles expand my view and understanding of LBD. I met with medical professionals who had reviewed Robin's last 2 years of suez crisi, medical records, the coroner's report, and brain scans. Their reactions were all the same: that Robin's was one of the worst LBD pathologies they had seen and that there was nothing else anyone could have done.

Our entire medical team was on the right track and we would have gotten there eventually. In fact, we were probably close. But would having a diagnosis while he was alive really have made a difference when there is no cure? We will never know the do miracles god exists answer to this. I am not convinced that the The Angel of Galilea knowledge would have done much more than prolong Robin's agony while he would surely become one of the most famous test subjects of new medicines and ongoing medical trials.

Even if we experienced some level of comfort in knowing the do miracles god exists name, and fleeting hope from temporary comfort with medications, the terrorist was still going to kill him. Nasa Waste. There is no cure and do miracles prove god exists Robin's steep and rapid decline was assured. The massive proliferation of Lewy bodies throughout his brain had done so much damage to waste of money neurons and neurotransmitters that in do miracles god exists effect, you could say he had chemical warfare in his brain. One professional stated, “It was as if he had cancer throughout every organ of his body.” The key problem seemed to be that no one could correctly interpret Robin's symptoms in time. I was driven to learn everything I could about this disease that I finally had the name of.

Some of what I learned surprised me. One neuropathologist described LBD and PD as being at opposite ends of a disease spectrum. That spectrum is based on something they share in common: the presence of Lewy bodies—the unnatural clumping of the normal protein, ?-synuclein, within brain neurons. I was also surprised to learn that a person is diagnosed with LBD vs PD depending on which symptoms present first. After months and suez crisi months, I was finally able to be specific about prove god exists Robin's disease. Money, Money, Money (In A In Fitzgerald´s. Clinically he had PD, but pathologically he had diffuse LBD. The predominant symptoms Robin had were not physical—the pathology more than backed that up.

However you look at it—the presence of Lewy bodies took his life. The journey Robin and I were on together has led me to knowing the American Academy of do miracles prove god exists, Neurology and other groups and doctors. It has led me to discover the American Brain Foundation, where I now serve on the Board of Directors. This is suez crisi, where you come into the story. Hopefully from prove god exists, this sharing of our experience you will be inspired to turn Robin's suffering into something meaningful through your work and wisdom. It is Money, Money, Money (In A Rich Man's World) The Great Gatsby, my belief that when healing comes out of Robin's experience, he will not have battled and died in vain.

You are uniquely positioned to help with this. I know you have accomplished much already in the areas of research and discovery toward cures in brain disease. And I am sure at times the progress has felt painfully slow. Do not give up. Prove. Trust that a cascade of cures and discovery is Essay The Angel of Galilea, imminent in all areas of brain disease and you will be a part of do miracles god exists, making that happen. If only Robin could have met you. On Laura Restrepo’s The Angel Of Galilea. He would have loved you—not just because he was a genius and god exists enjoyed science and discovery, but because he would have found a lot of material within your work to how technology use in entertaining his audiences, including the troops. Prove God Exists. In fact, the most repeat character role he played throughout his career was a doctor, albeit different forms of how technology has changed education, practice. You and your work have ignited a spark within the region of my brain where curiosity and interest lie and within my heart where hope lives. Do Miracles Prove. I want to follow you. Not like a crazed fan, but like someone who knows you just might be the one who discovers the cure for jesus date of birth, LBD and other brain diseases.

Thank you for do miracles prove, what you have done, and for what you are about to do.

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10 Resume Tips From A Legal Recruiter. Ed. God Exists? note : This is the latest installment in a series of Essay Restrepo’s of Galilea, posts on do miracles god exists lateral partner moves from of birth, Lateral Link’s team of expert contributors. Abby Gordon is a Director with Lateral Link’s New York office. Abby works with attorney candidates on law firm and in-house searches, primarily in do miracles New York, Boston, and Europe. Prior to joining Lateral Link, Abby spent seven years as a corporate associate with Cleary Gottlieb, focusing on capital markets transactions for Latin American clients in New York and for the last five years for European clients in how technology has changed Paris. A native of Boston, Abby holds a J.D., cum laude, from Georgetown University Law Center and a B.A. in government and romance languages, magna cum laude, from Dartmouth College. Abby also worked with the prove International Rescue Committee as a Fulbright Scholar in Madrid, Spain.

She is a member of the New York Bar and is fluent in French and Spanish (and dabbles in jesus of birth Portuguese and Italian). As a legal recruiter, I review numerous resumes each week in an effort to assist my candidates with the substance and do miracles prove god exists, presentation of their one-page life summaries. Here are ten tips based on the most common problems I see and questions I am asked: 1. Positively? Assume no one will read your resume word-for-word. Picture your interviewer pulling your resume off the printer and reading only what he can in the time it takes to walk back to his office. You need to make the most important stuff jump off the prove page.

Use bold. Use bullet points. Use headings. On Laura Restrepo’s? Give some thought to the format that will convey the necessary information in the most logical way. 2. Prove God Exists? Be concise and make every word count. This is related to Tip #1. You want the most important stuff to jump off the page, but every word on is a your resume should serve the purpose of do miracles prove, showing that you are the best candidate for the specific job. It’s just one page. 3. Tailor your resume to the specific job. Keep in the forefront of your mind that you are applying for a legal job.

Do not view “updating” your resume as merely adding to the same document you first created 20 years ago. Delete information that is no longer relevant #8212; remember, every last word should serve the purpose of getting you this job. If you are applying to 10 general litigation openings, one version may be just fine. But if you are applying to waste of money, some general litigation spots and some patent litigation spots, you may want to do miracles prove, have two versions of date of birth, your resume, with each tailored to the specific opening or category of prove god exists, opening. 4. Be sure you can talk intelligently about every last thing you include on nasa is a waste your resume. If you can no longer remember the main argument of your senior thesis from college, delete it from your resume or refresh your memory before any interviews. You also must be prepared to talk about the any legal matters you claim to do miracles prove god exists, have worked on, including about the underlying legal issues. 5. The Angel Of Galilea? When describing your legal experience, give concrete examples . Instead of merely asserting that you are a capital markets lawyer, note that you “Drafted the underwriting agreement as lead associate representing the underwriters in the offering of $300 million in do miracles prove floating rate notes by a large U.S. manufacturing company.” Even if you have a separate representative matters sheet, it may be helpful to suez crisi, include a few bullets points showing this experience in your actual resume as well. And remember from Tip #2, every word counts.

Don’t use neutral words where a more positive word could convey more meaning. Do Miracles Prove God Exists? For example, which is waste of money, more powerful, stating that you “worked on” a project or that you “successfully implemented” a project? 6. Be sure all information is prove god exists, up-to-date. If you are no longer on a committee, delete it from your resume or indicate the proper dates. Money, Money Rich World) In Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby? Change the verbs (“represent,” “draft,” “negotiate”) from the descriptions of your prior jobs to the past tense (“represented,” “drafted,” “negotiated”). No longer fluent in French?

Be accurate in the assessment of your language ability as of today, not as of mid-way through your junior year abroad. 7. Prove God Exists? Additional Information: Space is a commodity, but you should still make room for two or three lines that show you are a human being and not just a robot. Include a few interests (but be sure they are real interests of yours and not aspirational hobbies). Maybe you and one of the suez crisi interviewers will find you have a hobby in common. If nothing else, this “fluff” gives interviewers some material for a few softball questions to break the ice or end the interview on a lighter note. Aside from true interests/hobbies, include language abilities, bar admissions, and memberships/affiliations so long as you are an active and not just passive participant in these organizations.

Remember the essential test: “Can you talk intelligently about god exists, it if asked?” If someone asks about jesus of birth, your membership in an alumni network, will you state proudly that you assisted in prove god exists raising $500,000 in alumni contributions for a scholarship fund or will you cower in your chair and accounting uk, confess that you are on the e-mail list for the committee but have yet to attend a meeting? 8. Education first or work experience first? This is a common question. Do Miracles Prove God Exists? Remember Tip #1 #8212; you want the most important stuff to jump off the nasa of money page. So if you went to prove god exists, a top law school, you may want to list education first. Money, Money Man's Gatsby? If your law school was not as highly ranked but you somehow landed a job at Wachtell, list work experience first. In the case of a tie, I’d go with work experience first. 9. The squint test : It seems a bit unsophisticated but it works.

Tape your resume to do miracles prove, a wall about suez crisi, 10 feet away or just hold it far out in front of you and squint. Does the do miracles prove god exists balance of black and white on the page make your eyes happy? Is there much too much dense text? Or way too much white space? If you’ve ever strung lights on a Christmas tree, it’s the same principle. Squint and then follow your instincts. Has Changed? 10. Proofread your resume carefully. Then proofread it again. Then ask a friend to proofread it.

And another friend. And your legal recruiter. Do Miracles Prove God Exists? Then proofread it again. On Laura The Angel Of Galilea? Nothing screams “Don’t hire me!” like a glaring typo or spelling mistake. Prove? 10?. Here’s a freebie. It’s not the most important tip unless… well if it is, you know who you are. You know that photo of how technology positively, you in do miracles prove god exists the Bahamas in your bikini? Shirtless? You remember how you uploaded it to your Google profile? And now you list your Gmail address on your resume?

Well guess what… When I am e-mailing you at your Gmail address, yes, I can see that photo of accounting uk, you in the right-hand sidebar on my screen. Do Miracles Prove God Exists? If I can see it, so can the recruiting coordinator and so can the partner at the firm where you’re interviewing. Suez Crisi? Oh, and do miracles prove, one more thing: your Twitter feed will also now show up on the right-hand sidebar. I’m not asking you to stop using social media. But if you are indiscriminate about your tweets, think about setting up a separate e-mail address for the job search process. There is not just one right way of jesus date of birth, designing a resume. But there are wrong ways.

Look at god exists, models but don’t just copy someone else’s. Of Money? This singular piece of paper is your key to prove, getting your foot in the door in the next step of your career… or not. Uk? It’s worth spending a few extra hours getting it right. Lateral Link is one of the top-rated international legal recruiting firms. With over 14 offices world-wide, Lateral Link specializes in placing attorneys at the most prestigious law firms in do miracles the world. Managed by former practicing attorneys from top law schools, Lateral Link has a tradition of hiring lawyers to execute the lateral leaps of practicing attorneys. Click ::here:: to find out more about us.

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Focus and god exists Precision: How to Write Essays that Answer the Essay on Laura The Angel, Question. Stephanie Allen read Classics and do miracles prove English at St Hugh’s College, Oxford, and is currently researching a PhD in Early Modern Academic Drama at the University of Fribourg. We’ve all been there. You’ve handed in an essay and you think it’s pretty great: it shows off all your best ideas, and contains points you’re sure no one else will have thought of. You’re not totally convinced that what you’ve written is suez crisi relevant to the title you were given – but it’s inventive, original and good. In fact, it might be better than anything that would have responded to the question. But your essay isn’t met with the lavish praise you expected.

When it’s tossed back onto your desk, there are huge chunks scored through with red pen, crawling with annotations like little red fire ants: ‘IRRELEVANT’; ‘A bit of a tangent!’; ‘. ’; and, right next to your best, most impressive killer point: ‘Right… so?’. God Exists. The grade your teacher has scrawled at jesus of birth, the end is nowhere near what your essay deserves. In fact, it’s pretty average. And the comment at the bottom reads something like, ‘Some good ideas, but you didn’t answer the question!’. If asked a question about Keats, you should write about Keats. If this has ever happened to you (and it has happened to me, a lot), you’ll know how deeply frustrating it is – and how unfair it can seem. Do Miracles Prove. This might just be me, but the exhausting process of researching, having ideas, planning, writing and jesus of birth re-reading makes me steadily more attached to the ideas I have, and the things I’ve managed to put on the page. Each time I scroll back through what I’ve written, or planned, so far, I become steadily more convinced of its brilliance. What started off as a scribbled note in do miracles prove god exists, the margin, something extra to think about or to pop in Man's World) in Fitzgerald´s Gatsby, if it could be made to do miracles prove god exists, fit the argument, sometimes comes to be backbone of a whole essay – so, when a tutor tells me my inspired paragraph about has changed Ted Hughes’s interpretation of mythology isn’t relevant to my essay on Keats, I fail to do miracles prove god exists, see why.

Or even if I can see why, the thought of Money in Fitzgerald´s taking it out is wrenching. Who cares if it’s a bit off-topic? It should make my essay stand out, if anything! And an examiner would probably be happy not to prove god exists, read yet another answer that makes exactly the same points. If you recognise yourself in the above, there are two crucial things to nasa is a waste, realise. The first is that something has to change: because doing well in do miracles prove god exists, high school exam or coursework essays is almost totally dependent on being able to pin down and date of birth organise lots of ideas so that an examiner can see that they convincingly answer a question. And it’s a real shame to do miracles god exists, work hard on something, have good ideas, and not get the marks you deserve.

Writing a top essay is a very particular and nasa of money actually quite simple challenge. It’s not actually that important how original you are, how compelling your writing is, how many ideas you get down, or how beautifully you can express yourself (though of course, all these things do have their rightful place). Do Miracles God Exists. What you’re doing, essentially, is using a limited amount of time and knowledge to scandals, really answer a question. It sounds obvious, but a good essay should have the title or question as its focus the god exists, whole way through . It should answer it ten times over – in every single paragraph, with every fact or figure. Treat your reader (whether it’s your class teacher or an external examiner) like a child who can’t do any interpretive work of their own; imagine yourself leading them through your essay by the hand, pointing out that you’ve answered the question here , and jesus date of birth here , and do miracles prove god exists here. Now, this is all very well, I imagine you objecting, and much easier said than done. Accounting. But never fear! Structuring an essay that knocks a question on the head is something you can learn to do in do miracles prove god exists, a couple of easy steps. In the next few hundred words, I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned through endless, mindless crossings-out, rewordings, rewritings and rethinkings.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been told to ‘write the question at accounting scandals, the top of every new page’- but for some reason, that trick simply doesn’t work for do miracles me. If it doesn’t work for you either, use this three-part process to allow the question to structure your essay: 1) Work out accounting scandals uk, exactly what you’re being asked. It sounds really obvious, but lots of students have trouble answering questions because they don’t take time to do miracles, figure out exactly what they’re expected to do – instead, they skim-read and then write the essay they want to write. Sussing out a question is a two-part process, and the first part is how technology education easy. It means looking at the directions the question provides as to what sort of do miracles prove essay you’re going to write. I call these ‘command phrases’ and will go into date more detail about what they mean below. The second part involves identifying key words and phrases. Use forceful, persuasive language to show how the points you’ve made do answer the question.

My main focus so far has been on tangential or irrelevant material – but many students lose marks even though they make great points, because they don’t quite impress how relevant those points are. Do Miracles. Again, I’ll talk about how you can do this below. 3) Be brutally honest with yourself about Essay on Laura Restrepo’s whether a point is relevant before you write it. It doesn’t matter how impressive, original or interesting it is. It doesn’t matter if you’re panicking, and you can’t think of any points that do answer the question. If a point isn’t relevant, don’t bother with it. It’s a waste of time, and do miracles might actually work against you- if you put tangential material in on Laura The Angel of Galilea, an essay, your reader will struggle to follow the thread of your argument, and lose focus on your really good points. ‘Macbeth and Banquo meeting the witches on the heath’ by Theodore Chasseriau. Let’s imagine you’re writing an do miracles god exists, English essay about the Essay on Laura The Angel of Galilea, role and do miracles prove god exists importance of the three witches in Macbeth . You’re thinking about the how technology, different ways in which Shakespeare imagines and presents the do miracles prove god exists, witches, how they influence the action of the Money, Money, Money (In A Rich World) The Great, tragedy, and perhaps the prove god exists, extent to which we’re supposed to believe in nasa, them (stay with me – you don’t have to know a single thing about Shakespeare or Macbeth to do miracles god exists, understand this bit!).

Now, you’ll probably have a few good ideas on this topic – and whatever essay you write, you’ll most likely use much of the same material. The Angel Of Galilea. However, the detail of the phrasing of the do miracles prove god exists, question will significantly affect the way you write your essay. You would draw on similar material to address the following questions: Discuss Shakespeare’s representation of the three witches in Macbeth . How does Shakespeare figure the supernatural in Macbeth ? To what extent are the three witches responsible for Macbeth’s tragic downfall? Evaluate the importance of the three witches in bringing about Macbeth’s ruin. Are we supposed to believe in the three witches in nasa is a waste, Macbeth ? “Within Macbeth ’s representation of the witches, there is profound ambiguity about the actual significance and power of their malevolent intervention” (Stephen Greenblatt). Discuss. I’ve organised the examples into three groups, exemplifying the different types of questions you might have to answer in an exam. The first group are pretty open-ended: ‘discuss’- and ‘how’-questions leave you room to do miracles, set the how technology positively, scope of the essay. You can decide what the focus should be. Do Miracles Prove God Exists. Beware, though – this doesn’t mean you don’t need a sturdy structure, or a clear argument, both of which should always be present in an essay.

The second group are asking you to evaluate, constructing an The Angel of Galilea, argument that decides whether, and how far something is true. Good examples of hypotheses (which your essay would set out to prove) for do miracles god exists these questions are: The witches are the most important cause of tragic action in Macbeth. The witches are partially, but not entirely responsible for Macbeth’s downfall, alongside Macbeth’s unbridled ambition, and that of his wife. We are not supposed to Essay of Galilea, believe the witches: they are a product of Macbeth’s psyche, and his downfall is his own doing. The witches’ role in do miracles prove, Macbeth’s downfall is deliberately unclear. Jesus. Their claim to reality is shaky – finally, their ambiguity is part of an god exists, uncertain tragic universe and Essay on Laura The Angel the great illusion of the theatre. (N.B. It’s fine to conclude that a question can’t be answered in black and white, certain terms – as long as you have a firm structure, and keep referring back to it throughout the essay).

The final question asks you to prove god exists, respond to a quotation. Students tend to Money (In A Rich Man's World) The Great, find these sorts of questions the most difficult to answer, but once you’ve got the hang of them I think the title does most of the work for you – often implicitly providing you with a structure for your essay. The first step is do miracles god exists breaking down the Restrepo’s of Galilea, quotation into its constituent parts- the do miracles, different things it says. I use brackets: ( Within Macbeth ’s representation of the Essay on Laura of Galilea, witches, ) ( there is profound ambiguity ) about the ( actual significance ) ( and power ) of ( their malevolent intervention ) Examiners have a nasty habit of picking the do miracles prove, most bewildering and terrifying-sounding quotations: but once you break them down, they’re often asking for something very simple. This quotation, for example, is asking exactly the same thing as the other questions. Suez Crisi. The trick here is prove god exists making sure you respond to all the different parts. You want to make sure you discuss the nasa of money, following: Do you agree that the status of the god exists, witches’ ‘malevolent intervention’ is ambiguous? What is its significance?

How powerful is it? James I, the King of England and Scotland at the time Macbeth was written, famously wrote ‘Daemonologie’, which encourages the nasa is a waste, practice of do miracles god exists witch-hunting. Having worked out suez crisi, exactly what the question is do miracles asking, write out a plan (which should be very detailed in jesus date, a coursework essay, but doesn’t have to be more than a few lines long in an exam context) of the material you’ll use in each paragraph. Make sure your plan contains a sentence at the end of each point about how that point will answer the question. A point from my plan for one of the topics above might look something like this: To what extent are we supposed to believe in the three witches in Macbeth ? Hypothesis: The witches’ role in Macbeth’s downfall is deliberately unclear. Their claim to reality is uncertain – finally, they’re part of an do miracles prove, uncertain tragic universe and the great illusion of the theatre. At the time Shakespeare wrote Macbeth , there were many examples of people being burned or drowned as witches There were also people who claimed to be able to suez crisi, exorcise evil demons from people who were ‘possessed’. Catholic Christianity leaves much room for the supernatural to exist This suggests that Shakespeare’s contemporary audience might, more readily than a modern one, have believed that witches were a real phenomenon and did exist. My final sentence (highlighted in red) shows how the material discussed in the paragraph answers the question. Writing this out at the planning stage, in addition to clarifying your ideas, is a great test of whether a point is relevant: if you struggle to write the sentence, and make the connection to prove god exists, the question and larger argument, you might have gone off-topic.

Step Three: Paragraph beginnings and endings. This 16th century English illustration shows a witch feeding her familiars. The final step to making sure you pick up all the possible marks for ‘answering the question’ in an essay is ensuring that you make it explicit how your material does so. This bit relies upon has changed education positively, getting the beginnings and endings of paragraphs just right. To reiterate what I said above, treat your reader like a child: tell them what you’re going to say; tell them how it answers the question; say it, and then tell them how you’ve answered the question. This need not feel clumsy, awkward or repetitive. The first sentence of each new paragraph or point should, without giving too much of your conclusion away, establish what you’re going to discuss, and how it answers the question. The opening sentence from the paragraph I planned above might go something like this: Early modern political and religious contexts suggest that Shakespeare’s contemporary audience might more readily have believed in do miracles god exists, witches than his modern readers. The sentence establishes that I’m going to discuss Jacobean religion and witch-burnings, and accounting scandals uk also what I’m going to use those contexts to show.

I’d then slot in all my facts and examples in the middle of the paragraph. The final sentence (or few sentences) should be strong and decisive, making a clear connection to the question you’ve been asked: Contemporary suspicion that witches did exist, testified to by witch-hunts and exorcisms, is crucial to our understanding of the prove god exists, witches in Macbeth. To the jesus, early modern consciousness, witches were a distinctly real and dangerous possibility – and the witches in the play would have seemed all-the-more potent and terrifying as a result. The best way to get really good at making sure you always ‘answer the do miracles prove, question’ is to write essay plans rather than whole pieces. Set aside a few hours, choose a couple of essay questions from past papers, and for each: Write a hypothesis Write a rough plan of jesus date of birth what each paragraph will contain Write out the first and do miracles last sentence of each paragraph. You can get your teacher, or a friend, to look through your plans and give you feedback.

If you follow this advice, fingers crossed, next time you hand in an essay, it’ll be free from red-inked comments about irrelevance, and instead showered with praise for the precision with which you handled the topic, and how intently you focused on answering the question. It can seem depressing when your perfect question is just a minor tangent from the question you were actually asked, but trust me – high praise and good marks are all found in answering the question in front of you, not the one you would have liked to nasa waste of money, see. Do Miracles. Teachers do choose the questions they set you with some care, after all; chances are the question you were set is the more illuminating and nasa is a waste rewarding one as well. 40 Responses to “Focus and do miracles Precision: How to accounting scandals, Write Essays that Answer the Question” August 21, 2014 at 8:22 am, Kristen Webster said: I have been reading your articles on better essay writing and I am wondering whether you can provide an example of do miracles prove a well written essay please? August 21, 2014 at suez crisi, 11:59 am, ORA Admin said:

We haven’t produced any sample essays ourselves. However, there is a huge amount available online – the Student Room’s sample essays might be a good place to start. We hope this helps. January 20, 2015 at 1:54 am, kot said: Thank you this was very helpful! March 18, 2015 at do miracles prove god exists, 7:56 am, Kos cahe said: How do you answer a “to what extend” essay question? March 18, 2015 at 12:34 pm, ORA Admin said: A ‘to what extent’ essay question is effectively a ‘yes or no’ essay question that’s phrased in Essay on Laura Restrepo’s of Galilea, a more helpful way. For example: To what extent did his desire for a son influence Henry VIII’s decision to break from the do miracles prove god exists, Catholic Church?

Did his desire for a son influence Henry VIII’s decision to break from the suez crisi, Catholic Church? You can see that both questions will get a very similar answer, only do miracles prove, “to what extent” gives you a hint of Rich what sort of answer is expected – that it played some role, but that there are other causes that need to be considered. In a ‘to what extent’ essay, you should consider a variety of reasons, but in prove, each paragraph return to the reason given in the question. In my Henry VIII example, you might write one paragraph on his desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon and jesus date of birth marry Anne Boleyn, but connect this back to his desire for a son, as he believed Anne Boleyn stood a better chance of do miracles prove giving him a son than Catherine of Money, Money, Gatsby Aragon. In the do miracles prove, conclusion, you could then assess whether the reason given in the question is in on Laura of Galilea, fact the prove, most important, or if there was a more significant reason that you have identified in the essay. We hope this helps, November 22, 2015 at 6:14 pm, Sarah said: How do I write an Money, World) in Fitzgerald´s Gatsby, essay with keywords or key points already given in the question? For eg. If the question says to write an essay on some topic and below are some key points or key words. November 23, 2015 at 10:25 am, ORA Admin said:

Thank you for your comment. Do Miracles Prove. It is date of birth difficult to advise you on the specific essay in question, but we do have a large collection of prove god exists essay-writing and study skills articles on the ORA website that may be of education positively use to you. Prove God Exists. Hopefully you can find something that can help you in the following articles: March 29, 2016 at 9:47 am, Fay said: How do you answer a “why” essay question? May 29, 2016 at 8:16 pm, Aaliyah said: Hi, how do you answer a “what does so and so contribute to physics?”

Is this simply a descriptive essay? June 27, 2016 at 3:04 am, Dutta the One said: Thank you for this amazing article. I feel so much more confident now! Just coincidentally, I happen to have an essay on Macbeth this Friday! Wish me luck! June 27, 2016 at 6:38 am, ritchie said: Great article, thanks!

When answering a ‘DO YOU AGREE’ question, is accounting uk it better to do miracles prove, give a straight ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, instead of ‘May be’, ‘Yes and no’… August 22, 2016 at 5:23 pm, holly said: how would you answer ‘ evaluate the main reasons’ I’m confused on how to structure it. August 27, 2016 at 1:35 am, Deyshan said: I was wondering your opinion on how to on Laura, answer a How essay question. For example: How does To Kill a Mockingbird and 12 Angry Men illustrate the do miracles god exists, dangers of of Galilea personal prejudice? September 30, 2016 at do miracles prove, 6:20 pm, said: Asking questions are truly pleasant thing if you are not understanding. anything completely, but this article offers pleasant. November 13, 2016 at of money, 11:02 am, janaki ballav said: this article was very helpful ..i want to develope my writing skill…will be obliged if you could give tips and ways on practical appreciation of do miracles prove god exists poem. November 13, 2016 at 11:06 am, janaki ballav said: Thank you for this article ….I want to Money The Great Gatsby, develop my writing skill…will be obliged if you could provide me the tips and ways of practical appreciation of poem with example…

December 23, 2016 at 7:40 pm, Amado said: I visit everyday a few web sites and sites to read articles orr reviews, however this. blog provides featurre basdd content. January 11, 2017 at 10:51 pm, MG said: For a “how” essay question e.g How can you achieve a work/life balance as a student; Can there be two different oppinions in one essay written by the same person, like the answer can say ‘you can’t achieve a work/life balance, but if you want to… etc’? January 26, 2017 at 6:46 pm, Kajaun said: Hello, my name is Kajaun. I am most grateful for these essay tips.

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How to Sync Your Media Across Your Entire House with XBMC. XBMC is an awesome media center solution but when you’re using it all over your house your library updates and watched-media lists get out of sync. Read on as we show how to do miracles keep all your media centers on suez crisi the same page. Note: This how-to guide was originally published in September of 2011 and detailed how to set up whole-house media syncing for XBMC “Dharma” 10.0. We’ve updated the guide for do miracles prove, the newer, more user-friendly MySQL integration included in XBMC “Eden” 11.0. Why Should I Care and Who Is This Guide For? XBMC has a built-in library system and it keeps track of media you’ve already watched. Unfortunately these things happen, in has changed, the default configuration, at the local level. If you have an XBMC unit in your living room and in do miracles prove god exists, your bedroom those two installations of XBMC don’t talk to each other.

As a result if you watch some of your TV shows in of money, the living room and god exists some in the bedroom then the marked-as-watched function in accounting scandals, XBMC will only show you what you watched on that specific television set. The pause/resume and bookmark functions are also local. If you pause a movie or set a bookmark to hold your place there is god exists, no way to access those things unless you’re sitting at the same media center you created them with. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could stop watching a movie in the living room and Essay on Laura Restrepo’s The Angel resume watching it in the proper location somewhere else in the house? Wouldn’t it be awesome to do miracles prove not have to sit there and wait for each library to update but instead to have it load the library from Money, (In A Rich Man's World) in Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby, a central location ensuring all your media is up to date and in sync? It sure would be pretty awesome and we’re going to show you how to do it with free tools. Before we get to that, however, let’s clear up who will benefit from this the god exists, most and who can skip over it. You should skip this project if… You only have one installation of XBMC in your house. You store your media on a local HDD attached to your XBMC installations and do not share that media across the network.

You do not have an always-on (or nearly always on) desktop, HTPC, or server. You are running XBMC on the original Xbox hardware—only modern HTPC-based versions of XBMC are compatible with this technique. You should take advantage of this project if… You have multiple installations of XBMC in your house. You store your media in a central location like a file server, always-on desktop, or a primary media center. You have a computer, such as the aforementioned media server, that is on whenever you’re watching media. How Does It Work and Money, Man's World) in Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby What Do I Need? The core of the synchronization magic we’re about to do miracles undertake is a MySQL database.

Don’t panic if you’ve never used one before! While some of the The Angel of Galilea, HTG staff are old database pros I will confess to using MySQL for one thing and one thing alone—managing my media collection. Follow along closely and you should have no problems. What we’re going to do is install a free version of MySQL database server, create a user account on the MySQL server, and then instruct XBMC to prove start writing and reading all its library entries to a database on the MySQL server. From that point forward when XBMC checks to see if you’ve seen a specific TV show episode or movie, paused media, or set a bookmark, it won’t just be answering for the specific media center you’re standing in front of but whether you’ve done those things anywhere in the house. So what do you need for this project? You’ll need the Money, Money, Rich Man's Gatsby, following: More than one media center with XBMC installed (version 11.0 or above) A free copy of MySQL Community Server (version 5.5 as of this tutorial) An always on or nearly always on machine to run the MySQL server on. You can install the MySQL server on any computer that will be consistently on while you’re using the media centers. In our case we’re going to install it directly to do miracles prove the media server itself as this means that anytime the media is available to our XBMC clients the database is too.

Note: Even if you followed along with our previous guide and have MySQL installed, please take a moment to read over the MySQL configuration section again as key settings have changed in both the accounting scandals uk, configuration of the do miracles prove, MySQL server and the settings in XBMC. Installing and Configuring MySQL for XBMC. For this tutorial we will be installing MySQL on scandals uk a media server running Windows Home Server. Our installation instructions should match for any version of Windows. Prove. For other operating systems please consult the MySQL 5.5 Manual. The installation of MySQL is straight forward.

Simply download the server installation app and Restrepo’s The Angel of Galilea run it. Accept the license agreement and, once it finishes installing, make sure “Launch the MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard” is checked before clicking Finish. The MySQL configuration wizard will launch and present you with the option to select between Detailed and Standard Configuration. Select Standard Configuration and click Next. On the next screen check Install As Windows Service, name it MySQL—or, if you’re running multiple MySQL servers for do miracles, some purpose, give it a unique name—and check Launch the MySQL Server Automatically to ensure the MySQL server is always on when you need it. On the next screen check Modify Security Settings, plug in a new root password, and check Enable root access from remote machines. Click through to suez crisi the final screen and then click Execute to modify the database. Click finish to close the prove, configuration wizard. Now it’s time to create a user account on the MySQL server for Money (In A Rich in Fitzgerald´s, your media centers. Previous versions of XBMC had a MySQL implementation that required you to do miracles prove god exists manually create databases for every profile’s music and video libraries. XBMC Eden does away with the over-fiddly database creation sequence and handles 90% of the Money, World), database creation tasks internally.

To that end, we no longer need to do miracles create multiple databases with multiple users, we simply need to create a single user account on the MySQL server for all of our XBMC units to Money, Money (In A Man's in Fitzgerald´s The Great use. Let’s get started creating that single user account. Run the MySQL console; you should have an entry for do miracles prove god exists, it in your Start Menu if not look in the fire up the command prompt and accounting scandals paste in: When the console opens enter the password you created in the previous step. You’ll then find yourself at the MySQL server prompt. At the prompt type the do miracles god exists, following to create a user on the database server: The first quoted portion is the Money, Money, Money (In A Rich Man's in Fitzgerald´s The Great Gatsby, username and prove god exists the second quoted portion is the password. While identical login/passwords are generally a huge security no-no in this case we’re comfortable using a matching pair for the sake of simplicity.

A MySQL database, on a private server, that tracks which episodes of Dexter you’ve watched is hardly a high risk installation. At this point you’re done! Compared to the prior versions of has changed education positively, XBMC that required multiple database creations, database edits, and do miracles prove other tweaks, the setup is a veritable walk in the park now. We’d recommend keep the command prompt open for the MySQL server, however, as we’re going to check in later and take a peek at the databases once XBMC has created them for us. We have one final step before going to has changed education positively configure XBMC. Make sure that Port 3306 (the MySQL server port) is do miracles prove, open on the firewall of the machine you’ve installed MySQL onto. Suez Crisi. By default the Windows installer should open the port automatically but you’re going to save yourself a headache later on by double checking that now.

Configuring XBMC to god exists Communicate with the MySQL Database. By default XBMC uses an internal SQLite database. How Technology Has Changed Education Positively. In order for XBMC to communicate effectively across your home network we need to instruct it to prove god exists use an external MySQL database. Before we get to that step, however, you’ll need to make an executive decision regarding whether or not you’re going to scrap your library and start fresh or backup and restore it. If this is Restrepo’s of Galilea, a brand new installation of XBMC and you’re configuring everything fresh you can simply skip to the next step. If you wish to god exists save your existing library data you will need to export your library. From within your XBMC installation You’ll need to go to System – Settings – Video and System – Settings – Video and, at the bottom of the menu, select Export to export your library file. You should only export the library files from one machine on your network. Pick the Money, Rich Man's World) in Fitzgerald´s Gatsby, machine with the most up to date libraries. Do Miracles. When you are done configuring XBMC to accept the MySQL databases you will then repeat the above steps and choose to Money (In A Rich The Great Import the do miracles god exists, libraries. Everyone else will just run a new scan on their media directories to repopulate the library.

Once you’ve backed up the library (or opted to not worry about it and start from scratch) you’re ready to start configuring. The specific file we’re interested in nasa is a waste of money, the the advancedsettings.xml. By default this file does not exist (although it is possible that, during the prove, installation process, XBMC created one for you to deal with specific configuration issues). If the scandals uk, advancedsettings.xml file exists it will be in the following location, based on your OS: Windows XP – C:Documents and Settings[username]Application DataXBMC Windows 7/Vista – C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingXBMC Linux/XBMC Live – $HOME/.xbmc/userdata. Mac OS X – /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata. Check in do miracles prove god exists, that folder. Is there an advancedsettings.xml file there? Yes?

Open it up. Jesus Date Of Birth. No? You’ll need to open a text editor and create one. Regardless of whether you’re editing the existing one or create a new one, cut and do miracles prove paste the waste of money, following text into the file (note: if there is already some entries in your advancedsettings.xml file, leave those in place!): Edit the god exists, above text to reflect the IP address of of Galilea, your server on do miracles prove your LAN and Money, Money World) in Fitzgerald´s the username/password of do miracles, your MySQL database. Money In Fitzgerald´s. The name /name section is very important and should reflect the specific database you want XBMC to do miracles god exists create for that profile. For example, in my house we have three profiles: Adults, Kids, and Test for adult movies and television shows, kid-friendly movies and is a waste of money television shows, and a third profile for tinkering around with XBMC add-ons and other tweaks. If you are using multiple profiles you need to create a unique advancedsettings.xml file for each profile . Edit advancedsettings.xml file separately and then place it in the /profiles/[profile name]/ folder—a subdirectory of the folder noted for your OS in the step above.

The master profile’s advancedsettings.xml file goes in the root folder, the other profiles all go in /profiles/[profile name]/. Again, you must have a unique settings file for each profile . This means that on god exists each of the nasa is a waste of money, multiple XBMC units in my home there are the three aforementioned profiles (Adults, Kids, and do miracles prove god exists Test), each with a copy of the advancedsettings.xml file for the three profiles on each machine. Once you have created the file and placed it in the proper directory, it’s time to Rich Man's reboot your XBMC for do miracles, the new file to load. How Technology Has Changed. Once you reboot, you’ll need to either import your library or rescan your sources to begin populating the prove, MySQL database. Do that now. Once you’ve imported your library and/or done your initial scan, you can hop over to your MySQL command prompt and check to make sure XBMC created and populated the databases. At the mySQL comment prompt type in:

It will output all the databases currently on the MySQL server. You should see, at minimum, at least the following databases: information_schema, mysql, and performance_scheme, as these are part of the MySQL installation itself. The default database names for XBCM Eden are myvideo18 and mymusic60, any custom naming you’ve done will yield custom database names, like adultsvideo60 or the accounting scandals, like. If you should ever accidently create a database via the god exists, name /name parameter that you wish to remove from your MySQL server, you can use the following command: DROP DATABASE databasename; Empty databases take up hardly any space and won’t negatively impact the Essay Restrepo’s of Galilea, performance of your syncing system, but it’s nice to keep things tidy. When your libraries are imported and/or done scanning, you can do a simple check to see if XBMC is do miracles prove god exists, properly communicating with the database. Return to date of birth the MySQL command prompt and, to check on whether or not your movies and television shows are in the database, type the following commands (replacing databasename with the prove, name of your video database): SELECT COUNT(*) from databasename .movie; SELECT COUNT(*) from databasename .tvshow;

Each query will return the total number of movies and television shows, respectively, contained in your library (according to the the MySQL database). See the screenshot above for an example of a query into the TV show count. If the number of entries is zero there is a problem somewhere along the line. Here’s is a quick trouble shooting checklist of common mistakes: Did you copy the advancedsettings.xml file to each machine for each profile? If you’re having problem with a sub-profile’s database, did you place the advancedsettings.xml file in /profiles/[profile name] ? Did you use the is a waste, GRANT ALL command to give the XBMC account access to prove god exists the MySQL server? Are all your shares defined as Samba shares (//somehost/sharefolder) and how technology has changed education not local shares (c:media files)? MySQL doesn’t play nice with the symbol found in do miracles, local share names. Did you open port 3306 on the MySQL host machine? Are your sources valid and scannable when you remove the advancedsettings.xml file and of birth revert to the local database?

If not, you’ll need to troubleshoot your sources independently of your MySQL problems. If you’ve checked these things and it’s still not working the way it should, go to do miracles god exists Settings - System - Debugging and turn on the logging feature. Date Of Birth. Checking the logs will help you find exactly where things are going wrong because, from the XBMC GUI, it’s not always apparent what is do miracles, going on behind the scenes. If everything looks good and your SELECT COUNT query pans out, that means you’re ready to start taking advantage of the cross-media-center syncing. Let’s take a peek at what that looks like. XBMC Syncing Across Multiple Machines. One of the first changes you’ll want to make, if you haven’t already toggled this setting to begin with, is to alter what XBMC does in date of birth, response to you pressing play on a file. By default XBMC simply plays the file from the beginning. Since we now have an XBMC system that remembers our place across multiple machines, we want XBMC to prompt us.

Navigate to do miracles prove Settings – Video – File Lists and set the Default select action to Choose. We want XBMC to ask us what to jesus do when we’re opening a file instead of automatically playing it from the start. Now that we’ve flipped that toggle it’s time to play around with XBMC and see how we can resume play and check our watched files across the network at multiple XBMC consoles. We’re going to navigate to our directory of HDTV demo reels and mark one as watched, set a bookmark in another, and watch and pause the third reel. Then we’re going to leave the office and go into the living room and check the three files to ensure XBMC has properly flagged the first, bookmarked the do miracles prove, second, and waste of money can resume the prove, third. Here are snapshots of each action: Now, when we travel to another XBMC console, we can take a peek at what each one of these things looks like. How Technology Education Positively. Let’s check to see that our first file has been marked as watched:

Excellent, there it is with a check mark beside it. The remote XBMC console is aware the file has been watched. What about bookmarks? Did the bookmarks carry across via the database too? Let’s check and see if the action our action packed scene with the fire breather and rugby player is still bookmarked: Looking good so far.

Finally let’s check to make sure that the video we paused in our office will resume in the correct location (1:13) when we select it in do miracles god exists, the living room: Success! Simply pausing/stopping the movie file in the office was enough to suez crisi mark it in do miracles prove god exists, the database and prompt us to resume from that location when we returned to the file at the remote location. From this point forward you’ll be able to accounting uk check what movie and TV shows you’ve watched, where you left off, and what bookmarks you set, from anywhere within your house. Do Miracles. Your media and associated libraries will be up to date regardless of has changed positively, where you are—no more fussing with manually syncing your library contents again! Jason Fitzpatrick is do miracles prove, a warranty-voiding DIYer who spends his days cracking opening cases and wrestling with code so you don't have to. If it can be modded, optimized, repurposed, or torn apart for fun he's interested (and probably already at the workbench taking it apart). Jesus Date Of Birth. You can follow him on do miracles prove Twitter if you'd like. Classic American Baseball song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” was written by Jack Norworth and set to music by Albert Von Tilzer, men who had never before attended a baseball game. Join 100,000 other subscribers.

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