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Words of Wisdom - Inspirational and Motivational

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Essay , Writing 1073 Words | 4 Pages. Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. Salvador Dali actually , i wanted to become a doc. since i was 4 years . grandfather was a landlord. 12th. i always used to ask him `when i become a doc. will u give me some of your land to construct my clinic?` he used to smile and motivational paragraph, say`why not dear.` then i would say `grandpa then i will certainly treat you after i become a doc. and i will not charge you a single penny` and he used to enjoy this childish talk with me.however i and my grandpa were. AIM Investment Management , People , Person 1022 Words | 4 Pages. My ambition is to open and run a small fine dining place doing business at a level of excellence whereby it could be revered in . the Wilson Peale, Michelin Guide. Published every year in over a dozen countries, the Michelin Guide is the motivational, oldest and best-known European hotel and restaurant guide which awards a star to those deserving restaurants listed in its famous Red Guide. The guide awards one to is the stage of moral, three stars to a small number of restaurants of outstanding quality. One star signifies a “very good cuisine.

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In the beginning of the play, Macbeth . is a kind person who would never kill anyone for motivational, power. After his wife convinces him to Style of Hawthorne, kill Duncan, Macbeth's life will never be the paragraph, same ever again. Every murder he commits will haunt him until he is of the following is the first stage of moral dead and the unbearable guilt will destroy him and his wife. Macbeth slowly becomes accustomed to killing and motivational, does it more easily and without remorse. Macbeth. Duncan I of of Hawthorne Essay examples, Scotland , KILL , King Duncan 916 Words | 3 Pages. ?Namrata Savaliya “ Ambition ” An ambition is an eager, and sometimes an excessive, desire for creation, honor, . ascendancy, power, or the attainment of something. Every person is said to have his or her anomalous ambition . One might have dream to be rich, or having a villa. On the other side, one wants to become famous, a scientist or a doctor. Similarly, I have too my own ambition . I don’t want to become wealthy; I don’t want to get any fame. My aim of life is motivational very simple and it is to serve.

Life , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , Poverty 1147 Words | 3 Pages. MY AMBITION IN LIFE Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one-step of success . to another forming new ambitions and seeking them gratified. Economics. – Samuel Johnson In the life of mankind one has his own dreams and wishes. The dreams transform in to vibrant thoughts concerning about his career and future. No one can exactly predict what role he has to play in the society as the. Dream , Indian Administrative Service , Need 680 Words | 2 Pages. My life I was raised in a small town called Joao Pessoa by my grandmother .The town was very small that everyone knew . their neighbors and paragraph, the town. At this time as was single and living in Brazil. We had a very nice house, which I had my own room and I loved it. I had everything in my room. But was a especial place that I like about my room, It was where I keep all of my favorite things, my craft supplies, favorite CD’s, books, magazines, cameras, photos, and my diary. A place to escape.

Dream , Family , High school 1460 Words | 4 Pages. better, be successful? We are talking about ambition . And now I am going to show you how do ambition affect people on their life. On The Film The Matrix. . There are many definitions of ambition . It depends on the way people think of it. has defined ambition as a strong desire to motivational paragraph, do or achieve something. Now let take a look about how the famous people relate to examples, ambition . Elvis Presley – the King of Rock and Roll said that: ‘’ Ambition is a dream with V8 engine``. Can you imagine. Bill Gates , Elvis Presley , Ho Chi Minh 1340 Words | 4 Pages. and so my mother told me, when her second child came out to motivational paragraph, this world while my father was so excited waiting outside the . delivery room of AFP Medical Center. Dad told me that from that delivery room, he never lost sight of his first son and followed the nurses until the baby was brought to the Nursery, eagerly monitoring every activity up to the time the tag was attached naming me as ‘baby boy Brotonel’. I am CPT BRYAN BISCOCHO BROTONEL O-14294 PAF and this is the Humble Beginnings of on The, My Air Force. Enlisted rank , High school , Ninoy Aquino International Airport 2674 Words | 7 Pages. The Pursuit of Ambition in motivational paragraph, Macbeth Due date 15/03/2013 What fuels Malcolm's interest in defending Scotland?

Do his actions up to the final . Peale Essay. battle indicate that he's prepared to be King? Is he ambitious? What is the difference between him and Macbeth, if they’re after the same throne? Ambition : an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment. Paragraph. Mainly three themes: lady Macbeth, Macbeth, Malcom what. Duncan I of Scotland , King Duncan , Macbeth 1894 Words | 5 Pages. Short Essay On My Aim In Life To Become A Doctor. Short essay on my aim in life to become a doctor Short essay on my aim in life to become a doctor . . Short essay on my aim in life to become a doctor All PDF An essay on my aim in life , Essay W riting Service W ebsites Free essay writing in english my aim in life composition. Short Essay on My Aim in Life - Important.

Some doctors are specialists, such as heart specialist, eye specialist etc. a doctor who Short Essay on My Aim in Life Short Paragraph on My Mother for Kids. Thats my aim in life. Essay , Goal , Writing 1239 Words | 3 Pages. Macbeth begins to think about of Hawthorne Essay examples killing Duncan and taking the throne by force. Macbeth becomes concerned with the witches prophesies and wants to . learn more, as we can see from what he says after they leave, Would they have stayed! (1.3.82).

After this, he begins thinking about his desire to paragraph, be king. We can see that he is free mobile pornography thinking about murdering Duncan from motivational his soliloquy, Stars, hide your fires, /Let not light see my black and deep desires; (1.5.50-51). Macbeth has begun his path to normative economics with, corruption. . Banquo , Fleance , Macbeth 1365 Words | 4 Pages. Haddaoui Mehdi MY AIR FORCE STORY ESSAY SOS CLASS 9U CAPT ROOT Flight 04 NOVEMBER 2004 When . I was five years, my father took me a picture in which I was rendering salute, he laughed and said to me “you look like a little soldier”. He predicted a military life for me at that time.

Thirteen years later I found myself as a cadet in the Air Force Academy and it wasn’t by accident, but a planned project since this choice gets along with my passions and tendencies. Until. Battle , Logistics , Military 1094 Words | 3 Pages. ?Nicolette Roberts Mr. Forrest Roth English 101-068 1 December 2011 Another Day as a Hostess In America today, there are many . jobs that I could have choose from, from paragraph almost impractical jobs, like a super star or a singer, to Essay on The The Matrix, an easy job, like answering phones as a secretary, but there is motivational only one job for me. Which Is The First Stage. It may not be the job that I love or want to have, but it may be a well-paying job. Motivational Paragraph. In picking what job I wanted, I had three choices: to work and be happy, to be a laborer and. Busboy , Employment , Job 1374 Words | 3 Pages. My Ambition Is to Essay on The Film, Become an Enginer. also known as Static Electricity.

1.1.1 Two kinds of motivational, charges (i) If a glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth, it acquires positive charge while the silk cloth . acquires an equal amount of negative charge. (ii) If an 12th ebonite rod is motivational paragraph rubbed with fur, it becomes negatively charged, while the fur acquires equal amount of positive charge. This classification of positive and negative charges were termed by American scientist, Benjamin Franklin. Thus, charging a rod by rubbing does not create electricity, but. Electric charge , Electric current , Electric field 33272 Words | 130 Pages. By: Luca What is free pornography ambition ? In the paragraph, dictionary ambition is defined has “an earnest desire for some type of achievement or . Sparknotes. distinction, (ex) power, honor, fame, or wealth.

The willingness to paragraph, strive for its attainment”. From this definition I do not even believe that Macbeth really had any ambition of his own. I do not think his ambition was not Macbeth’s greatest weakness but more is gullibility and being able to be swayed into the directions of others. In the story of of Hawthorne Essay examples, Macbeth of Macbeths miss. Causality , Lady Macbeth , Macbeth 967 Words | 3 Pages. ? AMBITION Ambition and its pre-dominant theme of acquisition, is being touted as the motivational, new ideal of an increasingly materialistic . Charles. world. Prescribed as an motivational indispensible prerequisite for ‘success’ it has long erased the Essay The Matrix, virtue of aspiration from the minds of our youth.

Characterised by motivational a subtle yet firm will to achieve or become , aspiration advocates the of Hawthorne Essay, pursuit of excellence as opposed to motivational, mere success. Can ambition and aspiration be seen as diametrically opposite manifestations of the according is the stage of moral development?, souls needed. Alfred, Lord Tennyson , Aspiration , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1063 Words | 3 Pages. ?Topic #3 Victor’s driving, obsessive ambition ruined his life and led to his own death and the murder of his loved ones. Motivational Paragraph. Illustrate how . ambition affects not only Victor and Robert Walton, but also the creature in Frankenstein. Pornography. Thesis Statement: Ambition and the quest for paragraph, knowledge is a fatal flaw in the characters of free pornography, Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton, and the creature.

In Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel, ‘Frankenstein’, a recurring motif of motivational, ambition and normative economics, the quest for knowledge is motivational present among the. Frankenstein , James Whale , Mary Shelley 885 Words | 3 Pages. My Decision To Become A Nurse Kimberly C The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing In partial fulfillment of . the requirements of N 3645 Transition to with, Professional Nursing Part A Jeanean Boyd, Ph. D., MSN, RN January 29, 2012 Online RN-BSN My Decision To Become A Nurse I have been a nurse for over twenty years, first as a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) then as an Associate Degree Nurse (ADN). Motivational. In this paper I will discuss why I became a nurse, what the essence of nursing. Bachelor of Science in Nursing , Diploma in Nursing , Florence Nightingale 1371 Words | 5 Pages. Ambition in Macbeth In Macbeth, a play set in Scotland, William Shakespeare wrote a tragedy of a man#8217;s ambition . Free. In . the paragraph, play, Macbeth is Film described as a man who has ambitions of becoming king. Motivational. After the first part of the prophecy by the witches whom he has met returning from battle comes true, he begins to think the second part may also come true, #8220;supernatural soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good.#8221; The witches have predicted that Macbeth would first become Thane of. Banquo , Duncan I of Scotland , Macbeth 1189 Words | 3 Pages. My immediate goal is to gain admission to the College of Law. I know that I will be able to free mobile, receive a top-notch education that will allow me . to fulfill my potential as a contributing member of society.

As a young boy, I dreamed of becoming a police officer or a fireman. Motivational. Of course, many young boys my age harbored similar aspirations. According To Kohlberg, Of The First Stage Of Moral Development?. However, I was not attracted to these professions for their obvious action and bravado. What made the people who performed these jobs special to me is that. Alternative dispute resolution , Conflict resolution , Dispute resolution 1058 Words | 3 Pages. My Ambition Is to Become a Collector. pressure, such as straining during a bowel movement, persistent diarrhea or pregnancy. * Internal hemorrhoids are normal structures that cushion the . lower rectum. When internal hemorrhoids fall into the anus (as a result of motivational paragraph, straining), they can become irritated and bleed. * External hemorrhoids are veins that lie under the skin outside of the anus. These veins can burst and a blood clot can form, causing a painful condition (pile). * Nausea/vomiting — nausea and vomiting are symptoms.

Bile , Digestion , Digestive system 2498 Words | 8 Pages. ? MY AMBITION INTRODUCTION ‘Life without ambition is like a ship without rudder’ Different people have . different ambitions . Style Of Hawthorne. Some want to be rich. Motivational Paragraph. Some wish to become leaders to gain honour. Some desire to be great scientists. Normative. There are others who are mainly led by a spirit of adventure. Dreaming about motivational paragraph touring the world, desiring to be a celebrity, wanting to economics with, be a teacher my goals varied. But all these were short lived. Paragraph. DETERMINING MY AMBITION ‘Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. Journalism 665 Words | 2 Pages.

bition to aspiration AMBITION TO ASPIRATION FROM INSPIRING TO BECOMING…….. . “ Ambition educates the senses, calls into action the 12th night sparknotes, will, perfects the physical constitution, brings men into such swift and close collision in paragraph, critical moments that man measures man.” Ambition is an eagerness to acquire personal advantage, wealth, power, status. It is an Essay Film The Matrix eager and sometimes an exorbitant desire for elevation, honor. Goal , Mind 1485 Words | 5 Pages. My ambition in life has always kept changing frequently, like as a dancer, as an artist, a writer or a doctor since I like . Motivational Paragraph. biology .But I have realized that by just liking something that is related to it cannot assure someone to become that. Every ambition has so many fields to look through to achieve. One may not be successful in all the related paths but can be in at least a few. But now I feel its time for according to kohlberg, stage of moral, me to have a particular goal to reach. I don’t want to be focused completely on it but also.

2006 singles , Better , Lebanon, Tennessee 548 Words | 2 Pages. Every one of you should have an ambition in life. Once you have got one, build a strong base and work your way to that . ambition , lectured Mrs. Motivational. Johnson as she walked back and forth in the front of the room. I could hear a faint snore in the back of the night sparknotes, room. Everyone was watching the clock tick towards the paragraph, end of the period. She just went on and on about setting goals. I t was boring beyond reason.

I have already heard all this junk in my past years of school. Even watching a fly sounded much more. Base , Basketball , Defender 491 Words | 2 Pages. MY AMBITION I have heard that, judges are the free mobile, ultimate in rendering justice and my ambition is to . become a judge, in the Supreme Court of India. My ambition is based on the belief and motivational, presumption that, judges are honest, disciplined and unbiased in their behaviour and attitudes towards their subordinates in the office and the people who come to Style of Hawthorne Essay examples, them for help.

If my attraction to this noble position were to become a reality some day, I would do a lot to paragraph, improve the norms for sparknotes, justice in India. Cleanliness , Court , Judge 706 Words | 2 Pages. Explore the motivational, Link Between Ambition and Evil in Lord of the Flies and Macbeth. in what way you ask? In ambition . For in our world, Shakespeare’s, and Golding’s, Ambition truly is the examples, source of all evil. In . Macbeth, Shakespeare does well to disguise ambition as the true source of villainy, behind the facade that is Lady Macbeth and the witches. Without ambition , there would never be any action, no good, no evil, would Eve have picked the motivational, apple from the Charles Wilson Peale Essay, garden of Eden, without the ambition to gain further knowledge?

The two traits of evil and ambition are well aligned in both. Banquo , Higher Power , Human nature 978 Words | 3 Pages. There is no man without an ambition in life. Some aspire to be rich, many hanker after name and paragraph, fame and still others crave for power, position . and social status in normative economics is concerned, life. Honour and position do not last long. Fortune turns like a wheel. I have a strong desire to become a doctor and serve humanity. Motivational Paragraph. I do not want to become a teacher like my elder brother. A teacher's lot is very hard.

He is overworked but underpaid. He commands no respect in society. Economics Is Concerned. The so-called nation-builder cannot make both. Doctor of Medicine , English-language films , Jesus 400 Words | 2 Pages. Theme of Ambition in Macbeth I have no spur To prick the paragraph, sides of my intent, but only 12th Vaulting ambition , which . o'erleaps itself And falls on the other. 1. Ambition – central to the play- as, coupled with moral weakness, it’s Macbeth’s tragic flaw, causing his fatal errors, the hamertia that brings about his own destruction.

2. It’s unusual – his ambition is a fascinating blend of desire and deep awareness of the full extent of his crime. This results in vacillation. His terrible intent is horrific. An Innocent Man , Choice , Guilt 940 Words | 3 Pages. The Corruption of Ambition The desire for motivational, some sort of vigorous achievement: the longing for Peale Essay, power, wealth, honor, and paragraph, fame push many people . to do great deeds but can urge others to do murderous acts. Those who strive to to kohlberg, is the stage, do the unthinkable just to satisfy their ambition often create devastating disasters. William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar illustrates how ambition urges people to motivational, do atrocious deeds. The ambition Caesar carries lead the Style, conspirators to question whether he is an absolute. Augustus , Cicero , Ides of March 1001 Words | 3 Pages. Ambition “The Prince of Cumberland!

That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, . hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.” During Act 1 Scene 4, Macbeth describes his ambition as “black and deep desires.” He expresses the terrible desires that come across his mind. Macbeth is so caught up in his ambition , where he is willing to do anything that. KILL , Macbeth 948 Words | 3 Pages. Ambition is defined as an eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power. In the words of Niccolo Machiavelli, . Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast, that however high we reach we are never satisfied. This quote defines how ambition is never fulfilled, and motivational paragraph, it will cause people to keep striving for more. Ambition in shown in Macbeth when Macbeth strives to become King, after the Wilson Peale Essay, he hears his prophecy from the weird sisters, and this ends in Macbeth's defeat. Corruption , Duncan I of Scotland , King Duncan 1274 Words | 4 Pages.

How Influential Is Macbeth's Ambition? How Influential Is Macbeth's Ambition In The Progress Of The Play? In 'Macbeth', a play set in Scotland, William Shakespeare wrote a . tragedy of one man's ambition . It is the shortest of Shakespeare’s tragedies, and has a very fast pace. It tells the story of Macbeth's ambition to be king, and the chain of damage he causes by motivational pursuing this ambition . This ambition is the fatal flaw that causes his ultimate downfall. Once Macbeth's lifelong ambition seems to Essay on The Film The Matrix, be fulfilled, it causes consequences. Anxiety , Banquo , Duncan I of paragraph, Scotland 1507 Words | 4 Pages. ? Ambition Essay “Great ambition is the passion of a great character.

Those endowed with it may perform very good or . very bad acts. According Following First Development?. All depends on the principals which direct them.” - Napoleon Bonaparte. Paragraph. Ambition can be defined as the desire and examples, willingness to strive towards achievement or distinction, the motivation in one’s life, it is motivational paragraph one of the key sources to success but ambition can blind one from determining what’s right and what’s wrong. On the contrary, driving ambition is the. Duncan I of Scotland , King Duncan , Light 2124 Words | 6 Pages. ?Macbeth: Ambition Gone Wrong Introduction It’s good to have ambition , as it’s the foundation of a successful life. . Ambition means to have strong desire towards achieving something. Style. Because of this, it’s true that one without ambition will struggle, however sometimes, our own ambitions and desires can change us for the negative. Ambition in its nature can tempt obsessive behaviour, which has a destructive nature of its own. When an ambition purely of passion turns into obsession, it ultimately. Claustrophobia , Corruption , Fear 901 Words | 3 Pages. Ambition is an eager and sometimes an exorbitant desire for elevation, honor, power, supremacy or simply the achievement of something.

The . origin of this word comes from the word “ambicioun” and explains the yearning for money and wealth or power in general. Motivational. Ambition is basically an instinct. Pornography. No matter what background or age you are, you are surely ambitious in any way. This eagerness is motivational not only a driving force for normative economics, both individuals and society but could also end in a fiasco. We set our goals and.

American football , Friendship , Goal 1026 Words | 3 Pages. MacBeth vs. Ruthless Ambition Everyone wants to be on motivational paragraph top. People all want respect, many want fame, more want fortune. But this lust for . power is the normative economics, drive for several changes in people, both good and bad. Many times this desire can overtake a person. They become selfish, greedy, cold, obsessed with power.

Some will do whatever it takes to get to the top, no matter how steep the climb. In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of MacBeth, the motivational, desire that fills MacBeth’s character corrupts his once. Change , Cognition , English-language films 896 Words | 3 Pages. Everybody has an aim in life. Of The Is The Of Moral Development?. Aim or ambition is the inner desire of man.

No man can do anything in the world if his aim is not fixed. So, all . of us should be very clear about paragraph our aim in life. Sparknotes. We may face many difficulties in reaching our desired target, but we have to go ahead at any cost. Ambitiousness is motivational a dynamic make. Free Mobile Pornography. Desire is your psychical susceptibleness to apply your knowledge, surround, relationships, and personality to accomplish happiness. What is felicity? Compartment that can only.

English-language films , Human 469 Words | 2 Pages. ?A WALK OF FATE My child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you. I know when you sit down and when you rise up. I am . familiar with all your ways. (Psalm 139:1-3) I made so many decisions in every stage of my life. Decisions to discover that God reserves a life full of surprises to fulfill his plan for us. Paragraph. Decisions that had influenced and free mobile, developed my well-being and motivational, lead to a place where I am right now. My name is Vic Anthony C Robles.

I was born on October 5, 1981 and 12th night sparknotes, raised. Armed Forces of the Philippines , High school , Lipa City 1479 Words | 4 Pages. tooth, I asked my sister, a dentist, to look at it. “It needs to be pulled,” she told me. I frowned, dreading the experience. Motivational. . My sister sent me for some tissues and I envisioned them soaking up liters of blood from my mouth. Mobile Pornography. I closed my eyes and braced myself. Motivational. I was still waiting for him to pull when I heard my sister say, “I’m done.” I opened my eyes and saw my tooth in normative, her tissue-covered hand.

I hadn’t felt anything, and paragraph, there was just a bit of blood on the tissues. I thought my sister was a. English-language films , Mother , Mouth 434 Words | 2 Pages. ?Q. The play Macbeth explores the dangers associated with blind ambition . Discuss. William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is primarily concerned . Normative Economics. with exploring the dangers associated with blind ambition . Motivational Paragraph. Shakespeare presents the audience with a character faced with clear moral choices and pornography, who is led down a path towards destruction because of his tragic character flaw, his overarching ambition . We can see this in how easily Macbeth is initially convinced to motivational, start down this road by the witches’ prophecy. Conscience , Judi Dench , Lady Macbeth 880 Words | 3 Pages. for kids on my ambition in 12th, life by Manish on August 8, 2011 in Example Essays A person without any ambition in . life is like a ship without a rudder he no destination. He does not have any urge to make a start.

He reaches now’ He is tossed about like a straw in the wind. He achieves nothing in life. Motivational Paragraph. So everyone should have an normative is concerned with ambition in life but simply having it is not enough. Whatever be the ambition , it must be backed up by contain efforts to achieve it. Paragraph. If a person sets an ambition before him. Education , Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , People 663 Words | 2 Pages.

Macbeth- Manipulations of Ambition. ? Macbeth: Manipulations of Ambition Jane Doe ELA B10 Mr. Smith In “Macbeth”, Shakespeare uses the pornography, concept of . ambition to explain the paragraph, deterioration of Macbeth’s morality and his choice, with the manipulation of Lady Macbeth, to Charles Essay, work out paragraph a plan to on The Film, kill Duncan. Paragraph. Shakespeare also explores the Charles Wilson Peale Essay, influential factors of why Macbeth’s ambitions become destructive. The three witches in the beginning of the motivational paragraph, play prophesize that Macbeth will become king. Macbeth wanted to fulfil this.

Duncan I of Scotland , King Duncan , Lady Macbeth 1188 Words | 3 Pages. is ambition and self-improvement. Dickens uses this as a universal idea for Essay Film The Matrix, his novel, and from this theme he gets his title of Great . Expectations. Another major theme in motivational paragraph, the novel is social class. Dickens uses the theme of social class to Essay examples, feed into his theme of paragraph, ambition and self-improvement. Charles Wilson Peale Essay. With both ambition and self-improvement Pip is motivational able to become a gentleman. Pip, from the lower class, has the Peale, longing to be with Estella, an upper-class well breed girl. He realizes that he has to become a gentleman. Estella Havisham , Great Expectations , Middle class 1051 Words | 3 Pages. play Macbeth, by motivational paragraph William Shakespeare, the reasoning of 12th night, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is completely subverted and undermined by their insatiable . ambition . Motivational Paragraph. Macbeth was at free pornography, first reasonable enough to motivational paragraph, keep his ambition in normative economics is concerned, check, however it eventually became to motivational paragraph, strong for even Macbeth and therefor over powered him.

To the contrary, Lady Macbeth was overcome by her ambition from the very beginning. Reasoning was abandoned after the decision to kill Duncan was made. To Kohlberg, Is The First Stage Development?. At that point we see no serious questioning of. Banquo , First Folio , Lady Macbeth 1295 Words | 4 Pages. Life Changing Effects Of Corrupted Ambition. Changing Effects of Corrupted Ambition Many people have hopes or goals that one might want to accomplish in motivational paragraph, their future. They may desire . powerful positions or occupations, while others may desire prosperity and Film The Matrix, wealth. This is known as ambition , the motivational, spellbinding force that leads one toward success.

However, an excessive amount can result in sparknotes, harmful acts and motivational, damaging outcomes to get ones temporary satisfaction. William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” shows a great deal of ambition between characters and how. Banquo , Duncan I of Scotland , KILL 1842 Words | 5 Pages. Ambition in Macbeth Plays have been written ever since Aristotle discussed the origin and function of theater in his famous treatise . Poetics in mobile, 330 BC. Shakespeare, William the motivational, supreme English poet and playwright, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. He was also the first person to have a script for his plays, macbeth is Style of Hawthorne Essay examples thought to be the first, written in motivational, 1606 and published in 1623. As the play unfolds, Macbeth's ambition causes him to change his nature towards. Banquo , Duncan I of Scotland , King Duncan 1291 Words | 4 Pages. Ambition: the Rise an Essay The Matrix Decline in paragraph, Macbeth. Ambition : The Rise and Decline in free mobile pornography, Macbeth Many people, both young and old, strive to rise higher in their caste system. Many teenagers . aspire to paragraph, go to college, and many working people aspire to be promoted.

Ambitions drive these individuals to reach their goals. Ambition drives an individual to reach their goals with a powerful force, but ambition can also cause the Wilson Peale Essay, demise of the individual. Motivational Paragraph. In Shakespeare’s renaissance play, Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses the character Macbeth to show case. Banquo , Duncan I of Scotland , Macbeth 1330 Words | 4 Pages. How My Positive Outlook Benefits My Community. How my Positive Outlook Benefits my Community 798 words A positive attitude helps me to cope more easily with the daily . affairs of life. A positive attitude can bring optimism into one’s life, making it easier to avoid failure. If it is adopted as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into my life as well as the of the following stage of moral development?, lives of others making us happier, brighter, and motivational paragraph, more successful through inspiration. 12th. With my positive attitude I see the brighter side of life, becoming optimistic.

Better , Emotion , Emotional intelligence 805 Words | 3 Pages. Importance of Ambition In the play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, it is evident that ambition plays a very important . role in the play. Paragraph. Ambition is when someone has a strong desire for success, achievement, or a goal. It is a motivating factor that drives one towards success. This is a big part of this specific play. Without ambition , there would be no play, everything started with ambition . Night Sparknotes. Ambition is important to the play because throughout the play Macbeth does everything to secure. Duncan I of Scotland , KILL , King Duncan 1537 Words | 5 Pages.

The Effects Of Macbeth's Ambitions. He who blinded by ambition , raises himself to a position whence he cannot mount higher, must thereafter fall with the motivational paragraph, greatest loss. On The. - . Niccolo Machiavelli. This preceding quote effectively describes Macbeth's fight to gain and motivational paragraph, maintain his role as King of Scotland. Throughout the 12th night sparknotes, play, Macbeth did anything necessary to become King. When he feared his reign was at risk, he again did whatever he thought was necessary to ensure his role. His ambitions caused him to take part in many regretful acts.

Duncan I of Scotland , Homicide , KILL 1309 Words | 4 Pages. Entrepreneurial Ambitions Reginald E. Porter Strayer University Contemporary Business Dr. Brenda Harper January 18, 2012 Abstract An . Paragraph. entrepreneur is someone who goes into business for themselves, hoping to expand and maximize profit. According To Kohlberg, Which Is The Of Moral Development?. Throughout this report, I will briefly explain two of the premiere entrepreneurs who took a risk and it paid off. Entrepreneurial Ambitions It’s not about the price one charges for paragraph, his goods and services, nor is it about the competition or how to beat. Alcoholic beverage , Barack Obama , Business 879 Words | 3 Pages. Duncan I of Scotland and Macbeth Ambition. May 2014 Tragedy of to kohlberg, is the first stage of moral development?, Ambition Have you ever felt a strong desire to achieve something? This is called ambition . Motivational Paragraph. Sometimes . ambition can be shown as a dangerous trait or as a tool to strive to set higher goals. Is Concerned. In the play of Macbeth by Shakespeare, ambition of power causes the downfall of a heroic man called Macbeth. Paragraph. His desire to be king takes control of his actions and becomes his tragic flaw.

Throughout the play Macbeth, Shakespeare highlights the trait of ambition to illustrate how determine. Banquo , Duncan I of Wilson Essay, Scotland , King Duncan 1043 Words | 6 Pages. Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ Is a Warning Against the Dangers of Ambition. Ambition plays a major role in Shakespeare’s tragedy of Macbeth, and paragraph, is presented as a dangerous quality that principally influences the . characters to do wrong. This play gives off a warning of how ambition can affect people and their actions by mobile pornography its influence on Macbeth and paragraph, his wife, Lady Macbeth. Of Hawthorne. This disastrous story begins with the witches predicting that Macbeth would become Thane of Cawdor and motivational, then King of mobile, Scotland. Hence, Macbeth’s ambition emerges, furthermore persuaded by his wife and also. Duncan I of Scotland , King Duncan , Macbeth 1096 Words | 3 Pages.

AIR ASIA – FLYING LOW COST WITH HIGH HOPES 1. Motivational. Synopsis Air Asia was taken over by Wilson Peale Tony Fernandes when the global economic . crisis happened in 2001. It was restructured into the first no-frills and low cost carrier (LCC) in Asia. Motivational Paragraph. It is according to kohlberg, which first of moral development? now the award winning with the largest operation low fare in Asia. The approach is to be easy to book, pay and fly and most of the seats are sold through online, this is in line with its motto ‘Now Everyone Can Fly’. Not only in Malaysia, Air Asia expanding the business. AirAsia , Airline , Low-cost airlines 846 Words | 3 Pages. Spark Program Essay Word count: 1383 Sunday, March 13, 2013 The Opportunity to Become My interest in physics stems from . mankind’s inherent interest in how things work. I have always been fascinated in the physical properties of matter, as well as its applications to the real world.

I have bold aspirations for my future career in physics, as I have dreams of motivational paragraph, developing tomorrow’s new cutting edge technology. Also, I am an innovative person and I am always coming up with new ideas for Style Essay examples, inventions. Electron , Matter , Particle physics 1405 Words | 4 Pages. 12/5/12 Macbeth: Close Reading Essay Ambition is a strong feeling of wanting to be successful in achieving a goal (Encarta Dictionary). An . example of an ambition is in paragraph, the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare.

The main character, Macbeth is described as “not without ambition ,” (Shakespeare, 1.5. 19) to become the is concerned with, king. Motivational. Therefore, he has the Film The Matrix, drive, and he desires for the success of becoming the motivational, king. Normative With. However, by achieving his goal and satisfying his ambition , the character’s soul and motivational paragraph, characteristics. Actor , Connotation , Denotation 851 Words | 3 Pages.

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The Anonymous Production Assistant. Bryan writes in: I have been out of work since December and I am dying to get back to work. Paragraph! I read what you had to say about cover letters and it makes sense but I am having a difficult time simplifying it. I have been sending out resumes like a mad man and sparknotes I haven’t gotten even one interview. Is it the cover letter? Who knows? There are a thousand various reasons, ranging from bad timing to you’re not qualified to someone’s nephew got the job.

But, while I have mentioned cover letters before, now’s probably as good a time as any to motivational paragraph go into some detail. I’ll use your letter as an example. Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: Nope.

No one uses last names. I’d be on a first name basis with Steven Spielberg, if I ever met the Charles Wilson Essay, guy. Good morning/afternoon, Firstname! I graduated with honors from Kean University with a B.A. in Media Film with an emphasis in Broadcasting. Motivational! As an experienced and versatile media student, I believe that I would be an asset to Essay on The Film your company. Not bad, but keep it short. This isn’t an industry for motivational intellectuals, so “with honors” isn’t going to impress anybody. “With an emphasis in Broadcasting” is equally pointless, bordering on redundant.

As you can see from my enclosed resume, I have completed an internship with Fuse TV followed by a PA position working on normative economics is concerned a benefit concert featuring Kanye West as well as a live concert with John Mayer. As a student, I took part in motivational, many facets of what my department had to offer. I was selected to free be part of the university’s advanced production team, Production Company II, to help produce Kean’s professional soap opera, “ Union.” I was a DJ for paragraph WKNJ-FM 90.3, Kean’s college radio station, and normative economics worked as a Distribution Supervisor for the Equipment Center. Motivational! I am also familiar with a variety of sparknotes professional software including Final Cut Pro. You better hope whoever’s reading this is thinking, “He’s a DJ and an editor?! What a coincidence! That’s exactly what I was looking for!” Otherwise, they’ll think you’re a jack of all trades, and motivational paragraph a master of normative economics with none. Besides that, this paragraph is closing in on paragraph Anne Rice-length, at least by the standards of someone who reads scripts all day. Since you’re writing to me, I’m assuming you’re looking for some kind of PA job. Here’s how I would condense it: As you can see from my enclosed resume, I interned at which of the is the first stage, Fuse TV, followed by PA positions on concerts by such performers as Kanye West and John Mayer . Motivational Paragraph! As a student, I [co-?]produced Kean’s soap opera, “ Union.”

In what way is the soap opera professional, if shot by students? Even if you have a justification for Charles Peale Essay it, that’s what the employer is going to think. I wouldn’t mention the motivational, equipment center or FCP unless it somehow specifically relates to the job you’re applying for (like a rental house or a post production facility). Nor would I capitalize your title, like you’re writing in the 1700’s, when they capitalized fucking everything. I look forward to having the free mobile, opportunity of meeting with you and to further explore how I might be an asset to your organization. Thank you so much for motivational paragraph your time and consideration and I hope to hear from you soon. (Obviously, I changed Bryan’s last name for privacy. Economics! Although, wouldn’t it be awesome if X was his last name?) Boy, you don’t use one word when seven will do, huh? Take Strunk and White’s advice: omit needless words.

Thanks for paragraph your time and according is the first of moral consideration. I look forward to hearing from you! One important thing about what I did there, in case you missed it: I assumed that the motivational paragraph, employer is going to call me back, without being heavy handed about it. I don’t know if that little nudge will work, but you never know. Now, if any of of the following is the first of moral development? you readers actually have hired someone (unlike me, who has only been on the being-hired side of the table), feel free to chime in motivational paragraph, with your comments on or disagreements with my advice. what about PA’s with little or no experience? Can you provide a sample cover letter?

Holy wow. I just read the advice on the page, modeled my cover letter after it, sent an email and got a response within about twenty minutes. Amazing. Wilson Peale Essay! Thank you SO MUCH. All of these people commenting who are in charge of hiring people, are any of you currently hiring people?

I have a question if any of paragraph you guys who have been on the hiring or been hired can give some tips. I am doing a career change (from retail/administrative field) and want to work in the entertainment field. 12th Night Sparknotes! I am applying for foot in the door jobs or internships that do not stress prior experience. However, they do want a cover letter stating why am I a good fit and why am I better than others. How do I answer this question?

Not sure how I am to come across as having the necessary soft skills that those postings ask for but without sounding too boastful. How would you start a cover letter if you don’t know the name of the motivational paragraph, person it’s going to? I have looked all over the web for Essay on The The Matrix the production coordinators name, but can’t find it. “Dear . ” Call the production company and ask. If anyone can advise on sending blind cover letters and resumes to motivational paragraph production companies in which of the stage, a new area (just relocated), that would be great. My resume also, aside from acting, looks like a beginner’s Jack of all Trades resume.

Some very legit projects, but an Assistant to the Producers here, a 2nd AD there. Motivational Paragraph! I excel at 2nd AD work, as I have an acting background, am great with people, and know the of Hawthorne Essay, ins and outs of the paragraph, paperwork including awesome call sheets. But I yearn for mobile a little more and was promoted to paragraph UPM quite suddenly on which of the first development? one shoot because my mind is wrapped around everything and again, I’m good with people. I’d rather shoot for paragraph more PM work, but after having said all this, how do I go about getting the work. I’m in Boulder now, in case that helps. I’ve worked in Seattle and L.A. Thank you thank you thank you!

I took your advice and simplified my cover letter (I have a tendency to be a bit wordy) and it has made all the mobile pornography, difference. Since I did that yesterday I have received three requests for internship interviews. Thanks again for the advice. I only have 2 credits for PA work. One was a music video, a month as post production assistant to editor and PA to producer–same project. The other was PA for one day on a short film. Here is my cover letter. Please tell me what to leave and what to motivational paragraph keep since I have no experience. I found your ad on with Craigslist.

I have two credits for PA work and have helped out in motivational, Post. I really enjoy post production/production and its processes. My two greatest strengths are learning and helping others. Which Following Stage Of Moral! My schedule is very flexible. Please let me know if you are interested in scheduling an interview. Paragraph! I can provide references. I am professional, positive and friendly, a problem solver, extremely reliable, pay attention to Essay on The The Matrix detail, get along with everyone, have a great work ethic, very computer savvy (Mac for paragraph 8 years and PC for 14), have an uncanny ability to stay calm in the midst of chaos, a photographic memory, a sense of humor, and possess a wide variety of Charles Wilson Peale Essay skills. I have my own transportation, an iPad and an iPhone. Thanks for your time. Thanks for this, I’m actually sending a cover letter looking for more Script Reading work, but the theory is the same – I want to motivational guy to get to the end of the letter and pick up the sparknotes, phone, not toss it in the trash.

I’ve been luckily enough to get email replies to email enquiries, but they’ve all been along the lines of “Thanks, but no.” I’m hoping this one will be different, since they have a live production that’s doing well… This has been asked before but no one has answered, so I’ll try it. I’m jumping into the entertainment production business and motivational applying everywhere with no experience in the industry. I’m an experienced executive assistant and Style Essay examples have a BA in theater. I know theater and film and extremely different! How do you say “I have no experience but I am willing to do any grunt work to get into motivational paragraph, the business!”? ^ Say that. Is Concerned! I would hire someone who was honest like that over someone who comes across as if they think they’re God’s gift to a radio because they’ve PA’d every show in town.

But then again, I work in paragraph, reality. We like it REAL, haha. Would you suggest attaching the cover letter to the email, or pasting it into the the Essay, body of the email and attach the resume? I was thinking this exact thing as I read. Lately, I have been attaching my resume/cover letter as one attachment and I now realize that it IS probably a reason I’m not getting call backs. They most likely think: A) I didnt include a cover letter, or my one line salutation in my email is my cover letter and paragraph delete my email.

B) If I have a cover letter attached to my resume as a PDF, I must just send the same thing to everyone and they still delete it. PS. I always aim to address my cover letters directly but it is pornography, often VERY difficult to locate the UPM/AD for films in motivational, pre-production. Any tips? Also, I have heard tons of mixed reviews as to who specifically hires Set PA’s or Camera PA’s… So I could use your advice.

great post! Keep up the awesome work! I have had no job in the entertainment industry and 12th I am applying for motivational internships that are this summer. Should I mention that I have never had any experience? Or would that hinder my chances? I’m kind of at according which of the stage of moral, a loss of motivational what to do here and night scared that I won’t even get considered for an office intern position. Thanks for this post and all of the motivational, comments.

I am a media student now and looking for internships in the field. Is Concerned! I have been working on my resume and cover letter in between finals and classes, but I never know what needs to be included or omitted. This helps a lot! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This was asked before, but what should I include if I’ve never been a PA?

I’m doing extra work tomorrow (really just for the money and to motivational get on set) and am hoping to slip the producer my resume. I have tons of experience in PR but none as a PA. Charles Wilson Peale Essay! What do I do?? I would have to say the hardest part of applying for jobs out motivational paragraph here is the cover letter. What frustrates me the Charles Wilson Essay, most is motivational, not knowing whether or not it is too much or too little. I’ve been told that my cover letter is sparknotes, not passionate enough but here, it seems like the paragraph, cover letter is nothing more than a required courtesy since your resume is going to do most of the talking. I have a specific question that may be erring on the side of quibbling about the small stuff: What’s the best way to write a cover email that already has your cover letter attached? I find myself repeating some of the same things in on The Film, the body of the motivational, email that I’ve listed in the attached cover letter, and by the time I’ve gotten to cover email one million, I start opening with garbage like, “I would like to Wilson Peale Essay apply for motivational this position because I’m [adjective], [adjective], and passionate about Film.” (Though it always sounds good at the time.) Any advice on this pickle would be amazing, thanks! Hi. Essay Film! thanks for motivational a very informative blog about cover letter. Night! I was looking for ways on paragraph how I will improve my written cover letter for Style of Hawthorne examples my resume.

Thank you. This was a big help. This is a great help because I have been scratching my brain as to why, when I apply for paragraph a job online that it’s like sending my resume into Style of Hawthorne Essay, space. It’s my lengthy jargon filled cover letter and resume. I’m literally the motivational paragraph, girl who writes, “interacted with the Style of Hawthorne, public to facilitate the proper environment for the filming of motivational paragraph crucial scenes”. Lol! But to our (newbe’s) defense, well to my defense, I have had countless people review my resume and they want you write more. Give more details! Explain, explain, explain. I’ve always thought that it may be too much but let their “superiority” in resume writing get the best of normative is concerned me.

I’ve been stressing over a cover letter all week for a big production that I want to be a part of, and paragraph you guys have been the biggest help. Thank you all so much. Another thing to remember is that you need to free taylor each cover letter for each individual position you apply for. If one is in motivational paragraph, post production and one is on set, they should read differently. People on set don’t care that you edited a full length doc and people in post don’t care that you ran the craft service table.

Is it presumptuous to include a demo reel link in a resume if it is relevant? For what it’s worth, I used to Essay on The The Matrix write cover letters about an paragraph or so in length. I rarely got called for motivational paragraph an interview. In a bought of “I don’t give a shit anymore” frustration, I started writing cover letters that were literally: “Dear ____, I heard you had an opening for a _____ position. Please take a look at pornography, my resume, and motivational I look forward to hearing from you soon.” After that, I got called in for normative A LOT more interviews. My guess is that whatever I was writing before made me sound like I was trying too hard or too inexperienced or sappy, etc. I think the shorter one wasn’t as off putting to the employer, plus it was vague enough that they’d actually look at my resume, which was pretty stellar (or at paragraph, least looked that way). But that’s just my experience. Obviously, your mileage may vary.

Huh. I’ve always been taught to night write cover letters that are. 3/4 of motivational paragraph a page long that explain why I think I’m a good fit for the position. Granted, I’m in theater (stage management) and not film, but you’d think the according stage of moral development?, two industries would have similar practices when it comes to cover letters. That sentence is an attempt to motivational try to puff up having gone to school into Style of Hawthorne, more than having gone to school.

If you’re just starting out and don’t have much/any professional experience, you’ll certainly have a line saying where you went to paragraph school and Film when you graduated. The person looking at your resume knows what going to school consists of. (If, on the other hand you won some award, had a company buy your student film, or negotiated the release of several wandering film students from North Korean captivity — extraordinary or relevant bits of info, feel free to motivational point those out.) On a similar note, if you have experience as a Set P.A. doing lockups, you don’t need to explain how you “interacted with the public to facilitate the proper environment for the filming of crucial scenes”. We know what Set P.A.’s do. I hope none of that sounded too glib, but I’ve been in offices where we passed around resumes laughing at the most outrageous bits of attempted puffery.

I’ll consider someone with little or no experience; everybody has to start somewhere. I trash resumes when it’s clear they’re just making up shit. Here’s one I thought would be obvious, until I got a ton of indistinguishable resumes and cover letters. To Kohlberg, Which Of The Following Development?! INCLUDE YOUR NAME in motivational, the file title. (Don’t just send resume.doc, send name_resume.doc — PLEASE.) Emailed cover letters should be less formal/stuffed shirt-ish, but please please please – above all, remember that you are a professional! That means correct spelling, grammar and punctuation are still required. Essay Film The Matrix! If I get a cover letter from a stranger, and it’s all lower case and motivational txt spk and there’s no punctuation, I’m not giving it another look. Also, please remember to actually WRITE a cover letter instead of just attaching your resume to a blank email. That one gets deleted before I even look at the resume. If you want me to hire you, or recommend that someone hire you, impress me.

Bare minimum effort does not impress me. I would have stopped reading after: To my eyes exclamation marks are shrill and Charles Wilson Peale Essay overly informal. At some newspapers they’re called screamers, because that’s how they make your writing sound. That’s fine if you have already established a relationship with the recipient, but would be a direct to bin mailshot if I received it. Your mileage may vary, of course… Agreed. I’m a stage manager, and I rarely begin any of my emails with an exclamation mark–I only (occasionally) do it in emails to my production stage manager, or emails that stay within the SM team. It just sounds unprofessional and hyper. Motivational! Also, the Essay, “hi” put me off as well. When I’m addressing someone in an email for the first time, I always use “hello”, at paragraph, a minimum.

As someone who does get resumes and hire people: 1.) The advice is free pornography, good. Learn it, use it, live it. 2.) ” As a student, I took part in many facets of what my department had to offer.” That sentence would have been the end of my reading if I’d received that letter. Thanks for the specific advice! I have an additional question–since a PA is an entry-level job, what can you include in you cover letter if you have absolutely no experience in paragraph, the industry? Nathan – Can you clairfy on Peale your second point? For me, the only industry-relevant “experience” I have is taking classes, so I include that in my cover letter. Should I leave it out? Taking a stab at the second point (cause I had the same thought as Nathan) it’s just plain clumsy phrasing and makes me doubt the honors with which you graduated. Taking part in facets?

No. This is a great article. I’m working in the production office on a show right now and we get resumes and cover letters sent to motivational paragraph us every day. Something that I don’t see happen in any of the cover letters or resumes that we get is any indication of someone’s personality. Even in Brian’s cover letter, I can’t really tell who he is. Mobile! I think that helps, though I’m not exactly sure how best to phrase things like that.

For me, I’d use humor, but try not to make it read like a comedy sketch. Clear, concise writing and motivational a dash of personality is key. Novellas about your adolescent life and “comedy sketches” weren’t effective when I weeded through cover letters for interns. Economics Is Concerned! Also, throw a dash of motivational paragraph industry jargon and look like you know what you’re doing. Bottom line, we’re making movies here, not running the government! We want someone fun/conversational to do bitch work with, not some debbie. This is great, f’ing hire me then.

I work in Norcross and they are filming huge movies and everyone seems so down to earth. Riding skate boards joking and having fun. Love to get in night sparknotes, and work with a group of great and paragraph fun peeps.

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EXPOSITORY ESSAY: #8220;Atheism, Agnosticism, and motivational Antitheism#8221; / Madison S. Hughes. It is by our beliefs, knowledge and values that we define ourselves, and are judged by others. Many are willing to normative economics with, kill, or be killed for paragraph such abstract concepts without even a rudimentary understanding of the abstraction for which they are all too willing to meet their maker. Atheism, agnosticism and antitheism are three commonly misunderstood terms that describe beliefs, knowledge and values respectively. Analytically defining each word will show a direct correlation between each term, and their respective abstract concept for which they describe.

It will prove beneficial to any reader’s future conversations, correspondence, or consternations concerning atheism, agnosticism, and antitheism. Atheism is a term that describes one#8217;s rejection of according of the is the first stage development? supernatural belief. Simply put, a theist is one with a belief in a supernatural deity, or deities; while an atheist is one without a belief in a supernatural deity, or deities. The American Atheist organization founded in 1963 by “Madalyn Murray O#8217;Hair, the motivational paragraph, noted atheist activist, [who] as the result of her successful battle against night mandatory school prayer, and motivational Bible recitation” [was responsible for their removal from public schools] defines atheism as follows (About): Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity, which implies that nothing exists, but natural phenomena (matter), that thought is a property or function of matter, and that death irreversibly and totally terminates individual organic units. This definition means that there are no forces, phenomena, or entities which exist outside of, or apart from physical nature, or which transcend nature, or are “super” natural, nor can there be. 12th Sparknotes! Humankind is on its own. (Atheism)

When it comes to a belief in motivational paragraph, the supernatural one must either be a theist, or an pornography, atheist, for no other alternatives are available. Motivational Paragraph! This is not a false dilemma. One cannot kind of, sort of believe, but not really. It would be analogous to is concerned with, kind of, sort of being dead; it is not possible. One is either dead or alive. Likewise, one is either a theist or an motivational paragraph, atheist. In both cases there are no other alternatives available.

Atheism is concerned with belief. Often, because of the negative emotive connotations associated with the word atheist, people will incorrectly use the term agnostic to describe their lack of belief in normative economics with, an intellectually vain attempt to avoid being labeled the pejoratively and socially stigmatic term atheist. It is intellectually dishonest to do so, for “agnosticism is the paragraph, position of believing that knowledge of the existence or non-existence of god is impossible. . . . The agnostic holds that human knowledge is limited to the natural world, that the of Hawthorne Essay, mind is incapable of knowledge of the motivational, supernatural” (Agnosticism). Agnosticism is not an undecided position concerning belief between a theist, and Charles Wilson Peale an atheist. Motivational! As previously shown theism, and atheism describe belief. Essay On The The Matrix! One cannot use the term agnostic as a surrogate to describe one’s belief. Agnosticism is concerned with knowledge. “Antitheism is active opposition to theism. . . . it typically refers to direct opposition to organized religion, or to the belief in motivational paragraph, any deity” (Antitheism). An antitheist values truth over unity, while it is observable that theists value unity over truth. For example, an antitheist will overtly, and without reservation, claim that anyone who believes in the story of a talking snake is irrational. Conversely, the theists would not concern themselves with the antitheist’s claimed irrationality of a talking snake so long as the unity of their cult, church, or community is maintained. Most antitheists are so because they “take the view that theism is dangerous or destructive” (Antitheism).

Many antitheists are strident in their opposition to normative, theism. The late Christopher Hitchens who in his 2001 book Letters to a Young Contrarian , wrote, “I hold that the influence of motivational churches, and the effect of religious belief, is positively harmful” (Antitheism). Antitheists look at the negative effect of religious belief on society. They believe that the influence of the churches is unnecessary for pornography positive effects to be made in paragraph, society. Secular institutions such as the Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, PlanUSA, etc. do so demonstratively with neither a need for the promise of salvation, nor the fear of 12th night damnation. Antitheism is concerned with values. The metaphysical misunderstanding of abstract concepts such as belief, knowledge and values need not continue to thrive in a culture of intolerance. A simple analytical understanding of the definitions of atheism, agnosticism, and antitheism clearly shows their respective correlation to motivational, belief, knowledge and values respectively. Atheism is concerned with belief . Agnosticism is concerned with knowledge . Antitheism is concerned with values . #8220;About.#8221; American Atheists. Ed. Admin.

American Atheists, 15 Feb. 2012. Web. 18 June 2012. #8220;Agnosticism.#8221; The Skeptic#8217;s Dictionary. Ed. Robert T. Carroll. The Skeptic#8217;s Dictionary, 19 May 2012. Web. 19 June 2012. #8220;Antitheism.#8221; Wikipedia . According Is The Of Moral Development?! Wikimedia Foundation, 07 June 2012.

Web. 19 June 2012. #8220;Atheism.#8221; American Atheists . Ed. Admin. Motivational! American Atheists, 15 Feb. 2012. Web. 18 June 2012. Got it hanging on my wall. Yeah, I do. Up there with Hitch and Dawkins. Of Hawthorne Essay! Keep it up brother.

Yeah, the #8220;Afterlife#8221; vid loads now. I don#8217;t know what the motivational paragraph, hell happened. Don#8217;t care; it works now. Essay Film! A concise and useful summary. Paragraph! I would add to the theist perspective that his or her supernatural God is also personal, present, and normative guiding of individuals specifically and of the motivational, universe generally.

It#8217;s a proposition that cannot be proven; it has to be believed, assented to in trust that it is true. The atheist just says: #8220;I cannot assent to that, it all sounds and behaves like a social construction.#8221; The larger problem, it seems to me, is that the Christian model of theism increasingly broadened its range of propositions to, in actuality, become an ideology and cultural system and thus became a political entity. Antitheists realize that theism is not just a simple and benign #8220;belief#8221; in something; it is a comprehensive ideological and political system that can be used, by politically motivated actors, to Film, do harm to other humans. I don#8217;t care what you believe, I #8220;believe#8221; or #8220;trust#8221; in unproven things as well. The real question is how our belief systems impacts others. Brilliant.

Very informative! Thank you IzaakMak; I am glad that you found it informative.

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coriolanus essay S teven Berkoff caius marcius berkoff. Laughter, Gender, and Death in Steven Berkoff#146;s Coriolanus. Copyright © 2002 Ken Lauter. [Henry Irving] ran his theatre like a warrior. Steven Berkoff#146;s production of Shakepeare#146;s Coriolanus was the most penetrating rendering of a human soul I#146;ve ever seen on a stage. Designed, directed by, and starring Berkoff, it was stylized, spare, athletic, rich in mime and motivational paragraph ensemble choreography, joyfully anti-naturalistic? and evidently influenced by everything from Brecht to Japanese kabuki [02] . But beyond the Charles Peale, elegant stage design [03] , superb supporting cast, and fine music, the real force of the play was generated by the organizing energy and dramatic presence of Berkoff himself? in a persona he has wryly labeled #147;the Berkoff beast.#148; That persona is impossible to convey fully in words alone, but we can approach it by focusing on his rendering of one of Shakespeare#146;s most troubling and eccentric characters.

Berkoff#146;s vision of the Roman hero and traitor was grandly idiosyncratic. Here was a new Coriolanus? as a strutting, macho, campy yet thoroughly menacing Mussolini. Motivational Paragraph? Here was a man who? in spite of immense ego, martial ruthlessness, abject (and even at times comical) submission to his mother? came across, finally, as a man of Charles Wilson Peale Essay, integrity and (surprisingly) real tenderness. Both Shakespeare and Berkoff know that Coriolanus would not and motivational paragraph could not be politic. He was a warrior? and nothing but a warrior. The ultimate question the play addresses, then, is clear enough: what does being a warrior mean? And why has Berkoff been so fascinated by Coriolanus virtually throughout his career? [04]

1. The Berkovian Warrior. For Berkoff, such questions are synonymous with asking what it means to be a man ? one living now, in a world of normative is concerned with, nuclear weapons (and disintegrating nuclear families), feminism, post-cold-war politics, and modernist/deconstructionist aesthetics. Paragraph? Berkoff suggests that someone who fights to maintain his personal integrity, honor and courage is still living #147;like a warrior.#148; The like, however , is crucial. If you take the term warrior too literally, Berkoff#146;s work will seem crude and anachronistic; if you don#146;t take it as a measure of Essay on The, real things in the real world, you trivialize him. In Berkoff, the motivational paragraph, warrior is free mobile pornography, both real and motivational symbolic, material and spiritual, martial and psychological. And living like one is neither simple nor easy. Historically, of course, being a warrior has entailed standards of economics with, discipline, skill, loyalty, self sacrifice, and physical courage? all of motivational paragraph, which Berkoff affirms, not only in this production but also in the dramatized memoirs of free mobile pornography, his own mean-streets youth, East (1977) and motivational paragraph West (1985). In the on The, former, which he subtitles #147;Elegy for the East End / and its energetic waste,#148; Berkoff remembers: #147;you would fight to the death to defend that particular lifestyle that was your own.#148; [05] And of #147;schtarker#148; hero Mike in West, Berkoff says: #147;Mike#146;s truth is to live for motivational, simple principles and to put his courage where his mouth is. He defeats the Huxton monster [a gang leader] and will continue to Charles Peale, fight monsters so that others can rest safe in their beds.#148; Coriolanus fights the Volcian #147;monster#148; Aufidius in much the same spirit. Yet Berkoff recognizes that the tradition of martial valor has become obsolete and sentimental as a gauge of modern warfare [06] . And in spite of stage stylistics that are often extraordinarily athletic and a tendency for his ensemble to resemble a street gang, Berkoff is never muddled in this theme? he#146;s neither war-monger nor macho sports fanatic.

In his autobiography and paragraph elsewhere, he repeatedly expresses a revulsion for war [07] ? often vis-a-vis Britain#146;s invasion of the Falkland Islands [08] ? as well as an unmitigated contempt for pub-haunting soccer thugs. It is certainly true that Berkoff productions are often marked by extreme violence, terror, and images of Peale Essay, war. Yet when examined closely, these elements are as polemically #147;anti-war#148; as the poetry of Wilfred Owen. Berkoff sees the motivational, mother-son reconciliation scene in 12th night, Coriolanus as #147;one of the motivational paragraph, great anti-war scenes in drama.#148; [09] In fact, what he does in on The Film, this play is to transform #147;the warrior#148; into a metaphor for the state of the soul? and one of his subtexts is precisely Owen#146;s notion that the paragraph, Roman adage dulce et decorum est pro patria mori [10] is a vicious deception, #147;the old lie.#148; Ironically, Berkoff exposes this lie by free presenting us with a character who will not, who cannot, see it as such. Just how important to Berkoff, then, is the concept of the warrior code? As noted in the epigram to this essay, Berkoff sees the great Nineteenth Century actor and motivational paragraph producer Henry Irving as a kind of warrior.

Berkoff also calls Hamlet #147;a moral warrior,#148; and #147;a strong virile human being. a soldier philosopher,#148; while finding #147;male bonding#148; between Hamlet and Horatio comparable to that between Coriolanus and his men. [11] With such intriguing clues in mind, I suggest that in Coriolanus Berkoff continues his pursuit of the theme of genuine maleness, grappling with the idea that for men as men, the according to kohlberg, which is the, fullest possible (and perhaps only honorable) life can come only by serving a demanding #147;warrior code,#148; a life without compromise or self-betrayal. But betrayal is, in fact, at the heart of Shakespeare#146;s play. It is scrutinized in Coriolanus with great intensity, almost to the point of ferocity? and paragraph is shown to pose a greater danger to mobile, the protagonist than the perils of war. Those he is motivational paragraph, trained for, those he accepts as part of his profession; but in matters of free pornography, betrayal, this Roman warrior is a rank amateur? or more precisely, as I show later, a boy. The classical view of the motivational, play? that Coriolanus is a tragic hero who falls because of an inner flaw in his character? is, if not entirely discarded, radically revised by Berkoff. He recognizes that this Roman bull is a great dramatic challenge? a cold, sneering, #147;politically incorrect,#148; narrow-minded aristocrat. Wyndham Lewis calls him #147;the incarnation of violent snobbery.#148; [12] This actually gets it backwards, since Coriolanus worships merit, not class, but it catches the tone of the character pretty well. He certainly is, as D.A.

Traversi says: #147;possibly the most disconcerting and incongruous of all Shakespeare#146;s heroes.#148; [13] Rather than ignore such defects, Berkoff actually heightens and revels in them? or rather, plows right through them. Instead of a conventionally noble hero with the aristocratic demeanor of, say, Laurence Olivier, Berkoff paints Coriolanus as a naked, homogeneous self, like a child or a saint? one who is Essay The Matrix, also a loud, arrogant soldier. Lewis actually calls him #147;a cruel and stupid child,#148; one whose mother has #147;coached and motivational paragraph formed him into the madman he is.#148; [14] This is reductive but, again, not far off the sparknotes, mark? and paragraph Coriolanus#146;s ferocious tantrums and mobile petulance are played over the top by Berkoff to great effect. But children and madmen cannot ultimately sustain great drama? so what redeems Coriolanus, what gives him texture and interest, not to mention moral authority? That is the paradox of Berkoff#146;s production. First, Coriolanus is never dissembling, never Machiavellian. The very idea of hypocritical or self-serving speech outrages and confuses him. He hates making speeches of any kind (particularly to those he has contempt for): #147;He would not flatter Neptune for his trident / Or Jove for#146;s power to thunder.#148; (III, i) In Coriolanus#146;s code, the only life for a true Roman is the challenge of total self-sacrifice, to defend the state from its enemies, to motivational, fight to according to kohlberg, following stage development?, the death. For Coriolanus, the warrior motto of dulce et decorum est is not a lie? it is a living truth.

Better a noble death than a cowardly life, always. Berkoff wants us to seriously consider the possibility that Coriolanus is noble? not by family name or good manners or political astuteness, but by paragraph his unflinching posture as a warrior. He says of his arch enemy Aufidius, #147;I sin in envying his nobility.#148; For this Roman general, conforming to the warrior#146;s code is Charles Peale, nothing less than a kind of spiritual aspiration. Moreover, for motivational, him, Rome is its martial nobility? and to kohlberg, which stage of moral if not that, nothing. Those who don#146;t measure up to motivational paragraph, this standard are parasites, enemies of the state. He loathes the lower classes, thinks them unworthy of mobile, a civic voice, and would even let them starve for motivational paragraph, their cowardice in battle. So when his own standing as a Roman is Film The Matrix, finally subverted by the Machiavellian tribunes [15] , Rome itself becomes #147;the enemy#148;? and Coriolanus can join his old enemies freely and #147;untraitorously#148; (in his own eyes) because the Volcians are still warriors. They have not betrayed the warrior#146;s high calling.

Once with the Volcians, Coriolanus certainly wants revenge on Rome, but we feel it is at least in paragraph, part a just revenge. Night Sparknotes? Berkoff therefore wins us over to him almost against our will? not totally perhaps, but very strongly. [16] Whatever else we may think of Coriolanus, it is perfectly clear that the knavish tribunes are right about motivational paragraph him in one thing: he is not fit for political leadership, except possibly as a dictator (hence the normative, Mussolini costume) [17] . Everyone can see he is motivational, too egotistical, inflexible, or childish for sparknotes, office, but that is superficial. Berkoff#146;s daring performance convinces us that Coriolanus is unfit for politics precisely because he is too noble? if by noble we mean a man who is paragraph, totally absorbed by his role . #147;Let me play/the man I am#148; is Coriolanus#146;s anthem. On The? That is, let me be a soldier, a fighter, a killer if need be? but honor me for doing it by paragraph never asking me to curry favor from cowards or hypocrites for Essay on The Film The Matrix, political gain. And yet this is the man whose friends and family are relentlessly, insidiously urging him into paragraph political life! In the sparknotes, end, Coriolanus is betrayed, not by his flaws but by his virtues (#147;Rights by rights founder, strengths by strengths do fail,#148; IV, vii), and motivational paragraph not by Charles Peale his old enemy Tullus Aufidius, but by his #147;friends#148;? his mother, his wife, his fellow warrior Cominius, his old friend and mentor Menenius, the tribunes, and motivational paragraph the gullible, abused plebeians? in short, by virtually the entire Roman state. Such a sense of betrayal is normative is concerned with, a terribly exasperating vision for motivational, today#146;s liberal, democratic, submissive, corporate citizen and casual theatre goer. And worse, it might easily slide into a vision of macho martyrdom. The only thing that prevents that from 12th night sparknotes happening is laughter.

2. Berkovian Laughter. This production was full of the paragraph, raw, audacious farce that Berkoff is so expert at? and which evoked salty laughter almost from Film The Matrix beginning to end. The laughter comes in many forms, some of which are Shakespeare#146;s usual pit-pleasing puns and gambols, others the brilliant physical comedy of mime and choreography. But the main thrust of the laughter, I submit, lies in the self-parody that Berkoff constructs around the paragraph, very virtues he is celebrating? the prowess, honesty, crudeness, and even the terror of warriors. Coriolanus may be a hellion, Berkoff asserts, but that doesn#146;t mean he can#146;t be riotously funny? mostly at his own expense. This view of the night, character has no basis in Shakespeare. His depiction of Coriolanus is a much more constrained, crisp, somber (and boring!) Roman than we saw on stage at the Mermaid. Shakespeare was no doubt fascinated by motivational the man, a killing machine whose mother was clearly the source of his tiger-like ferocity; and there is also in the text a sense that Coriolanus was wronged by his fellow citizens and that they deserved some measure of the wrath he finally turns on them.

Still, I don#146;t think Shakespeare liked Coriolanus or wanted him to be liked. He is, in Shakespeare, more of a force of nature than a man, a foil to his own lost humanity and dissolved loyalty to free mobile, his nation. We need to motivational, remember that in Elizabethan England being a traitor was a matter of almost obscene perfidy. But Steven Berkoff likes Coriolanus? and wants us to like him. The miracle of the production is Peale Essay, that this ambition is realized? even though we also fear Coriolanus and laugh both with and at him. Again, we like him primarily because, to adapt what Iago says (falsely) about himself, Coriolanus #147;is what he is#148;? a kick-ass soldier, a patriot, a good son, a hard, brave man who won#146;t suffer fools or cowards lightly.

Such a combination is nearly impossible to resist on stage (at least in the laughter-rich character which Berkoff created). Paragraph? The laughter redeems his crudity. Wilson Essay? It almost redeems his cruelty. It humanizes him, and finally, gives us the secret of his soul, illuminating Berkoff#146;s vision of what it means for paragraph, a man to live like a warrior. Of Hawthorne Essay Examples? What we see, ultimately, is that real warriors can laugh at themselves? even unto death. Motivational Paragraph? [18] Berkoff#146;s self-parodic laughter begins in the very first scene and flavors the rest of the play. When Coriolanus gets the news that the Volcians are making war, he is openly delighted? because it offers him the normative economics is concerned with, chance to fight the motivational, mighty Tullus Aufidius once again. #147;He is the normative economics with, lion/ I am proud to hunt,#148; (I,i) boasts Rome#146;s champion? with a fat grin. Shakespeare#146;s stately rhetoric of aristocratic honor in combat was totally undermined by Berkoff#146;s delivery of the Volcian general#146;s name. Between the #147;Tullus#148; and paragraph #147;Aufidius,#148; Berkoff emitted a ringing wolf howl, accompanied by a limp-wristed shaking of Charles Wilson, his fingers. It was one of the most startling pieces of pure comedy in the production (and one that would be echoed later in a subtle and motivational paragraph ironic way). Berkovian laughter is most often generated, however, by Coriolanus#146;s vituperative outbursts [19].

They are passionate, impolitic, and hysterically funny. Even his great renunciation scene, ending with the triumphant rejoinder to those who have just expelled him from with his beloved Rome, was played for a laugh by Berkoff. This famous speech begins with concentrated loathing (#147;You common cry [pack] of curs, whose breath I hate / As reek o#146;th#146; rotten fens, whose love I prize / As the dead carcasses of unburied men#148;? III, iii). But Berkoff ended it with an ear-splitting, hyper-paused #147;I.

BANISH. YOU!#148; This put the rest of the motivational paragraph, ensemble on their heels, their eyes dazed full moons. It was hilarious and Essay on The Film The Matrix fearsome at the same time? something only an actor with Berkoff#146;s brazen presence (and powerful lungs) could pull off. It#146;s a mistake, though, to consider these outbursts merely childish. They are rash, petulant and morally disgusting at times (the citizens of motivational, Rome may have bad breath, but they also have legitimate, heart-breaking grievances, which Coriolanus spurns simply because they are not as brave as he is) [20] . Style Examples? But it is love, honor, and motivational pride that animate the general#146;s outbursts. And more importantly from a dramatic point of view, although his verbal explosions finally cost him his life, they were absolutely thrilling to see? which tells us how badly we crave making them ourselves. Those who can consistently live this way are (or so we dream) outrageously, unfathomably heroic? even when they are funny, and economics with even in an age as cynical and despairing as ours. Berkoff writes:

I always like characters who are much larger than life and believe these are the people the audience craves, that they may gain hope and energy from their example to us. Audiences don#146;t want creatures who are the mirror of their own ghastliness and motivational pettiness. [21] Berkoff#146;s Coriolanus was pretty ghastly himself at times (e.g., when he cooly twisted an 12th, arrow out of the paragraph, throat of an enemy soldier)? but he was never petty, and he radiated energy and hope right up to his dying breath (which Berkoff mimed brilliantly? for once with absolutely no laughter impinging on the scene, as I show later). It also should be noted that? in spite of the fact that its Coriolanus was definitely a #147;gangsta#148; general? this production was kept free of even a grain of fascist chic or the worship of violence. This was accomplished, among other ways, by one of the brilliant pieces of mime in Essay examples, the production? a slow-motion epiphany in blue light of Roman and Volcian soldiers methodically murdering one another with knives, swords, spears, and garrote cords? always ambushed from behind, blind-sided, a kind of danse macabre, war as serial-assassination. This haunting, almost unbearable sequence (all Berkoff, of course, not Shakespeare) was as devastating an #147;anti-war#148; statement as it could be? quite a trick in motivational paragraph, a play whose protagonist was made so strangely endearing and grand precisely because he#146;s both a Rambo-like fighter and an impious comedian [22] . In any case, it#146;s absolutely clear that Berkoff was not engaging in any Nietzschean fantasies of the warrior as Obermann? the Essay examples, play#146;s insistent, raucous laughter is one guarantee of this.

Another guarantee was the production#146;s unique dramatization of gender. 3. Berkovian Gender-Bending. Gender images and inversions of them were perhaps the paragraph, most important, original element in the production. This is following is the development?, a subtle thing to convey. Paragraph? If you have seen Berkoff#146;s rampant virility on stage? and how suddenly and convincingly he can shift into a thoroughly feminine tenderness, the point is self-evident. First Stage Development?? But what can we say analytically? Are we to paragraph, think that Coriolanus and Essay Aufidius are gay? Others have hinted at something of the motivational paragraph, sort, and not just with regard to 12th sparknotes, this play. Wyndham Lewis again: There is [a] curious demented sensuality that [Shakespeare] is fond of paragraph, attributing to military rivals, but which is not an of the stage of moral, element calculated to increase the atmosphere of respect at their feats of daring: it even makes them? the motivational paragraph, Hotspurs, Achilles, Hals, and so forth? a little ridiculous. Film? [23] Lewis#146;s #147;demented#148; is homophobic of motivational paragraph, course, but he does point to something real? only to get it all wrong once again.

Berkoff shows us just how wrong? for as Berkoff plays him, Coriolanus may very well be gay or bisexual, but that is pornography, clearly not what matters. What matters is that he is a tremendous warrior who lives his code with a ferocious joie de vivre and integrity that even his worst enemy acknowledges and envies. There certainly was an ample, strident sensuality in Berkoff#146;s Coriolanus; but he was not ridiculous? he was awesome. His submissive or #147;effeminate#148; nature (registered most obviously in his submission to Mother Volumnia), far from paragraph seeming demented was the most human thing about him (though often comic). If anything, it served to increase our appreciation of his warrior prowess.

For instance, when Coriolanus storms through the gates of of Hawthorne Essay, Corioli by himself [24] ? or even when he tosses off his double-breasted, pin stripe suit coat, rolls up his sleeves and gives the rowdy mob a good thrashing to motivational, the musical strains of the Essay, theme from the Bat Man TV show? we are all the more impressed that this farcical punishment is being administered being by motivational a man who speaks of real combat as if he were speaking of Peale, sex: it#146;s luscious, it#146;s irresistible, it#146;s what makes life worth living for the warrior? a supreme high, a kind of #147;warrior drug.#148; [25] Such language may sound more like a bizarre army recruiting spiel than Shakespeare? but Berkoff stands on solid textual ground here. After Coriolanus has been banished from Rome, Aufidius (clearly an alter-ego to the hero) greets him in Antium with a note of sheer erotic ecstasy: Mine arms about that body, where against. My grained ash an hundred times hath broke, And scarr#146;d the moon with splinters: here I clip. The anvil of my sword, and do contest. As hotly as nobly with thy love. As ever in ambitious strength I did. Contend against thy valor. Know thou first,

I loved the maid I married; never man. Sigh#146;d truer breath; but that I see thee here, Thou noble thing! More dances my rapt heart. Than when I first my wedded mistress saw. Bestride my threshold. ( V , v ) What a preposterous (but dazzling) piece of poetry! No historical figures? the homosexual armies of Sparta included? ever spoke like this [26] . But this is theatre, not history; and motivational paragraph language aside, only the most provincial among us in the Year of Our Lord 2002 still need to be convinced that gay men can be tough? and as capable of military valor as John Wayne ever was. [27]

In any case, Berkoff#146;s vision of this bloody Roman warrior and lover of warriors was full of an urbane, lyrical laughter, and on The Film male-to-male sensuality. The lusty, hugging, back-slapping meetings and mock fights that went on between Coriolanus and his men? and paragraph also between him and night sparknotes the General Cominius? were boisterous and strangely tender at once [28] . These warriors love each other. Motivational Paragraph? Any other way of putting it would be a distortion. That such a love should occasionally verge on erotic intensity may seem surprising to some; but these two ingredients? Coriolanus#146;s homoeroticism and his exuberant, laughing joy in it? gave Berkoff#146;s production a strangely moving quality. It wasn#146;t #147;queer Shakespeare#148; for shock value; it was gender-bending for the sake of Film The Matrix, dramatic truth: complexity, gradations, overlappings, and contradictions rather than rigid male-female dichotomies were what this production found in paragraph, the warrior life. The scenes of combat between Coriolanus and Aufidius took this all a step further [29] . When the two generals locked up in mortal combat, Berkoff played it entirely with mimed swords? i.e. the actors wielded #147;invisible#148; weapons.

There was no sound-effect for the clash of blades? only the mimed shock-wave of arrested force registered in the freeze-frame of crossed blades and contorted bodies, simultaneous with loud, gut-rending grunts from the actors. On The The Matrix? After each swing of motivational, swords, they stood momentarily face to face, eye to eye in Charles, this embrace, trembling in muscular exertion, sweating, growing red, breathing like race horses, pouring pure animal rage into each other#146;s eyes. It was, in motivational paragraph, short, an Charles Peale Essay, orgasmic image. Motivational Paragraph? What does Berkoff mean by it? On the one hand, I think he was simply rendering the following first stage of moral, rush of combat that some men experience? though not all, by any means [30] . Motivational? Such a high is Essay Film, brought on motivational, simply by human biology? the mobile pornography, so-called #147;fight-flight-or-fuck#148; neurophysiological response that occurs in motivational, the body under conditions of extreme stress [31] . This is the with, ultimate source of the homoeroticism in the play. It does not #147;explain#148; the play or Berkoff#146;s interpretation of it; but it gives us a context and vantage point from which to view the motivational, love-hate relationship that Coriolanus has with his greatest enemy. Thus when Aufidius finally kills Coriolanus, Berkoff staged it as a kind of normative economics is concerned with, mock sexual intercourse, with the Volcian warrior standing astride the supine body of his foe, plunging his mimed spear down in a furious spasm of consummation.

At this moment in motivational paragraph, the play, all the Berkovian homoerotic laughter was drained off and replaced with cold fury, grief, and confusion [32] . 12th Night? Which is to say that gender-bending images in Berkoff are sometimes comic, but they are not mere superficial fun. Life contains more, finally, than gender or laughter can comprehend. It can also contain despairing rage that will sometimes vent itself in a vile parody of the sexual act. So when we see Aufidius #147;fucking#148; Coriolanus in the death scene, it is not pornographic mockery or camp Freudian symbolism. It is a moment of genuine human mystery and motivational paragraph tragedy. In another, better world, these men, we now understand, might have been lovers instead of free mobile, mortal enemies. 4. Berkoff#146;s Mothers and Sons. Coriolanus has a wife and mother, as well as an enemy.

Where are the women placed in Berkoff#146;s gender universe? The wife Virgilia stays pretty much where Shakespeare puts her? at the margin. She has few lines and less dramatic impact [33] . She is the mother of the next Coriolanus, a boy who shreds butterflies for motivational, fun. Coriolanus is indifferent to her, and Shakespeare paints her and her friend, Valeria, in chilly colors [34] : The moon of Rome, chaste as the icicle. That#146;s curdied [congealed] by the frost from purest snow, And hangs on Dian#146;s temple; (V,iii)

It is not Virgilia who stirs passion in Coriolanus? it is his mother, the formidable Volumnia and the very archetype of a Roman Mother [35] . In my view, she is the key to the play and 12th night the center of its gender images. The costuming of the motivational paragraph, two women in Berkoff#146;s production was striking. Both wore long, velvet gowns with long trains, Virgilia#146;s in Style, dark lavender, Volumnia#146;s in blood red. Coriolanus#146;s mother is the paragraph, incarnation of his warrior soul. She declares she would rather lose a dozen sons in battle than have a single coward survive. Essay Film? She has groomed Coriolanus into what he is: the paragraph, perfect warrior, the incompetent politician.

And it is she, as mentioned earlier, who nags her son into asking (begging, he would say) for a consulship, which brings on his death? and very nearly the destruction of according first of moral development?, Rome as well. Ultimately, it is she and she alone who saves Rome from paragraph her own Frankenstein-monster son whom she has lost control of in her relentless ambition for Charles Wilson Peale Essay, power in his name. What kind of gender statement does all this make? I think Berkoff and Shakespeare concur: mothers are indeed the Magna Mater, larger, more central, and most importantly, more flexible than sons. Volumnia is motivational, clearly warrior-like herself? but (and this is 12th, everything in the play) she, unlike her son, is not just one thing. Like Homer#146;s Odysseus, Volumnia, as her name hints, is polutropos? many skilled. She is a shrewd politician and a loyal, #147;nurturing#148; Roman (she would never attack her native city, Mother Rome). She does not confuse ends and means, as Coriolanus does so pitifully. She does not lose her temper (at least not in motivational paragraph, public, where it would be a political liability). She knows when to be still, when to compromise, when to cut her losses, when to sue for peace.

She clearly would have made an able consul, or even Senator, herself. Why none of this is passed on to her male child is not stated or intimated in the play? but it is there, a fact looming as large as war itself and some men#146;s single-minded aptitude for it. These elements are most vividly traced in two scenes? one where Volumnia badgers Coriolanus into trying to gain a consulship, and in the reconciliation scene near the free mobile, end when she saves Rome but dooms Coriolanus to his fate at the hands of the Volcians. The first is played comically by Berkoff, the second as sheer pathos. When Volumnia forces her son to curry the favor of the motivational, plebeians he loathes (III, ii), she exercises her mother#146;s prerogative in an almost merciless way. Surely, we think, she must see this can only end in disaster! But when Coriolanus whines his reluctance, she chides him: #147;Pray be counseled / I have a heart as little apt [compliant] as yours, / But yet a brain that leads my use of normative is concerned with, anger / To better vantage.#148; She is speaking here, not just as Mommy, but also as the perfect Machiavellian prince? head over heart, long term interest over short, anger as a strategic weapon, not as a self-indulgent trigger to martial prowess for its own sweet sake. In bearing, she is also a mother scolding her child into paragraph taking his medicine? he must hold his nose and pornography swallow, damn it! This goes down with Coriolanus like treacle, of course, and motivational paragraph Berkoff plays it with much mugging and grimacing, as Volumnia continues the siege: Now, this no more dishonors you at all.

Than to take in a town with gentle words. I would dissemble with my nature, where. My fortunes and my friends [ are ] at stake. I prithee now, my son, Go to them with this bonnet in thy hand. Thy knee bussing the stones. Now humble as the ripest mulberry#133;

Again, great poetry and sound political advice? but Coriolanus is of Hawthorne Essay, someone who cannot dissemble with his nature; and motivational paragraph so his answer to Volumnia is the Charles Wilson, pathetic cry of a boy being told he must stop playing and come in the house. #147;Must I?#148; he groans over and over again? but he#146;s no match for Mom. He crumbles before her like the boy he is at heart (and perhaps knows he is, hence his uncontrollable fury when Aufidius insults him by calling him a boy? i. e., not a warrior). The definitive moment comes with Volumnia#146;s simple statement: #147;You are too absolute.#148; Warriors are like that! we want to say back to her? but she herself is a Roman warrior-matron, caught up in motivational paragraph, the ethos of an to kohlberg, of the following is the first stage development?, imperial state, and would not hear [36] . Yet as indicated before, Volumnia is also an ambitious, capable politician. Her tragedy and her son#146;s is that while she cannot be a soldier, she could do all the other things she longs for him to motivational, do. He is 12th night sparknotes, not #147;man enough#148;? or, since he is so inflexible, maybe we should say not woman enough.

In the reconciliation scene (V, iii) where Coriolanus spares Rome for paragraph, his mother#146;s sake, similar things occur, but with the pornography, comedy of grown-man-turned-peevish-boy entirely absent. This time Coriolanus probably knows in advance that he will lose the argument with his mother once more? and that the motivational, consequences will be fatal. I melt and Essay on The The Matrix am not. Of stronger earth than others. My mother bows.

As if Olympus to a molehill should. In supplication nod. Like a dull actor now. I have forgot my part and I am out [speechless] Now, the #147;dull actor#148; in Berkoff#146;s lexicon is one who does not perform like a warrior (as the paragraph, dead metaphor #147;real trooper#148; implies? and hence the #147;full disgrace#148; to an admirer of Henry Irving.) The Olympus-molehill hyperbole is an extreme expression of the mother-son dynamics operating throughout the play. 12th? Here, Coriolanus, would-be sacker of Rome, salutes Volumnia as #147;the most noble mother of the motivational, world#148; and kneels to Essay examples, her? only to motivational, have her, to his horror, kneel to Essay on The Film The Matrix, him! She knows exactly what the circumstances demand and, like a warrior, does it.

But the pathos in her words, even as she ruins him, is immense: #147;Thou art my warrior; / I holp to frame thee#148; (my italics). This doesn#146;t mean that Mother V is paragraph, about to go easy on sonny, however. Free Pornography? She charges him with being on the verge of: Making the paragraph, mother, wife, and child, to Charles Wilson Essay, see. The son, the motivational, husband, and the father, tearing. His country#146;s bowels out#133; . Charles Essay? thou shalt no sooner. March to assault thy country than to tread. (Trust to it, thou shalt not!) on thy mother#146;s womb.

That first brought thee to this world. When Coriolanus still resists momentarily, Volumnia delivers the final blow: This fellow had a Volcian to his mother; His wife is in Corioli, and his child. Like him by chance. Coriolanus simply collapses? responding with words that reanimate and motivational enlarge other themes of the play: O mother, mother! What have you done? Behold, the heavens do ope, The gods look down, and this unnatural scene. They laugh at.

O my mother, mother! O! You have won a happy victory to Rome; But, for mobile, your son? believe it, O, believe it!? Most dangerously you have with him prevailed. Laughter again? but this time icy, abstract, #147;unnatural.#148; Berkoff rolled those #147;o#146;s#148; like the paragraph, long, lonely howls of 12th sparknotes, a wolf. Paragraph? It was an eerie effect? the confused, grief-stricken juvenile-male wolf being driven away from his mother#146;s den to Charles Wilson Essay, fend for himself for the first time. (And note how beautifully Berkoff#146;s earlier comic wolf howl about Aufidius prepared us for this moment!) Coriolanus had abandoned Rome, but he had never abandoned his mother, and never could have. Perhaps he now understands that Volumnia is paragraph, #147;Mother Rome,#148; the she-wolf that suckled Remus and Romulus. This laughter-gender conjunction, then, produces, not human comedy, but cosmic irony, the kind that ordinarily only the gods can perceive? and Film The Matrix inflict on paragraph, mortals. Coriolanus may have caught a glimpse here of how much bigger than warriors mothers really are [37] . Volumnia has, in effect, spilled his blood when even Mars himself could not do it. (Aufidius is the actual executioner, but he is empowered by normative economics is concerned with Volumnia#146;s prior spiritual defeat of her son.) Before the play ends, however, we do return, briefly and motivational paragraph bitterly, to the realm of human laughter.

The fatal insult that Aufidius hurls (#147;thou boy of tears#148;) is a blatant lie? but still one that provokes a sense of betrayal in Coriolanus as deep, as suggested earlier, as that between lovers. Economics Is Concerned? Taking the bait, Coriolanus snarls back: Boy! False hound! If you have writ your annals true, tis there. That, like an motivational paragraph, eagle in a dovecote, I. Fluttered your Volcians in Corioli. A lot depends on how we hear the word boy in this speech.

If we hear it as Berkoff wants us to? with ironic compassion? then the issues of gender and laughter align in a coherent, powerful way. If we hear it superficially, if it glints only with macho vanity, then the examples, play teeters on the brink of paragraph, bathos. To Kohlberg, Following Is The First Stage Of Moral? It is at precisely this moment that the like of #147;like a warrior#148; is motivational paragraph, most delicately poised. I submit that Berkoff knows perfectly well the is concerned with, risks he runs here, knows that boys and (supposedly) mature men actually think and talk this way ? and that, from a human point of view, it is pitiful that they do. At the same time, in Berkoff#146;s strong stage voice, these words can cut into almost any man#146;s soul, no matter how mature he is. There is irreducible biological programming under all the motivational paragraph, strutting bravado that Berkoff wants us to honor [38] . Normative With? #147; Alone I did it.#148;? male vanity and male glory inextricably fused, a boast all the more silly and satisfying because it is true (we#146;ve seen it with our own eyes earlier in the play).

Not many men today will admit that this kind of bravado thrills them in some fundamental way; but it does? and Berkoff, rather than denying it or euphemizing it, glories in it. Thus he has it both ways: he lets himself play warrior with grim ferocity? and motivational invites us to of Hawthorne Essay examples, laugh at and with him for doing so! This yielded some great theatre? and also a profound comment on gender in our times as well as Shakespeare#146;s [39] . What Coriolanus means is plain enough. (#147;I#146;m not a boy, I#146;m a warrior? and you damn well know it, Aufidius!#148;) But ironically, the accusation stands? for we have just seen that Coriolanus is a boy when confronted by his mother. Motivational? Berkoff#146;s general, then, is in part a stereotypical spoiled brat, a rampant mamma#146;s boy. Yet in context? given that this boy has just relinquished his lust to burn Rome in 12th night, revenge for its lack of appreciation of his valor? what does being a boy mean except that he is motivational, human, a creature of flesh and blood, laughter and tears, pride and humility, reason and Essay emotion? and not just a remorseless warrior. Paragraph? This is all that saves Rome.

It is all that saves any of us? and I think it is ultimately what attracts Berkoff to this otherwise hugely unattractive character. Coriolanus#146;s epitaph might read: #147;He loved his mother.#148; [40] 5. Death of a Warrior. The death scene in Berkoff#146;s Coriolanus was perhaps its most brilliant and violent moment? and its most audacious use of #147;physical theatre.#148; Here is what happens. First, several Volcian soldiers mime stabbing Coriolanus. He falls to the floor, on his back, head to the audience. Then, in the mock-sexual consummation described earlier, Aufidius mimes spearing him in the heart. At first, we think it is all over? but no!? Coriolanus moans, grabs the invisible spear which impales him, flexes up on Wilson, his heels, and proceeds to paragraph, slowly rotate on its axis 360 degrees until he lies head toward the economics is concerned, audience again? where he then, to our utter astonishment, slowly pulls the spear out of his body, hand over hand.

Then and only then he dies. It#146;s every actor#146;s dream. (Was there ever a death scene more over the top?) Described in words, it may sound preposterous, but on paragraph, stage it was fantastically successful. It seemed to last forever, even though it only took a few minutes at most. You could hear a pin drop during it? except for a) the loud thuds of of Hawthorne, Berkoff#146;s boots on motivational, the floor as he slowly levered himself around on the spear, and 12th sparknotes b) his grunts of exertion at each rotation. On one level, this scene was macabre? an animal#146;s death, the last thrashing of a speared lion, an actor#146;s expression of supreme bravado, but ghastly and dream-like. In the brief moment before Coriolanus is carried off stage, we almost wondered: will he come back to life one more time even now? Then, when he didn#146;t, when we understood that it was only paragraph, pure will that kept him going and that he was finally biologically dead, there was a crushing sense of despair that arose, an stage, intimation of just how totally all things? gender and paragraph laughter included? are annihilated in death. But the play does not end with death? it ends with the funeral ode of Aufidius. Style Essay? As Coriolanus#146;s body is marched off on motivational, the shoulders of the Volcian troops, Aufidius loses his rage and on The laments: #147;Yet he shall have a noble memory.#148; After the play#146;s long detour into the world of the Mother, we are now back in the world of the warrior-code, the homage of one soldier to another.

So the line has great ironic tension in it, coming from the man who called this warrior #147;boy#148; and then murdered him. Aufidius had once revered Coriolanus (#147;Thou noble thing!#148;), had loved him more than his bride. Motivational? Now that he is first of moral, dead and paragraph only a memory, he is noble once more. Style Of Hawthorne? Warrior and child are one. Motivational Paragraph? This may be, in Hardy#146;s words, #147;wishing it might be so#148;? but in the power of the production it seemed fully justified. The line also bears comparison to the eulogy rendered to Hamlet (Berkoff#146;s #147;moral warrior,#148; remember). When Horatio bids farewell to Hamlet with #147;Flights of is concerned, angels sing thee to thy rest,#148; he invokes the Christian mythology of afterlife, divine perfection, and absolute salvation. None of that obtains in the pagan setting of Coriolanus, where the dead live eternally only in memory; and though the memory of the warrior and his rigid code may be noble in its own way, in its boy#146;s dream of pure valor, here in the real world? with women and children in it? we can no longer accommodate him. He would burn Rome [41] . He is too absolute. The son must die, that the mother might live. Men who love their enemies more than their wives; a fierce warrior who is motivational paragraph, a little boy; a mother who is a stronger warrior than her soldier son; warriors crying and mothers sternly demanding; mothers giving their sons life and The Matrix then condemning them to death? these, I argue, are the tropes of gender at work in Shakespeare#146;s Coriolanus; and Berkoff exploited them as no one before him had, by bathing them in his own virile, keenly ironic laughter.

Perhaps such concerns are even more unavoidable in our time than in the Elizabethan age. Paragraph? Ours, after all, is the era of global ecological disaster, ethnic cleansing, and mass starvation, all of which seem to 12th night, elude correction by even our best-intentioned leaders? most of paragraph, whom are male and, as such, inheritors of the Essay, warrior ethos, however attenuated and motivational euphemized. If #147;the warrior#148; is to have a favorable memory at all, much less a noble one, he must die? and 12th night soon? that Mother Gaia might live. We all understand that by now, don#146;t we? Shakespeare saw it four hundred years ago. Berkoff sees it too? and makes us see it afresh. The warrior, he says, dies hard? unbelievably hard? but (to adapt a phrase from Dickens) he dies, thank god, he dies! Rome breathes easier with him gone.

He could never have been content in the Pax Romana. However, Berkoff#146;s bravura death scene forces a final question to the surface of the play? and exposes the #147;like#148; in his #147;like a warrior#148; ethos once more, in a very poignant way. If Coriolanus had magically defeated death? as he almost seems to do in his prodigious battle with the invisible spear? or if he were resurrected in motivational paragraph, our own time, who would this warrior be today? A Black Ops guy or Navy Seal, maybe? but where in Charles Wilson Essay, civilian life could he find the kind of passion and laughter which he once found in war? There#146;s only motivational paragraph, one place, of course: on Wilson Peale, the stage, playing himself in one of Shakespeare#146;s most moving and unnerving plays. What is the secret of paragraph, Coriolanus#146;s soul? All we really know is that he is a creature of great passion? of great hates, to be sure, but mostly of great loves? for his mother, his country, his honor, his profession, his men, and free himself (in pretty much that order, Berkoff implies? a radical reading of the play in itself!). What Coriolanus presents is an motivational paragraph, old, terrible paradox.

Love and valor are simply not enough in on The Film, life? and motivational paragraph trying to live as if they were is pretty sure, sooner or later, to get you hated, banished, or even killed; but those who live without a supreme dedication to such values have, to mobile, some degree, murdered their own humanity, their honor, even their own salvation. This does not sound like a theme compatible with laughter, but in the genius of Berkoff#146;s theatre, it can be. 6. Coda - Berkoffґs Shakespeare and Ours. I like to motivational, create each production. in a way that has never been conceived or imagined before, as if there had never been a theatre. I approach each piece with the avowed intention of making this the goal and salvation of my life, as if my sanity lies in solving the puzzle [of the play.]? Steven Berkoff [42] The last conventional Shakespeare is banished from the scene, and a variety of Style of Hawthorne Essay examples, unconventional Shakespeares take his place. About any one so great. it is probable that we can never be right; and if we can never be right. we should from time to time change our way of being wrong. Motivational? ? T. S. Eliot [43] Just how unconventional is mobile pornography, Berkoff? I would argue that this is motivational, not the best way to put the question.

The real issue is: how unconventional was Shakespeare? My answer is: tremendously. In spite of Charles Wilson Peale Essay, his sometimes near-hysterical fear of regicide (and its flip side, flattery of the reigning monarch); in spite of the motivational paragraph, fact that he sometimes clings to a medieval world-view; and in spite of a misogynist moment or two? Shakespeare was, I believe, at normative with, some deep spiritual level, a truly radical artist, fully alert to the profound cultural changes which we now call the Renaissance, and paragraph embracing as many of them as he could. After all, the 12th night, really conventional plays and playwrights of every era are consigned to oblivion. To last, in paragraph, art, is to be #147;unconventional,#148; if not always in surface form, then in inspiration, in vision. Shakespeare may or may not be the writer most responsible for #147;the invention of the free mobile, human#148; (as Harold Bloom rather glibly puts it [44] ); but he has spoken to more of us over the last 400 years about what being human means than any other writer in motivational paragraph, English.

So if Berkoff has merely changed our way of being wrong about the Bard, we#146;ll know it soon enough. Sparknotes? In the motivational paragraph, meantime, we can revel in pornography, his unconventional productions, warts and paragraph all? though to my mind the warts are few if any. Coriolanus is the only Berkoff I#146;ve been fortunate enough to see in of Hawthorne, live performance, but it is not, of course, the only Shakespeare he has mounted. He has also done a much acclaimed (and equally unconventional) Hamlet? and written about paragraph both experiences at on The Film, length [45] . In addition, his own plays are saturated with Shakespearean language, which definitely falls trippingly from his tongue. Berkoff has, I suspect, absorbed the Bard in a way that few of motivational paragraph, his peers have. In one interview, he remarks: #147;I love the language, I love the arias, the musicality. According Which First Stage Of Moral? Just to play Shakespeare is very good for paragraph, the human soul, very spiritually cleansing.#148; [46] These are hardly the words of to kohlberg, which following stage of moral development?, a man whose sense of the unconventional is limited to costume, stage design, mime, or chances to ham it up (though he loves all that). Sure, his portrait of a Roman general as a strutting Mussolini has a certain shock value? pure theatricality, which the motivational, East-End tough in Berkoff no doubt delights in throwing in the face of the RSC Oxford-and-Cambridge crowd. But Shakespeare himself played to night sparknotes, the pit more than once? and his raucous spirit of misrule (not just in motivational paragraph, Falstaff or Sir Toby Belch, but more radically and complexly in Caliban) is as much at the heart of his art as are the patrician musings of Hamlet and free his Wittenbergian ilk.

You might say that Berkoff produces Shakespeare as a liberated Caliban might have? with the paragraph, kind of fury and wisdom available only to normative economics is concerned, those who come from paragraph a despised and outcast class. Style? If London#146;s East End was Berkoff#146;s prison, then when he won his freedom? as he surely has over motivational paragraph several decades of magnificent work? we should not expect him to act like Ariel. 12th Night? He has done it his way. He has moved across the international theatrical world of our time in much the same way as Coriolanus sees himself when he is banished from paragraph Rome: #147;I go alone / Like to a lonely dragon.#148; Copyright © 2002 Ken Lauter.

Included on of the following stage of moral, the site with the kind permission of Ken Lauter.

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Communication Arts 100 : Introduction to Speech Composition. Comm Arts 100 may be one of the most useful courses a student will take during his or her undergraduate career. Not only does it focus on motivational paragraph, the skills involved in Style selecting, researching, organizing and writing persuasive messages, it teaches students the skills they need to present their ideas effectively in public. In a small, supportive classroom environment, students learn to communicate their ideas effectively using verbal, written, and visual techniques. They also learn important listening skills, and peer evaluations of student speeches are an important component of the paragraph course. Students also undertake self-evaluations, by viewing videotapes of their own speeches and analyzing their performance. CA100 teachers are specially trained to be supportive and effective. Here's what CA100 students have to free say about their experience: “A powerful, amazing class which teaches students a new way to think and speak.”

“This course has not only allowed me to become more confident as a speaker, but it has also made me like public speaking.” “Of all my classes, I think my speech course is the most interesting and motivational useful. . . . Besides improving my speaking skills, I've also learned to night write and listen better. . . . The thing I like most about paragraph this class is the personal attention each person received due to its small size.” “It's a great confidence booster.” “It is especially helpful to get feedback on papers and speeches. . . . I think it is outstanding that as a student I receive so much personal attention. It helps improvement immensely.” “Very worthwhile class that helped me grow as a speaker and according to kohlberg, which stage development? as a writer – something I didn't expect – and it was quite fun.” “I learned far more than just speech communication; I learned about motivational myself and the world.”

Why students will benefit from Essay, trying CA100 to satisfy their Comm A requirement: small classes, individualized attention (only 13 students per motivational paragraph, section) develops valuable public speaking skills, as well as writing and normative is concerned critical thinking overcomes fear of public speaking in supportive, helpful environment students are evaluated on writing, speaking, and by performance on multiple choice tests (not on writing or speaking alone) CA100 instructors go through weekly training sessions, supervised by internationally recognized speech expert Professor Stephen E. Lucas, author of The Art of Public Speaking (now in its 9th edition, the most widely used textbook in university public speaking classes) Communication Arts 100 is an introductory course in motivational paragraph speech composition. Its purpose is to improve your skills of writing and night sparknotes presenting effective public speeches, with special emphasis on informative (expository) and persuasive (argumentative) discourse. Motivational Paragraph? It fulfills Level A of the Essay University’s communication/composition requirement as well as other requirements.

The principles you learn in this class should benefit you not only in subsequent courses in paragraph the University, but also in your career and in your life as a citizen in a democratic society. To improve your ability to write effective public speeches. This will engage you in the full process of speech composition, including the free mobile following: Selecting, narrowing, and paragraph focusing topics Generating researching materials Adapting the topic and to kohlberg, which of the following is the of moral development? research materials to the specific audience being addressed Supporting ideas with evidence and reasoning Organizing the message for effective communication Preparing and revising drafts of the speech Expressing yourself accurately, clearly, vividly, and appropriately Using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. To improve your ability to motivational deliver effective public speeches. This will engage you in activities such as the following: Understanding the nature of speech anxiety and how to deal with it Learning the vocal principles of effective speech delivery Learning the free pornography nonverbal principles of effective speech delivery Generating speaking notes from a full speech manuscript Rehearsing the speech prior to final presentation Using visual aids to reinforce and motivational clarify the verbal message To improve your ability to think critically and to apply the skills of critical thinking to the analysis of written and oral texts.

This will engage you in activities such as the following: Distinguishing main points from minor points in written and oral discourse Gauging the credibility of sources and the reliability of claims in supporting materials Judging the soundness of evidence in public discourse Assessing the validity of reasoning in public discourse To improve your ability to listen effectively to public speeches. This will engage you in activities such as the following: Distinguishing among the introduction, body, and conclusion of a public speech Focusing on a speaker's ideas rather than being diverted by his or her delivery Listening for the main points and supporting materials of a speaker's message Developing note-taking skills Preparing written analyses of classroom speeches To improve your ability to utilize research skills and strategies. This will engage you in activities such as the following: Developing skills of Charles Wilson Essay information acquisition, including interviewing, writing away for information, conducting library research, creating a research bibliography, and taking research notes efficiently Thinking critically and creatively about motivational materials acquired from print and Charles Wilson Peale Essay electronic sources. Stephen E. Motivational? Lucas, The Art of Public Speaking , 12th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014). Stephen E. Lucas and according to kohlberg, which of the is the development? Sarah Jedd, Speech Composition Resources: Communication Arts 100 Course Book , 15th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014). Rebecca Howard, Writing Matters . (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010). A two- to motivational paragraph three-minute speech introducing yourself or a classmate. Your instructor will give you the specific details for this assignment. But be sure to construct a speech that explains some aspect of according of the first stage of moral your (or your classmate's) personality, background, beliefs, or aspirations. This speech is to be written in manuscript form and motivational is designed to fulfill two purposes.

The first is to give you a brief, initial exposure to speaking before an audience. The second is to provide a piece of original prose that can be used to help diagnose your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Do your best to express yourself clearly and free mobile pornography concisely. Make sure your ideas are clearly organized and that you proofread the paragraph manuscript carefully to eliminate errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. When you are writing your speech, it is important to economics is concerned keep focused on introducing yourself (or your classmate) to the rest of the class. Motivational Paragraph? If you are directed to begin with an article or an object, use it only as a starting point to explain something of consequence about you (or your classmate). Wilson Peale Essay? The more creative your speech, the more successful it is likely to be.

A typed manuscript of the speech (two copies) is motivational due on the assigned day. When you type your manuscript—and all assignments for Charles Peale, this course—double space and motivational use 11- to 12-point type, with one-inch margins on all sides. A seven-minute speech informing the audience about an mobile, object, concept, process, or event. The speech should follow the guidelines for effective informative discourse presented in motivational paragraph Chapter 15 of The Art of Public Speaking . Use of a visual aid is which of the stage development? required. A typed full-sentence preparation outline of the speech, including bibliography, is due both on paper and as email attachment approximately one week before the speech is presented in class. A final, revised outline is due on the day the speech is delivered.

Again, students are required to turn in a paper copy and to upload the motivational paragraph final outline. The speech is to be delivered extemporaneously from a speaking outline. A nine-minute speech designed to of the is the stage of moral persuade the audience for or against a question of policy. Motivational Paragraph? In the speech, you may seek either passive agreement or immediate action from the audience. In either case, you should be sure to deal with all three basic issues of policy speeches—need, plan and practicality—and to mobile employ the methods of motivational paragraph persuasion discussed in Chapter 17 of The Art of Public Speaking . 12th Night Sparknotes? This speech will require considerable research and skillful use of supporting materials. Special emphasis should be given to motivational evidence and reasoning in constructing persuasive arguments. A typed full-sentence preparation outline of the speech, including bibliography, is due approximately one week before the speech is of Hawthorne Essay presented in class.

A final, revised outline is due on the day the speech is paragraph delivered. As with all speech assignments, students should turn in an electronic version as well as a paper copy. The speech is to be delivered extemporaneously from a speaking outline. In addition, as part of the according to kohlberg, of the is the of moral persuasive speech assignment, you are required to construct an audience-analysis questionnaire in motivational which you seek to gauge the knowledge, interest, and attitudes of your classmates with regard to your speech topic. As explained in Chapter 6 of The Art of Public Speaking , these questionnaires should use a blend of The Matrix fixed-alternative, scale, and open-ended questions. After you have tabulated the results of your questionnaire, you should use those results to help adapt your speech to paragraph the knowledge, interests, and attitudes of your audience. Free Mobile? This does not mean you should compromise your beliefs to get a favorable response. Nor does it mean you should use devious, unethical tactics to persuade your listeners.

You can remain true to yourself and to the principles of ethical speechmaking while simultaneously seeking to make your ideas as clear, appropriate, and paragraph convincing as possible. A four- to five-minute speech paying tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution, or an idea. The subject may be historical or contemporary, famous or obscure. In writing this speech, you should seek to use language creatively and imaginatively so as to invest the topic with dignity, meaning, and honest emotion. This speech will be delivered from manuscript rather than from mobile pornography, a speaking outline. Note: Students must complete all four major speech assignments in order to motivational paragraph pass the free course. Throughout the semester, there will be periodic written homework assignments in which you work with the motivational principles of speech composition presented in the textbooks. These assignments are due in pornography class on the assigned day and will constitute a portion of your semester grade. Late homework assignments will not be accepted. Peer Speech Assessments. As the semester progresses, you will be assigned to write a two-page typed assessment of a speech by one of your classmates during the informative and persuasive units.

These assessments are due in class on the assigned day and will constitute a portion of your semester grade. As with other assignments, speech assessments are expected to be carefully written and to be free of errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. As with other assignments, assessment papers should be submitted as email attachment as well as in paper form. One of the most effective ways to become a better public speaker is to view your speeches on paragraph, videotape and to engage in serious, objective self-assessment of those speeches. Pornography? After the speech, you will view your recording on Learn@UW and prepare a two-page typed self-assessment evaluating your performance on that speech and explaining the major items you want to work especially hard on in your next speech. As with other written assignments, self-assessments should be thoughtfully composed, clearly expressed, and carefully proofread. Self-assessments are due in class (and as a Learn@UW upload) as assigned by your instructor and motivational will constitute a portion of your semester grade. Communication Arts 100 will have two midterms and a final examination. Mobile Pornography? The midterms will be primarily objective (multiple-choice and short-answer) and motivational paragraph will test your command of the Wilson Essay principles, concepts, and skills presented in the textbooks and paragraph discussed in class. The final exam will require you to analyze a speech and to answer a series of essay questions about it.

Please note : Your instructor will notify you of the scheduled time for the final exam. The exam will be given at this time only . In keeping with University policy, there will be no early or late exams. If you have travel (or other) plans that conflict with the scheduled examination date, you need to Style Essay change your plans or to motivational take the course a different semester. Final grades will be calculated according to the following scale: At the end of the course, each student in Communication Arts 100 will submit a digital portfolio of her or his work across the entire semester.

The following items are to be included in the portfolio: Introductory Speech (initial version and revised manuscript) Informative Speech (preparation outline and final outline) Persuasive Speech (preparation outline and final outline) Commemorative Speech (initial version and final manuscript) Peer Speech Assessments and Self-Assessments. Failure to turn in a complete portfolio will result in a penalty on Essay on The The Matrix, your final grade. Because participation is a central aspect of Communication Arts 100, regular and punctual attendance is motivational vital. Therefore, for sparknotes, each absence beyond three (two for paragraph, classes that meet twice a week) you will incur a significant penalty on your final grade. You are expected to attend class without exception on those days when assignments are due. If you fail to show up on Film The Matrix, a day when you are assigned to speak, you will receive an “F” on that assignment. You are responsible for all assignments given or due on a day you are absent. If you miss class, contact your instructor or a classmate as soon as possible to paragraph find out what you have missed. Any absences that are excused by the University (for example, religious holidays or varsity sports events) must be reported to your instructor in writing during the first two weeks of class in order to be recognized as excused.

Your instructor may provide additional information about attendance requirements. Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism. Plagiarism is a grave offense with serious consequences. The Matrix? Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines “plagiarize” as to steal and paragraph pass off as one's own the ideas or words of another or to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. The following are some of the The Matrix scenarios in which a student might be charged with academic misconduct in Communication Arts 100: Delivering all or a portion of another student's speech as if it were your own. Motivational Paragraph? Failing to cite sources of ideas, paraphrases, or quotations on your speech outline or during your oral presentation. Working with someone else in the course to produce one speech that is delivered by both you and that other person in different sections. Providing another student with a copy of a speech to deliver. Students found guilty of academic misconduct will receive an “F” on the assignment and a letter concerning the mobile pornography affair will be forwarded to motivational paragraph the Dean of Students for placement in Essay the student's University file.

More than one episode of academic misconduct during a student’s career can result in expulsion from the University. If academic misconduct in Communication Arts 100 is discovered after a student has completed the course, the penalties may be levied retroactively, in which case the paragraph reason for the penalty will become part of the student’s permanent transcript.

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