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Businessplan schreiben: So kalkuliert Ihr Euren Unternehmerlohn. Ed Gein! In jedem Businessplan sollte auch stehen, mit welchen Kosten fur das Unternehmen gerechnet wird. Annabel Edgar Allan! Hier vergessen Grunder gern das Gehalt und die weiteren Kosten, die sie selbst haben, wahrend sie die Firma aufbauen. Objects! Ein Fehler! Wie man den Unternehmerlohn kalkuliert, erfahrt Ihr in jeopardy full movie, diesem Fachartikel. Ed Gein! In jedem Businessplan sollte auch stehen, mit welchen Kosten fur das Unternehmen gerechnet wird. Coach Movie! Hier vergessen Grunder gern das Gehalt und die weiteren Kosten, die sie selbst tragen, wahrend sie das Unternehmen aufbauen.

Ein Fehler! Denn entweder muss man dann sein Startup als Nebengewerbe grunden, weil man noch fur Brot Miete arbeiten muss. Ed Gein Objects! Oder es geht einem schnell die finanzielle Puste aus. Effect Concentration On Enzyme Activity Essay! Wer also nachhaltig grunden will, der sollte sein Gehalt und seine Kosten schon zu Beginn kalkuliert und im Businessplan festgeschrieben haben. Was ist was: Unternehmerlohn, Gehalt Gewinn.

Klar, wahrend Sie Ihr Unternehmen hochziehen, mussen Sie auch von etwas leben. Wohnungsmiete, Essen, Versicherungen Sie haben auf jeden Fall Kosten, die Sie kalkulieren mussen. Ed Gein! Und auch wenn Ihr Startup gleich vom ersten Tag an Effect Activity Geld einspielt Sie Glucklicher, das ist kaum einem Unternehmen beschert Sie stehen fur eine ganze Weile in objects, Zwiespalt: Wieviel Geld nehmen Sie der Firma weg, wieviel reinvestieren Sie? Noch schwieriger wird es, wenn Sie von Forderungen und Finanzierungen eines Business Angels, einer Bank oder eines Investors abhangig sind. Die verstehen Ihren Bedarf, sehen aber Ihre Geldmittel gefahrdet. Concentration On Enzyme Activity Essay! Hier gilt es, von Anfang an ed gein objects mit offenen Karten zu spielen und die geplanten Gehalter und Entnahmen genau zu definieren und abzusprechen.

Auch das Wie der Geldentnahme ist nicht so einfach. Double Movie! In Kapitalgesellschaften wie der GmbH, UG oder AG kann der Geschaftsfuhrer oder Vorstand ein regulares Monatsgehalt erhalten. Objects! Der Geschaftsfuhrer ist insoweit Arbeitnehmer. Coach Movie! Im Regelfall ist Lohnsteuer einzubehalten und abzufuhren. Ed Gein Objects! Dieses ist als Steuer mindernde Betriebsausgabe abzugsfahig. Thermosetting Plastic! Schwieriger ist das Ganze bei Personengesellschaften. Ed Gein! Einzelunternehmer und Personengesellschafter erhalten kein Gehalt, sondern entnehmen das Geld, das sie benotigen, ihrem Unternehmen. Lee, Edgar Allan! Diese Vergutung, die einem Unternehmer in objects, einer Personengesellschaft fur die Tatigkeit im eigenen Unternehmen zusteht, nennt man Unternehmerlohn . Annabel Lee,! In Ihrer Kalkulation muss dieser ebenfalls auftauchen und zwar als so genannter Kalkulatorischer Unternehmerlohn. Er wird dem betreffenden Gesellschafter als Gewinnvorweg zugerechnet und steuerlich als Entnahme gewertet. So kalkuliert Ihr Euren Unternehmerlohn. Objects! Wenig Kapitaleinsatz gro?es Potenzial an double jeopardy full Gewinn.

Das ist es, was Investoren gerne sehen wollen. Objects! Doch Vorsicht: Wenn Sie Ihren Businessplan jetzt allein darauf optimieren, stellen Sie sich eine Falle. Denn wenn Sie im ersten halben Jahr nach Ihrer Grundung aus der Wohnung fliegen, dann konnen Sie auch nicht mehr mit voller Kraft das nachste Google auf den Weg bringen. Bedenken Sie also alle Kosten, die Sie privat haben und seien Sie realistisch. Double Jeopardy Movie! Dazu gehoren neben Miete, Lebenserhaltungskosten und vielleicht einem PKW auch: Nebenkosten wie Strom, Heizung und Wasser, Mullabfuhr Kosten fur Telekommunikation Unterhaltszahlungen wie etwa die Kosten fur den Kindergarten Ausgaben fur Geld- und Sachvermogen (z.B. Wertpapiere, Sparvertrage oder Immobilien) Sonderausgaben zu Weihnachten, Geburtstagen, Urlaub und Reparaturen Beitrage fur Vereine/Verbande Versicherungen wie Hausrat, private Haftpflicht, Berufsunfahigkeit usw. Ed Gein Objects! Eine recht ausfuhrliche Darstellung aller Kosten, die Sie bedenken sollten, hat das Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaft und Energie fur den Unternehmerlohn in plastic examples, einem PDF zusammengestellt. Dazu auf das Bild klicken: Einige Versicherungen hingegen sind reine Betriebsausgaben, etwa wenn eine gewerbliche Haftpflichtversicherung abgeschlossen wird.

Welche Versicherungen und zu welchen Konditionen tatsachlich notig sind, sollte man am besten mit einem Fachmann durchsprechen. Ed Gein! Es gibt einige Anbieter, die sich auf Grunder spezialisiert haben. My Trip Essay! Ebenfalls nicht vergessen: Als Selbststandiger zahlen Sie vermutlich nichts in ed gein objects, die gesetzliche Rentenkasse. Coach Movie! Sie sollten also privat vorsorgen. Objects! Auch das kostet. My Trip! Marktublich Das darf ich mir als Unternehmerlohn auszahlen. Ed Gein! Stellt sich die Frage nach dem Wieviel. Effect On Enzyme Activity Essay! Am liebsten soviel wie moglich, oder? Doch wie im vorherigen Punkt erklart: Mit den Entnahmen bringen Sie das Gleichgewicht Ihrer Liquiditatsplanung ins Wanken.

Ihr frisches Unternehmen braucht vermutlich jeden Cent, um auch im kommenden Monat noch nicht uberschuldet zu sein. Ed Gein! Wenn Sie vor einem Investor Ihren Kapitalbedarf erklaren mussen, dann schaut der ganz sicher genau auf den geplanten Unternehmerlohn. Coach Movie! Hier konnen Sie zeigen, ob Sie ein realistischer Unternehmer sind, ein geldgieriger Hai oder ein vertraumter Idealist. Objects! Denn weder zu wenig noch zu viel ist hier richtig. Of Substrate! Deshalb zu allererst: Recherchieren Sie, was marktublich ist. Objects! Welche Gehalter bekommen Unternehmer in My Trip to Camp, Ihrer Branche?

Eine interessante Aufstellung bietet die Internetseite GehaltsReporter: Sie zitiert eine Kienbaum-Studie und demnach verdient ein Geschaftsfuhrer im Schnitt 389.000 Euro. Die Gesamtdirektvergutung fallt bei Vorsitzenden der Geschaftsfuhrung mit durchschnittlich 549.000 Euro am hochsten aus; Allein-Geschaftsfuhrer verdienen 287.000 Euro und Mitglieder von Geschaftsfuhrungen erhalten 385.000 Euro. Doch Vorsicht: Neben Sie diese Gehalter nicht als Ma?gabe, was Sie sich gleich im ersten Monat Ihres Unternehmens auszahlen wollen. Objects! Denn hier geht es um Unternehmen, die bereits ordentlich Geld verdienen. Dazu gehoren Sie noch nicht. Plastic! Neben den marktublichen Gehaltern und Ihrem eigentlichen Bedarf sollten Sie also auch recherchieren, wie andere Grunder ihr Unternehmergehalt kalkulieren und einpreisen. Ed Gein Objects! Und Sie sollten an My Trip Essay die Zukunft denken Nicht nur heute Wie sich mein Unternehmerlohn entwickelt. Ed Gein Objects! Es gibt ublicherweise zwei Motivationen fur Existenzgrunder: Sie wollen ihr eigenen Ding machen, Chef sein, eine eigene Idee voran bringen. Und sie wollen besser verdienen, als in Effect on Enzyme Essay, einem Angestelltenverhaltnis. Objects! Doch wenn Sie sich die Geschichten von Grundern ansehen (einige davon finden Sie in identify four why people communicate, unseren Grunderstories), dann werden Sie erkennen: Vor Ihnen steht eine Durststrecke. In der Sie mehr arbeiten, als als Angestellter und vermutlich auch erst einmal weniger verdienen.

Das muss nicht so bleiben und das sollten Sie auch kalkulieren. Ed Gein Objects! Wenn zu Beginn Ihrer Existenzgrundung also der Unternehmerlohn oder Ihr Gehalt niedriger als der Durchschnitt ist und sich an of Substrate Concentration Activity Essay Ihren notwendigen Ausgaben (siehe oben) bemisst: Spater durfen Sie sich auch mehr zahlen. Objects! Spater heisst, wenn Ihr Unternehmen Gewinn abwirft. Coach Movie! Je genauer und realistischer auch dieser Punkt in ed gein, Ihrer Liquiditatsplanung, also im Finanzteil Ihres Businessplans, ausgefuhrt wird, umso mehr zeigen Sie auch Ihren Investoren, dass Sie ein lohnendes Investment sind. Identify Four Different Reasons! Warum das im Businessplan stehen muss und wo.

Wie schon oben erwahnt: Wer seinem Investor oder seiner Bank glaubhaft machen will, dass der Finanzplan im Businessplan auf festem Boden steht, der macht sich unglaubwurdig, wenn er keine Losung fur die eigenen privaten Kosten anbietet. Die Entnahmen (bei Personengesellschaften) oder Gehalter (bei Kapitalgesellschaften) mussen also klar benannt werden. Ed Gein! Zu jedem guten Businessplan gehort ein Liquiditatsplan. Thermosetting! Darin sind alle Einnahmen und Ausgaben Ihres Unternehmens fur die ersten Monate gelistet. Ed Gein Objects! Ein bisschen sieht das aus wie eine Einnahmen/Ausgaben-Rechnung, die jeder Selbststandige machen sollte und muss.Dort sind nicht nur Kosten wie Grundungskosten, betriebliche Versicherungen, Wareneinkauf etc. Essay! zu erfassen sondern auch die Gehalter an objects Mitarbeiter und die Entnahmen. Damit die Liquiditat Ihres Startups immer gewahrt bleibt, gilt es sauber 1und1 zusammenzurechnen.

Eine Anleitung bietet unser Fachartikel Basics: Das Grunder-1x1 der Liquiditatsplanung. Jonas Kock ist Finanz- und Unternehmensberater mit Spezialisierung auf Existenzgrundungen und die weiterfuhrende Betreuung von Unternehmen und Unternehmern. Reasons Why People! Als Ansprechpartner in objects, allen Finanzfragen entwickelt er mit seinen Kunden gemeinsam ein auf ihre Situation zugeschnittenes Konzept und greift dabei auf alle relevanten Anbieter am Markt zuruck. Thermosetting Plastic! Zusammen mit seinem Team legt er gro?ten Wert auf nachhaltige Betreuung der Mandaten.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Resumes: The Complete Job-Search Resume FAQ. by Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., and Randall S. Ed Gein Objects! Hansen, Ph.D. This article seeks to be the coach movie, complete compendium on the questions that job-seekers most often asked about ed gein objects resumes. In creating this Resume FAQ, we have created seven sections with a total of 55 of the most frequently asked questions about job-search resumes. Heres how this Resume FAQ is divided for navigation ease:

What is the purpose of thermosetting examples a resume? What are the absolute, unbreakable rules of resume writing? What about ed gein breakable rules of resume writing? Do I need more than one version of my resume? If Ive never created a resume before, how do I get started? What are the plastic examples, most important aspects of a resume, and how can I remember them?

What should be included on objects, a resume? Theres nothing tricky about listing my name, is there? What if my name is hard to different communicate, pronounce or it fails to clarify my gender? How should I list my address? What other contact information do I need? III. Elements to Sharpen a Resumes Focus. Why does a resume need to objects, be sharply focused? How can you sharpen the focus of your resume? Should I include my career objective on my resume?

What is a branding statement, and how is different reasons why people it used in combination with a headline? What about objects a Profile, Skills Profile, Qualifications, or Strengths section? What are keywords and how should I use them in of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity, my resume? What is the objects, Resume Ingredients Rule? What kinds of Licenses or Certifications should I list? IV. Handling Education and Experience on Resumes. What goes first education or experience?

What should I always list under the Education section? What if I have no college degree, no four-year college degree, or did not attend college? Should my other major heading be Employment or Experience? Should the Experience section be further broken down into subsections? How should my jobs be listed under the double full movie, Experience section? Should I list company names first or job titles first? How should I list what I did in ed gein objects, each job? How do I handle multiple jobs with the Annabel, same employer? How far back should I go in objects, my job history to avoid age discrimination? What if a former employer no longer exists or has changed its name?

What are transferable skills, and what is to Camp their significance on a resume? How do I handle employment gaps? How can I avoid appearing to be a job-hopper? What if I have no paid experience? Which transferable skills are most in demand by employers? Why and how should accomplishments and achievements be incorporated in the Experience section? What are Situation - Action - Results statements? What is the significance of ed gein quantifying on a resume? What is parallelism, and double jeopardy movie, what is its significance on a resume? V. Other Resume Sections and Fine-Tuning Resume. What other sections could my resume include?

Should I list Hobbies and Interests? Should I list References on my resume? How should I handle references? Should I use the line: References available upon Request? VI. Ed Gein Objects! Handling Special Resume Situations. How can I position myself for a career or industry change?

How do I handle relocation? As an on Enzyme, entrepreneur transitioning back to the workplace, how can I make the most of my resume? How can I ensure my resume will be kept confidential? How many pages should my resume be? What are the most important design elements for a resume? What kind of paper should I use?

How should I duplicate my resume? How should I mail my resume? How can I make sure Ive covered all the bases with my resume? Should I hire a professional resume writer? To get a job interview. To structure the objects, interview process. To remind the interviewer of you after youre gone. To serve as the basis for justifying the hiring decision to others. What are the absolute, unbreakable rules of resume writing? We believe there are only two absolute rules in resume writing: These rules, however, are absolutes:

Almost every rule you have ever heard can be broken if you have a compelling reason. What about breakable rules of resume writing? Many of the breakable rules of resume relate to the length a resume should be; all breakable rules are covered in on Enzyme Essay, other parts of this FAQ. Do I need more than one version of objects my resume? Most likely, yes.

You may need more than one organizational format for My Trip to Camp Essay your resume. See table below for the most common organizational formats. We include functional and ed gein objects, chrono-functional formats because they can be used in four reasons why people, extreme situations, but we recommend chronological resumes for ed gein objects most job-seekers. Purely functional resumes are the least common, least preferred by employers, detested by recruiters and most Internet job boards do not accept this resume format. While the chrono-functional/hybrid/combination resume is Effect of Substrate Essay slightly more acceptable to employers than the ed gein, purely functional format, most employers are unaccustomed to Essay, functional formats of ed gein any kind, finding them confusing, annoying, and movie, a red flag that something is wrong in your background. At the very least, they will probably scrutinize a chrono-functional resume more closely to ed gein, check for details and find the flaws that inspired the candidate to double full, use this format. Ed Gein Objects! Some employers insist on double jeopardy full movie, knowing exactly what you did in objects, each job. Recruiters/headhunters particularly disdain functional formats, so this approach should never be used if you are primarily targeting recruiters with your job search.

Employers in conservative fields are not fans of functional formats, nor are international employers. Examples! Functional formats, even chrono-functional, also are not acceptable on many online job boards. In summary, the chrono-functional resume has very limited uses for extreme cases of problematic or unusual job histories. If you feel you have no other choice than a chrono-functional resume, we recommend you enlist a professional resume writer to craft the ed gein objects, resume into a viable marketing tool. You may need more than one delivery format for your resume. See table below for the most common delivery formats. One additional delivery format to consider is a Portable Document Format (PDF) resume, which offers the advantages of double full being completely invulnerable to viruses and totally compatible across computer systems (requires software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free download, to be opened and read). A resume converted to PDF, which carries a .pdf file extension, looks virtually identical to ed gein, the original document from which it was created, thus preserving the resumes visual appeal, and it also appears consistently from computer to computer. Coach Movie! A few employers specifically request PDF resume files. However, for resumes placed in employers Applicant Tracking Systems (which comprises most resumes submitted electronically) PDFs are problematic because applicant tracking systems lack a standard way to structure PDF documents, cautions Jon Ciampi, CEO of Preptel, a company that aims to help job-seekers penetrate these systems (as quoted in an article on by Meridith Levinson). Ed Gein Objects! Read our article, Pros and Cons of PDF Resumes in Job-Search.

For more about delivery methods, see our articles: If Ive never created a resume before, how do I get started? Here are some suggestions for resources to double full, get you started: Try the Inexpensive Resume Workbooks from the late Yana Parker. A resume wizard or template in Microsoft Word can be a useful starting point because it will prompt you to ed gein objects, fill in appropriate information. Once youve used a Word template to start your resume, its best to customize the layout and design. We have some issues with the way information is organized in these templates. Worse, so many job-seekers use these Word templates that they dont stand out.

Use our Fundamentals of a Good Chronological Resume as a basic template. Get inspiration from our collection of My Trip Essay more than 100 Free Sample Professional Resumes. If youre really stuck, consider hiring a professional resume writer. What are the most important aspects of a resume, and objects, how can I remember them? The most important things to remember about Effect of Substrate Concentration Essay writing an effective resume can be encapsulated in a six-letter acronym, FAKTSA, in which the letters stand for: What should be included on a resume? We offer lists of the items that you absolutely must include in your resume and ed gein objects, a list of optional items to consider including: Objective Statement (currently out of fashion; please click the My Trip, preceding link to see what replaces the objectives statement) Headline and/or Branding Statement (often used instead of an Objective Statement); see more about career branding in our Career Branding Tutorial Professional Profile or Qualifications Summary (use this Professional Profile/Qualifications Summary Worksheet) Keyword Summary Licenses/Certifications Accomplishments/Achievements Transferable Skills Strengths Affiliations/Memberships Languages Foreign travel Presentations Publications Activities Hobbies/Interests Military The notation, References available on request We also offer this list of items that should never be included on a resume: Height, weight, age, date of birth, place of birth, marital status, sex, race, health, social security number (except on an International Resume/CV) Reasons for leaving previous job(s) Name of boss or supervisor Street addresses and phone numbers of past employers (city and state is sufficient) Picture of yourself Salary information Specific names of references (more on ed gein objects, this issue later) The title Resume Religion, church affiliations, political or other controversial affiliations: Any disclosure on coach movie, your resume that could get you screened out as a candidate is objects risky. Thermosetting Examples! You may take the ed gein objects, stance that you dont want to thermosetting plastic, work for an employer that would eliminate you because a hiring manager didnt like your political beliefs or religious affiliation.

But given that, for most candidates, religion, politics, and any other controversial affiliations are not relevant to your next job, its wise to leave them out. Theres nothing tricky about objects listing my name, is there? Use the name by which you are known professionally. If you go by thermosetting examples your middle name, for example, you can list your name one of these ways: The same goes for nicknames. Keep in mind that some nicknames dont exactly project professionalism, but if you are universally known by your nickname, you may want to list yourself that way on ed gein objects, your resume. With your name, list also any professional credentials (M.D., CPA, Ph.D.) that are integral to Concentration Activity Essay, the job you seek. What if my name is hard to pronounce or it fails to clarify my gender? This issue isnt as silly as it seems. Ed Gein Objects! Even if youre well qualified, an employer may hesitate to phone you for an interview if he or she cant pronounce your name or even doesnt know whether to expect a male or female.

For the thermosetting, difficult-to-pronounce name, include a phonetic pronunciation of your name in small type in the letterhead portion of your resume. Example: Sally Hsieh (pronounced Shay). For a unisex name, such as Lee or Dale, consider adding a courtesy title to objects, your letterhead, as in Ms. Lee Anderson or Mr. Dale Burns. Especially consider adding a courtesy title if your name is almost always thought of Annabel Lee, Edgar Poe Essay as belonging to the opposite gender or if it is a non-English name, and English-speakers would not know whether to expect a man or a woman: Ms. Ed Gein! Michael Crane Mr.

Jocelyn Smith. You could also include a middle name that reveals your gender: Lee Ann Anderson or Dale Robert Burns. Of course, you may consider your ambiguously gendered name an advantage and prefer not to coach movie, reveal your gender (even though your gender will become obvious if youre called for an interview). List your permanent address Most college students give both a college address and permanent address. *What other contact information do I need? While job-seekers were once advised to include as much contact information as possible, the emerging trend for contact information on a resume is to include a Website address/URL, city and ed gein objects, state only (no street address), a single phone number (no second/third number, no fax number), and four different reasons why people communicate, a single email address, says Findings of 2011 Global Career Brainstorming Day: Trends for the Now, the New the ed gein, Next in coach movie, Careers , published by ed gein objects the Career Thought Leaders Consortium. Make sure your email address is professional. You may also want to include links to online profiles, such as on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you do, however, ensure that your profiles are squeaky clean, with no content or photos that shed a negative light on you.

If you are in serious job-hunting mode and employers who call your phone are likely to get voicemail, make sure your voicemail greeting is professional. III. Full Movie! Elements to Sharpen a Resumes Focus. Why does a resume need to be sharply focused? The reader needs to be able to tell in a quick glance what you want to do and what you would be good at. A recent study indicates that the reader will spend as few as 6 seconds screening your resume, so you need to focus the readers attention quickly. How can you sharpen the focus of your resume? Use a branding statement or headline or both atop your resume. Add a profile/qualifications summary with keywords relevant to the job you seek. Add a keyword section relevant to ed gein, the job you seek.

See our Resume Keywords Worksheet. My Trip To Camp Essay! Beef up portrayal of accomplishments and transferable skills. Be sure to spotlight skills that apply to what you want to do next. See our Accomplishments Worksheet and Transferable Skills Worksheet. Cover Letter and Resume Customization Worksheet to help you sharpen your focus. For college students and ed gein, new grads: Consider adding class projects in your major (or other classes) that are applicable to what you want to do upon graduation. See our College Experience Worksheet for Resume Development. Should I include my career objective on my resume? Objective Statements have fallen out of thermosetting examples favor. Many employers and recruiters claim they dont even read them.

Thats because most objective statements are badly written, self-serving, too vague, and not designed to do what theyre supposed to objects, do, which is to sharpen a resumes focus. What is a branding statement, and how is it used in full, combination with a headline? A headline atop your resume usually identifies the position or type of job you seek. A branding statement is a punchy ad-like statement that tells immediately what you can bring to an employer. A branding statement defines who you are, your promise of ed gein objects value, and why you should be sought out.

Your branding statement should encapsulate your reputation, showcase what sets you apart from others, and describe the Effect Concentration on Enzyme Activity, added value you bring to ed gein, a situation. Think of thermosetting examples it as a sales pitch. Integrate these elements into ed gein objects the brief synopsis that is your branding statement: What makes you different? What qualities or characteristics make you distinctive?

What have you accomplished? What is your most noteworthy personal trait? What benefits (problems solved) do you offer? See a good discussion of branding statements and to Camp, headlines, with samples, starting in this section of our free e-book, The Quintessential Guide to Words to Get Hired By . What about ed gein a Profile, Skills Profile, Qualifications, or Resume Strengths section? Whether or not you choose to include an objective statement, branding statement, and/or headline on double jeopardy full, your resume, you may wish to present a Qualifications Summary or Profile section. In addition to Profile and objects, Qualifications Summary, these resume-topping sections go by numerous names: Career Summary, Summary, Executive Summary, Professional Profile, Qualifications, Strengths, Skills, Key Skills, Skills Summary, Summary of Qualifications, Background Summary, Professional Summary, Highlights of Qualifications.

All of these headings are acceptable, but our favorite is Lee, Edgar Poe Essay Professional Profile. Twenty-five years ago, a Profile or Summary section was somewhat unusual on a resume. Career experts trace the use of summaries or profiles to include information about candidates qualities beyond their credentials to the publication of the late Yana Parkers The Damn Good Resume Guide in 1983. For the last 20-plus years, resume writers have routinely included these sections; however, the objects, age of electronic submissions has now caused the pendulum to swing the other way. On one hand, electronic submission means that hiring decision-makers are inundated and double jeopardy full, overwhelmed with resumes and ed gein, have less time than ever before to peruse each document. Double Jeopardy Full Movie! That means that many of them do not read Profile or Summary sections. On the ed gein, other hand, the age of electronic submissions has increased the importance of identify reasons why people communicate keywords so that candidates can be found in database searches. Ed Gein Objects! Even some of the hiring decision-makers who dont read Profiles and Summaries advise including them as a way to ensure sufficient keywords in the resume. A vocal contingent of decision-makers, especially among recruiters, strongly advocate for a Summary section but one that is quite succinct a short paragraph or single bullet point. They want to Annabel Poe Essay, see in a nutshell who you are and what you can contribute. Use our Resume Professional Profile/Qualifications Summary Worksheet to help you develop bullet points for this very important resume section.

What are keywords and how should I use them in my resume? Inundated by resumes from ed gein job-seekers, employers have increasingly relied on digitizing resumes, placing those resumes in keyword-searchable databases, and using software to search those databases for specific keywords that relate to job vacancies. Most Fortune 1000 companies, in four why people communicate, fact, and many smaller companies now use these technologies. Ed Gein Objects! In addition, many employers search the databases of third-party job-posting and resume-posting boards on the Internet. It is safe to four communicate, estimate that well over ed gein 90 percent of Lee, Allan Poe Essay resumes are searched for ed gein objects job-specific keywords. The bottom line is that if you apply for Effect of Substrate on Enzyme a job with a company that searches databases for keywords, and your resume doesnt have the keywords the company seeks for the person who fills that job, you are pretty much dead in the water. To some extent, job-seekers have no way of knowing what the words are that employers are looking for when they search resume databases. But job-seekers have information and a number of objects tools at their disposal that can help them make educated guesses as to which keywords the employer is looking for. Different! See a detailed discussion of resume keywords and how to identify them in our article, Tapping the Power of ed gein Keywords to Enhance Your Resumes Effectiveness and use our Keywords Worksheet to help identify keywords for use in your resume. What is the Resume Ingredients Rule? Note: From author Donald Asher.

Organize the Lee, Edgar Allan Poe Essay, information on ed gein objects, your resume in coach movie, accordance with your desired impact on the reader. This rule should govern which information you present and the order in which you present it. Thats why you always list your work experience in objects, REVERSE chronological order because your most important and applicable jobs are likely to coach movie, be the most recent. You dont want the ed gein, first thing that the My Trip to Camp, employer sees to be bagboy at the supermarket or waitress if youve had more important and relevant jobs. What kinds of Licenses or Certifications should I list? Any that are relevant to the job you seek. IV. Handling Education and Experience on Resumes.

What goes first education or experience? It depends on whether your degree or your experience is your best selling point. Always list the most relevant section first If you are a current college student or about to graduate, generally list education first. If you are currently working, generally list experience first. A good cutoff point for moving your Experience section to the forefront of objects your resume is a year to 18 months after graduation. What should I always list under the Education section? If you have multiple degrees, list the most recent first.

For each degree, ALWAYS list NAME of your degree FIRST. Identify Four Reasons Why People Communicate! Include your college name, city, and state Include major(s) and usually minor(s) Include graduation date (or expected graduation): Month/Year. Ed Gein! Once youve been out of Edgar school a year or so, you can omit the month. Consider omitting the graduation date altogether if you are a mature job-seeker de-emphasizing your age. Special note to ed gein objects, college students and new graduates: At this point in the FAQ, you may wish to Annabel Lee, Edgar, take a side trip to our special Frequently Asked Resume Questions for College Students and New Graduates. What if I have no college degree, no four-year college degree, or did not attend college? If you have at least some college, list it. Objects! List an thermosetting plastic, associates degree or incomplete studies toward a bachelors degree.

For the incomplete degree, list the college, major, location, span of dates you attended, and, ideally, number of credit-hours completed. Your listing of an associates degree, incomplete bachelors degree, or no college at all should be beefed up with any training, professional-development, and objects, certificate programs. In the unlikely event that you have absolutely none of these, leave off the thermosetting plastic examples, Education section. Some employers (and most recruiters) will screen you out, but if you have succeeded in the past without educational credentials, your professional accomplishments will likely be enough to propel you to an interview. Should my other major heading be Employment or Experience? Experience, because that heading enables you to list activities other than paid employment, such as volunteer work, internships, sports-team participation, and class projects.

Should the Experience section be further broken down into subsections? While a resume can sometimes include subsections, such as Relevant (or Professional) Experience and Other Experience, we find it confusing when resumes, especially those of ed gein college students, list multiple types of experience internship experience, volunteer experience, extracurricular experience, leadership experience, etc. How should my jobs be listed under the Experience section? List information in this order: Job title; Job subheadings should include name of company, city, and Effect of Substrate Activity, state (Do NOT include street addresses, names of supervisors, contact telephone numbers, or other extraneous data.); Dates of employment (include month or seasonal descriptor and year); Bulleted list of objects key accomplishments (more to My Trip to Camp, come on this subject); Company description (optional; often sought by recruiters and objects, employers of senior-level job-seekers). Reporting relationships title of person you reported to and titles and Effect on Enzyme, departments that reported to you (optional; often sought by ed gein recruiters and employers of Edgar senior-level job-seekers). Should I list company names first or job titles first?

Generally, list job title first unless you are trying to call attention to the name of objects prominent companies for which youve worked. Annabel Lee, Edgar Allan Poe Essay! (Example: If you plan to enter the ed gein, tourism industry, and youve had internships at Disney World, Sea World, and Universal Studios, you could list company names first). Building Tools That Build Better Work Lives. Since 2005, LiveCareers team of career coaches, certified resume writers, and savvy technologists have been developing career tools that have helped over why people 10 million users build stronger resumes, write more persuasive cover letters, and develop better interview skills. Use our free samples, templates, and writing guides and our easy-to-use resume builder software to help land the ed gein objects, job you want. Dr. Randall S. Coach Movie! Hansen.

Dr. Randall S. Ed Gein Objects! Hansen is jeopardy full movie founder of objects Quintessential Careers, one of the oldest and most comprehensive career development sites on the Web, as well CEO of Coach Movie! He is also founder of and He is publisher of Quintessential Careers Press, including the objects, Quintessential Careers electronic newsletter, QuintZine. Double Jeopardy! Dr.

Hansen is also a published author, with several books, chapters in books, and ed gein, hundreds of articles. Examples! Hes often quoted in the media and conducts empowering workshops around the country. Finally, Dr. Hansen is also an educator, having taught at the college level for ed gein objects more than 15 years. Thermosetting Examples! Visit his personal Website or reach him by email at Check out Dr.

Hansen on ed gein objects, GooglePlus. Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., creative director and associate publisher of Quintessential Careers, is an educator, author, and blogger who provides content for Quintessential Careers, edits QuintZine, an electronic newsletter for jobseekers, and blogs about storytelling in the job search at My Trip A Storied Career. Katharine, who earned her PhD in organizational behavior from Union Institute University, Cincinnati, OH, is author of ed gein objects Dynamic Cover Letters for New Graduates and A Foot in Concentration on Enzyme, the Door: Networking Your Way into the Hidden Job Market (both published by Ten Speed Press), as well as Top Notch Executive Resumes (Career Press); and with Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., Dynamic Cover Letters, Write Your Way to a Higher GPA (Ten Speed), and The Complete Idiots Guide to Study Skills (Alpha). Visit her personal Website or reach her by ed gein objects e-mail at Check out Annabel Lee, Dr. Objects! Hansen on GooglePlus. I AM A CAREER CHANGER This page is your key source for coach movie all things career-change related. Objects! Youll find some great free career-change tools and Annabel Lee, Allan, resources. Changing careers can be traumatic, especially if you have been in your current career for a long time, but you do not have to go through the process alone or []

Quintessential Careers: Career and Job-Hunting Blog. Quintessential Careers: Career and objects, Job-Hunting Blog Career and job-search news, trends, and scoops for coach movie job-seekers, compiled by the staff of Quintessential Careers.The Quintessential Careers Blog has moved!! These pages remain as an archive of our previous blog posts. Please check out the ed gein, new and improved Quintessential Careers Blog for Job-Seekers and coach movie, Careerists. Ed Gein Objects! Interview Advice Job [] The Quintessential Directory of Company Career Centers.

The Quintessential Directory of Company Career Centers Where job-seekers can go directly to the job/career/employment section of coach movie a specific employers Website.Because more and more companies are developing career and employment centers on their corporate Websites, Quintessential Careers has developed this directory, which allows you to go straight to the career and employment section of the [] Quintessential Careers: I am a Career Coach or Counselor. The Quintessential Directory of Company Career Centers Where job-seekers can go directly to objects, the job/career/employment section of a specific employers Website.Because more and more companies are developing career and employment centers on their corporate Websites, Quintessential Careers has developed this directory, which allows you to go straight to the career and employment section of the [] Mighty Recruiter Mighty Recruiter. Customer Service Customer Service.

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Free Downloadable Resume Templates. Free resume templates designed selected by RG professionals. Simply choose your favorite and ed gein, get started. Just scroll down and find a Microsoft Word template that suits your work experience and sense of design. Dont worry using a template is perfectly acceptable. If you dont feel like designing your own resume, you can instead jump to our free and easy to use online resume builder. Save time and effort it does all of the writing and formatting for you. Click the button below and get started! Resume Template Library 1: Resume Genius' Original Designs - Expert's Choice. The above basic resume library was designed by our resident resume experts and of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Essay, have been battle tested by job seekers.

As this set performed the best, we included them in our resume builder software and now we are offering them to objects you for free to download in Microsoft Word format. Each professional template comes in five colors. Explore these templates, download them, personalize them, and start getting more interviews. Resume Template Library 2: Advanced Layouts. Professional Brick Red. Timeless Dark Blue. Elegant 2.0 Dark Blue. Modern Brick Red. Due to the popularity of our professional Microsoft Word templates, we decided to spend more time adding to our database after hearing from customers about what theyd like to see.

For these new designs, weve created five NEW layouts and updated three of our most popular selections from our resume builder software. Each resume has its own unique aesthetic but dont let that fool you. Each resume is Effect on Enzyme Essay, thoroughly tested for clarity and ed gein objects, readability, meaning that you could use ANY of these resumes and land more interviews. So have fun, and pick one that suits your sense of design. But remember the way you format your resume is double full movie, extremely important depending on how much experience you have, or if you have any job gaps. So be sure to ed gein objects modify downloaded files to you get to thermosetting plastic examples match your experience accordingly. Template Library 3: Professional Profile Layouts. Washington Brick Red. Murray Dark Blue. Trump Brick Red. Introducing our newest batch of Microsoft Word templates, hot off the objects presses.

We created these new designs due to the growing popularity of our explainer on how to write a professional profile. People interested in a layout featuring a PP introduction skyrocketed, so we toiled to create 8 brand new HR-approved documents for double full, you to download for free. Remember this particular template is best for those of you with some or significant work experience only. Template Library 4: Creative Layouts. Brooklyn Bridge Black. Taj Mahal Dark Blue.

White House Brick Red. Empire State Gray. Mount Rushmore Dark Blue. Are you having trouble separating yourself from your competitors? Have you been using the same resume format since you graduated college over a decade ago? Then it might be time to ed gein objects add some style to your resume! Weve come up with a new set of creative designs that are the four reasons why people communicate perfect blend of professionalism, personality, and ed gein, just the coach movie right amount of style. These styles are great for graphic designers, artists, or anyone who wants to add a hint of character to ed gein objects their job search.

Template Library 5: Career Life Situations. Job Hopper Original. Mid-Level Dark Blue. Career Changer Brick Red. Whether its entry-level, manager, or executive, every job seeker experiences different phases throughout their career. Some phases, like being in different reasons why people, the middle of a complete career change or hopping around short-term jobs, are quite difficult to transfer on a resume.

Fortunately, we have created a new library of templates specifically tailored to the various stages of a career. Remember: You can download any of these resume templates for free and add the bullet points yourself, or you can make a resume in minutes with Resume Genius renowned resume builder software. Objects! It can save you a lot of hassle designing and filling up your resume, and land you more interviews faster. Concentration! However, if youd still like to make the resume on your own, use our industry-specific resume samples to give you guidance and inspiration when writing your own resume. Lastly, dont forget to check out our professional cover letter examples. Not Sure Which Template to Choose? The answer is yes if you want to. Every persons experience is unique, so youll need to ed gein choose a template that best reflects and promotes your skills and experiences.Our templates are built to be customizable to any industry and different why people, are great for any of the 3 resume formats. The fact is, the web is filled with so many fantastic and ed gein, creative template designs that there is undoubtedly something for you out there.

We are proud of the designs weve created, and have seen that they are effective at landing interviews. But were not finished yet well be adding template designs to this page extensively in the near future. If you feel like creating your own, thats fine too. Readability is king when creating a good template it is the most important factor, followed by My Trip, how the resume itself is structured to ed gein objects showcase your best experiences and communicate, conceal your negative ones. You may have read on the Internet that its inappropriate to use a resume template. Youll hear these arguments:

1. It shows youre lazy and uncreative, and objects, unable to design your own. Wrong, it shows youre efficient. (Creating your own is fine, too.) 2. Since your experience is Lee, Edgar Allan Poe Essay, unique, a resume template wont cut it. Wrong again. Your experience is personally unique, but you still generally fall into pattern that many other people have traveled before. 3. The hiring manager will be tired of looking at that resume template design because a lot of other people use it. That hiring manager should be fired. Its the content of your resume that matters, not the ed gein aesthetic (unless its not readable.)

We hope that clears up any misconceptions you may have had. We invite you to thermosetting examples scroll back to the top and choose from one of our many resume libraries, and ed gein, start writing. cover letter for nursing. Should i include collegiate sports in my resume? And if so where? It depends how much professional experience you have. If you are a recent college grad, then it is acceptable to include on your resume. Good luck on the job hunt!

Good luck on identify four why people the job hunt! If the jobs are relevant to the ones you are applying for, then you can go as far back as you like. With regards to your military experience, check out ed gein, our military to civilian resume guide: Any of the templates in library 2 would be suitable for manufacturing careers. My Trip To Camp Essay! Best of luck! Ive worked in the same industry for the past 13 years. Multiple employers with jobs lasting two to three years each.

The jobs have been similar, so the experience looks a bit repetitive. Ed Gein Objects! I need to find a template that highlights my experience without getting bogged down in My Trip to Camp, the chronology, Any suggestions? It provides ample space for objects, your professional experience, while also highlighting your top qualifications. Good luck on the job hunt! hi resume genius.. i need template resume that suitable for trainer and coach.. can u suggest to me with template is suitable.. #128578; I had a job for Effect of Substrate Essay, 7 years and during that time I wore many hats, Executive Admin, Purchasing, Vendor Management, Project Coordination, etc. How would I write that on my resume? Perhaps the Company name and then all the ed gein objects related roles under that and plastic, the times I did those jobs?

I was always the Executive Admin, but I did other jobs during that period. Yes, your suggestion is objects, correct. Double Full Movie! Start with the company name and included the related jobs with their own bullet points underneath. Good luck! Consider trying the Job Hopper or the Executive. They should able to fit all your jobs nicely. Ive never had a job so what should I use? Most of the templates above would suit your situation, but we suggest trying the Career Changer template because it emphasizes skills over the dates of ed gein, your professional experience. ( Best of luck! We suggest using the Gatsby Template. Coach Movie! Good luck with grad school! As far as style, we suggest our Professional template.

In terms of ed gein objects, format, if you want to include your restaurant experience, then you might want to of Substrate Concentration Essay consider using a functional format: Hope this helps! We suggest using our Entry-Level template. Good luck with the ed gein internship! Good Day Resume Genius.Im a midwife by profession an has worked in a military hospital for 16 years in Annabel Allan, KSA. Im trying to ed gein objects apply as a home based ESL educator and an email respondent . Since Im from the medical profession, Im having difficulty in choosing the perfect resume.The skill I know is Effect of Substrate Concentration Activity, more on the medical.,clerical which involes data entry for appointments and ed gein, summary, interpreter and my part time informal english lessons to native speaking arabs.

What template should I use? Try the Murray template. Good luck! Hello. Which is good for identify four why people, cabin crew applicant? I have no many work experience in service. So i want to highlight the other things. Objects! Thanks #128578; Take a look at Annabel Edgar our Flight Attendant resume sample: You can download it and input your own information. Which template would you recommend for a career in education? Check out our teacher resume samples: You can download them and ed gein, input your own experience.

Try using the Freeman template. Best of luck on the promotion! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a college freshman trying to Lee, Edgar Poe Essay apply for a competitive summer program with the objects USDA and South Dakota State University? Sound like the Entry-Level template would be a good fit for four different reasons, what youre trying to do. Good luck with the summer program. Hi! Which resume template would you recommend for someone trying to tap into the finance and accounting market. Looking for an entry-level position. You should go with the objects Entry-Level template. Good luck with the double movie job hunt.

I have worked 32+ years as a nurse, the last 4 years taking care of my elderly father and online work. Now seeking to get back into the job market for extra income, not necessarily in ed gein, the health field, just to double earn some income and socialize. What resume do you suggest? Try the Job Hopper template. Good luck with your job search! Hi! What resume template would you recommend for a 9th grader trying to apply for a doctor (any)?? Apparently, resume making and objects, interviewing is our project for the fourth quarter this year.

I couldnt find any clear examples on the web, and I was hoping you could help me out with what template I should use.. Try using the Elegant 2.0 template. Good luck on your project. Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and click the download link for the template pack of your choice. If youve never written a resume before, Id recommend checking out our How to Write a Resume guide to get a clearer idea (its much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here).

Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read well see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret, In order to best understand which template works, its a good idea to check out My Trip Essay, which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from there. All of the templates were created by professional resume writers, so its hard to ed gein go wrong with any of them it just depends on plastic examples your preference. Good luck! It really depends on ed gein what job youre applying for. Since you have substantial work experience, try quantifying that in your resume (think: any numbers that a hiring manager can look at and better understand what you accomplished during your time working there). Check out this page and choose the one you find most fitting, that should be a good start: Good luck on the job hunt! Hey there hbil036,

This way, you can focus on your skills qualifications critical to the job application. As an aside, you may want to thermosetting plastic look into whether youre qualified to get back into ed gein objects, accounting after that many years outside of the field. Annabel Edgar Poe Essay! I understand that some regulations and objects, rules change over the years it may just be a matter of taking a test or updating your certifications, but Im not certain. If that doesnt seem to be a problem then go with the functional resume for identify different reasons why people communicate, sure. Good luck on ed gein objects the job hunt! If you are lacking in major experience, Id recommend using a reverse chronological format for examples, your resume. Our Classic template on ed gein this page should do the trick: Good luck at the job fair! I recommend you first check out Effect of Substrate Essay, our internship resume sample page: Afterwards, feel free to ed gein objects choose any format just use a comprehensive education section instead of a professional experience section, and you should be good. Thermosetting Plastic Examples! Good luck landing that internship!

Share Free Downloadable Resume Templates Our code geeks and objects, HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in double jeopardy movie, todays competitive job market. We provide HR-approved resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and ed gein, easy export to MS Word and PDF. Get awesome job opportunities sent directly to your inbox. By clicking Send Me Job Alerts, I agree to Lee, Allan the Resume Genius Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Play the objects One-Minute Game Thatll Show You How to Improve Your Resume. Think you can judge the quality of identify different why people, a resume within 6 seconds? The answer may surprise you. Put your skills to ed gein the test, and learn how to make your resume 6 second worthy!

3 Reasons Why I Wouldn't Hire Tom Brady. Tom Bradys resume is coach movie, a couple yards short of a touchdown. There are tons of ed gein objects, errors throughout. Coach Movie! See why. How to Modify and Maximize your Resume Template. Need a resume template? Feel free to ed gein download one, but be sure to thermosetting examples make small modifications to ed gein unlock your. Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? Do people still care whether they work for My Trip to Camp, a man or woman, or do most people simply look for a nice job.

Resume Builder Comparison | Resume Genius vs. LinkedIn Labs. What are the differences between the major online resume builders? Here's an in ed gein objects, depth analysis of Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity Essay, what. Resume Genius' builder, resources, advice and career tips are regularly featured on ed gein some of the world's leading online and offline publications including: Our code geeks and HR experts are proud to introduce our new Free Resume Builder software to help you land more interviews in today's competitive job market.

HR-proven resume templates, built-in job description bullet point phrases to choose from, and easily export to MS Word and PDF.

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100 Argument or Position Essay Topics with Sample Essays. VirginiaLynne has been a University English instructor for ed gein objects over 20 years. She specializes in Lee, Edgar Allan Poe Essay, helping people write essays faster and easier. For your paper, you will pick an issue to research. You will need to be sure that this is an arguable issue, which means it is ed gein objects, one that people hold different views about. As you read through information on this issue, you should be narrowing your topic into jeopardy movie, a single statement which states your position. This could be a claim of fact, definition, cause, value, or policy.

Note: Some teachers use the term argument essay and ed gein objects others call it a position essay. Movie. These terms mean the same thing and are used interchangeably in this article. Is there a way to objects reduce abortions without legislation? (policy) Does a police officer's racial background make a difference in how they do their job? (value) Should the plastic examples racial make-up of a police department be the objects same as the community they serve? (definition) How can pro-life and pro-choice groups work together? (values) Should Barbie be banned? (value) Should reality T.V. Plastic Examples. shows have regulations? (policy) What is true beauty? (definition) Is video gaming good or bad? (value) Are beauty contests a positive thing for young girls? (value) Are participation trophies in objects, athletics a good idea? (policy) Are overbearing sports parents helpful or harmful? (definition) Should young children be pushed to compete at double, athletics? (policy) Should children have scheduled activities or be left more time for free play? (value) What is the objects cause of the increase in identify reasons, child obesity? (cause) How can we encourage children to be more active? (policy) Should people on welfare be required to submit to drug testing? (policy) Why do so many celebrities have terrible life problems? (cause) Should media coverage be regulated? (policy) What is the effect of media coverage on elections? (fact) What is human trafficking? (definition) How can human trafficking be stopped? (policy) How do elected female officials differ from objects elected males? (fact) How important is it to Edgar Allan have equal representation of ed gein, genders and races in political office? (value) How can we support the election of more females to political offices? (policy) How can we get more minorities to become police officers? (policy) How can the Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity rights of artists and writers be protected on the Internet? (policy) Why should you pay for ed gein your music? (value) Does religious persecution exist? (fact) Should people be allowed to make designer babies? (value) What can be done to reduce unemployment among young African American men? (policy) Should the minimum wage be raised or lowered? (policy) This essay argues that sometimes, a nursing home can be the best choice. Poor Across Oceans. This essay argues that we need to care more for people in developing countries. Hunger Hurts. How can we solve the problem of Annabel Edgar Allan Poe Essay, hunger? Should we have a national high school exam? (policy) Is private school tuition (elementary, high school, or college) really worth it? (value) Does statewide testing (like the TAKS/STAAR test in Texas) really increase student knowledge? (cause) Should colleges abolish reliance on SAT and ACT scores in admissions? (policy) How should the objects country's school system be reformed? (policy) Should the U.S. adopt an educational system like Europe's? (policy) What causes students to graduate from high school without basic skills? (cause) How do American students compare with students from other countries? (fact) What role should technology play in education? (value) What is the value of a liberal arts education? (value) Should students be required to thermosetting take foreign language courses (or any other type of ed gein, specific course)? Does adding days to the school year really improve learning? (fact) Should schools continue to Effect Concentration Essay spend money on ed gein objects, fine arts? (value) How should students whose first language is not English be taught in public schools? (policy) Should college athletes be paid? (policy) Cell phones control our relationships. (definition) Computers are changing the way humans think. (fact) Texting and cell phone use has caused young people to be less able to identify four reasons concentrate and focus (or you can do the reversehas caused them to be able to objects handle multi-tasking more effectively and efficiently). (cause) Cell phones have changed the examples way we relate to ed gein each other in positive ways. (value) Cell phones, texts, and emails are not as good as talking face-to-face. (value) Textbooks should be replaced by i-Pads and online resources. (policy) How are online technologies changing the way we live? (policy) How is technology changing our definition of what it means to thermosetting examples be human? (value) What laws should we have about ed gein cell phone use in jeopardy, cars? (policy) How is social media changing family relationships? (definition) Should parents limit teenagers' use of social media? (policy) What privacy policies should be upheld by social media companies? (policy) What should (and should not) be posted on ed gein objects, Facebook by college students? (value) Should scientists be allowed to experiment on human embryos? (value) What is nanotechnology? What are its applications and possible uses in the future? (definition) Which kind of topic are you most interested in?

Is China the Next Superpower? (Fact) How should we respond to the global problem of illegal immigration? (policy) Would a border fence solve the four different why people immigration problem in the U.S.? (fact) What is the relationship between immigration and nationality? (definition) What causes people to immigrate illegally? (cause) Should the U.S. Objects. have a visitor work program? (policy) How has immigration affected the history of the U.S.? (definition) Should all states have laws giving policemen the right to reasons why people communicate require people to prove their legal status? (policy) How can legal immigration be streamlined? (policy) Who should be allowed to objects immigrate? Who should not? (value) How many illegal immigrants live in the U.S.? Who are they and where do they live? (fact) Toilet Video Games? Have We Gone Too Far? Is war inevitable? How does war become integral to society? (definition) How do people justify war? (value) What might help establish peace? (policy) Should the U.S. continue to of Substrate Activity act as a policeman for other countries? (value) How should the ed gein objects United States defend itself against terrorism? (policy) Is drone warfare ethical? (value) How is cyber warfare becoming more important? (fact) Is the U.S. engaging in cyber attacks on other countries? (fact) How did 9/11 change the way Americans feel about themselves as a world power? (definition) Should military spending in the U.S. increase or decrease? (policy) How important is race to coach movie American identity? (fact) To what extent does individual identity depend on ethnic affiliation? (definition) How does immigration from Latin America affect the culture of America? (fact) Why do Americans think in objects, terms of a person having one race when so many Americans have a mixed racial, cultural, and/or ethnic background? (value) Is it a good idea for people to adopt children from another ethnic group? (value) What is thermosetting plastic, culture? (definition) What is the objects value of knowing your racial and cultural heritage? (value) Should schools be required to identify communicate teach multiculturalism? (policy) Should churches work harder to be multi-racial? (value) How can parents help raise their children to be appreciative of other cultures? (policy) Is global warming a problem and if so, what can we do about it? (fact) How can we resolve the economy versus environment debate? (policy) How can we be sure to ed gein provide clean water for everyone? (policy) What responsibility do Americans have for providing clean water to other nations? (value) How will the worldwide population increase affect our planet? (fact) What can be done to stop poaching of identify different why people communicate, endangered species? (policy) Is hunting good for the environment? (definition/fact) How can citizens be responsible for their local environment? (policy) What can manufacturers do to ed gein objects help clean up the earth? (fact) What is the coach movie importance of clean water? (fact) What is the relationship between health and pollution? (fact) How does the current trend of species extinction compare to the past? (fact) What can Americans do to objects stop global pollution? (policy) How can we encourage people to recycle more? (value) How does global warming increase the dangers of disease in the U.S.? (fact) Sometimes, it can help to My Trip Essay look through your textbook to ed gein objects find essays to spark ideas.

In my class, we use a book by Nancy Wood called Perspectives on Argument . In the back of this book is a list of suggested issues and coach movie articles related to those issues. Ed Gein Objects. Usually, these articles are just a start for looking for of Substrate on Enzyme a topic. You can take an idea from the article you like and then research it to find out what different people think about that issue. Still having trouble finding a topic? Try looking up an issue you are interested in on YouTube. Ed Gein. You might get some good ideas just browsing around. Sometimes the to Camp Essay title of ed gein objects, a video can give you a main idea and identify reasons title.

Especially look for ideas that can be turned into questions that you can argue pro ed gein, or con. Whether you go online or look at a paper copy, you can use the news to give you an idea of plastic, what to write about. Just remember that if you are doing a research paper that you will need to ed gein cite any sources that you use, so make sure you keep a copy. Effect Of Substrate On Enzyme Activity. How to ed gein Write an Evaluation Paper with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 16. 100 Easy Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas with Research Links and double jeopardy full movie Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 32.

How to Write a Reflective Essay with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 21. How to Write an objects, Argument Essay Step by Step. by Virginia Kearney 15. 100 Science Topics for Research Papers. by Virginia Kearney 108. How to Write a Proposal Essay/Paper. by Laura Writes 40. Virginia Kearney 2 weeks ago from coach movie United States. Hi Rosie--You have a good topic and an interesting personal connection. Ed Gein. I'd suggest that you do a frame story introduction and Annabel Edgar Allan Poe Essay conclusion. Start with your situation and then stop part-way through and ask the question: should you call CPS? Then do your answer and tell why or why not.

Finish with telling the end of your story. See my articles on How to write an argument paper and How to write a position paper for ed gein full instructions. Wondering how to write a position essay. Topic should you call Child Protective Services. In my personal life we are going through a situation where we called the child protective services but much is not being done. Was thinking if I choose this topic I could write some of our family's frustration about the situation, don't know how to go about full movie writing this essay. Virginia Kearney 4 weeks ago from ed gein objects United States. Why People. Khen--You can find help if you look for my articles about how to write different kinds of ed gein, position or argument papers. I have several different articles that can lead you step by step through the process. Can you please help me in my position paper?

Virginia Kearney 2 months ago from United States. Roami, You have an interesting idea. I think one way for thermosetting examples you to get some good information to start your paper is to research why local languages are not included in the instruction first. Next, you might want to interview some people to find out their positions and to get some quotes on this topic. Finally, you might want to get some research articles which show whether or not using a local or home language of ed gein objects, a student helps them to learn better. In the four different reasons why people communicate United States, research has shown that students who receive some instruction in their own language at ed gein objects, least at first often do better in the long run than a child who is fully immersed in Effect Concentration Essay, English.

In my own experience as a teacher, I discovered that children who came to an all-English classroom before grade 2 or 3, generally was very competent in that language by age 12. However, if they entered an all English school later, they were often not able to catch up. However, that only ed gein objects, works if the child is in a school where no one else speaks their native language (as is full movie, often true in the U.S. but not true in a school where all the children speak their local language together). You have a wonderful topic and objects one that is very important for My Trip your country to consider. I wish you great success in objects, your paper. pls, i need u to look into this position topic for me.

Should local languages be made as compulsory as religious languages in schools. Virginia Kearney 4 months ago from United States. Annabel Lee, Edgar Poe Essay. Hi Sam, you might want to try my article about Funny Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas, or else do the negative of any idea here or in one of my many other argument essays. Ed Gein Objects. In a devil's advocate paper, you want to go against what most people think. Here are a few ideas just to get you thinking: Why Trump will be regarded as one of our top 5 presidents. Coach Movie. Why we should leave ISIS alone. Why race is objects, less a problem in America than Europe.

Why the leader of North Korea isn't really crazy. I have this assignment of playing the Essay role of devil's advocate and I can't think of ed gein, a good topic! ( I personally prefer a political related topic). Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Aidyn-You add a very interesting position topic. My Trip To Camp Essay. I had not thought about schools making rules against objects fasting but it certainly could hurt a child's performance in school if they were fasting for coach movie a longer period than a day or two.

That could cause a school to be concerned. Thanks for your comment and idea. Aidyn Krikorian 6 months ago. I greatly appreciate your website, and I have a suggestion for a topic. Should we allow fasting or other religious acts in schools? This topic facsinates me and I do hope you will consider it.

I have chosen a topic to objects use for a paper from this webpage and will be returning. Coach Movie. Thank you, Aidyn. Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Rose--You did not mention what aspect of culture you are writing about which makes it hard to help you. However, for example, if you are writing a paper arguing to objects people that only like modern music that classical music is worth listening to, you could start by talking about Effect Activity what you agree with about modern music and acknowledge why people of your generation might prefer to listen to it. Then you could explain why they would actually enjoy classical music if they gave it a try or explain how they could grow to appreciate that kind of music. I need help on my regerian Argument eassy on culture. I dont now how to start it, Does anyone knows how.thanks.

Preston Heard 8 months ago. Ed Gein. These are great topics for the upcoming research essays. I will definitely be using one of them. Thank you for this resource! Aaron Gibson 8 months ago. Excited for coach movie your class this semester! Matt Hartman 8 months ago.

This article along with many of the ed gein other articles you have written will be very helpful this semester! I'm looking forward to your class! Virginia Kearney 11 months ago from United States. Look for my articles about how to write argument or position essays for lots of ideas on how to introduce essays and find sources. Double Movie. Luckily, Google Scholar has lots of excellent peer-reviewed essays that are good sources, but you can also find many good sources that come from government, Universities or published journals that post online (look for .gov, .edu or a journal that also appears in objects, print). One easy way to start your introduction is to coach movie tell a story about a student who is generally shy (or maybe bullied) but gets excited (and more included by others) when they are able to share about ed gein objects their own culture during a multiculturalism unit. Essay. I am doing an Apa essay on should schools be required to teach multiculturalism any idea on ed gein objects, how I should start my intro and coach movie what sources I should use? Virginia Kearney 11 months ago from United States.

Bebe--You don't tell me whether your paper is a research paper or not, but I've written many articles on how to write different sorts of ed gein, essays. You can use the search engine on HubPages to find them, or look at the links that usually appear when you pull up one of examples, my articles. Search Argument essays or How to Write a Position Essay or just type in ed gein objects, VirginiaLynne. To start a paper on your topic, I think I would use a story in the introduction showing a miscommunication when people don't talk face to face. Four Why People Communicate. Hey . Can you please help me in my position paper . I dont how to objects start . My topic is cellphone,texts and emails are not as good as talking face to face . It is from yours sample :) thank you. I think that is video gaming good or bad is a great topic to choose. Virginia Kearney 18 months ago from United States. Yes Alsaifl, I think that What is beauty? could be a topic.

You are right that your answer would be a definition claim. Jumanah Alsaif 18 months ago. Is the topics What is My Trip Essay, true beauty? (definition) a good topic for a position paper? I was thinking of writing how the definition of beauty is different for each individual. Brittany Adams 14 2 years ago. Ed Gein Objects. Thank you so much for posting! This helps a lot with my writing!

Tariq Ali Khan 2 years ago. Excellent work buddy! Thank you so much ! Kristen Howe 2 years ago from Northeast Ohio. Essay. Great topics for a variety of essays for everyone who needs to be inspired. Voted up for useful! That Tom Hanks video is hilarious. These ideas are very thought-provoking and ed gein inspiring! Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. Cindy A. So glad I was able to give you some good information!

Unbelievable. You have helped me enormously. Thank you so much. Thank you for these great topics. Identify Four Reasons Why People. VJG 2 years ago from ed gein Texas. Thermosetting Plastic. This would be an interesting article for ed gein school students. They always seem to struggle for essay ideas. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from My Trip to Camp Essay United States.

Hi Safa--Here are the main steps: 1. Choose a question you are going to write about. Then think about what your answer to the question is going to be. 2. Decide what you want your reader to ed gein objects think, do or believe after they read your essay. That is your thesis (the answer to your question). 3. Decide who you want to persuade to believe this (that is your reader or audience). Think about what that reader already knows and My Trip to Camp believes about objects your topic.

That will help you develop your arguments. The reader should not be someone who already believes what you do. If they do, you aren't really arguing are you? 4. Think of at coach movie, least 3 reasons why your reader should believe your thesis. Objects. Those reasons will be the main body part of your essay. My Trip To Camp Essay. 5. Think of examples or evidence which supports each of those reasons. That is what you will use to support those three reasons. 6. What objections will your reader have? Write those out and objects also your answers to those objections. This will be a paragraph after your reasons.

7. For your conclusion think of My Trip to Camp Essay, what good will come if your reader believes you. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. Hi katha- if you look at the bottom right blue box I have the links to ed gein objects sample essays. These are student essays so they are published by my students under their own names here on hubpages. Maybe I should move these up on the page so you can find them more easily.

Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. Samarah--Yes I think that vaccinating children is a very good topic. You can also narrow that to particular types of vaccinations that are new like the chickenpox vaccine or the HPV. Another possible argument on this topic is identify different reasons why people communicate, whether or not it is ed gein, true that vaccines are the main reason for Effect Activity better health in people today than in the past. Is the ed gein right to Effect Concentration on Enzyme Activity vaccinate children a good topic? Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. I think you can do something related to obesity or how different types of food are good or bad for your health.

Or you can talk about GMO foods or organic or locally grown produce. Virginia Kearney 5 years ago from United States. Xstatic--I love the fact that you do have a position on everything--I like to look at all sides of ed gein, things and that is great as an four different reasons why people, instructor teaching positions, because I can play the devils advocate, but sometimes I do need to just nail down my own point of view! Jim Higgins 5 years ago from Eugene, Oregon. A great how to for position papers. I have not written one for objects years, though I have a position on almost everything.

Useful Hub and well done as usual. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. My Trip Essay. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on ed gein objects, this page based on My Trip to Camp Essay, affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

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Essay: Kembers student progress model. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to have a quantitative analytical study and to examine the theoretical basis of the Kembers student progress model that evaluates directly or indirectly effects of ed gein students opinions in online environment by coach movie recognizing the relationships between variables such as online students opinions, performance, cost-benefit analysis and student determination. Many researchers like Thomson, Harlow, Houle and Porta-Merida confirmed that effectiveness and dependability of the theory, but their results are meagerly dissimilar in the degree of influence on student opinions and objects also indicate that it could be useful and double full meaningful to re-analyze various components in more present research. The study conducted in this research has explored the relationships among the suggested variables. The various regression techniques (like multiple or logistic) were applied to analyze the online data sample or survey data. The results of this research have showed that the external environment parameters have been directly linked to student determination, and inversely proportional to objects the students performance. Similarly, each student cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and coach movie academic amalgamation was highly correlated to student determination. The results of this research paper conveys the current phenomena and ed gein objects knowledge of online student academic determination. In todays world the greatest problem has been social media, but it can be use as a tool to increases social binding on the academics front.

It is seen that by altering external parameters, encouraging higher CGPA and the academic amalgamation will guide students o achieve their academic goals. Keywords: Student Determination (SE); Retention; Opinions; Online Students (Og); Higher Education (HE); Higher Education Institutions (HEIs); Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA); Social Binding; Academic Binding (AB); External Environment Parameters(EEP) Student determination is an important factor for both students and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) because it affects in achieving students education goals and also financially sustaining the HEIs goals. The purpose of this paper is to test and examines the theoretical basis of Kembers [1] student progress model which evaluated the direct or indirect effects of student determination on their successful completion of their graduation degree programs. Nichols [2] proved that students motivation is a crucial factor in evaluating their determination in completing their academic programs. Spady [3] had given the empirical and four reasons why people theoretical model of student determination. Later on Tinto [4], in his research edited Spadys model to explored the dropout rate behavior.

Bean #038; Metzner [5] claimed in ed gein there conceptual model that the Tinto model is less appropriate where social binding with friends and professional educators is constraint by the time factor in coach movie a classroom and ed gein the students which are non-traditional (i.e. which are not much used to computers) are badly affected by the parameters governed by external environment, than by the social binding variables that affect wearing out of traditional students. Kember [1] had correlated his dropout model of coach movie student determination with the model of student progress as it relates to online student social binding (SB), academic amalgamation (AA), external environment parameters (EEP), and academic incompatibility (AI). Various researchers in [6, 7, 8, 9] also worked on the degree of influence on student determination. We have done the qualitative study to ed gein objects analyze the to Camp, bonding or relationships among student opinions in terms of student performance (SP), student progress factors, cost-benefits (CP), and student determination with the help of Kembers model of student progress. This study uses the Kembers model and try to analyze its fitness with online learning practices and what can done to improve student determination.

2. The Proposed Research Questions. There are some research questions which need to ed gein be answered in this paper and on that basis null hypotheses and their alternative hypotheses are generated. 1) Is there any linking exist between student opinions of the academic experience with the a) social binding (SB), b) academic binding (AB), c) external environment parameters (EEP), and d) academic incompatibility with student determination (within the learning environment at the institutional level)? If relationship exits, then does it empirically alter with respect to Effect of Substrate Concentration Essay student traits and learning skills and various styles? 2) Is there any linking between student opinions of the academic experience with a) SB, b) AB, c) EEP, and d) academic incompatibility with student determination governed by student academic performance which is defined by CGPA? 3) ) Is there any linking between student opinions of the academic experience a) SB, b) AB, c) EEP, and d) academic incompatibility with student determination governed by cost-benefits analysis (CB)? 3. Ed Gein! Background Literature.

3.1 Students Determination in full movie Learning Environment. Kay [10] disclosed the fact that the development of distribution technology has spurred many HEIs to offer higher education Similarly Tinto [4] had discussed various different factors related to ed gein student determination related to communicate retention. Various other tools for the study of determination and persistence are the identification of objects predictors for institute student achievement and retention. Many researchers like Farmer [11] studied about Academic Retention Indictors, he pointed out number of reasons given by students for non-persistence including effectiveness and quality of education. Barefoot [12] determined that the highest number of withdrawal is in the first year of graduation. 3.2 Linking of thermosetting plastic examples Social Academic Binding (SAB), External Environment Parameter (EEP), and Academic. Incompatibility to Students Determination. With the rise of in HEIs which is directly proportional to objects the number of students whose performance is poor in their respective courses or attrition rate, therefore lead to wastage of students time and HEIs financial loss. Tinto [13] classical model of student leaving gives a valid reason for attrition.

Heyman [14] disclosed the fact that students complete their courses at identify four different higher rate if they feel connected with their institutions and students those are connected socially fell less isolated as per Senhouse [15]. Woosley [16] experimented and found that the SAB positively affect student persistence and objects acacdemic performance. Due to coach movie rapid increase in NET generation, there are many sources by which the objects, social binding is possible. My Trip To Camp Essay! Kord [17] stressed on the pros and cons of online social networking on HEI students academic experiences and which will continue to help the objects, students in to Camp more techincal way. Vuong [18] , Brown-Welty #038; Tracz [19], they all believed that integration of social media and faculty interaction with peers are two important factors for academic success. Ed Gein Objects! If HEIs kept engaged these online generation students in their academic activities, this will not only increase but also create positive perceptions for higher learning environment. 3.3 The Linking between the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and Students Determination. Madinach [20] expressed that the higher education now a days become a mainstream educational methodology, therefore it required innovative methods to evaluate its impact. By combining technology and latest hybrid methods for evaluation can have positive impact and adds the credibility of students achievements and determination.

The CGPA on student determination is significantly related to continuous enrollment and student determination was given by Porta-Merida [9]. Woosley [16] indicated that high level of social binding is directly linked to Annabel Edgar Poe Essay lower CGPA than academic integration, therefore leading to low academic performance caused due to disturbance from social influence. 3.4 Proposed Conceptual Framework Basis for Theoretical Orientation. The progress model of student as suggested by Kember [1] is the ed gein objects, fundamental basis for this study in Figure 1. He identified four constructs of student progress i) Social Binding (SB) (it is of Substrate Concentration Activity Essay defined as the extent to objects which the family and friends supports starting from the students registration till their persistence in the course i.e. moral support), ii) academic Binding (AB) (it includes all elements of contact between an HEI and identify reasons why people the students), iii) external environment parameters (EEP) (it encompasses negative social binding, insufficient time etc. and others factors which hinder its plan of objects study) and iv) academic incompatibility (it includes not only marks but overall student performance in their respective course). Thermosetting! Tintos model studied and ed gein objects discussed students drop-out only where as Bean-Metzers [22] theoretical model recommends several other direct or indirect variables that eventually effects students determination. Figure 1: Kembers [1] Student Progress Model Basic. To prove research questions we alter the Kembers framework in My Trip to Camp Figure 2 that depicts the pathway of the operational flow of the different variables in ed gein the conceptual model and shows how the measured variables affect the student determination. Our model encompasses student traits, like gender, age or experience etc. and Concentration Essay also learning skills and styles.. 4. Ed Gein Objects! Research Methodology. In Figure 2 the improvised model given by us consists of strong integration environment, student traits (like age, gender, preference of double learning mode or style etc.), student performance (CGPA) , cost-benefit analysis (which is the method of ed gein objects choosing best option for the student by evaluating various factors like emotional, fiscal, and social benefits against thermosetting plastic, the expected values) and students determination (we were taking into objects account the student opinions to study student determination in terms of enrolling in course, early drop out or transfer cases etc.)

4.1 Research Design-Study Sampling and Population of HEI. We try to identify different explore in detail the relationships that exist among student opinions, their course performance, student determination, cost-benefit analysis and lastly associated with their learning styles and characteristics. Cohen power [23] indicated that for the study sample should have two covariates, 4 independent variables and size should be minimum 97 (??=.05). The dataset [27] consist of 800 students who enrolled for the odd semester computer sciences courses like graduation program and post-graduation program students of ed gein HEI. The study is to explore the relationship among students geographical traits, student determinations, students course performance, cost-benefits and students determination in four reasons why people association with the student learning styles at the institutions to verify the Kember model in this environment. Figure 2: Proposed Conceptual Framework Having Students Traits, Learning Style, Determination, CGPA and CB. The dataset [27] was collected and filtered. First level of filtering, the ed gein, dataset was exported to excel, the filtered to My Trip ensure a good fit against ed gein, research questions. Second level of filtering; provide us in detail the relationship to the mediator or exogenous variables of student traits: gender, age, class deliver mode student learning styles.

The final dataset moved into a database in a tool called as SPSS-Statistical package for the Social Sciences to create correlation matrices by calculating mean and Standard deviation (S.D.) for examples, each variable. 5. Data Analysis and Results Discussions. The various variables under this study were: i) Independent Variables: Social and Academic Binding (SAB), External Environment Parameter (EEP) and ed gein objects Academic Incompatibility, ii) Covariate Variable: Students traits and learning styles, iii) Mediator Variable: Student Performance (c) and Cost-benefit (CB) analysis and iv) Dependent variable: Student Determination. By doing bivariate analysis (it is to Camp Essay one of the simplest forms of quantitative (statistical) analysis and involves the analysis of two variables (often denoted as X, Y), for the purpose of ed gein calculating the empirical relationship among them), we concluded that SAB, EEP, academic incompatibility, cost-benefit analysis (CBA) , CGPA and other students traits like age were also highly correlated with student determination. By mathematically performing multivariate analysis (where many relations between multiple variables are analyzed simultaneously), in which further two techniques were used i) logistic regression analysis, ii) multiple regression analysis, to analyze relationships between student progress factors and coach movie student determination. To find out the solution for the first research question, this study incorporates logistic regression analysis for dichotomous variables to verify relationships among student opinions, student traits, learning styles and student determination. Objects! For this study, we had used multiple regression analysis to evaluate the Concentration on Enzyme Activity Essay, relationships levels . By doing logistic regression analysis, in Figure 3, the independent variables (IDVs) were SAB, EEP and academic incompatibility. It was found out objects that EEP was significant predictor for coach movie, predicting student determination for enrolling in HEIs and also the overall 75% predictions were accurate and more than 96% predictions for student determination were accurate. EEP and academic incompatibility were the predictors for objects, student determination of intent to enroll. Student Determination and opinions. Figure 3; Logistic regression analysis done to show the relationship between student opinions and student determination has negative correlation with EEP and academic incompatibility.

By doing multiple regression analysis (in Figure 4), it was found out coach movie that only an academic binding was a significant predictor. For the second question of proposed research question 1, EEP and objects prior online learning style were significant predictors for predicting student determination. To find the answer of the Annabel Allan Poe Essay, research question 2, the researcher measured intermediate effect to the relationship among student opinions and student determination. The results depicted the mediation effect of CGPA (in Figure 7) had a significant relationship with student determination. Student Determination and opinions. Figure 4 Multiple regression analysis done to ed gein objects show the relationship between student opinions and student determination has strong positive correlation with academic binding (AB) To answer the research question 3 in Figure 5, the researcher measured mediation effect by CB to double movie the relationship between student opinions and objects student persistence.

By the coach movie, inclusion of cost-benefit (CB) factor, the ed gein objects, result showed that there was no relationship exists between student determination and CB. Student Determination and opinions. Figure 5: Multiple regression analysis done to show the thermosetting examples, relationship between student opinions and student determination has partial or no correlation with mediation effect of ed gein cost benefit (CB) Finally, the study gave us the abstract picture with following results a) EEP has a significant negative relationship with student determination, b) academic incompatibility and Lee, Edgar academic binding had a significant relationship with student determination, c) after controlling student traits EEP has a significant relationship (in Figure 6), d) CGPA had a little indirect effect (in Figure 7), e) CB doesnt have any indirect effect on objects the relationship between student opinions and student determination (in Figure 5). Student Determination and My Trip to Camp Essay opinions. Figure 6: Multiple regression analysis done to show the relationship between student opinions and student determination has weak positive correlation with EEP, after controlling Students Traits. Student Determination and opinions. Figure 7: Multiple regression analysis done to show the relationship between student opinions and student determination has none or low positive correlation with CGPA. 6.1 For Proposed Research Question 1. The external environment parameters (EEP) are the significant predictor to the student determination and also inversely related to his determination in achieving educational goals as stated by Kember [1] i.e. lowering EEP will increase student determination.

The negatives values of the ed gein objects, EEP is thermosetting plastic examples distractions, therefore lessening students learning time and so retarding study. Also it had been found out that first year students entering college directly from ed gein objects high school are the representation of the online generation, so therefore, HEIs should replicate the identify four different reasons, same study culture or the same norms to increase determination but should have positive influence. Academic incompatibility and academic binding are also significant predictors for student determination. Academic binding should be reinforced to motivate students e.g. increasing the ed gein, quality and double full quantity of the ed gein objects, postings in online discussions as stated by Jaing #038; Ting [24], focused feedback as by Filimban [25] and also giving tailored made programs suited to students so that it will increase their academic binding. It was proved that student determination diverted by strong negative social impact and social binding (SB) was not a significant predictor for student determination. Examples! In fact, social binding in higher learning environment has been highly touted in current educational systems.

Finally, previous net-savvy experience and learning style could help students in their determination. Therefore, Students in HEIs should be nurtured and students new to HEIs environment may need thorough orientation and how to objects build successful educational career. Double! While learning or teaching styles do not seem to have a major impact on student determination e.g. embedded video or audio may increase student determination. 6.2 For Proposed Research Question 2. CGPA had an impactful relationship with all three measurable factors of student determination. It had been found out the controlling CGPA, EEP and academic incompatibility were significant with student determination. Similarly, academic binding and EEP were also significant with student determination. The results implied that there was a little mediation effect of CGPA on the relationship between student determination and student opinions.

The CGPA itself has a direct relationship with student determination. The research question has two partially rejected the null hypothesis of mediation of CGPA on relationship between student opinions and ed gein objects student determination. Double! Our study did not support the Kember [1] student progress model, regarding the relationship between student opinions and CGPA, yet supported the ed gein, relationship between CGPA and coach movie student determination. David [26] had proved statistically that there was significant relationship between the CGPA and student determination to next academic year. In this study, the CGPA was a direct factor to predict student determination. Therefore, the HEIs need to encourage students to ed gein achieve higher academic performance with good academic record and advice. 6.3 For Proposed Research Question 3. For the cost-benefits (CB), two important predictors were academic binding and academic incompatibility.

After controlling student opinions, CB had a no significant relationship with student determination. If CB, EEP and academic incompatibility factors were controlled, then they would affect the student determination significantly. Kember [1] model supports the relationship between student opinions and student determination, but there was a significant relationship between academic binding, academic incompatibility and CB. Also there was no mediation effect of CB on the relationship between each student opinions and student determination. Jeopardy Full! Stuart [27], explained that the students expected more the college in terms of benefits, as they invest huge fee amount. Based on this notion, HEIs must need to work on student motivation related to objects academic front to improve their determination. 7. Implications and Annabel Lee, Allan Poe Essay Interpretation. The findings in this paper show how the student opinions affect the student determinations. Researchers have proved that the negative sources of EEP and academic incompatibility is dangerous for ed gein, student determination. Earlier social media networking was not in much demand as present world, so researcher like Kember [1] did not take into coach movie account social media phenomena. But it can be assumed or extrapolated on ed gein the same notion that the Annabel Edgar, negative sources of EEP are same as social binding factor.

In this study, we found out that EEP has major influence on student determination. Ed Gein! Similarly, academic incompatibility and academic binding are important factors for scoring student determination. Finally, less EEP contributed to more student determination and identify different also negative EEP distracts students from objects learning associated with insufficient time or others factors hindering educational goals. Reducing EEP for e.g. the amount of time for social distractions between family and friends or time management, would increase student determination. Nowadays, because of the development of examples IT and more use of objects social media in education [28], many HEIs are now targeting on (SAB) social and academic integration for My Trip to Camp, mentoring and increasing student motivation that leads to a successful e-learning environment. In todays world, the net generation students should be given guidelines on the procedures like time-management to cut social distractions. Enforcing the students to be regular in objects an academic environment will increase their efficiency related to students determination to student degree course completion. Today HEIs are moving toward e-learning environment to transform a negative binding to positive binding by developing recognized user-friendly approaches with latest cutting edge technology. In [29], it has been proved that HEIs are transforming the double full movie, education through various performance indicators (one of them is social media or Internet). Moreover, academic incompatibility gained one more score of objects student determination leading to HEIs more and more flexible and My Trip Essay increases caring and loyalty by the students. Relaxing few EEP factors not only ed gein objects increases the loyalty but also motivates the students to My Trip Essay achieve educational goals.

Another important predictor for student determination is the ed gein objects, academic binding and peer interaction linking to academic exchange. Faculty members or instructors must give more focused feedback related to course assignments to coach movie increase academic binding. Objects! Nowadays, instead of e-learning, Mobile learning (M- learning) crop up as new field that increases student flexibility and time management. Lastly, in making students opinions, CGPA plays a significant predictor for student determination. It can be concluded that HEIs should focus on the students to thermosetting examples achieve higher performance through academic learning process.

8. Conclusion and Future Research. Our study examined and proposed new version of objects students progress model in order to evaluate the direct or indirect effects of students determination for successful completion of their graduation or post graduation programs. Due to increase in social networking environment, the jeopardy full movie, ample of social binding take place and have both negative effect on ed gein CGPA as well as a the positive effect on their retention. Most of the researchers in education have found out that learning outcomes were best when face to coach movie face classes were conducted. We have found out that the negative results for the EEP which cant be considered as the positivity of the ed gein objects, social binding. Furthermore, many students have obligations such as work, family and study which are the additional EEP factors which further hinder their studies. Therefore, reducing negative impact of EEP helps the students to My Trip to Camp Essay accomplish their educational goals based on the results of our study. According to us, a remedial solution would be for objects, HEIs to develop such social media platforms for continuous study and interaction.

Finally, CGPA, student performance, academic binding were crucial factors for student determination. We have concluded from the results that the relationships that exist between the CGPA and student determination was significant and plays an important role in double student determination. It is proved that the increased use of objects social media as a resource to bind academic tasks with learning could increase student CGPA which result in double jeopardy continuation of the academic journey with improvised student retention and objects determination. This paper is only shows the coach movie, relationships that exists among student opinions and student determination by taking into objects account different variables that directly or indirectly effects student determination. My Trip! We have analyzed that the relationship between each student characteristics related to student determination over which the HEI has no control. Also, the ed gein objects, subjects of this study were only and only students who were taking admission in HEIs not others members like faculty, administrators or parents,. Effect Of Substrate Concentration Activity! Therefore, while analyzing the results caution must be taken about the non-traditional students or other categories of students and higher learning institutions. In this case, feedback or responses are taken from college going students to meet their educational goals within the community and the college enjoinment. It is ed gein possible that this study can be used as initial point for double jeopardy full, understanding what others aspects may be predictable to other students in other part of the country and also for e-learning students having other values with respect to their education. [1] Kember, D. (1995).

Open learning courses for ed gein, adults: A model of student progress. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Pub- lications. [2] Nichols, M. (2010). Student perceptions of support services and examples the influence of targeted interventions on retention in ed gein objects distance education. Distance Education, 31, 93-113.

[3] Spady, W. (1971). Coach Movie! Dropouts from objects higher education: Toward an empiri-cal mode. Interchange, 2, 38-62. [4] Tinto, V. (1975). Dropout from to Camp higher education: A theoretical synthe-sis of recent research. Review of Educational Research, 45, 89-125. [5] Bean, J., #038; Metzner, B. Objects! (1985). Double Jeopardy Full Movie! A conceptual model of nontraditional undergraduate student attrition.

Review of ed gein objects Educational Research, 55, 485-540. [6] Thompson, E. (1999). Can the My Trip to Camp Essay, distance education student progress (DESP) inventory be used as a tool to predict attrition in distance education? Higher Education Research #038; Development, 18, 77-78. [7] Heyman, E. Ed Gein! (2010). Overcoming student retention issues in higher education online programs: A Delphi study. Ed.D. Thermosetting Plastic Examples! Dissertation, Phoenix, AZ: University of Phoenix. [8] Houle, B. J. (2004).

Adult student persistence in Web-based education. Ph.D. Dissertation, New York: New York University. [9] Porta-Merida, S. (2009). Online learning success: Underlying con- structs affecting student attrition. Ph.D. Dissertation, Boca Raton, FL: Lynn University. [10] Kay, S. Ed Gein! (2009). Student graduation studies in online education.

Ed.D. Coach Movie! Dissertation, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania. [11] Farmer, L. (2009). Correlation of student expectations of online classes and course grades at a community college. D.M. Dissertation, Phoe- nix, AZ: University of Phoenix. [12] Barefoot, B. Ed Gein Objects! O. (2004). On Enzyme Activity Essay! Higher educations revolving door: Confronting the problem of student dropout in ed gein US colleges and universities. Coach Movie! Open Learning, 19, 9-18. [13] Tinto, V. (1993).

Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. [14] Heyman, E. (2010). Overcoming student retention issues in higher education online programs: A Delphi study. Ed.D.

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Custom Ridley Scott's 'Alien' Movie Series essay paper. The pervasiveness of monsters in today’s popular culture and social media cannot be disputed when considering the multi-billion dollar horror movie industry. As such, one must question the significance of a society’s embracing or even romanticizing what would be regarded as repulsive. By narrowing the premises of the research to a horror film franchise, one can attempt to discern a pattern that creates an appropriately repulsive yet indisputably popular monster and further analyze its cultural implications. Aliens have mostly been depicted as vicious creatures irrespective of the nature of the movie in which they have been features. By analyzing the relevant sociopolitical and cultural attitudes or anxieties at the time of its conception one will find a correlation in how the monster of the film is portrayed, and attempt to explain its horrifying, albeit hardly deterring, effect on the audience. This research paper will be appropriate for this course because it will focus less on the physically horrifying aspects of the ed gein objects monster and more on My Trip to Camp Essay, what the monster reveals about the society that created it, which may be horrifying in its own aspects. ‘Alien’ is a science fiction horror film under the directorship of Ridley Scott.

The title of the film draws reference to an aggressive extraterrestrial creature that stalks and eventually kills a crew of men aboard of a spaceship. After the release, the film received very contradictory evaluation from the objects critics. The movie was a monumental success; some of the coach movie stars gained fame and attained awards, while the ed gein objects movie was incorporated into the Library of Congress’s National Film registry in reasons why people communicate, 2002. ‘Alien is ranked amongst the best horror films of all time. The release of ed gein, this movie sparked a collection of coach movie, media franchise that included comic books, novels, toys and video games. Ed Gein. It was so successful that there were two prequel and three sequel films.

The role of the plastic alien developed the plot of the story because he was the protagonist and the lead character’ (David, 2011). The role of the alien in different movies is clear and concise. The grotesque creature has to ed gein have a certain look to achieve the factor of instilling fear in double, the audience. The alien film franchise has numerous distinctive references to roles played by different genders in any given society, for example, women are perceived to be wives and mothers by ed gein the society. All alien movies have a bad ending. The alien unleashes its power and destroys the world of the heroes or kills them. The original director of the ‘Alien’ franchise, Walter Hill, intended for it to identify different why people communicate be much darker, but Riley made it less disturbing to ed gein the audience (IMDB). The director made an attempt to make the alien’s character more translucent during the filming. There was the different why people creation and modification of the body suits to ensure that the alien had the desired effect on the audience. The alien was truly grotesque and objects instilled fear in the characters and audiences alike.

An effective horror film makes the audience engaged in the movie as it continues creating a feeling of direct involvment in the creation of the four different reasons why people communicate movie. To make a successful movie, the director has to bring the storyline and the plot to life. He has to bring the alien to ed gein objects life and ensure that it instills awe and extreme veneration in the audience. The experience of watching a horror movie has to be titillating as it is horrifying. This is the main purpose of the alien in any horror film franchise. The alien in Riley Scotts franchise was successful in evoking emotion from the audience.

It was the aim of directors to produce a movie that would echo through generation due to the manner in which the story of the protagonists was outlined. Traditionally aliens were masculine, because of society’s perceived roles. The audience did not perceive a woman alien. Up until the production of the Alien film franchise, grotesque and terrifying creatures were played by men. This was due to gender roles tradition in the society which perceived masculine creatures as warriors and predator. However, Riley Scott used a woman as the alien, and the audience was content with his choice. The movie was a success, and it redefined the gender roles. He showed the audience a different view on relations between the members of the society and extraterrestrial creatures which was completely revolutionary. It was acclaimed by the audience, and the director gained tremendous respect for trying out and double full venturing into areas never explored by ed gein objects the previous directors (Alien Host).

Despite daring and risky, it turned out to be the change the audience wanted, though, not aware they needed it. The character of the Alien in the film franchise is controversial, yet understandable. It is depicted as a terrifying creature that the why people communicate director uses to instill horror in viewers that the objects film promises. In as much as the movie promises to thermosetting plastic examples deliver the best performance by a woman as an alien, there are some shortcomings delivered by the protagonist in ‘Alien’., According to tradition in all horror movies, grotesque creatures are known to be free of emotion, instincts and intuition. The female alien displayed emotion and might have been less convincing than a male alien. When a male alien is depicted in the movie, the objects audience assumes and perceives masculinity and absence of emotion. When the coach movie audience watches a film and the the grotesque alien is objects female, there are reservations about the outcomes of the film.

There are reservations about whether the reaction will be of the same magnitude, had a man played the identify different leading role. The success of a woman playing the role of the ed gein alien was monumental, and the director was acclaimed for it. There were reservations about the film doe to the switch up. Critics might have been skeptical about the roles and the different characters, but the audience perceived the film better than expected. In an double, era when men dominated alien roles and the protagonistswere of the same gender, Riley took a risk in casting a woman as the lead character in his science fiction and lead character. This was a risk worth of the financial returns and the reputation that preceded its release. The ‘Alien’ film franchise sets up the conflict between the protagonist and the alien, who are both female.

The alien challenges sexual distinction and the male dichotomy. There is no exception when it comes to the wrath of the monster; men and women are subjected to torture and destruction by ed gein the face-hugger. They are all subject to penetration by the monster and coach movie consequently become impregnated. Males and females alike are penetrated, and after the viability of the egg, they give birth. This shows that men are feminized. This brought about different cultural anxieties because the director portrayed the subversion of the male power (University of Leicester). This was an unorthodox move because, in a society dominated by men and in which women are fighting for changing gender roles, Riley lets the audience understand that the female generation is objects a lot more powerful than the society perceives it to be.

Sexual distinction comes into play when the audience gets a different screenplay from what they expected. Critics were enraged by this act of rebellion by Riley Scott. The film industry in the 1970s and 1980s was dominated by men, and it was the norm that main characters in different films were played by a man. The Alien film franchise entirely changed the dynamics of the film industry and the manner with which future directors choose their lead roles. Ripley, the only survivor of the wrath of the alien, was a woman. She employed trickery and cunning means to escape its grasp.

These are typical male attributes, but Riley incorporated them in a woman to let the audience and society understand the changing dynamics of different societal roles. The protagonists in the Alien film franchise have male attributes. At the time of creating the movie, critics were skeptical of the full movie success of the movie due to the director’s deviation from the norm. In the second film, Lt Ripley is a redeemed American who has been accorded a second chance for work to survive in a patriarchal society. There is a political bias of good versus bad, and wrong versus right. There is a political struggle, and ed gein objects the franchise embodies all aspects of this struggle.

Ripley is stronger than Alien, but she is identify communicate lonely and lacks friends. This is a depiction of the struggles which people become engaged in the society at the time the movie was shoot (Kearns, 2012). There was a power struggle in the society and women sought to be viewed and objects appreciated for roles other than being submissive mothers and wives. Her battle with the alien predator depicts the power struggle present in the society. In the film, Ripley and the alien are both women, but they possess masculine features and symbols in society.

This was the status in the society at the time of shooting the movie (Film School). There was a struggle in double jeopardy full movie, which women acknowledged their subtle mother roles in objects, the society, but wished they could be viewed differently by the male dominant members. Self-confidence and Effect of Substrate on Enzyme Essay strength are some of the attributes that women of the time sought to portray to the society, and seek acceptance as equals. In the objects first two movies of the franchise, the aliens tried to Lee, Poe Essay kill Ripley, but they were unsuccessful. This portrays the ed gein determination of some women to advocate for equality in the society. My Trip. However, the end of the second movie is more positive than the first one. It invokes a lot of emotion in ed gein objects, the audience. It is safe to note that the Alien movie franchise is thermosetting plastic a vivid depiction of the ed gein society of the time the movies were cut.

There is a struggle between the gender roles and perception of women by coach movie different parts of the society. Whereas the era of filming the Alien franchise was dominated by the man, Ridley Scott chooses to empower women by producing a movie with male protagonists. The franchise was received well by the audience, but the ed gein critics were quick to point out the errors of the films. Double Jeopardy Full. Society perceived men to have the more dominant roles. However, the Alien franchise casts women to ed gein play more masculine roles and have masculine characters. During Ripley’s incarnation, the company for which she worked notices that she has changed into an alien. She is more sinister than they ever expected and Effect of Substrate on Enzyme Essay has grown to possess monstrous and dark post human superpower.

The clone and the resurrected queen alien are a threat to the patriarchal order and society. Ed Gein. This is because they combine the power of a human being and an alien. This brings forth a new race into existence. This race, being a reproduction from of two females, is an indication that women no longer need men for reproduction. This is a threat to coach movie society and objects an indication of the rate at which men are being replaced by the dominantly growing female society. Male and female genders are opposite (University of Leicester).

There are many differences in the way men and jeopardy women work, communicate, achieve success and the needs they have. Aliens are reflection of the society and the constant struggle for identity and approval that continues among the members of it. According to fundamental principles prevailing in the society during the 1970s and the 1980s, men were dominant over the women.. Ridley Scott, in casting the ed gein protagonist and the grotesque creature using female characters, went against of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Essay the norm and indicated the ease with which society could change and have different forms of leadership. The death and resurrection of Ripley could be an indication of the manner and ease with which the society could change. There are different aspects of the society that need to be changed, and objects unless the citizens agree to steer change in the direction they would like it to proceed, there is My Trip to Camp bound to friction between the commanding authorities. The bravado with which Ridley Scott cast and produces the movie is admirable and is a subject to studies by other directors. This was an unexpected move that portrayed the events in the society and women’s desire to change the dynamics of the male dominated society. It was a time when society perceived women to be the weaker gender, and did not associate them with strong roles such as that of the alien protagonist. As witnessed in all the movies in the franchise, there is a reversal of the roles, not only in ed gein objects, the world but also in the film.

The society’s view of women has altered over the years to thermosetting examples represent individuals who rule and take dominant positions. There are many women in leadership roles which is ed gein interconnected with the thermosetting examples Alien’s director view on women in the movies. The actions of the grotesque creature responded to the expectations of the society. Whereas the audience expects the alien to ed gein have a man character, Ridley Scott casts a woman in the lead role. Another protagonist, Ripley is thermosetting also a woman. They have strong masculine qualities that they use as survival tactics throughout the development of the franchise. The development of the plot is an eerie depiction of the events that were taking place in objects, the society at that time.

There is role reversal where the once gentle caregiver, the woman is depicted as a vicious grotesque and Concentration Activity masculine creature whereas a man is depicted as a weak creature that is easily abused and has the power to give birth (Dietle, 2012). This is ed gein objects compounded with the fact that, in the first film of the identify reasons why people communicate franchise, the survivor was a woman who used her wit and masculine character to outwit the alien and earn another chance of survival. The Alien film franchise described and depicts, in detail, the manner with which roles in ed gein, the society have reversed. Society is different why people communicate unforgiving at times, and Ripley Scott portrayed this nature through his movies. The alien franchise follows different contentions; women when men are giving birth to alien babies, and men when women are reproducing without interaction. Although the movie contains many gender stereotypes, the revolutionary ideas on women emancipation are represented through featuring women as the ed gein main characters (Ripley and Annabel Lee, Poe Essay female Alien), depicting reproduction without involvement of the both sexes, making both women and men bodies incubators for the alien embrions. (University of Leicester)

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