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Arguing in support of refugees in what therapy Australia. Character Essay? Extracts from this document. Centered Therapy? ??Conflict occurs between the powerful and the powerless.? Annie Wang Plight of Refugees: A David and Goliath Story With conflict around the Essay Paint: Paint world rising exponentially, more and more people are fleeing torture and persecution, sacrificing their identity, in the hope of is person centered therapy living a new and safe life in Drying Australia. What? The Migration Act 1958 requires people who are not citizens and are unlawfully in Australia to be detained. This legislation ensures that asylum seekers arriving in which of the Australia can be detained for unspecific and prolonged periods of time. No one wants to be a refugee: they just want to live a normal life like everyone else but they are powerless to change the is person centered therapy situation in their country, to change their circumstances. This all began with an imbalance of equality, two sides fighting for supremacy and eventually fight for purification.

This has been the case across history with instances such as the genocide in Rwanda between the Hutus and the Tutsis, the dominance of the Nazis over the Jews and most recently the fight for religious supremacy and purification in Afghanistan between the chains halse anderson Taliban and the Hazara. . read more. The recent riots on the Christmas Island detention facility that have attracted the centered therapy attention of the media is of the following is a disadvantage of hydroelectric plants?, just another example of the centered extent of nike refugees? rebellion against the subjection they endure while waiting for the Immigration officials sitting at their desks in is person Canberra to make a decision about their visas, their lives. Who are these powerful people that are once again making these asylum seekers powerless? They are, indirectly, the people of Australia who are responsible for rendering these people powerless. The Australian Government receives a mandate from the people through elections and it is the Government?s responsibility to act on behalf the people. We, the Australian people are the powerful that are breaching their basic human rights. The refugee discourse has now been exploited on multiple occasions to nike rights gain votes from the Australian populace by both major political parties, with the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees suggesting that the Australian Government implement policies regarding the asylum seekers based on humanitarian not political guidelines suggesting scepticism about government motives.

It has now come to what is person ?the two major political parties are bickering about whether it is better to macbeth analysis essay send them to Malaysia or Nauru?, rather than helping them and spreading equality. . read more. The contention of the piece is that conflict occurs between a more powerful party and a powerless party and that it is a conflict of an equality imbalance. This persuasive piece delves into the conflict between ?the powerful? and what centered therapy, ?the powerless? by nike rights firstly exploring examples of conflicts between the powerful and the powerless and centered, then mirroring the nominated issue to show that this conflict occurs. Thereafter, the identities of the powerful and the powerless are explored and macbeth analysis essay, how the conflict is happening between is shown. The writing was based on a quote from the text, ?The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif?, ?The feeling of having no power to make things happen gets you?re your heart and you begin to question whether you are really a human being?, which depicts how the powerless can be crushed by the powerful, just by oppressing their power. The piece of writing draws other ideas from the text, such as the idea of leaving your future or fate in the hands of a stranger, which is based on the idea of asylum seekers having their fate decided by a Government official. Another idea was the what centered feeling of powerlessness leads to the loss of reward promotions/tesco hope, in the piece of writing the mental state of asylum seekers is therapy, explored after losing hope. . Essay Drying Paint: Latex Paint? read more. This student written piece of what centered therapy work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Writing to Argue, Persuade and Advise section. Paint: Paint? Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Join over 1.2 million students every month Accelerate your learning by 29% Unlimited access from just £6.99 per is person centered month. Related GCSE Writing to Argue, Persuade and Advise essays.

Letter to Editor on Refugees. This editorial presented a point of view concerning . Asylum seekers risk their lives embarking on a journey not knowing how long before they will reach land and an even greater risk as to where they will end up. He took up swimming only eight months before the event and macbeth analysis, trained back home in a tiny hotel pool - when there were no guests. In his 100 metre heat, the two other competitors from Niger and Tajikistan were both disqualified for false starts, so he swam alone against the clock. Britain isnt tough when considering whether to let asylum seekers stay here- far too . The houses they are allocated to are usually places where no one wants to live. As you can see, just finding a house would be quite a challenge, but they would just have to appreciate what they are given- although it may not be the best. Not just in what is person therapy Africa, not just to stop the crime of genocide, but stop any crime of major importance. in life You will be haunted, resumed the Ghost, by Three Spirits.

This is showing that Marley has come to Studies and Possible Toxicity Essay tell Scrooge he will be haunted by is person centered therapy three spirits because of the way he is living his life The second key event is in disadvantage Stave 2 when the ghost of. What Is Person? what he is doing with a drunk out of sight and earshot. The scene ends on a fantastic cliff-hanger. By Laurie Anderson Summary? After we have witnessed Gerald and Sheila's massively important conversation the audience see Sheila breaking up with Gerald. After this already exciting moment the inspector re-enters. The inspector simply says: Well? Studies have shown that 'the proportion of adults classified as overweight or obese increased over the last ten years: for men from 52% to 62% and for women from 37% to 45%.' (ABS National Health survey, 2005-06) Australia is seen as a multicultural society. Therapy? 33.8% United States (2008) 24.5% United Kingdom (2008) We are now more at risk of many obesity and health related issues like heart disease and diabetes than ever before. Not a very good endorsement for Essay Drying Latex Paint our nation which promotes so much sporting prowess. of student written work Annotated by.

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Periodization Training Essay Research Paper AbstractPeriodization training. Periodization Training Essay, Research Paper. Periodization training is a designed program involving the breakdown of training into different cycles throughout an athlete s preseason, season, and offseason. This technique was first designed for strength training, but has now been evolved to what is person centered therapy, include the many components of any athlete s training needs. A basketball athlete has numerous obstacles in training to overcome to be a successful player, so the use of Paint a periodization program would be a beneficial way to what centered, train. In training nothing happens by accident, but rather by design (Bompa, 1995, p.95).

Periodization training is a process of structuring training into phases, therefore, there is a design to it. It is designed to optimize strength and performance, while minimizing the potential for overtraining or injury. Basketball is a sport that involves strength and power, along with technique. For optimal results, basketball training should incorporate periodization training ideas. Basics of Periodization. Periodization takes into chains halse, account that athletes have different needs relative to training and conditioning during different seasons and modifies the program according to individual needs (Arnheim, 2000 p.76). A primary objective of training is for the athlete to reach peak performance at a specific time, usually the centered, main competition of the year. Macbeth Character! To achieve this high level of what centered performance, the entire training program must be properly periodized and planned so that development of skills and motor ability proceeds logically and methodically throughout the year (Bompa, 1999, p.83).

Periodization takes this into account with its two basic components. The first component, periodization of the annual plan, pertains to how the year is divided into various training phases. The second component is on Storage, how to structure strength training to maximize its effectiveness in meeting the needs of the specific sport. The latter of the two will be incorporated into the first by is person centered breaking down the annual plan into shorter more manageable components. Periodization organizes a training and conditioning program into cycles. The macrocycle is referred to as one competition season that can range from one to even four years, like the Olympics.

The idea behind the macrocycle is for the athlete to achieve peak level of fitness for Studies of MLX-NLC Toxicity Essay competition by altering intensity, volume, and specificity of training (Arnheim, 2000). Training changes from high-volume, low-intensity, non-sport specific activity to low-volume, high-intensity, sport specific training when competition nears. These macrocycles are further divided into mesocycles that contain a transition period, a preparatory period, and a competition period. The transition period begins after the last competition. The athlete is encouraged to participate in sport activities on a recreational basis. Is Person! The transition period allows the athlete to escape both physically and of the is a plants? psychologically from the centered therapy, intensity of competition (Arnheim, 2000). On Storage Of MLX-NLC And Possible Essay! The transition should include active rest, unless injury or extreme fatigue dictates complete rest. This is an important period because it allows the what is person centered therapy, athlete a period of time off to avoid becoming burnt out by the sport.

However, the human, athlete should not cut-off all activity because it will lead to rapid loss of skill and fitness. For serious athletes, the duration of the transition period should be no longer than four to six weeks, or many fitness benefits will diminish (Bompa, 1999, p.89). Athletes work hard to make gains in skill, general fitness, and strength. What Is Person Centered! Therefore, athletes and which of the following is a disadvantage of hydroelectric plants? coaches should remember that strength is what centered therapy, hard to gain and easy to lose (Bompa, 1999, p.89). If athletes take a longer off-season they will more than likely experience detraining effects, resulting in the loss of most training gains and deteriorating most of the by laurie halse summary, strength gains (Bompa, 1999).

If athletes do not perform any strength training during the transition period, muscles will decrease in size, leading to considerable power loss. Since power and speed are interdependent, loss of speed will result as well (Bompa, 1999). These examples show it is really important for the athlete to remain active in the off-season, which will give the athlete a strong base when the preparatory period begins. Following the transition period is the preparatory period which takes place during the off-season, when there are no upcoming competitions. The preparatory period is broken down into three additional phases: hypertrophy-endurance phase, the strength phase, and is person centered the power phase. The hypertrophy-endurance phase occurs during the beginning of the off-season and the training is at low-intensity, high-volume of human repetitions (Bompa, 1999). Hypertrophy training for sports focuses on increasing the size of the specific prime movers, the muscles, for a particular sport. At this time activities may not directly relate to the sport.

Hypertrophy training lasts for several weeks to even two months which allows the athlete to what centered, develop endurance, on which other more intense training can occur. Now that the endurance is built up, the strength phase begins, and weight training becomes sport specific (Bompa, 1999). Human Rights! Also, the therapy, intensity and volume progress to moderate levels. The last part of the preparatory period is the power phase. The power phase begins around the preseason and the athlete trains at high-intensity, near the level of competition. At the by laurie anderson, end of this preparatory period technique becomes the main emphasis of the program to is person centered, lead the athlete into competition. The final mesocycle of the overall macrocycle is the competition period. The competition period can last for several months, but varies with the number of essay competitions the what centered, specific sport has. At this point training occurs at Drying Paint: high-intensity with a low-volume, allowing more time to be spent on skill training or strategy sessions. The athlete has the task of developing and stabilizing competition performance at the highest level possible.

The tradition in what is person centered, many sports is to eliminate strength and conditioning training when the competitive season starts. However, if strength and conditioning are not maintained during the competitive period, athletes will experience the detraining effect. Muscle fibers decrease to their pretraining size after just five to six days. The detraining effect results in human rights, loss of power and speed, so it is centered therapy, essential for a coach to develop an efficient training program for the competitive period (Bompa, 1999). Nike Human Rights! One way to maintain the athlete s strength and conditioning levels is by what implementing the Essay Paint: Paint, next part of periodization, the microcycle. During the competition period microcycles can be established. These microcycles can last from one to seven days in the competition period and are adjusted to the competition schedule. Centered Therapy! During a microcycle training is intense early in the week, then progresses to moderate, and Studies on Storage and Possible finally light the day before competition.

This is centered, a step-type progression and is a key component of in the design of the microcycle. A microcycle is a group of training sessions organized so that optimal training value can be gained for each session (Bompa, 1995). Nike! Microcycles change throughout the season depending on what, how far along the season is. The goal is to make sure that the athlete will be at peak levels of fitness and performance on days of competition (Arnheim, 2000, p.77). Basic Principles of human rights Training and Conditioning. As with any training and conditioning program there are some key principles that should be stressed to is person, all athletes: 1) Each bout of training should begin with a warm-up before any activity is started; 2) A cooldown period after training is essential to Studies of MLX-NLC Toxicity, help avoid injury; 3) Most athletes are motivated when it comes to sport because it is generally their decision to be there.

A coach needs to maintain the what is person, motivation within the athlete; 4) By varying training and chains halse anderson techniques into a periodization plan, the program can remain enjoyable rather than becoming routine and what is person boring; 5) Although overload is a critical factor in training and reward promotions/tesco conditioning, the stress must not be great enough to produce damage or injury before the body has time to what centered therapy, adjust specifically to the increased demands (Arnheim, 2000); 6) The athlete must engage in a training and conditioning program at Paint: Latex a consistent, regularly scheduled basis if it is to be effective; 7) The intensity of the conditioning program should follow a progression and increase gradually with the is person centered therapy, individual athlete s ability to adapt to increasing workloads. The intensity of the work should be stressed rather than the following is a of hydroelectric plants?, quantity of the workout; 8) Specific goals should be developed to address components of fitness relative to the sport in which the athlete is competing; 9)Since individual athletes vary considerably, adjustments of the training program must be made according to each individual athlete; 10) The safety of the athlete is the most important part of the what centered therapy, training program. Time should be taken to educate the athlete on proper technique, about how the reward promotions/tesco, athlete should feel during a workout, and is person therapy when the athlete should push harder or back off (Arnheim, 2000). Periodization Training as it Relates to Toxicity Essay, Basketball. Proper conditioning and training are essential for is person centered any basketball program to be successful. A training program should include strength training, flexibility, aerobic and anaerobic power (Stone, 1993).

Because basketball demands that a player be strong, quick and agile, there are many components of a basketball athlete s training. But with all athletes there are limiting factors for performance, which means that the desired performance will not be achieved unless the limiting factors are developed at the highest possible level (Bompa, 1999). The limiting factors for basketball athletes are take-off power, acceleration power, and power endurance. Take-off power depends on the athlete s vertical force applied against the ground in order to defeat the pull of gravity. Take-off power is usually twice as much as the athlete s weight and the athlete s attempts to project the body at the highest point, or reach the best height, like in rebounding (Bompa, 1993). Acceleration power is used two to Drying Paint: Paint, three seconds after the start of the run with the athlete attempting to reach the what is person centered, highest acceleration possible.

Acceleration power Depends on the power and rights the quickness of centered muscle contraction to drive the Paint, arms and legs to the highest stride frequency, shortest contact phase when the leg reaches the ground, and the highest propulsion when the leg pushes against the ground for is person therapy a powerful forward drive (Bompa, 1993, p.18). Power endurance is important in such activities as rebounding a basketball because it is power dominant. Throughout one basketball game the athlete will perform power-endurance actions one-hundred to two-hundred times or more. Although it is important to on Storage of MLX-NLC Toxicity, jump high to rebound, it is equally important to duplicate such a jump 200 times per game (Bompa, 1999, p.9). So for a basketball athlete it is best to train for both power and power-endurance. The limiting factors discussed above are improved during the preparatory and competition phases. The preparatory period usually starts six to eight weeks before the first official basketball practice.

During the preparatory period both anaerobic and aerobic conditioning occur to achieve a base for what therapy the athlete. Drying Latex Paint! Anaerobic power involves the delivery of energy for physical activity at a rate, without oxygen, for what centered a limited period of time (Stone, 1993). In the case of basketball such moves as driving, jumping, shooting, and of MLX-NLC and Possible Toxicity rebounding use anaerobic power. To achieve a strong base for what therapy anaerobic power, a training program should emphasize high-intensity interval work with repeated bouts of recovery (Stone, 2000). The specific anaerobic training intervals for basketball should involve a work time of five to six seconds at eighty to one-hundred percent maximum, with a rest time of twenty seconds to three minutes, and repeating this around ten to twenty times (Stone, 2000). Aerobic power is the ability to deliver oxygen to the tissues during prolonged bouts of exercise (Stone, 2000, p. 175). Increasing the aerobic power of the basketball player is very important to by laurie anderson summary, the total conditioning program. Aerobic power enables the centered, athlete to play and practice longer at higher intensities.

The specific aerobic training intervals for Studies on Storage Toxicity basketball should involve a work time of is person centered therapy one to two minutes at eighty percent maximum, with one to three minutes of rest, and repeating five to ten times (Stone, 2000). The game of basketball usually involves continuous aerobic power with frequent bursts of anaerobic power, so both energy systems are essential. The base for a basketball players muscular strength is made in the preparatory phase of the periodization training program. Muscular strength and power in the legs and hips determine how explosively basketball skills are executed. Rebounding, jump shooting, shot blocking, dunking, and driving lay-ups are all examples of the importance of muscular power in basketball (Stone, 2000, p. 176). Character Analysis Essay! Muscular strength and endurance guidelines for a basketball athlete shift depending on the period of the season. The guidelines are further split into muscular strength, power, and endurance.

For muscular strength it is centered therapy, recommended the athlete perform three to five sets with three to five repetitions. Promotions/tesco! For muscular power to be achieved, the basketball athlete should involve three to five sets with two to three repetitions. Centered! For muscular endurance it is recommended to perform sets of two to three with ten to twenty repetitions should be performed. Flexibility is the ability to move a joint through its full range of motion. Limited flexibility can result in restricted movement and possible injury (Lieberman-Cline, 1996, p.53). To achieve a high amount of flexibility, slow static stretching is suggested because there is less chance of muscle soreness and injury.

Before stretching the Studies Toxicity, athlete should warm-up because temperature effects flexibility. Since flexibility exercises are joint specific, the stretching exercises should be selected for joints involved in basketball. The following stretching exercises are suggested: modified hurdlers stretch, butterfly(groin) stretch, forward lunge(hip flexors), wall stretch(calf region), knee to chest(low back), and the pretzel stretch (Lieberman-Cline, 1996, p.53). Is Person Centered Therapy! A coach can easily incorporate flexibility training into a program since it can be enhanced by stretching, a component every coach should teach. In most basketball programs there is usually only one main competition period. During this part of the season the structure of proper microcycles is essential. A high-intensity, high-volume practice would not be appropriate the day before a competition. A low-intensity, low-volume practice would be most beneficial for the athlete, allowing time to prepare mentally for human rights the game. The basketball competition period usually involves two games in a week, so two days should be set aside for high-intensity practices and the remaining days low-intensity practices.

The strength training should be Limited to one to two sets of three exercises at 70 percent of the one rep max, or a maximum of what therapy 15 to 20 minutes (Bompa, 1999, p.209). The transition period is a time for the basketball athlete to recover, but it is also the time when the most progress can be made in strength, endurance, speed, and quickness. During this time there is no holding back because there is considerable time before the human rights, next competition. With non-professional basketball players there are rules surrounding the amount of time the athlete can be involved with organized practice. Is Person Therapy! With the use of a structured training plan, the nike human, coach can encourage the athlete to be involved with individual workouts during the what therapy, off-season. To maintain a decent level of fitness, athletes should train two to three times a week during the on Storage of MLX-NLC Essay, transition period. Remember that it takes less effort to maintain 40 to 50 percent of the previous fitness level than to start developing it from zero (Bompa, 1999, p.210). Throughout the competitive and what centered therapy transition periods the same aerobic and anaerobic conditioning principles for basketball are used from the preparatory period.

A training and conditioning program is designed to build strength, stamina, and endurance from the ground up. If the athlete works through the off-season/transition period, and chains by laurie summary keeps the pace going throughout the preseason/preparatory period, the athlete will be prepared when the what, season/competition period arrives. Although periodization was developed primarily for Drying strength training, the basic concepts of the program can be applied to is person centered therapy, all competitive sports and the overall training that occurs. It is up to the coach and the athlete to put it all together to make the best possible program. To design a periodization training program the coach needs to chains by laurie summary, look at the three factors of training and how they relate to the specific sport. The three contributing factors to be considered with any sport are: the dominant energy system(s) involved, the limiting factor(s) for performance, and the training objective(s) the coach wants to establish (Bompa, 1999).

Once these factors are all considered by the coach, it is then possible to develop a periodization model of therapy training for by laurie halse the specific sport. The yearly training plan is an important tool for achieving long-range athletic goals. In planning the what centered therapy, coach should be more concerned with deciding what kind of physiological response or training adaptation will lead to reward promotions/tesco, the greatest improvements, than with deciding what drills or skills to work on in a given training session or period (Bompa, 1999, p. 84). Only by considering these physiological factors will the coach be able to choose an approach that will result in the best training adaptation and ultimately lead to increases in physiological capacity and improved athletic performance (Bompa, 1999, p.85). Such an innovated approach can best be facilitated by periodization and it is possible to use the periodization technique to design a training program for a variety of sports, including basketball. An organized and well-planned periodization plan will accomplish the main objective of training. The main objective for the athlete to reach peak performance at a specific time, usually right before a competition.

When a basketball athlete follows a periodized training model the development of skills and motor abilities reach optimal levels of training. Arnheim, D., #038; Prentice, W. What Centered! (2000). Principles of Athletic Training. Boston: Mcgraw-Hill. Bompa, Tudor. (1999). Periodization Training for Sports. Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Bompa, Tudor. (1998). Serious Strength Training. Champaign: Human Kinetics. Bompa, Tudor O. Of The Following Disadvantage Of Hydroelectric Plants?! (1995). Periodization of Strength: The New Wave of Strength Training. Toronto: Veritas. Bompa, Tudor. (1990).

Theory and Methodology of Training: The Key to Athletic Performance. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt. Bompa, Tu., Bompa, Ta., #038; Zivic, T. (1981). Fitness and Body Development Exercises. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt.

Freeman, William H. (1989). What Is Person Centered! Peak When it Counts: Periodization for American Track and Field. Los Altos: Tafnews Press. Gallahue, David L., #038; Ozmun, John C. (1997). Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults. Boston: WCB McGraw-Hill. ., N., #038; Roberts, R. (1996). Basketball for Women: Becoming a Complete Player. Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Stone, William J., #038; Steingard, Paul M. (1993). Year-Round Conditioning for Basketball. Clinics in nike, Sports Medicine,12(2), 173-191.

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Carl Rogers Client Centered Therapy: Definition, Techniques and Goals

Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Leila Haaparanta and Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.), Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic , Oxford University Press, 2012, 512pp., $99.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780199890576. Reviewed by Stephen Read, University of St. Andrews. Metaphysics had a difficult time during the twentieth century. It was reviled by the logical positivists, Carnap claimed to have overcome it in what centered, his 'Die Überwindung der Metaphysik', and it was dismissed by ordinary language philosophy, conceptual analysis and the linguistic turn. Indeed, Sami Pihlström, in the concluding essay, 'Transcendental Philosophy as Ontology', thinks the whole Kantian enterprise is anti-metaphysical: the Kantian thinker -- the transcendental philosopher in the sense in which we use this term today -- typically rejects [the Aristotelian] claim [that the ontological categories . . . are categories of Being itself], urging that we cannot know anything about Being as such, or about the macbeth analysis things in themselves. (p. Therapy? 455) In the end, he rejects the simplistic nature of this contrast: transcendental philosophy . . . need not and Essay Drying Paint should not be committed to what is person centered, the claim that 'metaphysics is dead'. (p. 475)

The turning point is exemplified in the central essay, Claire Ortiz Hill's 'Georg Cantor's Paradise, Metaphysics, and Husserlian Logic'. Nine essays lead up to this paper, running chronologically from Michael Loux's on Aristotle to Torjus Midtgarden's on Peirce. Nine papers follow it, starting with Peter Simons' discussion of Meinong and Husserl and Essay Drying ending with Ilkka Niiniluoto's 'On Tropic Realism'. Pihlström's paper serves as a coda. The ostensible topic throughout is the description and categorization of reality, of being, a project begun systematically in Aristotle's Categories and pursued in tandem with logic -- though what is what, recognised as logic varies tremendously. Ortiz Hill sees logic as the key to fighting against the rejection of metaphysics, notably in the work of Quine, who is also seen as a metaphysician malgré lui by the editors in their Introduction, and in Koskinen's essay, 'Quine, Predication and the Categories of Being'.

The real bugbear, says Koskinen, is Quine's extensionalism. The linguistic turn shifted the debate from the nike human rights separation of mind and world to that of language. What Centered Therapy? The central problem of metaphysics, in the categories of being, is predication, to be solved according to Quine by semantics. Inscrutability of reference is the consequence of this divorce between language and reality, and for Quine everything is sacrificed in order to maintain a link between observation sentences and theoretical sentences. All becomes relative to a theory, but which theory is then just prejudice, Quine's prejudice being his preference for reward, representation in first-order logic with an is person centered therapy ontology of medium-sized objects.

In other words, naturalism rides to the rescue. The defense of by laurie, metaphysics begins, for Ortiz Hill, with Cantor's and Husserl's recognition of the metaphysical requirements of set theory. She cites Lotze's opposition to what is person centered, nineteenth-century naturalism as having a central, but under-recognised, role in their thinking. The paradoxes of set theory, in particular Cantor's paradox of the set of all sets, required that Husserl devise a new account of totalities. The paradox derives from Cantor's theorem, that there is no greatest cardinal number, in particular, that the cardinality of the Essay Latex Paint set of all subsets of a given set is strictly greater than that of the set itself. (For example, a pair set, containing two objects, has four subsets, the singletons of its members together with the empty set of the set itself; a triple with three members has nine subsets; and so on.) Now take the set of all sets. What Centered Therapy? One might suppose it must be the largest set; but the set of all its subsets is a set and strictly larger. Loux, in of the following is a disadvantage of hydroelectric plants?, the opening essay on what is person centered therapy, 'Being, Categories, and Universal Reference in Aristotle', pinpoints a similar paradox in Aristotle. Aristotle rejected the Platonic and Parmenidean thesis that there is chains halse summary, a single property of everything: the one. Is Person Therapy? 'Being' and nike rights 'One' (or unity) are transcendental terms, not belonging to any of his ten categories.

Yet he must accept that there is a category-neutral way of speaking of being, or he would not be able to state his own thesis. Take an infinite name such a 'non-horse': this applies both to what is person, lines and to men, beings of different categories. Essay Drying Latex Paint? Thus infinite names, though they do not strictly connote properties, which must fall under the is person therapy categories, apply in a neutral way across categories. But Aristotle's texts, while providing the questions and inspiration for medieval philosophers, both in the Arabic world and in the Latin West, were at Essay Drying Paint the same time gnomic and puzzling. 'Do words signify concepts or things?' was asked repeatedly; are the categories, categories of words or of things? Do we predicate wisdom of Socrates, or 'wisdom'? In the Metaphysics (1017a21-2), Aristotle says that there are as many kinds of predicates as there are kinds of being. But do the kinds of predication derive from the kinds of being, or vice versa? Taneli Kukkonen, in his treatment of the Arabic history, 'Dividing Being: Before and is person centered After Avicenna', sees the neo-Platonists turning Aristotle on his head. Aristotle's Categories gleefully rejected Plato's search for answers in the heavens.

Rather, Aristotle held, the categories are found in the form of human, predication: In general . . . What Therapy? it is fruitless to look for the elements of all the things there are without distinguishing the different senses in which things are said to be ( Metaphysics 992b18 ff, cited on chains by laurie, p. 39). The neo-Platonists, through Porphyry, then rehabilitated Aristotle by is person therapy suggesting he was treating only of the sensible realm in his Categories , leaving Plato's deep metaphysical insights into the higher realms of Toxicity Essay, being unaffected. The opposition between those wanting to base metaphysics on logic and those wanting to is person centered therapy, divorce it from by laurie halse anderson, logic runs right through subsequent treatments. For Averroes, says Kukkonen, being, divided in accordance with the ten categories, is prior to any judgments about it (p. 56); for Ockham, writes Henrik Lagerlund (in his essay on 'Leibniz (and Ockham) on the Language of Thought, or How the True Metaphysics is Derived from the is person True Logic'), logic is a matter of concepts and concepts reflect the world, so by analyzing language into its simplest parts, one could uncover what there is in the world (p. 100).

Lagerlund's paper is salutary in Studies on Storage of MLX-NLC, revealing the continuity between medieval and early modern theories, which is often overlooked or even denied, as Descartes and others strove to suggest a new start in philosophy, alongside the scientific revolution. What Is Person Therapy? However, his account (p. 113) of human rights, Leibniz's formalization of categorical propositions in his 'General Inquiries about the Analysis of Concepts and Truth' does not seem quite right: 'Every A is B' is not 'Every A and every B coincide' (as Lagerlund has it), but 'Every A and some B coincide' (p. 53 in Parkinson's translation, to which Lagerlund is referring, p. 363 in Couturat's edition), and so 'Some A is not B' is 'Some A and every B do not coincide', not 'some B' as Lagerlund has it. Leibniz seems here to be echoing the account we find in such medieval terminists as Ockham and Buridan, and anticipating the algebraic manipulations of is person centered therapy, Boole. In fact, given the lack of historical awareness among many analytical philosophers in the twentieth century, it is easy to overlook the influence that medieval thought had right through until the Studies on Storage of MLX-NLC and Possible Essay nineteenth century. We need to be reminded, as Peter Simons does in his 'To Be and/or Not to Be: The Objects of Meinong and Husserl', for example, how conscious Brentano was of the medieval inheritance when formulating his concept of intentional inexistence. Brentano sought to demonstrate the autonomy of the therapy psychological and which of the following is a disadvantage plants? the impossibility of reducing it to physiology, its characteristic being direction to an object.

Pace Simons, the false step seems to have been Twardowski's in distinguishing the private mental content from the non-mental public object. Rather, as the medievals recognised, the object is single, sometimes non-existent, having only esse obiectivum (being as an object of thought), sometimes existing and thought of (and so having both objective and subjective being -- being in a subject). There are not two objects, one hidden behind a veil of is person centered therapy, conception. This wonted ignorance of the history of Drying Latex Paint, philosophy, particularly of the period between Aristotle and Descartes, is often excused by what is person centered the claim that the ills of promotions/tesco, metaphysics arose from the logical mistake of thinking all propositions are of subject-predicate form, an error identified and overturned by Frege. The right metaphysics, on this reading, distinguishes concept and object, more generally unsaturated functions from saturated or complete entities.

Haaparanta, indeed, in her paper 'On Being and Being: Frege between Carnap and Heidegger', claims that while Aristotle had ten categories, Frege's corresponding categorial distinction was between concept and object (p. 325), and moreover, that Aristotle missed the categorial difference marked by Frege's concept-script between individual and concepts (p. What Centered Therapy? 329). But the concept/object distinction generalizes the particular/universal distinction, which is another dimension of Studies on Storage and Possible Toxicity Essay, Aristotle's taxonomy: the vertical dimension of primary versus secondary substance contrasted with the horizontal distinction substance and accidents, themselves subdivided into the Aristotelian categories (and arguably, themselves admitting a particular/universal distinction, glossed in Categories 2 as those which are in a subject but not said of any subject and those which are both said of a subject and in a subject). Haaparanta also makes much of what is what centered therapy, sometimes called the Frege-Russell ambiguity, between the 'is' of existence, the 'is' of predication, the 'is' of identity and the 'is' of class-inclusion (p. 323). 'Being' expressing the first of these she contrasts with 'being' that expresses the existence of an object (an empty concept, 'to be identical with oneself', e.g., 'Socrates is'), empty because is applies to everything. (See ch. V of rights, her Frege's Doctrine of Being , 1985.) She claims further (p. 335) that we may assert as follows: 'Obama's presidency is'; 'The identity of the evening star and the morning star is'; . Is Person Centered? . . 'The self-identity of Socrates is'. Reward? This is not only not English; there is really, pace Frege, no first-order concept of existence distinct from a second-order one. Whereas the grammar of 'There is a horse' derives from the is person centered predication 'A horse is there', Frege realised that its logic derives from '(The concept) horse is instantiated'.

To be sure, in Latin one can predicate 'est' secundum adiacens ('Equus est', 'Sortes est'), as well as tertium adiacens ('Equus est animal', 'Sortes est homo', 'Sortes est Plato'), but these are still predications. Frege's concept-script ( Begriffsschrift ) was an human ideal language, in which he sought to make explicit the ontological implications of our ordinary statements. But whereas Russell and Carnap used the method of what is person centered, analysis as revisionary metaphysics, as Glock puts it in his essay on 'Strawson's Descriptive Metaphysics', eliminating and so denying being to sets and reward promotions/tesco numbers, Frege did not interpret analysis in this way. Michael Beaney, in is person centered therapy, his lucid account of the macbeth essay metaphysics of Frege, Russell, Moore and what is person centered Wittgenstein, 'Logic and Metaphysics in Early Analytic Philosophy', attributes the contrast to the fact that Russell and Moore thought of analysis as decomposition into atoms, which Frege did not. The central problem Beaney identifies in all these writers is the analysis of relations, e.g., ' a b ' and on Storage and Possible Toxicity Essay ' b a '. For Frege and Wittgenstein, these propositions have the same sense, so sense cannot be compositional. Wittgenstein in fact denies that there is therapy, a (real) relation; there is only the manner of representation of the single fact (think of a and b placed on a line), which is Studies on Storage of MLX-NLC, pictured (differently) by the two propositions. What Is Person Centered? The genuine elementary proposition contains only names for a and b (and consists in the fact that those names are suitably related). The fact that the names are so related (which cannot be said, only human rights, shown) says that a and b are related as greater and less. Beaney shows how Wittgenstein's saying/showing distinction derives from Frege's problems with 'the concept horse ' (which, being a complete expression cannot strictly denote a concept), picking up on Frege's famous pinch of is person, salt. Glock's claim is that Strawson's metaphysics is similarly non-revisionary, but this time by anderson summary rejecting the need for an ideal language. So too did Wittgenstein (despite what Keith Campbell writes on p. 420 of his essay on 'D.M.

Armstrong and is person therapy the Recovery of of MLX-NLC Toxicity, Ontology'). The real question is whether to what is person, read a metaphysics directly from the on Storage of MLX-NLC Toxicity Essay form of ordinary language (e.g., taking the is person centered therapy subject-predicate form to human rights, reveal a particular-universal ontology), or whether to treat ordinary language as misleading -- which does not require replacing it with an ideal language. What Centered? Such a dualist ontology is a repeated thesis, as already mentioned with reference to Frege and Aristotle. But dualism can be taken realistically (as in Frege) or nominalistically. Arianna Betti, in nike rights, describing 'Bolzano's Universe: Metaphysics, Logic and Truth', reveals Bolzano as having the what is person best of both worlds. There are individual qualities (tropes in current parlance), which exist only macbeth character analysis, if their subjects do; and there are objects, though no Musilian objects (as Betti calls them by nice allusion to Robert Musil's classic novel The Man without Qualities ): objects which lack qualities altogether (something . . What Is Person Centered? . Analysis Essay? we know not what, in Locke's unfortunate phrase). But for Bolzano, besides things that exist, located somewhere and causally efficacious, there is a world of lektologica , propositions and ideas (that is, parts of propositions).

Ilkka Niiniluoto paints a somewhat similar picture in his essay 'On Tropic Realism': properties, as classes of similar tropes, are for him inhabitants of Popper's world 3. This is Platonic realism, contrasted with the moderate realism espoused by David Armstrong. What Centered? Campbell opens his essay on Armstrong by again portraying the anti-metaphysical stance of British philosophy in the 1950s as a brief aberration, overturned from down under by Armstrong, John Anderson's successor in Sydney. Inspirational here was Donald Williams' division of metaphysics into speculative cosmology (an account of the halse anderson summary basic elements in the world -- Campbell sees Armstrong's materialist theory of mind as an example) and is person therapy analytic ontology (listing the categories of being -- as in Armstrong's Universals and Scientific Realism ). Armstrong's is an essentially monistic ontology -- factualism: what are basic are states of of the is a disadvantage plants?, affairs, or facts, which are particulars. However, facts themselves have parts, objects and qualities, the former again particulars, the latter arguably universals, though Armstrong's opposition to trope nominalism has weakened almost to zero over the years. Abstract objects are eschewed, or naturalistically construed as supervenient. Of the few essays in the volume not yet mentioned, perhaps the is person centered most arresting is Kevin Scharp's argument in 'Wilfrid Sellars' Anti-Descriptivism' that Sellars anticipated the iconoclastic doctrines of Kripke, Putnam and Kaplan. To be fair, Sellars was not alone: Keith Donnellan's contribution is here underplayed, as is that of Ruth Barcan Marcus, mentioned only in Studies on Storage Toxicity Essay, a footnote on what centered therapy, p. 398. Sellars too rejected abstract entities, denying that understanding should be seen in Fregean terms as the grasp of abstracta . The central issue can be seen as the response to Frege's puzzle: how can 'Hesperus = Hesperus' be uninformative and known a priori, while 'Hesperus = Phosphorus', which results from the former simply by substituting a coreferential name, be informative and a posteriori? Frege's response appeals to two-level semantics, distinguishing sense from reference; but it is misleading to portray Russell the same way, as Scharp does on p. 360. Inconstant in many things, Russell stuck to one-level semantics throughout his other changes of human rights, mind. What Is Person Centered? When there is human, (or even may be) no reference, there is no meaning either -- the name must be a disguised description, and therapy descriptions are incomplete symbols, disappearing on analysis.

It is also not strictly accurate to attribute to Frege (p. 360) the claim that the human meaning [of most any linguistic expression] is given by a description. As Dummett has reminded us, sense for Frege is given by a recognitional ability, which cannot always be captured by a description. These few caveats aside, however, the present collection constitutes a valuable survey and rigorous examination of the categories of being, of the development of metaphysics over two and a half thousand years. I find the subtitle, 'Essays on Metaphysics and Logic', a little misleading: they are essays on metaphysics, much of which is is person centered, informed by, and responsive to, logic.

Any influence of metaphysics on logic is left unexplored. Students of metaphysics, and more senior researchers, will learn much from these twenty essays.

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address here President Trump delivered his first address to what centered, a Joint Session of Congress on February 28th, 2017. You can watch the full address here. Follow @WhiteHouse for live updates during President Trump's Speech. Support President Trump's vision to make America great again. President Trump's Joint Address to Congress. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Studies Of MLX-NLC Toxicity Essay? Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the is person centered United States, and Studies on Storage of MLX-NLC Toxicity, Citizens of America: Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of our Nation's path toward civil rights and therapy, the work that still remains. Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in promotions/tesco Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.

Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice –- in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present. That torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to light up the what centered therapy world. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart. A new chapter of chains by laurie halse anderson, American Greatness is now beginning. A new national pride is sweeping across our Nation. And a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp.

What we are witnessing today is the Renewal of the American Spirit. Our allies will find that America is what is person centered therapy once again ready to Paint: Paint, lead. All the nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that America is strong, America is proud, and what is person centered therapy, America is free. Chains? In 9 years, the United States will celebrate the what is person 250th anniversary of our founding -- 250 years since the day we declared our Independence. It will be one of the great milestones in the history of the world. But what will America look like as we reach our 250th year? What kind of country will we leave for our children? I will not allow the mistakes of reward, recent decades past to define the course of our future. For too long, we've watched our middle class shrink as we've exported our jobs and wealth to foreign countries.

We've financed and built one global project after another, but ignored the fates of our children in the inner cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit -- and so many other places throughout our land. We've defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own borders wide open, for what is person anyone to human, cross -- and for drugs to pour in at a now unprecedented rate. What Centered? And we've spent trillions of dollars overseas, while our infrastructure at home has so badly crumbled. Then, in 2016, the earth shifted beneath our feet. The rebellion started as a quiet protest, spoken by families of all colors and creeds -– families who just wanted a fair shot for their children, and a fair hearing for their concerns. But then the Essay Paint: Latex Paint quiet voices became a loud chorus -- as thousands of citizens now spoke out together, from cities small and large, all across our country.

Finally, the what is person centered chorus became an earthquake – and the people turned out by the tens of Paint: Paint, millions, and they were all united by centered, one very simple, but crucial demand, that America must put its own citizens first . because only then, can we truly MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Dying industries will come roaring back to life. Reward? Heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need. Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our beautiful land. Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately, stop. And our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of what is person, hope, safety, and opportunity. Above all else, we will keep our promises to the American people.

It's been a little over a month since my inauguration, and I want to take this moment to analysis essay, update the Nation on the progress I've made in keeping those promises. Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. The stock market has gained almost three trillion dollars in value since the election on November 8th, a record. We've saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price of the fantastic new F-35 jet fighter, and will be saving billions more dollars on contracts all across our Government. We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.

We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials –- and a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government. We have undertaken a historic effort to centered, eliminate job?crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and Essay Drying Paint: Latex Paint, livelihoods of our great coal miners. We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel. We have withdrawn the United States from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership. What Centered Therapy? With the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a Council with our neighbors in macbeth character analysis Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets and centered, capital they need to start a business and is a disadvantage of hydroelectric, live out their financial dreams. To protect our citizens, I have directed the Department of Justice to form a Task Force on Reducing Violent Crime. I have further ordered the centered therapy Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread across our Nation. We will stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth -- and we will expand treatment for those who have become so badly addicted.

At the promotions/tesco same time, my Administration has answered the pleas of the what is person centered therapy American people for immigration enforcement and nike human, border security. By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone. We want all Americans to is person centered therapy, succeed –- but that can't happen in an environment of lawless chaos. We must restore integrity and the rule of law to our borders. For that reason, we will soon begin the construction of on Storage of MLX-NLC and Possible, a great wall along our southern border. As we speak, we are removing gang members, drug dealers and criminals that threaten our communities and prey on our citizens. Bad ones are going out as I speak tonight and centered, as I have promised. To any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this question: what would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or a loved one, because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders? Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the by laurie anderson United States. We are also taking strong measures to protect our Nation from Radical Islamic Terrorism. What Is Person Centered Therapy? According to data provided by the Department of Justice, the reward vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country.

We have seen the attacks at what home -– from Studies on Storage and Possible, Boston to San Bernardino to what is person centered, the Pentagon and yes, even the World Trade Center. We have seen the attacks in France, in Belgium, in Germany and all over reward promotions/tesco the world. It is not compassionate, but reckless, to allow uncontrolled entry from places where proper vetting cannot occur. Those given the high honor of admission to is person, the United States should support this country and reward, love its people and its values. Centered? We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside America -- we cannot allow our Nation to become a sanctuary for extremists. That is why my Administration has been working on improved vetting procedures, and we will shortly take new steps to macbeth character analysis essay, keep our Nation safe -- and to keep out those who would do us harm. As promised, I directed the what centered therapy Department of Defense to develop a plan to of the is a disadvantage, demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, women, and children of all faiths and beliefs. We will work with our allies, including our friends and allies in the Muslim world, to extinguish this vile enemy from our planet. I have also imposed new sanctions on is person therapy entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and character, reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel. Finally, I have kept my promise to what centered therapy, appoint a Justice to which is a of hydroelectric plants?, the United States Supreme Court -- from my list of 20 judges -- who will defend our Constitution. I am honored to have Maureen Scalia with us in the gallery tonight.

Her late, great husband, Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and is person therapy, I am asking the on Storage and Possible Senate to swiftly approve his nomination. Tonight, as I outline the is person centered therapy next steps we must take as a country, we must honestly acknowledge the circumstances we inherited. On Storage? Ninety-four million Americans are out of the what is person labor force. Over 43 million people are now living in poverty, and over following is a 43 million Americans are on food stamps. More than 1 in what is person 5 people in their prime working years are not working. We have the worst financial recovery in 65 years. Rights? In the last 8 years, the past Administration has put on more new debt than nearly all other Presidents combined. We've lost more than one-fourth of our manufacturing jobs since NAFTA was approved, and we've lost 60,000 factories since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Our trade deficit in goods with the world last year was nearly $800 billion dollars.

And overseas, we have inherited a series of tragic foreign policy disasters. Solving these, and is person therapy, so many other pressing problems, will require us to work past the differences of party. It will require us to tap into the American spirit that has overcome every challenge throughout our long and storied history. But to accomplish our goals at home and abroad, we must restart the Studies on Storage of MLX-NLC and Possible Toxicity Essay engine of the American economy -- making it easier for what is person companies to do business in the United States, and much harder for companies to leave. Right now, American companies are taxed at one of the highest rates anywhere in the world. My economic team is developing historic tax reform that will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone. Promotions/tesco? At the same time, we will provide massive tax relief for what the middle class. We must create a level playing field for Essay Drying Paint American companies and what centered, workers.

Currently, when we ship products out of America, many other countries make us pay very high tariffs and taxes -- but when foreign companies ship their products into America, we charge them almost nothing. I just met with officials and workers from a great American company, Harley-Davidson. In fact, they proudly displayed five of their magnificent motorcycles, made in the USA, on the front lawn of the White House. At our meeting, I asked them, how are you doing, how is business? They said that it's good. I asked them further how they are doing with other countries, mainly international sales. They told me -- without even complaining because they have been mistreated for so long that they have become used to macbeth analysis, it -- that it is very hard to do business with other countries because they tax our goods at such a high rate.

They said that in one case another country taxed their motorcycles at what is person centered therapy 100 percent. They weren't even asking for change. But I am. I believe strongly in free trade but it also has to be FAIR TRADE. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the abandonment of the protective policy by the American Government [will] produce want and ruin among our people. Reward? Lincoln was right -- and it is what is person time we heeded his words. Essay? I am not going to let America and its great companies and workers, be taken advantage of what is person centered therapy, anymore. I am going to bring back millions of jobs.

Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration. The current, outdated system depresses wages for our poorest workers, and puts great pressure on taxpayers. Toxicity Essay? Nations around the world, like Canada, Australia and therapy, many others –- have a merit-based immigration system. It is a basic principle that those seeking to enter a country ought to be able to support themselves financially. Yet, in America, we do not enforce this rule, straining the very public resources that our poorest citizens rely upon. According to the National Academy of Sciences, our current immigration system costs America's taxpayers many billions of dollars a year.

Switching away from this current system of lower-skilled immigration, and instead adopting a merit-based system, will have many benefits: it will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families –- including immigrant families –- enter the reward promotions/tesco middle class. Another Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, initiated the last truly great national infrastructure program –- the building of the interstate highway system. The time has come for a new program of national rebuilding. America has spent approximately six trillion dollars in is person centered therapy the Middle East, all this while our infrastructure at home is crumbling. With this six trillion dollars we could have rebuilt our country –- twice. And maybe even three times if we had people who had the ability to negotiate.

To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking the reward promotions/tesco Congress to approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in the infrastructure of the United States -- financed through both public and private capital –- creating millions of new jobs. This effort will be guided by is person therapy, two core principles: Buy American, and Hire American. Studies On Storage And Possible Essay? Tonight, I am also calling on this Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and at the same time, provide better Healthcare. Mandating every American to buy government-approved health insurance was never the right solution for America. The way to make health insurance available to therapy, everyone is to Studies on Storage of MLX-NLC Essay, lower the cost of health insurance, and is person therapy, that is what we will do. Obamacare premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits.

As an example, Arizona went up 116 percent last year alone. Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky just said Obamacare is macbeth analysis failing in his State -- it is unsustainable and collapsing. One third of counties have only one insurer on what therapy the exchanges –- leaving many Americans with no choice at all. Nike Human? Remember when you were told that you could keep your doctor, and keep your plan? We now know that all of those promises have been broken. Obamacare is collapsing –- and we must act decisively to protect all Americans. Action is not a choice –- it is a necessity. So I am calling on all Democrats and Republicans in the Congress to work with us to save Americans from this imploding Obamacare disaster.

Here are the principles that should guide the Congress as we move to create a better healthcare system for all Americans: First, we should ensure that Americans with pre-existing conditions have access to coverage, and what centered therapy, that we have a stable transition for which of the following disadvantage of hydroelectric Americans currently enrolled in the healthcare exchanges. Secondly, we should help Americans purchase their own coverage, through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts –- but it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by centered therapy, the Government. Thirdly, we should give our great State Governors the Essay resources and flexibility they need with Medicaid to what is person centered, make sure no one is left out. Fourthly, we should implement legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unnecessary costs that drive up the character analysis essay price of insurance – and therapy, work to bring down the artificially high price of promotions/tesco, drugs and bring them down immediately. Finally, the what is person time has come to give Americans the freedom to purchase health insurance across State lines –- creating a truly competitive national marketplace that will bring cost way down and provide far better care. Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. Every problem can be solved. And every hurting family can find healing, and hope. Our citizens deserve this, and so much more –- so why not join forces to finally get it done? On this and Drying Paint:, so many other things, Democrats and Republicans should get together and what is person, unite for the good of our country, and for the good of the American people. My administration wants to analysis, work with members in both parties to centered therapy, make childcare accessible and affordable, to of the following is a disadvantage plants?, help ensure new parents have paid family leave, to invest in women's health, and to promote clean air and clear water, and to rebuild our military and our infrastructure.

True love for our people requires us to find common ground, to advance the common good, and to what is person, cooperate on rights behalf of every American child who deserves a brighter future. An incredible young woman is with us this evening who should serve as an what is person centered therapy inspiration to us all. Today is Rare Disease day, and joining us in the gallery is a Rare Disease Survivor, Megan Crowley. Paint:? Megan was diagnosed with Pompe Disease, a rare and serious illness, when she was 15 months old. She was not expected to live past 5. On receiving this news, Megan's dad, John, fought with everything he had to save the what centered therapy life of his precious child. He founded a company to look for a cure, and helped develop the drug that saved Megan's life. Today she is 20 years old -- and a sophomore at Notre Dame. Megan's story is about the unbounded power of a father's love for a daughter.

But our slow and burdensome approval process at halse anderson summary the Food and Drug Administration keeps too many advances, like the one that saved Megan's life, from reaching those in need. If we slash the restraints, not just at the FDA but across our Government, then we will be blessed with far more miracles like Megan. In fact, our children will grow up in a Nation of miracles. But to achieve this future, we must enrich the mind –- and therapy, the souls –- of every American child. Education is the civil rights issue of our time. I am calling upon Members of both parties to pass an education bill that funds school choice for nike human rights disadvantaged youth, including millions of African-American and is person, Latino children. These families should be free to choose the reward promotions/tesco public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school that is right for them.

Joining us tonight in the gallery is a remarkable woman, Denisha Merriweather. As a young girl, Denisha struggled in school and failed third grade twice. But then she was able to enroll in a private center for learning, with the help of a tax credit scholarship program. Today, she is the first in her family to graduate, not just from high school, but from college. Later this year she will get her masters degree in social work. We want all children to therapy, be able to macbeth character analysis essay, break the cycle of poverty just like Denisha. But to what is person therapy, break the cycle of poverty, we must also break the cycle of violence.

The murder rate in 2015 experienced its largest single-year increase in nearly half a century. In Chicago, more than 4,000 people were shot last year alone –- and the murder rate so far this year has been even higher. This is not acceptable in our society. Reward? Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to is person therapy, have access to a high-paying job. Promotions/tesco? But to create this future, we must work with –- not against is person centered therapy, -– the men and women of law enforcement. We must build bridges of cooperation and trust –- not drive the wedge of disunity and Toxicity Essay, division. Police and sheriffs are members of our community. They are friends and neighbors, they are mothers and fathers, sons and daughters – and they leave behind loved ones every day who worry whether or not they'll come home safe and sound.

We must support the incredible men and women of is person, law enforcement. And we must support the victims of human rights, crime. I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American Victims. The office is called VOICE –- Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. What Is Person Centered? We are providing a voice to chains halse, those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests.

Joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave Americans whose government failed them. Therapy? Their names are Jamiel Shaw, Susan Oliver, Jenna Oliver, and Jessica Davis. Jamiel's 17-year-old son was viciously murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member, who had just been released from prison. Jamiel Shaw Jr. was an incredible young man, with unlimited potential who was getting ready to halse anderson, go to college where he would have excelled as a great quarterback. But he never got the chance. His father, who is in what centered therapy the audience tonight, has become a good friend of mine. Also with us are Susan Oliver and Jessica Davis. Their husbands –- Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver and Essay Drying Paint: Latex, Detective Michael Davis –- were slain in the line of duty in California. They were pillars of their community. These brave men were viciously gunned down by an illegal immigrant with a criminal record and two prior deportations. Sitting with Susan is her daughter, Jenna.

Jenna: I want you to know that your father was a hero, and that tonight you have the love of an entire country supporting you and praying for what centered you. To Jamiel, Jenna, Susan and chains halse anderson, Jessica: I want you to know –- we will never stop fighting for justice. Your loved ones will never be forgotten, we will always honor their memory. Finally, to keep America Safe we must provide the men and women of the United States military with the tools they need to prevent war and –- if they must –- to fight and to win. I am sending the Congress a budget that rebuilds the military, eliminates the Defense sequester, and calls for one of the largest increases in national defense spending in is person centered American history. My budget will also increase funding for our veterans. Our veterans have delivered for this Nation –- and now we must deliver for them. The challenges we face as a Nation are great.

But our people are even greater. And none are greater or braver than those who fight for promotions/tesco America in centered uniform. We are blessed to be joined tonight by human rights, Carryn Owens, the widow of a U.S. Navy Special Operator, Senior Chief William Ryan Owens. Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero –- battling against terrorism and securing our Nation. I just spoke to General Mattis, who reconfirmed that, and I quote, Ryan was a part of centered, a highly successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence that will lead to many more victories in the future against Essay Drying Latex, our enemies.

Ryan's legacy is etched into eternity. For as the Bible teaches us, there is what is person centered therapy no greater act of love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. Ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country, and for our freedom –- we will never forget him. To those allies who wonder what kind of friend America will be, look no further than the heroes who wear our uniform. Our foreign policy calls for Toxicity a direct, robust and meaningful engagement with the world. It is American leadership based on what centered vital security interests that we share with our allies across the globe. We strongly support NATO, an chains alliance forged through the bonds of two World Wars that dethroned fascism, and a Cold War that defeated communism.

But our partners must meet their financial obligations. And now, based on what our very strong and promotions/tesco, frank discussions, they are beginning to do just that. We expect our partners, whether in NATO, in centered therapy the Middle East, or the Pacific –- to take a direct and meaningful role in reward both strategic and military operations, and pay their fair share of the cost. We will respect historic institutions, but we will also respect the sovereign rights of nations. Free nations are the best vehicle for expressing the will of the what is person therapy people –- and America respects the right of Drying, all nations to chart their own path. My job is not to represent the world. What Centered? My job is to represent the United States of America. But we know that America is reward better off, when there is less conflict -- not more. We must learn from the is person centered therapy mistakes of the past –- we have seen the war and destruction that have raged across our world. The only long-term solution for these humanitarian disasters is to create the conditions where displaced persons can safely return home and begin the rights long process of rebuilding.

America is willing to find new friends, and to forge new partnerships, where shared interests align. We want harmony and stability, not war and conflict. We want peace, wherever peace can be found. America is friends today with former enemies. Some of what therapy, our closest allies, decades ago, fought on the opposite side of promotions/tesco, these World Wars. This history should give us all faith in the possibilities for a better world. What Is Person Centered Therapy? Hopefully, the 250th year for America will see a world that is more peaceful, more just and more free. On our 100th anniversary, in 1876, citizens from across our Nation came to Philadelphia to which of the following is a disadvantage of hydroelectric, celebrate America's centennial. At that celebration, the country's builders and artists and inventors showed off their creations. Alexander Graham Bell displayed his telephone for the first time.

Remington unveiled the first typewriter. An early attempt was made at is person electric light. Thomas Edison showed an automatic telegraph and an electric pen. Imagine the wonders our country could know in America's 250th year. Think of the marvels we can achieve if we simply set free the dreams of our people. Cures to illnesses that have always plagued us are not too much to hope. American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream. Millions lifted from welfare to work is not too much to expect. And streets where mothers are safe from fear -- schools where children learn in human rights peace -- and centered therapy, jobs where Americans prosper and of MLX-NLC and Possible Toxicity, grow -- are not too much to ask. What Centered? When we have all of this, we will have made America greater than ever before.

For all Americans. This is our vision. This is our mission. But we can only get there together. We are one people, with one destiny. We all bleed the same blood. Latex Paint? We all salute the same flag.

And we are all made by the same God. And when we fulfill this vision; when we celebrate our 250 years of glorious freedom, we will look back on tonight as when this new chapter of American Greatness began. The time for small thinking is over. The time for trivial fights is behind us. We just need the courage to share the dreams that fill our hearts. The bravery to express the hopes that stir our souls. And the confidence to turn those hopes and dreams to action. From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears –- inspired by the future, not bound by the failures of the past –- and guided by our vision, not blinded by our doubts. I am asking all citizens to embrace this Renewal of the American Spirit. I am asking all members of what is person, Congress to join me in character analysis essay dreaming big, and bold and daring things for our country. Centered Therapy? And I am asking everyone watching tonight to which is a disadvantage of hydroelectric plants?, seize this moment and -- Believe in yourselves.

Believe in your future. And believe, once more, in is person America. Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless these United States. Rebuilding Our Nation#039;s Infrastructure. President Donald J. Trump is taking action on his commitment to rebuilding the reward United States. Our country’s public infrastructure is in poor condition, costing American households thousands of dollars each year. Delivering for the American People. President Donald J. Trump has had a dozen meetings with American business and union leaders to hear their input. The President has tackled rules and regulations that get in is person centered the way of jumpstarting job growth for all Americans.

Since his inauguration, the economy has been showing steady improvement and high confidence. Chains Anderson Summary? Confronting Our Nation’s Broken Healthcare System. Is Person? The United States’ healthcare system is trending in nike rights a disastrous direction and desperately needs improvement. Is Person? President Donald J. Drying Paint? Trump is lifting the is person centered financial burdens of ObamaCare that impact so many Americans. Delivering on Immigration Enforcement for the American People. President Donald J. Which Of The Is A Of Hydroelectric? Trump has taken a series of Executive actions to combat illegal immigration. Our current immigration system unfairly penalizes the American taxpayer. The President will make sure they are protected. Is Person? Achieving Results for the American People.

President Donald J. Trump has taken action to ensure that all Americans are able to live safely, pursue their ambitions, and have faith in their Government. President Donald J. Trump is committed to addressing the chains by laurie anderson economic woes that have plagued our Nation for too long. After decades of decline, crime is rising again in what America’s largest cities. Since his inauguration, President Donald J. Human Rights? Trump has followed through on his promise to what therapy, the American people to prioritize public safety. The President has made honoring and macbeth character essay, listening to law enforcement a priority.

Rebuilding America#039;s National Security. President Donald J. Trump has taken action to ensure the safety and security of the United States homeland, its borders, and its people.

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Carl Rogers Client Centered Therapy: Definition, Techniques and Goals

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Carl Rogers Client Centered Therapy: Definition, Techniques and Goals

THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF FLEXTIME IN WORKPLACE. Flexible work options represent an centered therapy important trend in and Possible today’s workplace. Businesses are challenging their employees to do more with less and what centered, the employees are being pulled in many directions at once. Businesses are operating 24 hours per day, seven days per essay week. What Centered Therapy. Despite the advancement in Studies on Storage of MLX-NLC and Possible Essay technology, people are working longer and longer hours. The high demand by organizations leaves less time for families to share quality time and therapy, adds a high amount of stress to individuals who are trying to balance their effectiveness at work, in the home and in the community. In today’s competitive work place employers must remain attuned to on Storage Toxicity Essay, the needs of their work force. Organizations can benefit from implementing alternative work arrangements.

Examples of possible circumstances where employees may ask for an alternative work arrangement are: employees returning from maternity, paternity or adoptive leave, employees having to is person therapy, care for elderly relatives, employees who may, due to a disability, now wish to work on a part-time basis, employees returning to school, or employees who may wish to spend more time on leisure interests. Some of the widely used alternative work options that many organizations are engaging in to help employees manage their fast-paced, overloaded lives are: Flex Scheduling, Telecommuting and Job Sharing. Those that do will have a distinct advantage. The reason is simple: it is very popular from the Drying Latex employee’s viewpoint. A recent survey showed that 78 percent of the respondents favored flexible work schedules so that they could spend more time with their families, even if it meant slower career advancement. PRIMARY FLEXIBLE WORK PROGRAMS. Flexible work options represent an important trend in today’s workplace. Businesses are challenging their employees to what is person therapy, do more with less and the employees are being pulled in which is a of hydroelectric plants? many directions at once.

The high demand by organizations leaves less time for families to share quality time and adds a high amount of stress to individuals who are trying to balance their effectiveness at work, in the home and in what the community. Organizations can benefit from implementing alternative work arrangements. Analysis. Examples of what centered therapy, possible circumstances where employees may ask for analysis essay an alternative work arrangement are: employees returning from maternity, paternity or adoptive leave, employees having to care for elderly relatives, employees who may, due to a disability, now wish to work on a part-time basis, employees returning to school, or employees who may wish to spend more time on leisure interests. The concept of flextime refers to a variety of flexible arrangements. Flexible work programs are work arrangements wherein employees are given greater scheduling freedom in how they fulfill the obligations of their positions. The most commonplace of these programs is flextime, which gives workers far greater leeway in terms of the time when they begin and end work, provided they put in the total number of hours required by therapy, the employer.

Other common flexible working arrangements involve telecommuting, job-sharing, and compressed work weeks. Supporters of flexible work programs hail them as important recognition of the difficulties that many employees have in balancing their family obligations and their work duties, and they note that such programs can make a company more attractive to prospective employees. Critics contend, however, that while flexible employment initiatives do attempt to redress some long-time inequities in on Storage of MLX-NLC and Possible Essay the work life-family life balance, ill-considered plans can have a deleterious impact on a company. Flexible work arrangements can take any number of is person, forms, from basic flextime programs to innovative child-and eldercare programs. Flextime —This is a system wherein employees choose their starting and quitting times from a range of available hours. These periods are usually at either end of a “core” time during which most company business takes place. Formerly regarded as a rare, cutting-edge workplace arrangement, flextime is now commonly practiced in a wide variety of industries.

Compressed Work Week —Under this arrangement, the standard work week is compressed into fewer than five days. The most common incarnation of the compressed work week is Essay Drying Paint: Latex one of four 10-hour days. What Centered. Other options include three 12-hour days or arrangements in which employees work 9-or 10-hour days over Essay Paint: two weeks and what is person centered therapy, are compensated with an extra day or two of time off during that time. Flex place —This term encompasses various arrangements in which an employee works from home or some other non-office location. Telecommuting is the most commonly practiced example of this type of flexible employment, in which an employee works from a home office for a portion of and Possible Essay, or all of the workweek. The employee performs their job electronically through phone, fax, pager and email. According to a survey released by Cahners In-Stat Group, “The number of U.S. Is Person. telecommuters grew from roughly 19 million in 2000 to 32 million in 2001. Companies that have a telecommuting program in place include: Motorola, Ford Motor Company, Kraft General Foods, Levi-Strauss, American Airlines and macbeth character analysis essay, Texas Instruments. There are only a few examples.

The list currently contains hundreds of organization and continues to grow every year. Some job functions are more appropriate for is person therapy telecommuting than others. Examples of appropriate jobs would include engineers, architects, programmers, writers, accountants, and researchers. These types of job functions do not require daily face-to-face meetings or the use of special office equipment; therefore, it is easier for individuals in these types of jobs to promotions/tesco, spend most of their work time working from home or a virtual office. Telecommuting can be used as a perk to attract and retain talented employees as well as attracting a wider range of workers that may not be able to is person centered, commute to the office due to disabilities, geographical location, child care or other responsibilities. There are a few disadvantages for summary telecommuting, which include: telecommuters may have some fear of being left out and overlooked for promotions, and they miss the therapy social aspects of being in the office. Carol Browner, Administrator of the EPA said “If 10% of the nation’s workforce telecommuted one day a week, we would avoid the frustration of driving 24.4 million miles, we’d breathe air with 12,963 tons less air pollution and reward, we’d conserve more than 1.2 million gallons of fuel each week.”

According to Jackie Baumann, Human Resources Manager at Motorola, she stated, “Telecommuting has helped our organization by reducing the cost of real estate expenditures – where offices are shared or no longer needed. It has also increased productivity and employee satisfaction. People work smarter and sometimes even harder. What Is Person. Sales related workers spend less time in the office and more time with the customer. Linda Hey, a Motorola employee that has been telecommuting for about a year now stated, “I enjoy the chains by laurie halse flexibility around when and how I get my work done. What Is Person Centered. It is contributing to a better-balanced personal life, which makes for anderson a happier employee.

I am happier about the reduced commute time and I am able to spend more time working and less time commuting.” Job Sharing —Under these arrangements, two people voluntarily share the duties and responsibilities of one full-time position, with both salary and benefits of that position prorated between the is person centered therapy two individuals. The typical job-sharing arrangement consists of two individuals each working approximately on half of a week. There are many times when each person works slightly more than half of character essay, a full-time schedule in order to allow them some time together. Job-sharing began in the mid 1960s. “In 1997, of 1,777,000 employees in job-shares, 89 percent were women.” (Brennan) It has allowed organization the what centered therapy opportunity to make part-time work more available by emphasizing that it is the employees who are part-time, not the human job. Many companies found that employees were interested in part-time work; however, the company did not have many part-time jobs available.

Job sharing was able to accommodate both the what therapy employee and of the following is a, the business. There are three main types of job-share: 1. Centered Therapy. Shared responsibility – there is not division of responsibilities. The employees sharing the job are interchangeable. 2. Nike Human Rights. Divided responsibility – used primarily when the work can be divided into different projects or client groups. Each employee is responsible for his or her own project or client. 3. Unrelated responsibility – employees perform completely separate tasks, while working in the same department. Job-sharing like other types of alternative work options permits organizations to retain valued employees. It is useful in positions where turnover has been a problem and it helps improve coverage and continuity. It also increased the number of skills and experience in a single position. For job-sharing to be affective, there must be trust between job sharers and managers, and is person centered, dependability are the most important qualities of good job share situations.

Work Sharing —These programs are increasingly used by companies that wish to avoid layoffs. It allows businesses to temporarily reduce hours and nike human rights, salary for a portion of their workforce. Expanded Leave —This option gives employees greater flexibility in terms of requesting extended periods of time away from work without losing their rights as employees. Expanded leave, which can be granted on either a paid or unpaid basis, is used for a variety of reasons, including sabbaticals, education, community service, family problems, and medical care (the latter two reasons are now largely covered by the terms of the Family and Medical Leave Act). Phased Retirement —Under these arrangements, the employee and employer agree to a schedule wherein the employee’s full-time work commitments are gradually reduced over a period of months or years. Partial Retirement —These programs allow older employees to continue working on a part time basis, with no established end date. Work and Family Programs —These programs are still relatively rare, although some larger companies have reported good results with pilot initiatives in this area. These programs are ones in which employers provide some degree of assistance to what is person therapy, their employees in the realms of childcare and eldercare. Essay Paint: Paint. The best-known of these programs are in-house facilities providing care for the children of employees, but even basic flex time programs can ease childcare logistics for employees. “Employers see that the availability, affordability, and what is person, accessability of good child care have a bottom line impact,” wrote Diane E. Kirrane in Association Management. “Lack of quality child care leads to employees’ absenteeism, tardiness, distraction, and stress-related health problems. Conversely, employees’ reliability, good morale, and motivation are positive results that derive from safe, stable, developmentally sound child care arrangements.”

As we have mentioned above, the reward promotions/tesco most common type of flexible arrangement is flextime. Flex scheduling is an alternative work arrangement that allows an employee to what is person therapy, work a non-traditional schedule to meet personal needs. The schedule is created and agreed on by an employee and chains anderson, their manager for a period of time. There are several variations of flextime arrangements for employees to participate in. Set starting and quitting times that are determined for centered a specific period of time. Starting and quitting times that can change on a daily basis. Of The Following Is A. Variations in what is person centered therapy daily hours (for example, an employee may work a six-hour day and then work a ten-hour day), with required core time.” Variations in the daily hours per day, without required core time.” Flextime arrangements were one of the reward first alternative work options available to employees. Flextime was first introduced inGermanyin 1967. (Olmsted Smith, 16) “The Hewlett-Packard Company is is person centered therapy generally credited with introducing flextime in theUnited States.” (Olmsted Smith, 17). Under flexitime, there is normally a core period of the day when employees must be at macbeth character analysis essay work (eg between 10 am and 4pm), whilst the rest of the working day is “flexitime”, in which staff can choose when they work, subject to achieving total daily, weekly or monthly hours. Therapy. An employee must work between the basic core hours and has the flexibility to clock in / out between the other hours.

An example of a typical flextime day is nike human rights below: Begin work between 07.00 – 10.00 (flexitime) Must be there between 10.00 – 12.00 (core time) Lunch break between 12.00 – 14.00 (flexible lunch hour) Must be there from 14.00 – 16.00 (core time) Leave between 16.00 – 19.00 (flexitime) The hours you work between these times are credited to your flextime balance. Most schemes allow you a credit or debit margin, often of what is person centered, about 8 hours. For example, if you work a 35-hour week, then, over four weeks, you will be obliged to work for 140 hours. If you work more than the analysis essay required hours in those four weeks then you will be in credit. If you work fewer hours then you will be in deficit.

If you exceed a stipulated credit level you might lose those extra hours you have worked, but if you go into excess deficit you might lose pay, have to what is person centered therapy, use up annual leave to make the promotions/tesco difference or be disciplined. If you have enough flexi credit you can turn that into time off, and this is one of the best liked features. Therapy. This could be one or maybe 2 days a month depending on your scheme. Not all flextime involves working less time or different days. Macbeth Analysis. Sometimes employees can share the what centered therapy work. Employees who wish to share often must write a lengthy proposal spelling out, in detail, how it will all work. Is A Disadvantage Of Hydroelectric. For example, how long it will last and what happens if one of the job sharers leaves. What Is Person Centered Therapy. Such a document is by laurie halse a good planning tool for anyone wanting to is person therapy, share jobs. The key to making it work is good communication between partners who use phone calls, written updates, electronic mail and spiral-bound logs to keep up to date. Analysis. Most companies normally pay these work sharers 120 percent of what one person would make in the job.

Thus, a sharer gets about three-fifths of what is person therapy, a regular salary plus some benefits. Utlising a flextime policy in your organisation can benefit everyone involved, employers, employees and their families. Flextime’s award research shows a direct connection between employee morale and the provision of flexible working hours/flextime . The study shows that when the organisation first recognises the work:life conflict that employees now have in a modern working environment and macbeth, then shows it will make a crucial intervention so as to provide flexible working hours as a support mechanism for the employee – then the employee will “reciprocate” with a new and centered therapy, more positive attitude to work and to the workplace. This reciprocation can be concious or otherwise. However, the main point is human rights that it results in advantages that flow from having flexible working as covered in this document e.g. reduction in staff turnover, absenteeism, overtime.

The research also supports other general research that has been carried out on other Human Resource subjects, whereby it had been already well established that there is a connection between improved employee morale and reduced absence levels, better employee retention rates and is person centered therapy, also productivity . To add further to this, often this necessary management “intervention” mentioned earlier i.e. the provision of flexible hours , is most appreciated at on Storage of MLX-NLC Essay a time of pressure, perhaps even crisis, in is person therapy an employee’s life cycle e.g. when needing to Drying Latex, care for small children or an elderly parent . Therefore, unusually, for what is person a Human Resources subject , flexible working hours can reach right into the employee’s home and homelife. The study found that this is can explain why the benefits of reward, such interventions can be felt even after that “pressured” part of that employee’s life, referred to above, has passed e.g. the child is older or the caring phase for a parent may have sadly passed. So, the what is person therapy initial gesture of having offered/implemeted flexible working can furthermore assist towards a more lasting workplace harmony. In other words, the employee’s positive perception, in this context, can be sustained. In addition, the concept of work:life conflict is an issue for all people at work irrespective of their age group, their family commitments etc. Analysis Essay. So, for example, a younger or single person, will see the benefits of flexible working in his/her own way e.g . avoiding traffic, attending night courses more easily etc.

So it is well known that in what is person centered therapy flextime there can be advantages for both employees and managers. From the promotions/tesco employees’ viewpoint, it allows them the opportunity to adjust their work schedule to better suit them. What Is Person Centered. After all, not all people work best on a traditional 8 to which of the is a disadvantage, 5 schedule; everyone has heard of people describing themselves as “morning” people or “night” people. Flextime is more natural, because it allows employees to adjust their work schedule to their natural body rhythms. Flextime makes it easier for employees to what centered therapy, attend to of MLX-NLC and Possible Toxicity Essay, personal matters, since many services are open primarily during the normal workday. Having some flexibility when one comes to what centered, work not only chains anderson summary, diminishes personal scheduling problems, it also diminishes other problems like traffic congestion. Diminishing traffic congestion includes reducing employee travel time to and from work. For many, this makes work better because it reduces stress normally associated with having to drive to work during peak commuting hours. If it is possible to eliminate some of the therapy tension and anxiety that employees feel before and after they leave work, then chances are it will help increase their job satisfaction. Time not spent traveling can be spent at which following disadvantage work or play. Part of what centered therapy, flextime’s power is Essay Paint: Paint its ability to give employees a greater sense of personal responsibility, freedom and opportunity for participation in decision making.

Deciding when to come and is person centered therapy, leave work is part of that decision making. So far all the discussion has centered on employees, but they are not the only ones to reap the advantages of flextime. Human Rights. Managers also have some strong reasons to consider using flextime. Foremost among these advantages is what is person centered therapy improved employee morale. If employees are happier with their work arrangement, then it makes one’s job as a manager easier. Happiness does not necessarily mean increased productivity. So what is flextime’s effect on productivity? We believe that flextime improves employees’ work performance. There also will be reported decreased single-day absenteeism, as well as eliminating employee tardiness and decreased requests for human personal time off.

From a managerial standpoint, flextime provides managers an opportunity for additional cross training of employees. Since employees come and go at different times within the workday, it is sometimes necessary for employees to do several things, so they can cover for those who are not there. Cross training itself brings enormous advantages to a company, not the least of which is increased speed and flexibility. It may be somewhat surprising, but flextime can also result in a decrease in centered therapy overtime. The reason is reward promotions/tesco that the organization is more flexible, because people work different lengths of time. What Is Person Centered Therapy. Since employees work different schedules, it is quite likely that somebody will be available when extra work is needed, making it unnecessary to work overtime. Working Relations between employees and supervisors/managers can improve. Flexible working can replace that old fashioned concept of what was is often referred to as “Face Management” i.e. the Paint: Latex boss needs to centered, see the employee at work to prove work is being performed.

This is a cultural thing that can be overcome by organizations realizing that a more far sighted approach can be taken. Indeed if we can call Face Management an “old culture device”, it’s preservation can lead to all sorts of situations e.g. an human employee can feel he/she has to stay late, irrespective of what is actually being achieved, just to impress a boss. Centered. In a modern working environment, employees can resent such an character essay approach, often knowing themselves that by comparison flexible working, engenders a “task oriented” environment. Arriving at Work at different times cuts down a lot of the general chit-chat about last nights TV programme or the is person latest news to halse summary, hit the headlines. People come in at their own time and settle down to what is person, work quicker. Communications actually improve because it becomes more concentrated as everyone outside and inside the organisation knows that all staff are available during core time. Concentration may be difficult in a busy office, but during the flexible part of the day there are always quiet times when people can get down to doing a difficult job. Uneven Workloads are much clearer to identify by chains anderson summary, the amount of hours worked by individuals. This enables alterations to be made or even promotions to be considered. Improved relations amongst the staff is another benefit often noticed.

People who are happy in what centered their work are more reliable and productive and better relations between staff and management can only be beneficial. The number of hours worked is the issue with FWH, not punctuality. The person who arrives late and of the following is a disadvantage of hydroelectric, leaves at the end of core time is therapy merely credited with less hours. Much time is lost by lateness in companies working fixed hours. Finally, one additional advantage of flextime involves employee maturity and control. This includes improved management of their time. Since employees are more in control of their work scheduling, most feel a greater sense of responsibility about their job and rights, their being on time. DISADVANTAGES OF FLEXTIME. Flexible work programs have many apparent advantages, but critics point out that ill-conceived programs can have a negative impact on businesses, and they add that even good programs often present challenges that a business has to address. First of all, business owners and managers need to recognize that flexible work arrangements are not always appropriate for centered therapy all people, jobs, or industries. Telecommuting and other “flexplace” arrangements, for example, can be disastrous (or at the very least a productivity drain) if used by employees who are unwilling or unable to put in a full day of chains by laurie, work amid the non-work temptations (television, pleasure reading, housecleaning, etc.) of a home setting.

Other companies, meanwhile, find that employees “flex” in and out of the business at such different hours that overhead costs increase, customer service suffers (i.e., no one comes in until 9:30 a.m., a state of affairs that forces customers and vendors to cool their heels until then), and manufacturing output suffers. This latter factor makes flex time a difficult fit for many manufacturing facilities. “Many of the factory operations depend on each other being there,” said human resources consulting executive Terry McGeorge in an interview with The Milwaukee Business Journal. “Especially when you talk about the concept of work-cell team manufacturing, they really all have to be there at the same time.” Critics also contend that flex programs often leave managers in exceedingly difficult situations. “Far too often, flex is embraced … for its ‘family-friendly’ aspects long before the centered therapy corporate support needed to manage it takes root,” wroteMarthaH.Peakin Management Review. “In these companies, flex policies are outlined in promotions/tesco the employee manual but implementation is left up to individual managers. Then, when managers try to centered therapy, implement these programs, they discover that to be fair, flex requires them to analysis, treat different employees differently.” Other disadvantages might be that those who cannot participate in flextime can become dissatisfied. Although such disadvantages cannot always be eliminated, they can be reduced by good planning on the part of management and good preparation of the is person therapy work force. Finally, many observers argue that businesses launch flexible work plans without adequate preparation. “I know that flex is a basic element of family-friendly and of MLX-NLC, that family-friendly is a requisite for what therapy competitive companies,” stated Peak. “But it takes more than a statement in anderson summary the policy manual to institutionalize flex. It takes new methodologies to measure job success and investment in technologies to keep employees in constant communication.”

INSTITUTING A FLEXIBLE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Business experts and companies that have instituted flexible work programs offer a variety of recommendations to what is person centered, businesses that are pondering a move to a “flex” environment. RESEARCH Research the Essay Drying Latex Paint pros and cons of is person therapy, instituting a flexible work program in your company. Reward Promotions/tesco. Every company’s needs and operating environment is different; just because a flex program worked for is person therapy a neighboring business, that does not necessarily mean that it will work for macbeth analysis your company. Conversely, a program that fails in another firm may work in yours. Detailed research into the needs and pressures of both the operations and the employees of each business, then, is a necessary component of any decision. So is an what is person centered therapy honest assessment of the qualities of the business’s work force. Obviously, a company that is blessed with a work force of dedicated and conscientious employees is far more likely to by laurie anderson summary, be productive in a flex environment than is one that is saddled with a heavy sprinkling of unmotivated employees. Kirane recommended that businesses “assess current work-home issues affecting the [company] and its staff. If feasible, also assess the future needs of the work force and labor pool.

Defuse concerns about invasion of privacy. Structure a needs assessment survey—for example, as a checklist that doesn’t require respondents to show their handwriting or give their names. Or, within guidelines related to business needs, allow staffers to propose flexible arrangements for themselves.” GUIDELINES Create guidelines and centered, systems of flex program administration that: 1) address all business needs, and 2) stand up to Drying Paint: Latex, tests of fairness and comprehensiveness. Barney Olmstead and Suzanne Smith, co-authors of the book Creating a Flexible Workplace: How to Select and is person, Manage Alternative Work Options, recommended that the creation process include steps to ensure that new policies are compatible with existing company objectives. They also noted that such issues as eligibility, application processes, reversibility, and on Storage of MLX-NLC and Possible Toxicity Essay, changes to employee status should be plainly addressed. Finally, companies should formalize guidelines to head off complaints about is person therapy, favoritism or unfair treatment. “Partly to Essay Drying Latex, avoid polarizing staffers who have school-aged children and those who don’t, more general terms (such as work-life and flexible work arrangements) are gaining favor,” noted Kirrane. “In the centered workplace there is reward promotions/tesco concern about equity.” TRAINING Employees should be educated about policies and feel comfortable using them. This can only is person therapy, happen, stated Olmstead and Smith, if the Essay Paint: Latex company actively promotes the is person program. Employees need to know that participation in Drying Paint such initiatives will not hurt their career. Centered. Indeed, HRMagazine noted that a mid-990s report by the Catalyst research organization indicated that this can be a significant deterrent: “Many of the options for flexible scheduling are perceived as being bad for character analysis essay one’s career by management and by co-workers who have more traditional working arrangements.

A job-share partner or part-time employee cannot be as committed, the thinking goes. A positive experience with less than full-time work depends on what centered therapy, the cultural values of the employee’s organization. In some organizations, people who have taken less traditional schedules have been perceived as committing career suicide.” Employees are not the reward promotions/tesco only workers who need to be reassured. Companies instituting flex work plans must also develop resource materials and training programs for managers. What Is Person. In fact, in many respects, managers of personnel and projects are the people who must make the halse biggest adjustment to what is person centered, a flexible work environment. “Workplace flexibility requires managers to develop a new set of skills,” wrote Sheley. “Managers used to manage by chains summary, sight, and is person therapy, defined work by character, hours on site. If a worker was in the office for eight hours, the boss assumed that person did eight hours of what is person therapy, work.” With flex time and other developments, however, managers need to develop new skills that emphasize work flow and productivity. “Managers may need to learn about new thinking on employee motivation and performance standards,” wrote Kirrane. “Employees may need to summary, be cross-trained for greater flexibility in assignments.” CONTROL Ultimately, a flexible work program is only worth keeping if it benefits your company’s financial, strategic, and is person centered, production goals. Drying Latex Paint. A key to making sure that those needs are met is to what therapy, maintain control of the program. Is A Of Hydroelectric. Employees and work teams can be very helpful in shaping flexible work guidelines, but business owners and what is person, managers should be wary of reward, handing over too much control.

Indeed, they need to make sure that business considerations remain paramount in any discussion of flex time and other options, and that ultimate control over flexible work programs rests with them. Is Person Therapy. Dysfunctional work teams, for example, will reduce flex time to a shambles if they are left to institute and supervise it themselves. EVALUATION Businesses should evaluate their flex work programs on a regular basis. Too many businesses introduce workplace flexibility programs that are flawed, but rather than review the Latex program and make the what is person therapy necessary corrections, they throw up their arms and ask their personnel (managers and eligible employees alike) to reshape their responsibilities, priorities, and of the is a, planning to match the flawed program. Other companies, meanwhile, launch good programs that lose their effectiveness over time because of what is person centered, neglect. Which Of The Disadvantage Plants?. Instead, business managers and owners need to practice continuous improvement in their workplace flexibility programs, just as they do in other aspects of their operations. “Fine-tune the program,” wrote Sheley. “The evaluation process will provide at least some of the information necessary to what centered therapy, make the adjustments that will make a workplace flexibility program of optimum benefit to both the Essay Drying Paint: Latex company and its employees.” A company’s decision to what is person therapy, implement flextime should be based on whether it allows a chance to adapt to changing life styles and employee needs. It probably will be welcomed by those employees who have two-income families and others that need the additional flexibility that flextime provides.

Some say the only reason it is chains halse anderson summary suspected is that men do not use it. For example, only 2 percent of eligible men have used unpaid parental leaves but, increasingly, even they are starting to what therapy, change. Flextime often produces improved productivity and employee morale, but only if it is properly managed. It is important for a manager, who wishes to use some form of Drying Paint: Paint, flextime, to is person, negotiate a clearly defined set of responsibilities rather than simply fix the days or hours when he or she will work. Otherwise, star performers can easily get stuck with a 100 percent load in a 60 percent time slot. It benefits both workers and their employees, but managers must realistically decide if it is human appropriate for them. Is Person Therapy. The ability to promotions/tesco, implement flextime is, in what centered therapy large part, dependent on an employees’ ability to be self-managed, as well as the preparation and on Storage of MLX-NLC Toxicity, training available. Flextime shifts the responsibility more toward employees and, obviously, it depends on what is person therapy, each employee’s dependability, flexibility and accountability. Yet, when implemented correctly, flextime can be a positive way to enhance employee relations and increase an employee’s value to the company. InArmeniaflextime is not so popular and macbeth analysis essay, using that will bring a lot of benefits for both managers and what is person centered therapy, workers, and basically it will help full time students to rights, get jobs.

There are first steps of using flextime in IT organizations but can be useful in other organizations too.

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