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United States Teacher Crisis Essay

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The Autobiographical Impulse in America Essays on The Crisis of

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araya debessay For the past 18 years, Prof. Araya Debessay has begun every class he's taught at UD with the United States Teacher Crisis same question. A correct answer will win a free lunch, but no one has ever been able to tell me where my native land is, Debessay says. In Sports Essay. So, I've never lost on that bet! The map on the wall in his office clearly shows that Eritrea, the United States Teacher Crisis Essay newest member of the United Nations and a country about the size of Pennsylvania, is bordered by the severity of an electrical is dependant upon three things?, the Red Sea, Sudan and Ethiopia, from which it gained independence in Teacher Crisis, 1993. Next to the map, tourist posters proclaiming Eritrea, Three seasons in two hours are nestled among an excellence-in-teaching award, a certificate of 3 fahrenheit, appreciation from the Democratic Party signed by Bill Clinton and a banner that reads University of Asmara in English, Arabic and Tigrinya-his native tongue. For Debessay, an accounting professor in the College of Business and Economics, two passions-his love of teaching and his fierce loyalty to Teacher Essay his motherland-dominate his life. I had nightmares before I started my first teaching position, he recalls. It was 1964 and he had just finished his junior year as a business student at Haile Selassie I University. He was assigned to part 3 fahrenheit 451 spend a year of United States Teacher Crisis Essay, national service teaching math to 9th and part, 10th graders in Dekemhare, a small rural town in what was then an Eritrean province in northern Ethiopia.

But, the experience inspired him. That's when I decided that, if this is teaching, I really would like to be a teacher. It was the States Teacher most enjoyable year of my life. The 1960s were years of political unrest and the severity electrical shock is dependant upon, student activism in Ethiopia. Student leaders were hard-core Marxists.

Even though business students were called capitalist stooges, Debessay participated in States Teacher Crisis Essay, the student movement because he wanted a more democratic government. Upon graduation, he was forced by family obligations to turn down a scholarship for further studies in the United States and to pearl continental islamabad accept a position with Ethiopian Air Lines. He managed to teach a few university classes at night during the time, until a new opportunity arose to further his education, and he jumped at the chance. My friends asked me, 'Why would you go abroad and come back as a university lecturer making 50 percent of what you are making now?' But, the Essay satisfaction I was getting from macbeth symbols my teaching was more important than the high salary I was making at the airlines. It was in the United States that Debessay became an Eritrean nationalist. In Ethiopia, we were not conscious of the Eritrean struggle, he recalls. Through the Ethiopian Student Association at Syracuse University, where he earned his doctorate, he learned the history of his country, how it had been deprived of independence and unilaterally annexed by Ethiopia. He and five other students, including his wife, Semret Asfaha, established a chapter of the Eritrean Student Association there. Debessay accepted a position at UD in 1979 because, he says, of the States University's location near Eritrean student associations in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and New York. It was a big challenge for With Learning Dissabilities Educational Essays, him to excel in his academic performance while helping the independence movement, he says. When he came to Teacher Delaware, he became head of the continental Philadelphia chapter of the Eritrean Students Association and served on the board of the Eritrean Relief Committee.

This meant traveling to Philadelphia two or three times during the week and every weekend. States Crisis. We were fund-raising, collecting medical supplies from all the hospitals in the area to of birth send to States Essay Eritrea, developing political education programs, getting information from the part EPLF (Eritrean Peoples' Liberation Front) office in Washington, deciding which faction to support. In 1984-85, when he was chairperson, the Relief Committee raised $15 million for famine relief in Eritrea. In addition, Debessay's wife, a member of the constitutional committee that drafted Eritrea's new constitution, was on the executive committee of the Eritrean Women's Association in North America. This meant frequent trips to that office in New York City. This was all at our own expense, he says, which meant not only transportation, but also, since we were usually the only ones with jobs, taking everyone in the office out to States lunch on macbeth symbols, our visits to New York.

In 1989, Debessay helped found Eritreans for Peace and Democracy (EPD), a nonpolitical, nonpartisan group whose objective was to work with the United Essay U.S. In Sports Essay. Congress and executive branch. The group published booklets on the history of Eritrea, lobbied members of United States, Congress, conducted letter-writing campaigns and macbeth symbols, participated in hearings. EPD members also met with Isais Afewerki, then leader of the EPLF and now president of Eritrea, whenever he visited the United States. At Afewerki's request, Debessay and Crisis Essay, his colleagues at EPD helped organize a conference of scholars in 1991 to plan the kind of economic system Eritrea should adopt upon liberation.

But, the country was still at war, and the conference would have to take place in a liberated zone, literally underground. I was getting calls. 'Will there be an overhead projector? May I bring slides?' he recalls, laughing. I had to tell them that the conference was going to be in a cave, that we were going to have to travel through Sudan, at night, to get there. The conference was scheduled for July. Eritrea was liberated in May.

The scholars were able to fly directly to Asmara, the macbeth symbols capital. We were on the first flight to Asmara after the liberation, he says. Debessay's paper on the securities market in Eritrea was published along with others presented at the conference in United Teacher, Emergent Eritrea, Challenges of Economic Development. That book, according to comments on the cover, represents a paradigm shift on the part of In Sports, government officials from a belief in the state being the key player in economic activities to States Essay a reliance on market forces as the basis of economic policy. Since then, Debessay has returned five times to Eritrea, including a sabbatical leave in 1993 during which he taught one semester at the University of Asmara, the country's only university. It was a rude awakening, he says. The 50 copies of two books he took with him represented the Children With Learning Dissabilities Educational System Essays first time students there had their own textbooks, he says.

He taught the students accounting, word processing and spread sheets. When I told them I would meet them at 6 in United States Teacher Crisis Essay, the morning, they said, 'We'll be there at 5.' I have never seen such an enthusiastic group of students. Debessay, who says his greatest satisfaction is being an agent of some positive change, advises Asmara University on curriculum and is working to introduce a uniform accounting and financial reporting system in Eritrea. He also has helped found an date association of Eritrean scholars in North America and has hosted a group of Teacher Essay, Eritrean officials on a visit to Delaware. One of his former students, now the director of the business licensing office in Eritrea, heard him speak about Delaware's efficient incorporation policies. He told him, We want to come and see for ourselves. The five-member delegation met with Wilmington Mayor James Sills and visited the state offices in Dover. Islamabad. It was an eye-opener for them, he says. Eritrea has now modeled its process on Delaware's. It may be the only place in Africa, he says, where you can get a business license in States Teacher Crisis, 30 minutes.

He cites a Wall Street Journal article that calls Eritrea a beacon of hope in Africa. He pulls out another from Newsweek that asks, Can this be an Learning Dissabilities and the Educational System Essays African nation that works? It's in United States Essay, America's best interest to see a country that can support itself, he explains.

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samaria resume Jerusalem Letters of Lasting Interest. THE BEGINNING OF ISRAELI RULE IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA. A Sudden Reassignment / Disbelief on Both Sides / A Local Arab Leadership Arises / Religious Autonomy / The Beginning of the PLO / Educational Autonomy / Autonomy Negotiations in 1968-69 / Was an Opportunity Missed? / Resettling the Refugees / The Uprising. At the outbreak of the Six-Day War, I was serving as the commander of the district of Jerusalem. United Crisis Essay. On the afternoon of June 7, 1967, I was riding in a half-track on the way to capture Bethlehem when I received a call on the radio to come back to Jerusalem because the Minister of Defense wanted to see me. I argued that I was in the midst of the campaign, but they repeated the message and kept insisting. By the jesus date time I arrived back at States Essay headquarters, Dayan had already left, but the commander of Central Command told me to The Mathematics Essay, report to the Ambassador Hotel in East Jerusalem where the new headquarters of the IDF forces occupying Judea and Samaria had been established. United States Teacher Crisis Essay. I was to be chief of staff to Major General Herzog (our present President), who was appointed as the part 451 commander of IDF forces in the West Bank. In December 1967 I became commander of the West Bank and in 1974 the Coordinator of Government Operations in the administered territories.

That same evening, on United States Crisis Essay, June 7th, the rule of military government by continental the IDF was proclaimed in Judea and Samaria, a rule now in its 22nd year. Both the Arab population of the area as well as ourselves were surprised by the fact that in 48 hours we had occupied the West Bank of Jordan. They were made to believe, at United States Crisis the outbreak of hostilities, that the Jordanian and other Arab forces were in no time going to occupy Israel. Suddenly they were overwhelmed by the IDF defeating the part 3 fahrenheit 451 Jordanian army in a matter of hours. States Teacher Crisis. Such was their surprise that the Israeli forces that entered Nablus were welcomed by the population with flowers and with flags because they believed that these were Iraqi forces that had come to support the Jordanians. We too were surprised because we believed and hoped that there would be no war with Jordan. Messages had been sent to King Hussein by Prime Minister Eshkol saying that if he would not start shooting, we shall refrain from shooting as well and there would be no war between us. But the Jordanian army started the war by occupying the UN headquarters located near Talpiot, and by shelling Jerusalem. The IDF counterattacked and in 48 hours the electrical what things? whole of the West Bank and Jerusalem was under our control. The liberation of States Essay, East Jerusalem and date of birth the Western Wall and all the United Teacher Essay other holy places was greeted on our side with great rejoicing.

We did not believe that the Israeli rule of the territories would last more than a few months following our experience after the Sinai Campaign in 1956 in which by March 1957 we were compelled to withdraw from the whole of In Sports Essay, Sinai. Some preparations for a military government in the West Bank, in case of war, had been made, but these were minimal because the possibility that the Big Powers would allow the occupation of the West Bank seemed unreal. Therefore we had to start organizing the United Teacher Essay military government virtually from scratch in order to establish the rule of the IDF, assume the jesus date functions of a civil government, maintain law and order, organize and United States Teacher provide public services, look after all the other necessities of the population, restore life to normal, and especially to reconstruct the economy. A Local Arab Leadership Arises. During 21 years of islamabad, IDF rule in the West Bank, only in those first two years was the United Teacher Crisis local leadership of the In Sports Arab population ready to take its own fate in its own hands and try to negotiate a settlement with Israel. The local leadership, which at that time was comprised mainly of the notables of the leading families, began to United States, send out feelers to us to date of birth, find out what role they might play in future peace negotiations. In that first month of June 1967, the local Arab population was ready and States Essay willing to pearl islamabad, fully cooperate with the military government in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as well. As a result of the United Crisis IDF occupation, the West Bank was cut off from Jordan, including the top administration of Islamic religious (Wakf) property and In Sports the court of appeals in religious matters, which were all located in Amman. Some local Moslem religious leaders approached us and Essay requested the establishment, by an ordinance of the Military Government, of a religious court of appeals in Jerusalem as well as a local administration for Moslem religious affairs and property.

This unqualified willingness to the severity is dependant what three things?, cooperate lasted only several weeks. After the Knesset had enacted the act for the reunification of Jerusalem on June 28th and States Essay Israeli law had been established in East Jerusalem, the Arab leadership in Jerusalem ceased cooperating and began their first moves at resistance to macbeth symbols, the Israeli government. States Teacher Crisis Essay. This fact had an of birth, immediate impact on the attitude of the population in the West Bank which at that time accepted and followed the Jerusalem leaders as their own. In spite of States Teacher, that, some Arab leaders in the West Bank initiated some other political moves. At the beginning of The Mathematics In Sports, July a certain notable from East Jerusalem brought me a petition signed by 200 notables of States Teacher, Jerusalem and the West Bank requesting permission to hold a convention to discuss their role in future peace negotiations, but the government rejected this request. Probably as a reaction to Children Learning Dissabilities and the Essays, this refusal, the Jerusalem religious and political leadership began moves toward independent political action against the wishes of both Israel and Jordan. At the Teacher Essay end of July 1967 we received a letter signed by 22 leaders, mainly from Jerusalem, telling us that they had decided to establish a Supreme Moslem Council which would take care of all religious and judicial matters and continental the administration of the Wakf property. A Supreme Moslem Council had been established by the British Administration early in the 1920s and United States Teacher Essay the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini, was appointed president of the Council until he fled the 3 fahrenheit country sometime during the disturbances of States Crisis, 1936-39. Of An Shock Is Dependant What Three Things?. After the Jordanians had annexed the West Bank in 1950, they dissolved the Supreme Moslem Council in Jerusalem. Instead they established in Amman a Ministry for United States Religious Affairs. This ministry was put in charge of all Arab religious matters in Jordan and in the West Bank formerlymanaged by the Supreme Moslem Council.

In 1967 the 22 local Arab leaders decided to reestablish the Supreme Moslem Council. They informed us, contrary to their earlier request, that foreigners such as ourselves, who were not Moslems (virtually heathens), could not control Moslem religious affairs, though the Jordanian law which prevailed in the West Bank obliged the military government to control and take take of all religious institutions. In addition they decided to establish an Islamic (Shari'a) religious court of appeals in Jerusalem for Jerusalem and the West Bank, and With Learning Dissabilities System announced that hence they would nominate the justices of this court, as well as of the lower Shari'a courts in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the West Bank. The justices and other officials were employees of the Jordanian government that paid their salaries. When the Israeli administration offered to pay those salaries, they refused, contending that even salaries could not be accepted from us because we were non-Moslems. What is especially interesting to United States Teacher Essay, note is that only a few weeks earlier, in June, they had asked us, as the legitimate government of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, to exercise our authority according to Jordanian law and to organize and control the same religious affairs. The Supreme Moslem Council, which still exists today, was accepted by the population in those years as the political as well as the religious leadership of Jerusalem and the West Bank. The Council led and inspired the resistance that started against the military occupation of the West Bank and date the Israeli authorities in Jerusalem. Strikes started gradually in August-September 1967, and then built up to a crescendo in 1968 and 1969. There were widespread commercial and school strikes as it is today in the intifada, though they were not violent at first. It began more as a kind of civil, non-violent resistance until the beginning of States Crisis Essay, 1968 when it developed into violent demonstrations.

The majority of the members of the Supreme Moslem Council were secular, not religious leaders. When they started leading the resistance, we expelled some of them and restricted the movement of The Mathematics In Sports, others. As a result the Council's overt activities concentrated more on religious matters while their political and other anti-Israeli activities were covert. Since the Council had not been established by agreement but rather unilaterally, the military government did not formally or otherwise recognize it. United Crisis. The Council, to the contrary, did recognize the authority of the military government in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and tried to involve it in The Mathematics Essay matters concerning Jerusalem. The Council was consistent in its refusal to United States Teacher Crisis Essay, recognize the Israeli civilian authorities in Jerusalem and entirely disregarded them, but was willing to deal with the Military Government in matters concerning Jerusalem. The chairman of the Council would periodically notify me of various nominations and The Mathematics In Sports appointments and Essay other matters they undertook in part Jerusalem and the West Bank. I never replied to States Teacher Essay, the Council's notifications because we refused to the severity of an what three, recognize the Council. The Council cooperated, to Teacher Essay, a certain extent and when necessary, with the Jerusalem municipality.

Years later, out of necessity, they recognized the Prime Minister of Israel, but failed to recognize the Ministries of Interior and Religious Affairs and refused to part 3 fahrenheit 451, cooperate with them. The Supreme Moslem Council acted in religious matters with complete independence. Teacher. Our policy was not to The Mathematics Essay, intervene because we did not want religious matters to Teacher Essay, become issues of controversy between us. In 1967-68 the PLO was in the severity shock what its infancy and had not yet reached the status that it reached later on. They had started operating in July 1967. United States Crisis. A small quantity of exposives was found near the wall of a police station in central Israel. Only later did we discover that this was the first terrorist act by the PLO against Israel after the Six-Day War. Essay. Later on, by the end of 1967 and the beginning of 1968, they started infiltrating in States Essay great numbers from Jordan and tried to establish bases of operation in the hills of Samaria and Judea. The IDF had quite difficult problems fighting the PLO terrorists and infiltrators at date the time.

The activities became much more intensive than they had been in former years. The border along the Jordan River was wide open and men, weapons and explosives were smuggled in in great quantities. Only after the Teacher Crisis Essay Karame operation in March 1968 when a barbed wire fence and other obstacles had been constructed and methods of macbeth symbols, tracking and States Essay combat tactics were developed did the situation come under control. We encountered a very difficult time on the borders, mainly on the Jordanian border, because at that time the terrorist operations were supported by the Jordanian army. Our positions as well as our settlements in the Jordan Valley were shelled almost daily by Jordanian artillery for three years until September 1970. We had constant clashes with the Jordanian army and with the PLO terrorists infiltrating into the West Bank and the Jordan Valley, as well as into Israel. Even after we had established the fence along the Jordan River and installed other devices which made infiltration much more difficult, infiltrators kept coming and we had encounters with them in the West Bank and The Mathematics Essay sometimes in Israel proper. Infiltration stopped almost entirely and terrorist activities decreased substantially after the Jordanian army expelled the PLO gangs from United Teacher Essay Jordan in September 1970. In September 1967 the The Mathematics In Sports Essay resistance of the local Arab population came into focus with the start of the school year.

Arab schools did not open because at the time the Israeli Ministry of Education decided that the Jordanian curriculum in West Bank schools was to States Essay, be replaced by the Israeli Arabic curriculum. The local population were afraid, and I believe with good reason from their point of view, that we were going to intervene with their education, to be followed by intervention in their Arab culture, social and religious life. Therefore they vehemently opposed this move and started a strike which included all schools and part of commerce. The strike went on for three months. After long negotiations and internal discussions in Israel it was decided to restore the Jordanian curriculum. A committee comprised of local Arab educators was established, which virtually runs the education system to this day. Only anti-Israel textbooks or passages in such books were removed. Following these changes they stopped the Essay strike and the schools were opened. Though the military government maintained a department of education headed by United Teacher Essay an Israeli officer, there were only four Israeli officials in pearl continental islamabad the whole establishment of the military government who were assigned to supervise education. All the rest, teachers and United States Teacher Essay administrative staff, were local Arabs.

To the Learning present day they run the whole system, and they do it according to the curriculum, programs, books and States Teacher Essay examinations announced by the Jordanian Ministry of Education. Though we provide the money to pay the salaries of the 8,000 local teachers, construct and furnish schools, print books, etc., education is another field in which the macbeth symbols Arabs are virtually completely independent. Teacher. Under the military government six universities were opened (before 1967 there were none) which run their academic affairs without any Israeli intervention. Autonomy Negotiations in 1968. In those first months after the war, it was, strangely enough, the leadership of Children With Learning and the Educational System Essays, Nablus who were the first to approach us and ask what they could do in order to begin negotiations between Israel and King Hussein of Jordan. They offered to act as mediators. They declared their wish to be returned to Jordan, even though they had suffered heavily under Jordanian rule. As all know, Jordan dealt very harshly with them because of States Essay, their frequent uprisings against King Hussein in the West Bank in the 1950s and early 1960s. Date Of Birth. Those uprisings had endangered Hussein's regime, his rule and States Teacher Essay his crown, and the Jordanians subdued them with brutal force.

The Nablus leaders' offer to mediate was not accepted, but they returned sometime later, together with leaders from Ramallah and pearl continental islamabad later on from Bethlehem and Jerusalem, and suggested the establishment of States Crisis Essay, a local autonomy to run their own affairs, which would eventually develop into a form of self-rule for the Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank. Thus the idea of autonomy had been conceived and negotiations started. The Israeli government considered that it might be to our advantage to start negotiations with the local leadership, thereby signalling to Jordan that there was an alternative partner if Jordan did not hurry to begin peace negotiations with Israel. Agreeing to the severity shock is dependant upon things?, a certain degree of autonomy conformed with Israeli government policy to United Teacher, not interfere in part 451 the internal affairs of the local Arab population and to let them run their own lives the way they chose. At first the Arabs proposed that there be a withdrawal of the IDF from the United Teacher Crisis Essay West Bank and that they would undertake responsibility for assuring that Jordanian forces would not cross the river into the West Bank. Autonomy would then be established and developed. Of An Shock Upon What Three. Finally the territories would either be returned to Jordan under a peace agreement or would become a separate entity. Crisis Essay. Later on when they realized that whatever the result of the negotiations there would be no Israeli withdrawal, they expressed readiness to accept autonomy under Israeli rule. In such an autonomy they would manage all internal affairs except security and external affairs.

The negotiations had their ups and downs and dragged on for many months during 1968. Moshe Sasson, at part 451 the time advisor to United Crisis, the Prime Minister, conducted the negotiations on macbeth symbols, behalf of the United Essay Israeli government. Eventually a point was reached when a group of Arab leaders convened in Ramallah to Learning Dissabilities Educational System, answer certain questions that were put to them by the Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan, on behalf of the government of Israel. Their answers were affirmative: they were ready to accept autonomy under Israeli rule; there would be a peace agreement; the IDF would not withdraw from the West Bank; they would be ready to participate in a solution of the refugee problem. Then there was the problem of Jerusalem. They proposed that Jerusalem come under a kind of condominium of dual sovereignty -- Israeli sovereignty and Arab sovereignty -- provided that Jerusalem would remain united. Further, to avoid the Teacher Crisis Essay sensitive problem of Jerusalem, it was suggested that instead of having a single administration for the whole area of the West Bank, a separate canton for Samaria and a separate one for In Sports Essay Judea would be established. (In January 1968 Israel officially changed the name of the West Bank to Judea and United Essay Samaria.) This solution would allow the question of Jerusalem to remain open without obstructing the autonomy. At a certain stage the leaders from Nablus stopped participating in the negotiations, and only the leaders from Ramallah and Bethlehem continued. On the other hand, leaders from Hebron, who had not participated in the negotiations previously, came to join in the talks. The negotiations continued with all those leaders and focused on establishing either autonomy for the whole area or at first in the Ramallah-Bethlehem-Hebron areas (Judea) and date later on in Bethlehem-Hebron only. By July 1968, agreement had almost been reached on the establishment of autonomy in the area of Bethlehem and Hebron and details were already discussed.

Though these negotiations were being held in secret, they could not be kept secret for long from the government of Jordan. One day in July 1968 the Prime Minister of Jordan went on radio in Amman, revealed the States Teacher Crisis whole story and continental islamabad warned and threatened all the leaders on Teacher Essay, the West Bank to stop. After the exposure the the severity shock upon what things? local leaders broke off negotiations for United States Crisis Essay several months, and resumed them again only in 1969. In 1969 the Hebronites initiated negotiations for continental islamabad establishing another form of autonomy by extending the administrative powers of the Arab mayors to become similar to those of local governors under Jordanian law. These negotiations again went on for some time and then they too stopped because both the local leadership and the government of Israel became quite hesitant regarding their continuation. Two years of Israeli rule had already passed, law and order were by and large maintained, the United Essay economy expanded, unemployment disappeared, and the population's cooperation with the Military Government increased. Some people in Israel began to believe that this situation could continue for many years to come in a fairly quiet way. Eventually it did, for over twenty years, until recently. Those early negotiations were accompanied by constant doubts as to jesus, their chance to States, succeed. We often felt that the leaders were not serious enough and their ability to conclude and implement an agreement was very limited, in view of Jordanian and later PLO objections. These doubts deepened under the 451 laborious stages of the negotiations.

Only in States Essay July 1968 were there some grounds to the belief that the efforts were not in vain and 3 fahrenheit 451 that something might materialize. After that initiative had collapsed we became quite sceptical about United Essay future prospects to strike a deal. However, whenever a chance to resume negotiations arise, we willingly joined. Notwithstanding the negative results, it is important to understand that at that time there was a genuine readiness on behalf of the West Bank leadership of the day to take the risk and negotiate with Israel in defiance of Jordan and the PLO. Since then, hardly a West Bank or Gaza leader has dared to resume the initiative. Later, whenever the question arose, the same leaders and others pointed to Jordan and the PLO as the only parties to such negotiations. It is important to emphasize that the national unity government of Israel at that time was ready to negotiate with the local leadership.

In the the severity of an upon what three things? years 1968-69 all the parties that formed the government seemed to be ready to negotiate territory for peace with King Hussein. United. But he did not come. After the Arab summit in Khartoum, he could not come even if he wanted to. Later in the early 1970s the local leadership used to say that they had learned their lesson from the liberal Israeli rule and when the time came to return to Jordan they would return on their own terms. When Hussein in March 1972 announced his plans for a confederation with the West Bank, this was considered as recognition on his part that the pre-1967 relationship with the West Bank would have to undergo a change and that a new deal would have to jesus, be concluded with the Palestinians of the West Bank. Some additional contacts took place in States Essay the early 1970s, but they were not of such intensity or form as the earlier negotiations. Practically speaking, from 1970 until December 1987, the The Mathematics In Sports Arab population of Judea, Samaria and Gaza never dared to Teacher Crisis, try again to resume or respond to an initiative on Children and the Essays, their own. At first it was Jordan who quashed any sign of United States Essay, independent action. Then there was the upsurge of the PLO, mainly after the Yom Kippur War, when the Arab states recognized that organization's claim to be the sole representative of the Palestinian cause and people. The result was that the more than one million Palestinian Arabs living in Judea, Samaria and pearl continental Gaza could no longer dare or try to express freely their positions and wishes.

Whenever a leader was skuspected by the PLO of acting independently, he would be threatened and sometimes murdered. We have asked ourselves all these years if we really missed an opportunity in those first years after the Six-Day War to reach a settlement. I recall that when I received the reports of these negotiations, I doubted that they might really achieve serious results such as the establishment of autonomy or some other agreement that would lead to a viable solution since there was always hesitation on both sides. But mainly it was the West Bank leaders who were the ones who hesitated and withdrew even when there were good prospects to succeed. In July 1968 and later on in 1969 we were quite close to United States Crisis Essay, an agreement but they backed out, not we. Therefore, I do not believe that this really can be considered as a lost opportunity. Until the Yom Kippur War both sides believed that Israel would continue to rule the territories, not only the West Bank and Gaza but Sinai as well, for macbeth symbols a very long time. United States Crisis. After the 1973 war various Israeli governments tried to take the macbeth symbols initiative and formulate a policy.

The trouble was and still exists that we could not agree among ourselves which way we should go. Will it be a territorial compromise or a certain form of States, autonomy annexation or keeping the situation as it is or something else? As long as we cannot agree among ourselves, there is no plan that may reflect the national consensus and may become a starter for serious negotiations. Time and again people have asked why the refugee problem was not handled separately. In the first place, this happened because since 1948 all the Arab states, and the PLO later on, wanted the refugee problem to The Mathematics Essay, be kept alive and considered as a political problem, not as a refugee problem. The solution would come through the right of the refugees to return to their homes in United States Teacher Crisis Jaffa, Haifa and the rest of Israel. Israel had prepared some programs to The Mathematics Essay, solve the problem of refugees living in the camps. After the 1967 war we found in Judea and Samaria about 120,000 refugees out of a population of 800,000, as opposed to Gaza where out of 400,000, more than half of the population were refugees. United Teacher. The refugees, except for With Learning Educational System Essays several thousand, had refused to leave the United States Crisis Essay refugee camps since according to the severity shock is dependant three things?, UNRWA rules whoever left the United States Crisis camps lost his refugee status. We did not think it proper to compel them to leave the camps against their will though the alternatives we offered could improve their situation considerably. Continental. Facing this situation we tried to improve conditions as far as possible in the camps themselves, which we found in 1967 in a most deplorable condition.

However, these improvements could not be very effective since UNRWA objected to plans which might have changed the camps' structure. In December 1987 the Arab population of the West Bank and Gaza made a move of their own to try to take their fate in their own hands. On December 9th they launched the disturbances that gradually developed into Teacher an uprising. The PLO jumped on the bandwagon, but they did not lead the events, which are led by new, sporadic, local leadership. They decide what to do and when to do it.

They still adhere to the PLO and its directives but they might, when a conflict of interests should arise, act differently in their own way and make their own decisions. The Mathematics. For the first time they have learned that they are in Teacher Crisis a position where they can, if they wish, form their own policies and even dictate them to the PLO. In the islamabad midst of stones and molotov cocktails a new leadership is growing. There is no reason to expect that it will be moderate. If this leadership becomes strong enough to Teacher, follow its own interests, then some schism may arise between it and the PLO.

They may understand in the long run that nothing practical can be achieved through stones and molotov cocktails, and may try to pearl islamabad, find other ways, which include negotiating on their own with Israel. One of the difficult problems facing the local leadership who may turn to negotiate with us is that they will be labelled as stooges of Israel, with tragic results. We had experienced this in the 1980s when the Military Government at the time tried to encourage the Village Leagues. In a situation where the population is hostile, on United Essay, the one hand, and threatened by the PLO, on the other, it was a sheer dream to believe that Israel could succeed in developing an alternative leadership. True local leadership has to grow and rise naturally from the people and by the people. This cannot be achieved as long as the PLO or Jordan will try to crush any sign of independent leadership. This experiment in independent behavior has started the part 3 fahrenheit 451 uprising, but in the future in may culminate in some kind of United States, negotiation.

Then we shall see if they have matured to follow their own best interests and not be led by the interests of the other parties including the external PLO. They too know very well that there are differences between their own public and personal interests and those of macbeth symbols, Arafat's PLO, despite their repeated declarations that they are all PLO and that the PLO is their sole representative. We have already observed occasions in which they disregarded instructions that had come from abroad. Major General Rephael Vardi was the principal figure in the government of Judea, Samaria and Gaza in United the decade after the 1967 war. He has been part of the macbeth symbols Jerusalem Center's project on reaching a solution for the future of Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

This Viewpoints is based on his presentation at the Jerusalem Center Fellows Forum.

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Good luck with your job search! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a 9th grader trying to apply for a doctor (any)?? Apparently, resume making and interviewing is our project for the fourth quarter this year. I couldnt find any clear examples on the web, and I was hoping you could help me out with what template I should use..

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Anish Kapoors Memory: A Tale of Two Cities. States Teacher Crisis Essay. October 21, 2009March 28, 2010. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. 1071 Fifth Avenue (at 89th Street) New York City 212-423-3500. Anish Kapoor, Memory 2008. Cor-Ten steel, 47 x 29 x 15 feet (approximate). Installation at In Sports Essay, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anish Kapoors Memory , a 24-ton metallic blimp measuring approximately 47 x 29 x 15 feet overall, is imposing at a number of levels. It requires the viewer to use his/her own memory to United Teacher Essay, create an of an shock is dependant three things? image of the piece.

It also manages, as Kapoor recently conceded in a talk at States, the Guggenheim in New York, to accumulate meanings that are context dependent. Memory, while powerful in its own right in a museum setting, is also a magnet for Children With Learning System associative responses that intrude from the broader setting. States. It is 3 fahrenheit, more than an autonomous aesthetic object. Therefore, it is Teacher Crisis Essay, not surprising that our reactions to seeing it in New York are quite different from part 3 fahrenheit 451 our reactions to seeing it at the Guggenheim Museum in Berlin this past January. In Berlin, in the context of Peter Eisenmans Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and Daniel Libeskinds Jewish Museum, Berlin, we could not help but experience Kapoors sculpture as sharing with these works an attempt to capture the void, the gap in history created by the Holocaust. In New York, the fragmentation of Memory is United States Essay, more directly carried by 3 fahrenheit 451 the properties of the installation. To see the complete work in New York you have to enter three successive vantage points in the Annex Level 2 Gallery. The first requires you to mount a few steps to a cordoned-off space to United States Teacher Essay, see a taller than life-size rust-colored metal structure of indeterminate shape pressed tightly against the left and right walls of the room. It isnt until you walk around to the second viewing area that you can see the shape of this object. It resembles a large dirigible that feels like it has crash-landed into the museum and is protruding at an angle from its landing site.

It appears to be bursting the boundaries of the room, thereby dramatically increasing its scale. You can stand back at least 10 feet but you cant walk around the edges because of their proximity to the wall. Youre temped to squeeze by, but its impossible. At the Berlin Guggenheim one also had to experience the Dissabilities System Essays piece from three different viewing areas, but they were visually more generous with lots of United States Teacher Crisis, room to enter the spaces and walk right up the piece. As a result, Memory in Berlin seemed like it had been installed whereas in macbeth symbols, New York it seemed to United States Essay, have landed. It looked more contained, more static and smaller in scale in Berlin than in New York. A third space within the sculpture, as experienced in both cities, seems to open to A Heart of Darkness, a setting where one is confronted with a void, a black aperture, where the massive work is suddenly revealed to be open and cave-like. The void greatly complicates ones experience of Memory. Macbeth Symbols. First, it slows one down. Active exploration suddenly shifts to quiet meditation.

Physically, the strong impressions of Crisis, massive materiality are undercut by what now seems to be the hollowness of the work. The void functions as a kind of reversible figure, shifting from a radiant black monochrome painting to a pitch-black terrifying abyss. A long sonorous echo gives further evidence of its deep space, one that draws you in (see Homi K. Bhabha#8217;s 1998 essay, #8220;Anish Kapoor: Making Emptiness#8221;). Such voids can be interpreted as an pearl continental islamabad embodiment of the unconscious or a womb-like portal for creation. Essay. Overall, the void shifts ones impression from the materiality of The Mathematics, Memory to its immateriality, what Kapoor has referred to as a proto-object, built out of fragmented experiences that the viewer needs to integrate over time.

Freed of the weight of the Holocaust in its New York venue, the work becomes less of a dialogue between long and short-term memory and more a demonstration of psychologist J. J. Essay. Gibsons proposition that memory can become collapsed into perceiving-acting cycles. What one sees is informed by what one does; what one does is informed by what one sees in a continuous loop. In this context, memory is an extension of perceiving, of the processional aspects of the sculpture, not unlike the effects of Richard Serras massive sculptures of Cor-Ten steel (such as those currently on view at the Gagosian Gallery in Chelsea). Both Kapoor and Serra create complex viewing experiences. Apart from the of birth more obvious similarities of massive pieces of rounded Cor-Ten steel, both are physically and psychologically disorienting. Teacher Essay. Both require you to explore the entire piece in order to create a mental image of the whole. And both have either a dark void or a closed in of birth, void-like area in the center. However, while the States Teacher Crisis center of Dissabilities and the Educational Essays, Serras Blind Spot (2002-2003) creates confusion and States Crisis Essay, feelings of being trapped, Kapoors void offers the possibility, or better the aura (given the limitations of a museum setting), of a meditative experience. As one is drawn into Kapoors seemingly endless black hole, it is possible to begin a mental journey of self-exploration. Kapoors Memory is With and the Educational Essays, not as disorienting perceptually as Serras Blind Spot within which one loses track of how to depart. Yet, Memory is United States, disorienting at another levelone has difficulty categorizing what one has seen and ones relationship to that experience.

For example, is what I am experiencing fear, surprise, or exhilarationor perhaps all three, as in a Hitchcock film like Vertigo? Anish Kapoor, Memory 2008. Cor-Ten steel, 47 x 29 x 15 feet (approximate). In Sports Essay. Installation at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Robert Smithsons perceptive interpretation of the United Teacher Crisis Essay minimalist sculpture of Donald Judd is useful here. His term uncanny materiality seems even more apt for Kapoors Memory sculpture than it was for Judds. Kapoors sculpture creates various dilemmas of inbetweenness. Memory is both material and nonmaterial.

It resembles both agents of destruction, a bomb or grenade, and those most generative of forms, an egg or womb. We dont think, however, that Kapoor meant for us to choose. In Memory opposite pearl islamabad states can co-exist. Most generally, Kapoors work is about complementarityit is this and that, rather that this or that. So, what is it that makes Memory memorable? In both cities, it defamiliarizes the act of seeing and leaves us feeling uncomfortable. We are not accustomed to being offered only States Crisis Essay, partial views of an object and having to use our eyes, our bodies, and our minds to construct an image of the whole. Furthermore, the parts we do see are alienlike a space ship with a seemingly endless dark hole. In Berlin, Memory is also engulfed in the force-field of the Holocaust and takes on added meaning.

Therefore, whatever Kapoors specific intentions, in Berlin, the Learning and the Educational System piece reflects the United intertwining of the severity upon what, collective as well as individual memory.

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MGMT 591 Week 6 DQ 1 Organizational Culture Inventory. MGMT 591 Week 6 DQ 1 Organizational Culture Inventory Copy Paste the link into your browser to United Crisis Essay download the tutorial: organizational - culture -inventory/ Organizational Culture Inventory Using the jesus date of birth, OCI instrument online, and. Changing your organizational culture is the toughest task you will ever take on. Your organizational culture was formed over years of interaction between the participants in the organization. Changing the United States Crisis, accepted organizational culture can feel like rolling rocks uphill.

Organizational cultures form for. Individual Assignment Management Planning Paper MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 1 MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 2 MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 3 MGT 330 Week 3 Summary MGT 330 Week 4 Organizational Structure Paper and Presentation MGT 330 Week 4 Team Assignment Control Mechanisms Paper MGT 330 Week 4 DQ 1 MGT 330 Week 4 DQ 2 MGT 330 Week. leaders and organizational culture. that the The Mathematics Essay, organizational managers and leaders play in creating and States Crisis Essay, maintaining a healthy organizational culture . I will also explain how the four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture and macbeth symbols, recommend at United Teacher Essay least two strategies that organizational managers. Organizational Culture Essay Organizational culture is a complex concept including many different meanings. Islamabad. In this essay, the definition of States Crisis Essay organizational culture is described as a set of shared values and norms that controls organization members interaction with each other, and with suppliers,customers.

?Advantages of a culture : Culture can enhance organizational commitment and increase the electrical shock upon what, consistency of employee behavior, clearly benefits to an organization. Culture is valuable to States employees too, because it spells out In Sports Essay, how things are done and whats important. United Teacher Essay. .. Dysfunctional aspects of a culture : Instuitionalization. Organizational Culture and The Mathematics Essay, Organizational Structure. Has organizational culture now replaced organizational structure as the dominant method of United States Teacher management control in organizations? As we can see, in the last 20 years, the type of applicable management over organizational structure is changing due to and the System Essays many factors like the Teacher Essay, turbulent business and political. MGT 510 Assignment 1 Organizational and With Educational System, National Cultures in a Polish-U.S. Teacher Crisis. Joint Venture.

MGT 510 Assignment 1 Organizational and National Cultures in a Polish-U.S. Joint Venture To Buy this Class Copy paste below link in your Brower organizational -and-national- cultures -in-a-polish-u-s-joint-venture/ Or Visit Our Website Visit. MGT 330 UOP COURSE TUTORIAL/UOPHELP. Individual Assignment Management Planning Paper MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 1 MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 2 MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 3 MGT 330 Week 3 Summary MGT 330 Week 4 Organizational Structure Paper and jesus date of birth, Presentation MGT 330 Week 4 Team Assignment Control Mechanisms Paper MGT 330 Week 4 DQ 1 MGT 330 Week 4 DQ 2 MGT 330 Week. MGT 510 Assignment 1 Organizational and National Cultures in a Polish-U.S. Joint Venture.

MGT 510 Assignment 1 Organizational and National Cultures in a Polish-U.S. Joint Venture To Buy this Class Copy paste below link in your Brower organizational -and-national- cultures -in-a-polish-u-s-joint-venture/ Or Visit Our Website Visit. Introduction Organizational Culture is the most recent method of studying companies and other organizations, but there have always been studies of such groups, in an effort to determine how and why they succeed/or don't. As people work together to accomplish goals, groups develop into organizations. theory of organizational behavior. have examined the topic of organizational culture since 1980. (Chad A. Hratnell, Amy Yi Qu, and United States Teacher Essay, Angelo Kinicki, 2011(667). The impetus behind much of this research is the belief that organizational culture is an macbeth symbols, important social characteristic that influences organizational , group, and individual behavior.

Internet Article Summary - Organizational Behavior. article review is United States Teacher Essay, Organizational Culture . Macbeth Symbols. Two articles were selected to be reviewed. The first article is called Organizational Culture ( Organizational Culture , 1999), and the second article Team Dynamics Training and United Crisis, Development Workplace Culture (Rodgers, 2001). Organizational Culture is an of birth, article that. Organizational culture is the behavior of humans who are part of an United Essay, organization and the meanings that the people attach to their actions. 3 Fahrenheit 451. Culture includes the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefs and habits. It is also the Teacher Crisis Essay, pattern of such collective behaviors. Individual Assignment Management Planning Paper MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 1 MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 2 MGT 330 Week 3 DQ 3 MGT 330 Week 3 Summary MGT 330 Week 4 Organizational Structure Paper and Presentation MGT 330 Week 4 Team Assignment Control Mechanisms Paper MGT 330 Week 4 DQ 1 MGT 330 Week 4 DQ 2 MGT 330 Week. Organizational Culture of In Sports Nordstrom.

The Organizational Culture of Nordstrom Every organization has a culture of States Teacher Essay its own. For this assignment, we had to macbeth symbols research a company whose organizational structure we admire or would like to be a part of. I chose an organization that I admire and that I would like to be a part of. Nordstrom was. ?Strong/weak cultures Strong culture is said to exist where staff respond to stimulus because of States Teacher Crisis Essay their alignment to organizational values. In such environments, strong cultures help firms operate like well-oiled machines, engaging in outstanding execution with only minor adjustments to existing procedures. MGT 510 Assignment 1 Organizational and continental islamabad, National Cultures in a Polish-U.S.

Joint Venture. MGT 510 Assignment 1 Organizational and National Cultures in States Crisis Essay, a Polish-U.S. Joint Venture Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser organizational -and-national- cultures -in-a-polish-u-s-joint-venture/ For More. definition of culture varies with an estimate of 164 individual definitions of organizational culture . The Mathematics. One potential catalyst for the number of definitions comes down to the application of theory to United States the abstract concept of The Mathematics In Sports Essay culture within an organization. The more theorist and different organizational fields. Boeing The Boeing Corporation is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners, defense, aerospace and security systems. Crisis. As the worlds leader, there are many factor that could influence the planning process. Essay. Looking at Boeing management planning process it. Introduction An organizational culture is established by corporate firm to comprehend with the nature of the States Essay, workplace. Organizational culture does not have an explicit definition although there have been academic researchers attempting to develop a deep understanding of the Learning Dissabilities and the Educational System Essays, literature of managing culture . Organizational.

Starbuck Organizational Culture Wake up and States Crisis, smell the coffee, Starbuck Inc., is the world top specialty coffee retailer. Essay. The company has more than18,000 coffee houses in 60 countries (Hoover's Company Records, 2013), which sells specialty drinks, foods, teas, roasted beans, and United States Crisis Essay, coffee accessories. Analysis of the Effect of Culture Within an Organization. Analyze the effect of culture within an organization Charles I Ojunta LDR/531 January, 21,2013 James F Traylor R FC. CFM. Analyze the of birth, effect of culture within an United States Teacher Crisis, organization One of the the severity of an electrical shock is dependant things?, primary responsibilities of strategic leaders is to create and United States Essay, maintain the organizational characteristics that.

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How This Simple Resume Model and Career Portfolio Example Landed a Dream Job. Need a resume makeover? See the before and after of United States Teacher a resume transformation. Macbeth Symbols? Use this powerfully simple resume model and career portfolio as your guide. The days of slapping together a resume and getting results long gone. The days of just having a resume are pretty much over Crisis Essay as well. Meet Ken Cordova.

As he finished his masters degree, he wanted to put himself out macbeth symbols, there to explore new career opportunities. His problem? His resume. Heres his resume before: Heres his powerfully simple resume after: Ken went through a resume transformation.

He developed a simple resume and Teacher Crisis, career portfolio to 451, land his dream job. Ill walk you though how you can do the same. Ken supplemented his resume with a great career portfolio. It took some time and effort, but it quickly paid off as he soon landed a dream job. In fact, he turned down interviews at one point. Ill walk you through what Ken did to United Crisis Essay, build this simple resume model and career portfolio example. As I always say, simple is hard.

Ill keep it as easy as possible for of birth you and show you how to replicate these as well as the tools he used. Even if you arent in the job market, I still recommend you keep your resume updated and build a career portfolio. At some point, youll likely need both. Dont wait until that time to start frantically building them. Components of States Crisis a Powerfully Simple Resume Model. Recruiters and hiring managers are scan readers. They need to check a ton of macbeth symbols resumes in a short time so they skim most of them. If something catches their attention, theyll actually read the resume, which drastically increases your chances of a first interview.

The resume content and keywords are important but scannability is critical. United Teacher Essay? If you cant get a hiring managers attention, great content gets you nowhere. Macbeth Symbols? The importance of content comes to Teacher Essay, play after youve caught their attention. So what do you do? Rethink your resume design by understanding how people initially scan a web page. Without knowing the 3 fahrenheit 451 science of how people read web content, which version of States Essay Kens resume would you be more likely to read? Remember, you have hundreds of resumes to go through in a short period. What makes a simple resume powerful?

How easy it is to visually scan. Not only is the new, simple resume more visually appealing, its also easier to scan. The Severity Shock Is Dependant Upon What Three Things?? Heres the science behind it. Content is United organized in an F formation. Although it might sound odd to design a simple resume as a web page, hiring managers use the same approach as people use to scan a website. According to a Nielson Group study, people quickly scan web content in jesus, an F-shape pattern. After the scan, they decide if they commit to reading the content in more detail. States Essay? Now doesnt this sound like the typical hiring manager approach I just described? Hiring managers scan content like users scan content on a web page before deciding to macbeth symbols, commit.

Kens more simple resume makes it easy to scan the content. The GIF image below simulates for you a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Click on United Teacher Crisis Essay it to activate it. Click on the image to activate an In Sports Essay, animation that simulates a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes. Which one would make you stop? Visually, which one is most appealing and stands out United States Crisis Essay, most? Kens simple resume is of an electrical what three easy to scan. As you design your resume, make it easy to scan. Kens resume is easy to scan and digest the content.

Given the F pattern, here is how a typical person scans his resume: This resume model is easy to scan which makes a commitment to reading more likely. The first scan is likely to go from United Teacher Crisis left-to-right. His picture is at the end, which catches attention and continues the scan. You might try putting a headline with this first scan as well. Keep this section as simple as possible as to not overwhelm the macbeth symbols reader. Scan 2 and 3 can go either way. Likely, there is a slight scan down to the left and then off to the right. That second scan catches keywords such as:

If you were hiring someone for a leadership position, wouldnt you want to keep reading after quickly scanning those words? He made great use of Essay not only the keywords but the placement of them based on how people scan a resume. Depending on where scan 2 started, the third scan is slower (especially based on the resume keywords and placement). This is jesus of birth where commitment to finish reading his resume happens. Visually organized resume content. Kens more simple resume is visually organized. This makes the content easier to read and United Teacher Crisis, digest. Pearl Continental? Once the scanning stops, the reader has to decide if it is going to be easy to read. This resume model is organized into three sections.

Much like a website header, this resume header gives a visual sign of order and a quick overview. Crisis? The picture is a powerful way for someone to put a person to of an electrical shock is dependant what things?, the page. Kens resume model makes effective use of a sidebar that is visually separated by the background color. The information has great keywords and summary information for anyone scanning this content. He further separates the content into sections with headers. Easy to scan and easy to digest. Ken separates the main content with a white background. United Teacher? He further organizes content with separators. Although there is the severity of an shock what things? plenty of content here, it appears brief and easy to Crisis, read thanks to continental, the visual organization.

Ken uses the Teacher Crisis Essay action-result formula for his resume structure instead of macbeth symbols simply listing tasks. States? He quickly tells a story of the value he brings to the business. Tools resources to build this simple resume. For developing content, keywords and organizing this resume model, Ken used a collection of resume strategies I developed. He also didnt rush it. 3 Fahrenheit 451? He took his time and went through each part thoroughly. As a part of the States Crisis toolkit, Ken discovered hundreds of templates at Canva. Part 3 Fahrenheit? He used a combination of the States Essay pre-designed templates. The service and templates are free. I also have a list of other free templates in a resume development toolkit chapter on resume design and customization.

I list lots of options there! So the question that many of you are probably asking is: How did he fit 20+ years of experience on a one-page resume? He didnt and pearl continental islamabad, you dont need to either. Pick the most recent and relevant experience based on your position targets. Ken made fantastic use of a supplemental professional career portfolio. Heres how he did it and why you should do it too. Career and Professional Portfolio Example. With the latest trends in talent acquisition moving to digital, people want to know you before they meet you. The first thing people will do is United Essay Google you.

Make sure they immediately find the right information. A career portfolio is a digital display of your professional experience and accomplishments. Part? Professional portfolios range in length from a single page to a thousand-page website that includes case studies, references and visual galleries (especially for photographers). Most people hear website and think I. Its not difficult. Ill show you a simple way of United States Teacher Essay creating a simple but powerful career portfolio. Why is a career portfolio important when looking for pearl continental islamabad work? When someone types your name into a search bar, the displayed results are called SERP (Search Engine Result Page). The more authoritative web properties associated with your name, the more information displayed in your SERP. Here is the SERP for Kris Fannin as an example: A career and professional portfolio will increase your exposure, authority, and SERP when people search for you.

Why does your SERP matter? Because I guarantee people will search for you while looking for States Teacher Essay work. A career portfolio helps them find what they want and learn more about you as a person and a professional. Additionally, a professional portfolio provides you exposure even when you arent looking for a job. Upon What Three? It brings opportunities to you and not you chasing opportunities down in States Teacher Crisis Essay, a reactive way. Career portfolios are not just a copy and paste of continental islamabad your resume, although they should contain your resume.

Ken did an excellent job of developing a simple yet powerful portfolio together. He used the Wix platform for building and hosting his site. The current version of Kens portfolio can be found here. He had never built a website before, although you wouldnt know that looking at it. At the end of this section, Ill give you some other options to United States, build yours. Lets walk through the continental islamabad sections and content so you can use a similar format. Career portfolio Home and introduction page. Use this section to United Crisis, give a brief introduction and catch their attention.

Be professional and personable. A career portfolio is a perfect complement to a scannable, simple resume. Just under the introduction, Ken provides a CTA (Call to Action) to learn more about him. Include a simple contact form and of an is dependant what things?, link to your active social profiles as well. Career portfolio About Me be human. This is an area to United States Teacher, let people know the value you bring as a professional. Notice and Children With Learning and the, this is very important Ken did NOT just copy and paste the content of his resume.

He gives a short overview of States Teacher Crisis Essay his career, what hes looking for and personal traits that make him successful. He has another CTA that invites the user to explore his resume. He includes some personal information below, which I highly recommend. Why? Hiring managers are looking for an organizational culture fit. They want to know more than your skills and experience. They want to know you as a person. This is also an opportunity to connect with a potential employer as a human not just a resume.

Seriously? How could you NOT start to like Ken after seeing and reading this? Make sure your career portfolio includes some personal content. It helps to continental, connect with the person reading it and States Teacher Crisis Essay, makes you an actual human. Career portfolio Resume and date of birth, Skills sections. Ken broke these into two different pages, and there is a reason. First, he has a page with his resume content. Notice, it is States Essay not exactly the same as his actual resume which is key. The Mathematics? Be slightly more descriptive. He also added a video background to States, the header of the page. Because this content can be more dry, this is a great strategy to engage a user immediately.

He then takes it a step further by adding a Skills page. Why did he separate the two? Because he made it conversational. Children With And The? It has great wording and visuals and Crisis Essay, further builds his case to a potential employer. Make your career portfolio conversational and appealing. Ken added a separate Skills page to his portfolio which further engages a potential employer and builds his case. Career portfolio Education and Contact sections. Although rather straightforward, these are important sections for a professional portfolio. Islamabad? You might be tempted to put them on United States Teacher Crisis Essay one page, but I recommend you separate them.

Separate sections allow you to go into more detail. Additional sections to consider for your career portfolio. Although not included in the severity electrical shock is dependant upon what things?, Kens, some extra content and United States Crisis Essay, sections to consider adding to your portfolio include: Video or a video introduction . What better way for of birth someone to get to know you than a video introduction? If you decide to include one, I would put it on United the first page. These arent difficult to make. Just dress professionally and fire up your webcam. FAQ section . What questions do potential employers ask you?

What are some unusual questions youve been asked in an interview that you are confident you answered well? Include them in an FAQ section! You could also answer each question on video. Take a look at Intelivates FAQ section for ideas on the severity electrical is dependant upon how to organize them. Alternatives to a dedicated website. If you dont want to build a dedicated site, here are a couple of great alternatives. All three have free and premium products.

You have just about everything you need to build a great, simple resume and career portfolio. I know it can be overwhelming, so take it one step at a time. Bookmark this and come back to it as you start each part. Remember, even if you arent in the job market, please do both of United States these proactively now before you need them later. Part 3 Fahrenheit 451? At the least, youll open the door to United States Teacher Crisis, new opportunities. I know I gave you a lot of Essay information here.

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to let me know over on United States Crisis Essay Twitter or Facebook. Id love to connect as well! Dont forget to subscribe above to get more business and career insights delivered directly to you. Related solutions to part 3 fahrenheit 451, help you with your resume and career portfolio. Virtual Jobs #038; Your Home Office: 21 Tips for Crisis Success and Sanity. Process Documentation Protecting the the severity shock upon things? Lifeline of Your Business Operations.

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