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bob black essays No one should ever work. Work is the source of The Crusades, nearly all the Essay misery in The Crusades Essay the world. Almost any evil you'd care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. State Terrorism! In order to The Crusades stop suffering, we have to stop working. That doesn't mean we have to interesting places stop doing things. It does mean creating a new way of life based on The Crusades, play; in other words, a *ludic* conviviality, commensality, and maybe even art. There is more to play than child's play, as worthy as that is. State Terrorism! I call for a collective adventure in generalized joy and freely interdependent exuberance. Play isn't passive. Doubtless we all need a lot more time for sheer sloth and slack than we ever enjoy now, regardless of income or occupation, but once recovered from employment-induced exhaustion nearly all of us want to act.

Oblomovism and Stakhanovism are two sides of the same debased coin. The ludic life is totally incompatible with existing reality. So much the The Crusades Essay worse for reality, the gravity hole that sucks the vitality from the little in state terrorism life that still distinguishes it from mere survival. Curiously -- or maybe not -- all the Essay old ideologies are conservative because they believe in work. Some of them, like Marxism and most brands of anarchism, believe in work all the more fiercely because they believe in so little else. Liberals say we should end employment discrimination.

I say we should end employment. Conservatives support right-to-work laws. Following Karl Marx's wayward son-in-law Paul Lafargue I support the right to be lazy. Leftists favor full employment. Like the surrealists -- except that I'm not kidding -- I favor full *un*employment. Trotskyists agitate for permanent revolution. I agitate for permanent revelry. Interesting Places! But if all the The Crusades Essay ideologues (as they do) advocate work -- and not only because they plan to make other people do theirs -- they are strangely reluctant to say so. They will carry on memory, endlessly about wages, hours, working conditions, exploitation, productivity, profitability.

They'll gladly talk about anything but work itself. Essay! These experts who offer to do our thinking for us rarely share their conclusions about work, for all its saliency in the lives of all of state terrorism, us. Among themselves they quibble over the details. Unions and management agree that we ought to sell the time of our lives in exchange for survival, although they haggle over the price. Marxists think we should be bossed by bureaucrats. The Crusades! Libertarians think we should be bossed by businessmen. Feminists don't care which form bossing takes so long as the bosses are women. Clearly these ideology-mongers have serious differences over how to divvy up the spoils of power. The Crusades! Just as clearly, none of them have any objection to power as such and all of state terrorism, them want to keep us working. The Crusades! You may be wondering if I'm joking or serious. I'm joking *and* serious.

To be ludic is not to be ludicrous. Play doesn't have to be frivolous, although frivolity isn't triviality: very often we ought to state terrorism take frivolity seriously. I'd like life to be a game -- but a game with high stakes. The Crusades! I want to play *for* *keeps*. The alternative to work isn't just idleness. To be ludic is not to state terrorism be quaaludic. As much as I treasure the pleasure of torpor, it's never more rewarding than when it punctuates other pleasures and pastimes. Essay! Nor am I promoting the emotion stanislavski managed time-disciplined safety-valve called leisure; far from it. Leisure is nonwork for the sake of work. Leisure is the time spent recovering from work and in the frenzied but hopeless attempt to forget about work.

Many people return from vacation so beat that they look forward to returning to work so they can rest up. The Crusades Essay! The main difference between work and leisure is places in sabah that work at least you get paid for The Crusades your alienation and and Principle, enervation. I am not playing definitional games with anybody. When I say I want to abolish work, I mean just what I say, but I want to say what I mean by defining my terms in non-idiosyncratic ways. My minimum definition of work is *forced* *labor*, that is, compulsory production.

Both elements are essential. Work is production enforced by economic or political means, by the carrot or the stick. (The carrot is just the The Crusades Essay stick by other means.) But not all creation is work. Work is never done for its own sake, it's done on account of some product or output that the worker (or, more often, somebody else) gets out of state terrorism, it. The Crusades! This is what work necessarily is. Chains By Laurie Anderson Summary! To define it is to despise it. But work is The Crusades Essay usually even worse than its definition decrees.

The dynamic of domination intrinsic to work tends over time toward elaboration. In advanced work-riddled societies, including all industrial societies whether capitalist of The Crusades, Communist, work invariably acquires other attributes which accentuate its obnoxiousness. Interesting Places In Sabah! Usually -- and Essay, this is even more true in Communist than capitalist countries, where the state is Vrs Christian Views almost the only employer and The Crusades, everyone is an employee -- work is employment, i. e., wage-labor, which means selling yourself on the installment plan. Definition! Thus 95% of Americans who work, work for somebody (or some*thing*) else. In the USSR or Cuba or Yugoslavia or any other alternative model which might be adduced, the corresponding figure approaches 100%.

Only the embattled Third World peasant bastions -- Mexico, India, Brazil, Turkey -- temporarily shelter significant concentrations of agriculturists who perpetuate the traditional arrangement of most laborers in the last several millenia, the payment of taxes (= ransom) to the state or rent to The Crusades Essay parasitic landlords in interesting in sabah return for being otherwise left alone. Even this raw deal is beginning to look good. *All* industrial (and office) workers are employees and The Crusades Essay, under the sort of surveillance which ensures servility. Account! But modern work has worse implications. People don't just work, they have jobs. Essay! One person does one productive task all the time on an or-else basis.

Even if the task has a quantum of traditional bank, intrinsic interest (as increasingly many jobs don't) the monotony of The Crusades Essay, its obligatory exclusivity drains its ludic potential. A job that might engage the energies of some people, for a reasonably limited time, for the fun of it, is just a burden on those who have to do it for forty hours a week with no say in how it should be done, for the profit of Essay and Principle, owners who contribute nothing to the project, and with no opportunity for sharing tasks or spreading the Essay work among those who actually have to do it. This is the real world of work: a world of interesting places, bureaucratic blundering, of sexual harassment and discrimination, of bonehead bosses exploiting and Essay, scapegoating their subordinates who -- by any rational-technical criteria -- should be calling the shots. But capitalism in Essay and Principle the real world subordinates the rational maximization of productivity and profit to The Crusades the exigencies of organizational control. The degradation which most workers experience on the job is the sum of assorted indignities which can be denominated as discipline.

Foucault has complexified this phenomenon but it is emotion memory stanislavski simple enough. Discipline consists of the totality of totalitarian controls at the workplace -- surveillance, rotework, imposed work tempos, production quotas, punching -in and -out, etc. Discipline is what the factory and the office and the store share with the prison and The Crusades Essay, the school and the mental hospital. It is something historically original and horrible. It was beyond the capacities of such demonic dictators of yore as Nero and Genghis Khan and Ivan the Terrible.

For all their bad intentions they just didn't have the machinery to control their subjects as thoroughly as modern despots do. Discipline is the distinctively diabolical modern mode of control, it is an innovative intrusion which must be interdicted at chains by laurie halse anderson the earliest opportunity. Such is work. Play is just the opposite. Play is always voluntary. What might otherwise be play is Essay work if it's forced. This is axiomatic. Bernie de Koven has defined play as the suspension of consequences. This is unacceptable if it implies that play is inconsequential. The point is not that play is without consequences. This is to demean play.

The point is that the consequences, if any, are gratuitous. Playing and giving are closely related, they are the chains anderson behavioral and transactional facets of the same impulse, the play-instinct. They share an aristocratic disdain for results. The player gets something out of The Crusades Essay, playing; that's why he plays. Chains Halse Anderson Summary! But the core reward is the experience of the activity itself (whatever it is). Some otherwise attentive students of play, like Johan Huizinga (*Homo* *Ludens*), *define* it as game-playing or following rules. I respect Huizinga's erudition but emphatically reject his constraints. There are many good games (chess, baseball, Monopoly, bridge) which are rule-governed but there is much more to play than game-playing.

Conversation, sex, dancing, travel -- these practices aren't rule-governed but they are surely play if anything is. And rules can be *played* *with* at The Crusades Essay least as readily as anything else. Interesting! Work makes a mockery of freedom. The official line is The Crusades Essay that we all have rights and live in a democracy. Other unfortunates who aren't free like we are have to live in police states. These victims obey orders or-else, no matter how arbitrary. The authorities keep them under regular surveillance.

State bureaucrats control even the smaller details of chains, everyday life. The officials who push them around are answerable only to The Crusades higher-ups, public or private. Either way, dissent and disobedience are punished. Informers report regularly to the authorities. All this is supposed to be a very bad thing. And so it is, although it is nothing but a description of the modern workplace.

The liberals and conservatives and libertarians who lament totalitarianism are phonies and hypocrites. There is more freedom in any moderately deStalinized dictatorship than there is in the ordinary American workplace. Essay! You find the same sort of hierarchy and discipline in an office or factory as you do in The Crusades a prison or monastery. In fact, as Foucault and others have shown, prisons and factories came in at emotion stanislavski about the same time, and their operators consciously borrowed from The Crusades Essay, each other's control techniques. A worker is a par-time slave. The boss says when to show up, when to by laurie anderson leave, and what to do in the meantime. He tells you how much work to do and how fast. He is Essay free to carry his control to humiliating extremes, regulating, if he feels like it, the clothes you wear or how often you go to the bathroom. With a few exceptions he can fire you for any reason, or no reason. He has you spied on by snitches and supervisors, he amasses a dossier on every employee.

Talking back is called insubordination, just as if a worker is a naughty child, and interesting places in sabah, it not only The Crusades, gets you fired, it disqualifies you for unemployment compensation. Without necessarily endorsing it for them either, it is noteworthy that children at home and in school receive much the same treatment, justified in their case by their supposed immaturity. What does this say about their parents and teachers who work? The demeaning system of domination I've described rules over The Crusades half the waking hours of a majority of women and the vast majority of men for decades, for on Greek Views most of their lifespans. The Crusades! For certain purposes it's not too misleading to call our system democracy or capitalism or -- better still -- industrialism, but its real names are factory fascism and office oligarchy. Anybody who says these people are free is lying or stupid. You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid monotonous work, chances are you'll end up boring, stupid and monotonous. Work is a much better explanation for the creeping cretinization all around us than even such significant moronizing mechanisms as television and education.

People who are regimented all their lives, handed off to work from school and bracketed by the family in the beginning and the nursing home at the end, are habituated to state terrorism heirarchy and The Crusades, psychologically enslaved. Their aptitude for autonomy is places so atrophied that their fear of freedom is among their few rationally grounded phobias. Their obedience training at work carries over into the families *they* start, thus reproducing the The Crusades system in more ways than one, and into politics, culture and everything else. Once you drain the vitality from people at work, they'll likely submit to heirarchy and emotion stanislavski, expertise in The Crusades everything. They're used to it. We are so close to the world of work that we can't see what it does to us. We have to rely on outside observers from other times or other cultures to appreciate the extremity and the pathology of our present position. There was a time in our own past when the work ethic would have been incomprehensible, and perhaps Weber was on The Crusades Essay, to something when he tied its appearance to a religion, Calvinism, which if it emerged today instead of four centuries ago would immediately and appropriately be labeled a cult. Be that as it may, we have only to draw upon the wisdom of on Greek, antiquity to put work in perspective. The ancients saw work for what it is, and their view prevailed, the Calvinist cranks notwithstanding, until overthrown by industrialism -- but not before receiving the endorsement of its prophets.

Let's pretend for a moment that work doesn't turn people into stultified submissives. Let's pretend, in defiance of The Crusades, any plausible psychology and the ideology of its boosters, that it has no effect on the formation of character. And let's pretend that work isn't as boring and tiring and humiliating as we all know it really is. Even then, work would *still* make a mockery of all humanistic and democratic aspirations, just because it usurps so much of our time. Socrates said that manual laborers make bad friends and bad citizens because they have no time to fulfill the and Principle responsibilities of friendship and citizenship. He was right. Because of work, no matter what we do we keep looking at The Crusades out watches. The only thing free about so-called free time is that it doesn't cost the boss anything.

Free time is mostly devoted to getting ready for work, going to work, returning from work, and recovering from interesting in sabah, work. Free time is a euphemism for the peculiar way labor as a factor of production not only transports itself at its own expense to and from the workplace but assumes primary responsibility for The Crusades Essay its own maintenance and repair. Emotion! Coal and Essay, steel don't do that. Lathes and typewriters don't do that. But workers do. No wonder Edward G. Robinson in one of his gangster movies exclaimed, Work is for saps! Both Plato and state terrorism, Xenophon attribute to Socrates and obviously share with him an awareness of the destructive effects of The Crusades, work on , the worker as a citizen and The Crusades Essay, a human being. Herodotus identified contempt for work as an attribute of the classical Greeks at the zenith of emotion memory stanislavski, their culture. To take only one Roman example, Cicero said that whoever gives his labor for money sells himself and puts himself in the rank of slaves. His candor is now rare, but contemporary primitive societies which we are wont to The Crusades Essay look down upon have provided spokesmen who have enlightened Western anthropologists.

The Kapauku of West Irian, according to Posposil, have a conception of balance in in sabah life and accordingly work only every other day, the day of rest designed to regain the lost power and health. Our ancestors, even as late as the eighteenth century when they were far along the path to our present predicament, at least were aware of what we have forgotten, the The Crusades Essay underside of industrialization. Account Definition! Their religious devotion to St. Monday -- thus establishing a *de* *facto* five-day week 150-200 years before its legal consecration -- was the despair of the earliest factory owners. They took a long time in submitting to The Crusades the tyranny of the bell, predecessor of the time clock. In fact it was necessary for a generation or two to replace adult males with women accustomed to obedience and children who could be molded to fit industrial needs. Chains Anderson Summary! Even the exploited peasants of the *ancien* *regime* wrested substantial time back from their landlord's work. According to Lafargue, a fourth of the French peasants' calendar was devoted to Sundays and The Crusades Essay, holidays, and Chayanov's figures from villages in Czarist Russia -- hardly a progressive society -- likewise show a fourth or fifth of peasants' days devoted to repose. Controlling for productivity, we are obviously far behind these backward societies. The exploited *muzhiks* would wonder why any of , us are working at Essay all. So should we.

To grasp the full enormity of our deterioration, however, consider the emotion memory earliest condition of The Crusades, humanity, without government or property, when we wandered as hunter-gatherers. Hobbes surmised that life was then nasty, brutish and short. Others assume that life was a desperate unremitting struggle for subsistence, a war waged against a harsh Nature with death and disaster awaiting the unlucky or anyone who was unequal to the challenge of the struggle for existence. Actually, that was all a projection of fears for the collapse of government authority over communities unaccustomed to doing without it, like the England of Hobbes during the Civil War. Hobbes' compatriots had already encountered alternative forms of society which illustrated other ways of life -- in chains by laurie anderson summary North America, particularly -- but already these were too remote from their experience to The Crusades be understandable. Chains By Laurie! (The lower orders, closer to the condition of the Indians, understood it better and The Crusades, often found it attractive. Throughout the seventeenth century, English settlers defected to traditional bank account definition Indian tribes or, captured in The Crusades Essay war, refused to on Greek Vrs Christian return. But the Indians no more defected to white settlements than Germans climb the Berlin Wall from the Essay west.) The survival of the fittest version -- the Thomas Huxley version -- of Darwinism was a better account of economic conditions in Victorian England than it was of natural selection, as the anarchist Kropotkin showed in his book *Mutual* *Aid,* *A* *Factor* *of* *Evolution*. (Kropotkin was a scientist -- a geographer -- who'd had ample involuntary opportunity for fieldwork whilst exiled in Siberia: he knew what he was talking about.) Like most social and , political theory, the story Hobbes and his successors told was really unacknowledged autobiography. The anthropologist Marshall Sahlins, surveying the The Crusades Essay data on interesting, contemporary hunter-gatherers, exploded the Hobbesian myth in an article entitled The Original Affluent Society. They work a lot less than we do, and their work is hard to distinguish from what we regard as play.

Sahlins concluded that hunters and The Crusades, gatherers work less than we do; and rather than a continuous travail, the food quest is chains by laurie intermittent, leisure abundant, and there is a greater amount of Essay, sleep in interesting places the daytime per Essay, capita per year than in any other condition of society. They worked an Essay Vrs Christian Views, average of four hours a day, assuming they were working at all. Their labor, as it appears to Essay us, was skilled labor which exercised their physical and on Greek Views, intellectual capacities; unskilled labor on any large scale, as Sahlins says, is impossible except under industrialism. Thus it satisfied Friedrich Schiller's definition of play, the only occasion on which man realizes his complete humanity by giving full play to both sides of The Crusades Essay, his twofold nature, thinking and feeling. As he put it: The animal *works* when deprivation is the mainspring of its activity, and it *plays* when the fullness of its strength is by laurie halse this mainspring, when superabundant life is The Crusades its own stimulus to activity. (A modern version -- dubiously developmental -- is Abraham Maslow's counterposition of deficiency and growth motivation.) Play and freedom are, as regards production, coextensive. Even Marx, who belongs (for all his good intentions) in the productivist pantheon, observed that the realm of freedom does not commence until the point is passed where labor under the compulsion of bank, necessity and external utility is required. The Crusades Essay! He never could quite bring himself to and Principle identify this happy circumstance as what it is, the abolition of work -- it's rather anomalous, after all, to be pro-worker and anti-work -- but we can. The Crusades! The aspiration to state terrorism go backwards or forwards to a life without work is evident in The Crusades every serious social or cultural history of pre-industrial Europe, among them M. Dorothy George's *England* In* *Transition* and Peter Burke's *Popular* *Culture* *in* *Early* *Modern* *Europe*.

Also pertinent is Daniel Bell's essay, Work and its Discontents, the Essay first text, I believe, to refer to The Crusades Essay the revolt against work in Essay on Passion so many words and, had it been understood, an important correction to the complacency ordinarily associated with the volume in which it was collected, *The* *End* *of* *Ideology*. Neither critics nor celebrants have noticed that Bell's end-of-ideology thesis signaled not the end of social unrest but the beginning of a new, uncharted phase unconstrained and uninformed by ideology. The Crusades Essay! It was Seymour Lipset (in *Political* *Man*), not Bell, who announced at the same time that the fundamental problems of the Industrial Revolution have been solved, only a few years before the post- or meta-industrial discontents of college students drove Lipset from UC Berkeley to the relative (and temporary) tranquility of Harvard. As Bell notes, Adam Smith in *The* *Wealth* *of* *Nations*, for all his enthusiasm for bank account the market and the division of labor, was more alert to (and more honest about) the seamy side of work than Ayn Rand or the Chicago economists or any of Smith's modern epigones. As Smith observed: The understandings of the greater part of men are necessarily formed by their ordinary employments. The man whose life is spent in performing a few simple operations. has no occasion to exert his understanding. He generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. Here, in a few blunt words, is The Crusades Essay my critique of work. Bell, writing in 1956, the Golden Age of Eisenhower imbecility and American self-satisfaction, identified the unorganized, unorganizable malaise of the interesting places in sabah 1970's and since, the one no political tendency is able to harness, the one identified in HEW's report *Work* *in* *America*, the one which cannot be exploited and so is ignored. That problem is the revolt against work.

It does not figure in any text by any laissez-faire economist -- Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, Richard Posner -- because, in their terms, as they used to say on The Crusades Essay, *Star* *Trek*, it does not compute. Bank Definition! If these objections, informed by the love of liberty, fail to persuade humanists of a utilitarian or even paternalist turn, there are others which they cannot disregard. Work is The Crusades hazardous to your health, to borrow a book title. In fact, work is mass murder or genocide. Directly or indirectly, work will kill most of the people who read these words. Between 14,000 and 25,000 workers are killed annually in this country on the job. State Terrorism! Over two million are disabled. Twenty to twenty-five million are injured every year. And these figures are based on a very conservative estimation of what constitutes a work-related injury. Thus they don't count the half million cases of occupational disease every year.

I looked at one medical textbook on occupational diseases which was 1,200 pages long. Even this barely scratches the The Crusades surface. The available statistics count the obvious cases like the 100,000 miners who have black lung disease, of whom 4,000 die every year, a much higher fatality rate than for AIDS, for instance, which gets so much media attention. This reflects the unvoiced assumption that AIDS afflicts perverts who could control their depravity whereas coal-mining is a sacrosanct activity beyond question. What the statistics don't show is that tens of millions of people have heir lifespans shortened by work -- which is all that homicide means, after all. ! Consider the doctors who work themselves to death in their 50's. Consider all the other workaholics. Even if you aren't killed or crippled while actually working, you very well might be while going to work, coming from Essay, work, looking for work, or trying to forget about work.

The vast majority of victims of the automobile are either doing one of these work-obligatory activities or else fall afoul of those who do them. To this augmented body-count must be added the victims of auto-industrial pollution and work-induced alcoholism and drug addiction. Both cancer and Essay, heart disease are modern afflictions normally traceable, directly, or indirectly, to work. The Crusades Essay! Work, then, institutionalizes homicide as a way of life. People think the Cambodians were crazy for exterminating themselves, but are we any different? The Pol Pot regime at least had a vision, however blurred, of an egalitarian society. We kill people in the six-figure range (at least) in order to sell Big Macs and Cadillacs to the survivors. Our forty or fifty thousand annual highway fatalities are victims, not martyrs. They died for nothing -- or rather, they died for state terrorism work. But work is nothing to die for.

Bad news for liberals: regulatory tinkering is useless in this life-and-death context. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration was designed to police the core part of the problem, workplace safety. Even before Reagan and the Supreme Court stifled it, OSHA was a farce. At previous and (by current standards) generous Carter-era funding levels, a workplace could expect a random visit from an OSHA inspector once every 46 years. State control of the economy is no solution. Work is, if anything, more dangerous in Essay the state-socialist countries than it is here. State Terrorism! Thousands of Russian workers were killed or injured building the Moscow subway.

Stories reverberate about covered-up Soviet nuclear disasters which make Times Beach and Three-Mile Island look like elementary-school air-raid drills. On the other hand, deregulation, currently fashionable, won't help and will probably hurt. From a health and safety standpoint, among others, work was at its worst in the days when the economy most closely approximated laissez-faire. Historians like Eugene Genovese have argued persuasively that -- as antebellum slavery apologists insisted -- factory wage-workers in the Northern American states and in Europe were worse off than Southern plantation slaves. No rearrangement of relations among bureaucrats and businessmen seems to make much difference at the point of production. Serious enforcement of even the rather vague standards enforceable in theory by OSHA would probably bring the economy to a standstill.

The enforcers apparently appreciate this, since they don't even try to crack down on most malefactors. The Crusades! What I've said so far ought not to Essay and Principle be controversial. Many workers are fed up with work. There are high and rising rates of absenteeism, turnover, employee theft and sabotage, wildcat strikes, and overall goldbricking on the job. The Crusades Essay! There may be some movement toward a conscious and not just visceral rejection of work. Interesting In Sabah! And yet the prevalent feeling, universal among bosses and their agents and also widespread among workers themselves is that work itself is inevitable and necessary. I disagree.

It is now possible to abolish work and replace it, insofar as it serves useful purposes, with a multitude of new kinds of free activities. To abolish work requires going at it from two directions, quantitative and qualitative. On the one hand, on the quantitative side, we have to cut down massively on the amount of work being done. At present most work is The Crusades useless or worse and we should simply get rid of it. On the other hand -- and I think this the crux of the interesting places in sabah matter and the revolutionary new departure -- we have to take what useful work remains and The Crusades, transform it into account, a pleasing variety of game-like and craft-like pastimes, indistinguishable from other pleasurable pastimes, except that they happen to yield useful end-products. Surely that shouldn't make them *less* enticing to do. Then all the artificial barriers of power and property could come down. Creation could become recreation.

And we could all stop being afraid of The Crusades, each other. I don't suggest that most work is salvageable in this way. But then most work isn't worth trying to save. Only a small and , diminishing fraction of work serves any useful purpose independent of the defense and reproduction of the work-system and its political and legal appendages. Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done -- presumably the figure, if accurate, is lower now -- would satisfy our minimal needs for Essay food, clothing, and shelter. Theirs was only an educated guess but the main point is quite clear: directly or indirectly, most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control. Right off the bat we can liberate tens of millions of Essay Views, salesmen, soldiers, managers, cops, stockbrokers, clergymen, bankers, lawyers, teachers, landlords, security guards, ad-men and The Crusades, everyone who works for them. There is a snowball effect since every time you idle some bigshot you liberate his flunkeys and underlings also. Thus the economy *implodes*. Forty percent of the workforce are white-collar workers, most of whom have some of the most tedious and idiotic jobs ever concocted. Entire industries, insurance and banking and real estate for instance, consist of nothing but useless paper-shuffling.

It is no accident that the tertiary sector, the and Principle service sector, is growing while the The Crusades secondary sector (industry) stagnates and the primary sector (agriculture) nearly disappears. ! Because work is unnecessary except to those whose power it secures, workers are shifted from relatively useful to relatively useless occupations as a measure to assure public order. Anything is better than nothing. That's why you can't go home just because you finish early. They want your *time*, enough of it to make you theirs, even if they have no use for The Crusades Essay most of it. Otherwise why hasn't the average work week gone down by more than a few minutes in the past fifty years? Next we can take a meat-cleaver to production work itself. No more war production, nuclear power, junk food, feminine hygiene deodorant -- and above all, no more auto industry to speak of. An occasional Stanley Steamer or Model-T might be all right, but the auto-eroticism on which such pestholes as Detroit and Los Angeles depend on is out of the question. Already, without even trying, we've virtually solved the energy crisis, the environmental crisis and assorted other insoluble social problems.

Finally, we must do away with far and away the largest occupation, the one with the longest hours, the lowest pay and some of the most tedious tasks around. I refer to *housewives* doing housework and child-rearing. Essay! By abolishing wage-labor and Essay and Principle, achieving full unemployment we undermine the sexual division of labor. The nuclear family as we know it is an inevitable adaptation to The Crusades the division of labor imposed by modern wage-work. On Greek! Like it or not, as things have been for The Crusades the last century or two it is economically rational for the man to bring home the bacon, for the woman to do the shitwork to provide him with a haven in a heartless world, and for the children to The Crusades be marched off to youth concentration camps called schools, primarily to keep them out of Mom's hair but still under control, but incidentally to acquire the habits of obedience and punctuality so necessary for workers. If you would be rid of patriarchy, get rid of the nuclear family whose unpaid shadow work, as Ivan Illich says, makes possible the memory stanislavski work-system that makes *it* necessary. Bound up with this no-nukes strategy is the abolition of The Crusades, childhood and the closing of the schools. There are more full-time students than full-time workers in this country. We need children as teachers, not students. Halse Anderson Summary! They have a lot to contribute to the ludic revolution because they're better at Essay playing than grown-ups are. Adults and children are not identical but they will become equal through interdependence.

Only play can bridge the generation gap. I haven't as yet even mentioned the possibility of cutting way down on the little work that remains by automating and cybernizing it. All the scientists and engineers and technicians freed from bothering with war research and planned obsolescence would have a good time devising means to eliminate fatigue and tedium and danger from activities like mining. Undoubtedly they'll find other projects to amuse themselves with. Perhaps they'll set up world-wide all-inclusive multi-media communications systems or found space colonies.

Perhaps. I myself am no gadget freak. I wouldn't care to live in a pushbutton paradise. I don't what robot slaves to do everything; I want to do things myself. There is, I think, a place for labor-saving technology, but a modest place. The historical and pre-historical record is state terrorism not encouraging. Essay! When productive technology went from hunting-gathering to agriculture and on to industry, work increased while skills and state terrorism, self-determination diminished.

The further evolution of industrialism has accentuated what Harry Braverman called the degradation of work. The Crusades! Intelligent observers have always been aware of this. John Stuart Mill wrote that all the labor-saving inventions ever devised haven't saved a moment's labor. Karl Marx wrote that it would be possible to write a history of the inventions, made since 1830, for the sole purpose of supplying capital with weapons against the revolts of the working class. The enthusiastic technophiles -- Saint-Simon, Comte, Lenin, B. F. Skinner -- have always been unabashed authoritarians also; which is to say, technocrats. We should be more than sceptical about the promises of the computer mystics. *They* work like dogs; chances are, if they have their way, so will the rest of us.

But if they have any particularized contributions more readily subordinated to human purposes than the run of high tech, let's give them a hearing. What I really want to see is work turned into play. A first step is to discard the notions of a job and an occupation. Even activities that already have some ludic content lose most of it by being reduced to jobs which certain people, and only those people are forced to do to the exclusion of The Crusades Essay, all else. Is it not odd that farm workers toil painfully in the fields while their air-conditioned masters go home every weekend and putter about in their gardens? Under a system of permanent revelry, we will witness the Golden Age of the dilettante which will put the Renaissance to shame.

There won't be any more jobs, just things to do and people to do them. The secret of interesting in sabah, turning work into Essay, play, as Charles Fourier demonstrated, is to arrange useful activities to take advantage of whatever it is that various people at various times in places fact enjoy doing. To make it possible for some people to do the things they could enjoy it will be enough just to eradicate the irrationalities and distortions which afflict these activities when they are reduced to work. I, for instance, would enjoy doing some (not too much) teaching, but I don't want coerced students and I don't care to suck up to pathetic pedants for The Crusades Essay tenure. Traditional Account! Second, there are some things that people like to do from The Crusades Essay, time to time, but not for Essay on Greek Views too long, and certainly not all the time. You might enjoy baby-sitting for a few hours in Essay order to share the company of chains by laurie halse anderson, kids, but not as much as their parents do. The parents meanwhile, profoundly appreciate the time to themselves that you free up for Essay them, although they'd get fretful if parted from their progeny for too long. These differences among individuals are what make a life of free play possible. Emotion Memory! The same principle applies to many other areas of activity, especially the primal ones. Thus many people enjoy cooking when they can practice it seriously at their leisure, but not when they're just fueling up human bodies for work.

Third -- other things being equal -- some things that are unsatisfying if done by yourself or in unpleasant surroundings or at the orders of an Essay, overlord are enjoyable, at least for a while, if these circumstances are changed. This is probably true, to some extent, of all work. People deploy their otherwise wasted ingenuity to memory stanislavski make a game of the least inviting drudge-jobs as best they can. Activities that appeal to some people don't always appeal to all others, but everyone at least potentially has a variety of interests and Essay, an interest in variety. State Terrorism! As the saying goes, anything once. Fourier was the master at speculating how aberrant and The Crusades, perverse penchants could be put to use in post-civilized society, what he called Harmony. He thought the Emperor Nero would have turned out all right if as a child he could have indulged his taste for bloodshed by working in traditional account definition a slaughterhouse. Small children who notoriously relish wallowing in filth could be organized in Little Hordes to Essay clean toilets and empty the garbage, with medals awarded to the outstanding.

I am not arguing for emotion memory these precise examples but for the underlying principle, which I think makes perfect sense as one dimension of an overall revolutionary transformation. Bear in mind that we don't have to take today's work just as we find it and The Crusades, match it up with the proper people, some of whom would have to be perverse indeed. If technology has a role in all this it is less to automate work out of existence than to open up new realms for re/creation. To some extent we may want to return to handicrafts, which William Morris considered a probable and desirable upshot of communist revolution. Art would be taken back from the snobs and collectors, abolished as a specialized department catering to bank an elite audience, and The Crusades, its qualities of beauty and creation restored to integral life from in sabah, which they were stolen by work. It's a sobering thought that the grecian urns we write odes about and showcase in museums were used in their own time to store olive oil. I doubt our everyday artifacts will fare as well in the future, if there is Essay one. Halse Anderson! The point is The Crusades that there's no such thing as progress in the world of work; if anything it's just the opposite. State Terrorism! We shouldn't hesitate to pilfer the past for what it has to offer, the ancients lose nothing yet we are enriched. The reinvention of The Crusades, daily life means marching off the edge of our maps. There is, it is true, more suggestive speculation than most people suspect.

Besides Fourier and by laurie halse, Morris -- and even a hint, here and there, in The Crusades Essay Marx -- there are the writings of Kropotkin, the syndicalists Pataud and Pouget, anarcho-communists old (Berkman) and new (Bookchin). The Goodman brothers' *Communitas* is state terrorism exemplary for illustrating what forms follow from given functions (purposes), and there is something to be gleaned from the often hazy heralds of alternative/appropriate/intermediate/convivial technology, like Schumacher and The Crusades Essay, especially Illich, once you disconnect their fog machines. Essay On Greek Vrs Christian! The situationists -- as represented by Vaneigem's *Revolution* *of* *Daily* *Life* and in The Crusades Essay the *Situationist* *International* *Anthology* -- are so ruthlessly lucid as to be exhilarating, even if they never did quite square the endorsement of the rule of the worker's councils with the abolition of work. Better their incongruity, though than any extant version of on Passion and Principle, leftism, whose devotees look to be the last champions of The Crusades Essay, work, for if there were no work there would be no workers, and without workers, who would the left have to organize? So the abolitionists would be largely on , their own.

No one can say what would result from unleashing the creative power stultified by work. Anything can happen. The tiresome debater's problem of freedom vs. necessity, with its theological overtones, resolves itself practically once the production of use-values is coextensive with the consumption of Essay, delightful play-activity. Life will become a game, or rather many games, but not -- as it is now - -- a zero/sum game. An optimal sexual encounter is the paradigm of productive play, The participants potentiate each other's pleasures, nobody keeps score, and everybody wins. The more you give, the more you get. In the ludic life, the best of sex will diffuse into interesting places in sabah, the better part of daily life.

Generalized play leads to the libidinization of life. Sex, in turn, can become less urgent and desperate, more playful. If we play our cards right, we can all get more out of life than we put into it; but only if we play for keeps. No one should ever work. Workers of the world. *relax*!

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no gun control essay Gun control is The Crusades, a hot button issue, especially in the wake of emotion memory so many recent, tragic mass shootings. It is The Crusades, also a polarizing issue, which means that it tends to divide people. When youre writing an argumentative essay, it generally doesnt matter what side of an issue you take. Vrs Christian! What matters is that you take a side and support whichever position you choose. In the case of the gun control issue, you could plausiblyand defensiblytake either side: strict regulation up to and including an outright ban on firearms or complete legalization of individual gun ownership. Either way, youre going to need strong evidence. With this in mind, Ive sourced 12 gun control articles from Essay, online publications that illustrate both sides of the debate, plus two articles that can help you understand the emotion, background of the issue. For each article, Ive included the authors basic point and why the article is a worthwhile resource, as well as citations for Essay APA and Essay and Principle MLA 7th and MLA 8th editions. No matter what side you argue, this post will point you to some credible sources for The Crusades Essay your argumentative gun control essay.

6 Supporting Gun Control Articles. Pro-gun control article #1: Gun Control and the Constitution: Should We Amend the Second Amendment? This article discusses what is perhaps the greatest source of contention in the entire debate: the Second Amendments wording. The author quotes former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who advocates changing the chains, Second Amendments confusing language to clarify that it only applies to Essay, those serving in a militia. Formerly called BusinessWeek until 2010, Bloomberg Businessweek has been around since 1929 and has earned numerous industry publication awards. Barrett, P. M. (2014, February 10). Gun control and Essay on Passion the Constitution: Should we amend the Second Amendment? Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved from http://www .

Barrett, Paul M. Gun Control and the Constitution: Should We Amend the Second Amendment? Bloomberg Businessweek . Bloomberg, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 10 July 2016. Barrett, Paul M. Gun Control and the Constitution: Should We Amend the Second Amendment? Bloomberg Businessweek , 20 Feb. 2014, Accessed 10 July 2016. A quick note about The Crusades Essay, citations. Ive included both MLA 7th edition and MLA 8th edition, as well as APA, citations for each article that you can use if you decide to Vrs Christian, reference the source in your gun control essay. Because the MLA 8th edition went into effect in early 2016, not all professors/schools will require the use of the new format. Check with your professor to see which edition he or she prefers.

The 8th edition of MLA also suggests that you include the URL in each entry. Including the date you accessed an online source is now optional. Ive included both pieces of information in my examples. (Again, check with your professor to see what he or she prefers.) Pro-gun control article #2: Its Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them. Bovy tackles the gun issue by The Crusades, arguing that the Vrs Christian, debate should not be about closing loopholes in gun control. She doesnt argue that specific types of guns should be banned, but argues that all guns should be banned. This article is published by New Republic, which was founded in 1914 as a journal of opinion which seeks to meet the challenge of a new time ( Today, the New Republic is the The Crusades Essay, voice of and Principle creative thinkers, united by Essay, a collective desire to , challenge the status quo ( Bovey, P. M. (2015, December 10). Its time to ban guns.

Yes, all of them. New Republic. Retrieved from Bovey, Phoebe, M. Its Time to Ban Guns. The Crusades! Yes, All of Them. New Republic.

New Republic, 10 Dec. 2015. Web. 10 July 2016. Bovey, Phoebe, M. Its Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them. New Republic , 10 Dec. 2015, Accessed 10 July 2016. Pro-gun control article #3: Battleground America. This well-researched article was written in the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting.

It covers three main areas: An in-depth discussion of the meaning of existing gun laws and the Second Amendment. The difference between now and the time in which the Amendment was drafted. How the drastically increased killing power of modern firearms makes any reference to the laws crafted two centuries ago obsolete. LePore is a frequent contributor to The New Yorker, as well as many other national news magazines. LePore, J. State Terrorism! (2012, April 23). Battleground America. The New Yorker. Retrieved from The Crusades,

LePore, Jill. Battleground America. The New Yorker . The New Yorker, 23 Apr. ! 2012. Web. 10 July 2016. LePore, Jill. Battleground America. The New Yorker , 23 Apr. 2012, Accessed 10 July 2016.

Pro-gun control article #4: Why We Cant Talk About Gun Control. Hamblin discusses one of the most problematic aspects of the gun control debate: the fact that it is so politicized. Here, the Essay, author explains his opinion by on Greek Vrs Christian Views, framing it in his own experiences. He states that he lost his job when he published a column arguing that its possible to regulate guns without infringing on Essay, individuals rights. Hamblin is Essay Vrs Christian, a frequent contributor and The Crusades senior editor at The Atlantic . Hamblin, J. Definition! (2014, June 29). Why we cant talk about Essay, gun control.

The Atlantic. Essay On Greek! Retrieved from /2014/06/how-to-interpret-the-second-amendment/373664. Hamblin, James. Why We Cant Talk About Gun Control. The Atlantic . The Atlantic Monthly Group , 29 June 2014. Essay! Web. 10 July 2016. Hamblin, James. Why We Cant Talk About Gun Control. The Atlantic , The Atlantic Monthly Group , 29 June 2014, /archive/2014/06/how-to-interpret-the-second-amendment/373664. Accessed 10 July 2016. Pro-gun control article #5: Californias proposed gun laws wont change our culture of emotion memory violence, but they will make us safer. This editorial by the the LA Times Editorial Board explains that, even though California has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, there are still many loopholes. The editorial board argues that stricter regulations for purchasing guns and ammunition need to be in The Crusades Essay, place to stop gun violence.

The Los Angeles Times is a Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper that has been in publication for more than 134 years. Times Editorial Board. ! (2016, April 22). Californias proposed gun laws wont change our culture of The Crusades violence, but they will make us safer. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from Times Editorial Board. By Laurie Halse Anderson Summary! Californias Proposed Gun Laws Wont Change Our Culture of Violence, but They Will Make Us Safer. . Los Angeles Times Media Group, 22 Apr. Essay! 2016. Web. 10 July 2016. Times Editorial Board. Californias Proposed Gun Laws Wont Change Our Culture of Violence, but They Will Make Us Safer. Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times Media Group, 22 Apr.

2016, editorials/la-ed-adv-california-guns-20160422-story. State Terrorism! Accessed 10 July 2016. Pro-gun control article #6: 4 Pro-Gun Arguments Were Sick of The Crusades Hearing. Though you might not automatically think hard-hitting news when you think of Rolling Stone magazine, the author of this brief article succinctly sums up four common pro-gun arguments and explains why she doesnt feel theyre effective. Rolling Stone covers a variety of cultural, music, social, and state terrorism political news and is a well-established magazine.

Marcotte, A. (2015, October 1). 4 pro-gun arguments were sick of hearing. The Crusades Essay! Rolling Stone . Retrieved from places, politics/news/4-pro-gun-arguments-were-sick-of-hearing-20151001. Marcotte, Amanda. 4 Pro-Gun Arguments Were Sick of The Crusades Hearing. Rolling Stone . Rolling Stone, 1 Oct. 2015. Web. 10 July 2016.

Marcotte, Amanda. 4 Pro-Gun Arguments Were Sick of Hearing. Rolling Stone, 1 Oct. 2015, Accessed 10 July 2016. Now that weve examined articles in favor of gun control, lets take a look at a few articles that are against memory gun control. Anti-gun control article #1: 5 arguments against The Crusades Essay gun control and why they are all wrong. Published in the LA Times , this op-ed piece is written by Evan DeFilippis and Devin Hughes, who are the interesting, founders of the gun violence prevention site Armed With Reason. The authors argue that gun control laws dont deter criminals and cannot prevent mass shootings. DeFillipis, E., Hughes, D. (2016). 5 arguments against gun controland why they are all wrong. Los Angeles Times.

Retrieved from opinion/op-ed/la-oe-defilippis-hughes-gun-myths-debunked-20160708-snap-story. DeFillipis, Evan and Devin Hughes 5 Arguments Against Gun Controland Why They are All Wrong. . Los Angeles Times, 8 July 2016. Web. 10 July 2016. DeFillipis, Evan and The Crusades Devin Hughes 5 Arguments Against Gun Controland Why They are All Wrong. Los Angeles Times , 8 July 2016, opinion/op-ed/la-oe-defilippis-hughes-gun-myths-debunked-20160708-snap-story. Accessed 10 July 2016.

Anti-gun control article #2: Gun control isnt the answer. Wilson, an author of several books about crime and a teaching fellow at by laurie halse anderson summary, Pepperdine University, asks an interesting question: how could or would we ever get rid of the hundreds of millions of guns that already exist in the United States? He takes the The Crusades Essay, stance that banning firearms is state terrorism, pointless, that the genie is out of the bottle. He discounts the debatedriven by the Virginia Tech shootings that occurred just before he wrote the articleas being driven by election politics and, therefore, insincere. Though this source is a bit older, it still raises a valid question. Wilson, J. Q. (2007, April 20). Gun control isnt the answer. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from

Wilson, James Q. Gun Control Isnt the Answer. . The Crusades! Los Angeles Times, 20 Apr. 2007. Web. 10 July 2016. Wilson, James Q. Chains By Laurie Halse! Gun Control Isnt the Answer. Los Angeles Times, 20 Apr. 2007,

Accessed 10 July 2016. Anti-gun control article #3: Why Gun Owners are Right to Fight Against Gun Control. Hardy argues that sweeping gun control legislation proposed by the anti-gun lobby leaves no room for compromise. The Crusades Essay! He then does a U-turn and complains about the slippery-slope nature of bans on one kind of weapon, such as assault weapons or sniper rifles, leading slowly but surely to by laurie halse summary, total prohibition. Hardy fears that the gun control lobby is on a crusade to wipe out individual gun ownership altogether. Hardy is an Arizona attorney and a Second Amendment scholar and writer.

Hardy, D. The Crusades Essay! T. State Terrorism! (2013, July 18). Why gun owners are right to fight against The Crusades Essay gun control. Essay On Passion And Principle! Retrieved from The Crusades, 2013/07/18/why-second-amendment-supporters-are-righ. Hardy, David T. Why Gun Owners are Right to Fight Against Gun Control. . Reason Foundation, 18 July 2013. Web.

10 July 2016. Hardy, David T. Why Gun Owners are Right to Fight Against Gun Control., Reason Foundation, 18 July 2013, archives/2013/07/18/why-second-amendment-supporters-are-righ. Accessed 10 July 2016. Anti-gun control article #4: American Sniper widow: Gun control wont protect us. This opinion piece discusses one womans experience with gun violence and Essay on Greek Vrs Christian why she believes gun control is Essay, not the answer. Taya Kyle, the writer of this article, is also the author of American Wife: A Memoir of Love, War, Faith, and Renewal . The movie American Sniper was based on her late husband, Chris Kyle. Kyle, T. (2013, July 18). Emotion Memory! American Sniper widow: Gun control wont protect us. CNN.

Retrieved from Kyle, Taya. American Sniper Widow: Gun Control Wont Protect Us. Cable News Network, 18 July 2013. Web. 10 July 2016. Kyle, Taya. American Sniper Widow: Gun Control Wont Protect Us. CNN , 18 July 2013, Accessed 10 July 2016. Anti-gun control article #5: A Criminologists Case Against Gun Control. This article includes an interview with James Jacobs, director of the Center for Research in Crime and Justice at New York University School of Law.

He is also a professor of constitutional law and the author of The Crusades Can Gun Control Work? In this article, Jacobs examines misunderstandings about gun control and examines the , effectiveness of various gun control strategies. Davidson, J. (2015, December 1). A criminologists case against gun control. Time. Retrieved from

Davidson, Jacob. A Criminologists Case Against Gun Control. Time Inc., 1 Dec. 2015. Web. 10 July 2016. Davidson, Jacob. A Criminologists Case Against Gun Control. Time , 1 Dec. 2015, Accessed 10 July 2016. Anti-gun control article #6: How Gun Control Kills. The author gives examples of incidents of gun violence that were stopped by people carrying guns, arguing that had such people not been on the scene, the results would have been worse.

Hunter is an The Crusades aide to , conservative senator Rand Paul. Hunter, J. (2012, December 27). How gun control kills. The American Conservative. Retrieved from articles/how-gun-control-kills. Hunter, Jack. How Gun Control Kills. The American Conservative . Burr Media Group, 27 Dec.

2012. Web. 10 July 2016. Hunter, Jack. How Gun Control Kills. The American Conservative, Burr Media Group, 27 Dec. 2012,

Accessed 10 July 2016. 2 Resources About the Gun Control Debate. If youre looking for articles with more background on the subject, check out these two resources that provide an The Crusades overview of gun control and state terrorism a variety of discussions about the topic. In 20152016, the The Crusades Essay, well-respected news source CNN aired a series of programming titled Guns in interesting places in sabah, America . This resource contains both articles and videos about a wide array of gun-related topics, including town-hall meetings, an The Crusades interview with President Obama, gun violence statistics, interviews with the NRA, a discussion of the gun industry, and segments about guns and police. The articles and videos are too numerous to state terrorism, cite in this post, but Ive included one sample to help illustrate how you might cite these resources. Simon, M., Sanchez, R. (2015, December 4). U.S. The Crusades! gun violence: The story in charts and graphs. CNN. Retrieved from on Passion and Principle, 04/us/gun-violence-graphics/index.html. Simon, Mallory and Ray Sanchez. The Crusades Essay! U.S. Gun Violence: The Story in Charts and chains halse anderson summary Graphs.

Cable News Network, 4 Dec. Essay! 2015. Web. 10 July 2016. Simon, Mallory and Essay on Passion and Principle Ray Sanchez. U.S. Gun Violence: The Story in The Crusades, Charts and anderson Graphs. CNN , 4 Dec.

2015, Accessed 10 July 2016. This article, published by the The New York Times , provides broad definitions of gun control, includes arguments both for and against The Crusades gun control, and even speculates as to why its so difficult to bank account, solve the debate. Perez-Pena, R. (2015, October 7). Gun control explained. The Crusades Essay! The New York Times. Retrieved from 07/us/gun-control-explained.html?_r=0. Perez-Pena, Richard. Gun Control Explained. . ! The New York Times Company, 7 Oct. 2015. The Crusades! Web. Bank! 10 July 2016.

Perez-Pena, Richard. Essay! Gun Control Explained. The New York Times , 7 Oct. 2015, By Laurie! Accessed 10 July 2016. You can cite these or any of The Crusades Essay thousands of other gun control articles to buttress your argument. (Read 5 Best Resources to Help With Writing a Research Paper if you need assistance researching more scholarly sources.) Whichever side of the state terrorism, issue you take, make sure to mention the source, cite it properly (in-text and in your Works Cited or References list), and The Crusades format direct quotations, summaries, and paraphrases per MLA 7th edition, MLA 8th edition, or APA guidelines. If you copy the Essay Vrs Christian, APA or MLA citations I created above, be sure to update the accessed date (10 July 2016) to the date that you accessed the article. Keep in mind that there will be very, very few sources (including the ones I used above) that are totally objective. Most writersand most websiteswill be catering to an audience.

For a fuller list of issues on Essay, both sides of the debate, check out these Top Pro Con Arguments on gun control. Your job is to filter out the bias and see what value a given persons argument really has. Some of the most rabid commentators on both sides of the Essay on Greek Vrs Christian Views, issue actually make good pointsyou just have to Essay, get past all the Essay, screaming. Once youre ready to Essay, start writing, check out these sample essays on gun control for some ideas on how to put your paper together. If you need help with writing your essay, read How to Write a Research Paper: a Step-by-Step Guide. Need help with overall formatting according to the style guide youre using? Give these resources a try: When youre finished drafting your argument, dont forget to have an editor proofread your essay for you. Psst.

98% of Kibin users report better grades! Get inspiration from over 500,000 example essays. About the Author. Naomi Tepper is a former Kibin editor, the former content manager for chains anderson summary the Kibin blog, and Essay forever a word nerd. Youre welcome! Im glad you found this to be helpful.

1) This is a good place to start because the Second Amendment is pretty. much the Essay on Greek Views, cornerstone of the whole debate, and the modification that. Stevens suggests highlights the fact that the Second Amendment refers to. an armed citizen militia, not individual gun ownership. Actually, the The Crusades Essay, fact that Stevens wants to change the 2nd points to stanislavski, the fact that the 2nd DOES NOT refer to an armed militia, because his change is nonsense. The organized militia is a body of the government and Essay thus, needs no right to be armed.

2) If you use this one, you are arguing for prior restraint against an inalienable right. 110 million gun owners. 8855 gun murders. 99.9996% of all gun owners. safe. 3) David Hardy is absolutely right. Hes the only one that backs up his arguments with evidence. 4) Yep. Gun controlor the possibility of on Passion gun control is costing some states long held jobs. And some state politicians their jobs, too. 5) Interesting premisebut just an opinion. Heres a sixth: Investigate the racist roots of gun control.

If you want to discuss the 2nd amendment, stay away from emotional arguments. The Crusades Essay! The 2nd amendment protects a pre-existing, individual, inalienable right to keep and bear arms. It does not derived from the Constitution. It is protected by by laurie halse anderson summary, it. That is the base from The Crusades, which you should discuss all gun control. Clearly some one PRO gun control based on their wording. The second amendment, the Essay, right to bear arms, is currently under heavy fire. Many people believe that firearms are directly linked to crime, and are just too dangerous in general. These people believe that stricter gun laws need to Essay, be in place, or the second amendment is outdated and state terrorism no longer relative or necessary. This is The Crusades, untrue.

The second amendment and the right to bear arms must remain intact. The second amendment is long standing, and crucial to the American citizens, for purposes including worst case scenarios and life or death situations, and not to mention that through multiple studies, statistics and state terrorism research have shown and discovered that stricter gun laws, or prohibition altogether, would only worsen the situation. Firearms actually prevent more crimes than they are involved in The Crusades, committing. This right gives the American citizens the ability to chains by laurie summary, defend and fight for themselves, their neighbors, and their family, in the face of Essay any evil, foreign or local. One must also remember that stricter gun laws will not necessarily stop or hinder crime. Stanislavski! Criminals do, after all, break the law on a regular basis. Most firearms used in criminal activities are illegally obtained, whether stolen or bought through an illegal source. Overall, the second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, is still in place for a very good reason.

This right allows the people to defend themselves at any given time, and therefor live without certain fear. Looks like you have a good start to your own pro-gun essay here. (Just be sure to back up your statements with credible sources and The Crusades Essay research.) This is just skippy except the second amendment gives me the right to be armed to interesting, protect me from an oppressive government. The Crusades! They colonists had just fought a war to free themselves from an oppressive government, so the second amendment is not there to give me the state terrorism, right to hunt or shoot burglars. If the government allows the police or the military to become excessive, calling them to Essay, protect you from them doesnt make much sense does it?

And yes, there were some pretty awesome weapons (multi-shot repeaters) in the 1700s that the founders were fully aware of. Just some questions from an outsider. Why are Americans afraid of their neighbor and Vrs Christian so have to The Crusades, carry a weapon? Why do Americans think that the Police are so incompetent that they have to on Passion and Principle, arm themselves to do their job. Why are citizens allowed to open carry their guns to the mall and local store but politicians will not allow them to carry a weapon to the Conservative Party National Convention? Why do Americans give criminals the right to carry weapons? All of these questions would make great material for a paper on the topic. wow the Essay, potato is strong with you, the most violent states in the country are california, new york illinois, and DC, all have some of the emotion stanislavski, most restrictive laws in the country, and are suprisingly full of tolerant liberals Sounds like you could definitely write an essay defending this position, Bree great research. As an The Crusades Essay Englishman I have been on and off following this for in sabah years. Up till fairly recently, under the The Crusades, Truck Acts( passed in the 19th century) stipulated that all persons in gainful employment had to be paid in current currency of the realm.

In other words, they had to be paid in cash. Thus the employer would send the Essay and Principle, pay clerk to the bank, after having worked out how many items of each piece of currency was needed to The Crusades, render the exact amount down to the last smallest value coin. State Terrorism! He would go to the same bank, the Essay, same local branch, and the same time. Pre-WW2 this was for the most part safe. The reason was quite simple; in the 1930s the moral standards set out in the Christian faith were still strongly respected, even by many who were either non-churchgoers or were not exactly noted for their fervency of belief.

However, the influence of the Sunday School movement was very strong. WW2 disrupted this, a factor commented on unfavourably in Essay Views, Vol.1 of Sir John Hamertons work, The Second Great War. All the evacuations had the effect of depriving many of the means of grace that inculcated moral standards. The result was a progressive decline in such standards post-WW2. Then, first one, then another began to notice the pay clerks routine.

Result? An increasing round of wage-snatching of progressively increasing violence. In the wake of these, some started up security firms who would guarantee safe delivery of the cash. Eventually some security firms personnel began carrying handguns. One incident in Essay, December, 1961 fairly threw the cat among the pigeons. Memory Stanislavski! A gang attacked a security van, not knowing that its personnel were armed, as well as having a guard dog. One of the guards opened fire, wounding one of the gang, who fled away empty-handed, leaving a fearsome array of weapons. The reaction of the police was to demand the Essay, disarming of all bank guards; one senior police officer even bleated that was better to lose ?100,000 than to risk the criminals carrying guns in response.

I suppose he had in mind that Parliament had not long before decided to limit the categories of capital murder to, among other, murder committed in the furtherance of chains by laurie theft, but he may have also feared a more widespread rise in armed robberies. The Crusades! As it was, not far from where I am typing this out, and only 18 months later, 26 times the amount he mentioned was stolen in what we still call the Great Train Robbery. Jumping from there to the Dunblane massacre and the subsequent Acts that banned all civilian ownership of handguns(1996, 1997), a number of features emerge. The murderer had already gotten into bad odour with the Scouts, and increasingly with others, and this led at least one junior police officer to suggest that his licences(for FOUR handguns!) be revoked. In the wake of Lord Cullens report the cops superior resigned.

However, the chains halse summary, reaction of at The Crusades Essay, least one, if not more, of Londons grubbier tabloids was to scream out louder for all civilian ownership of bank handguns to be banned, a sentiment led one Tory MP to Essay, say that he now knew what it was like to have been a Jew in Hitlers Germany. For the Sun, read Der Sturmer; for the Suns then editor read Julius Streicher, who duly swung at a ropes end for the crimes he committed in WW2. As if that hasnt been enough, it appears that the proceedings of the Cullen Committee will remain under lock and key till 2096. There has been one recent developmentalbeit a small one. ! Two men attempted to break into a house; one of the owners had a shotgun, and Essay he fired at them, killing one. State Terrorism! When arraigned before a court on The Crusades, a charge of murder, the presiding judge directed the jury to acquit. He cited a noted English jurist, Sir Edward Coke, who lived some 400 years ago, as saying that an Englishmans home is his castle. Yes, one of the leaders of the gun control mob(not very large, but unduly influential) expressed disappointment at the ruling and memory stanislavski verdict. Still, it is a chink of light. What happens in the future is yet to be seen. Incidentally, during November 2000 I spent a fortnight on holiday in Texas at the invitation of a woman friend.

Amazingly, I felt safer in downtown San Antonio than I would in many British cities. The Crusades Essay! I put it down to three factors, viz. (I) they still have the death penalty for murder we pensioned off the hangman in 1965; (ii) after training and emotion certification one can carry a concealed handgun makes it dangerous for intending burglars or muggers; (iii) in The Crusades, Teas, and in large parts of the US, one enjoys the bank definition, means of The Crusades Essay grace in the form of Christian schooling and Christian broadcasting here in the UK faith schools are allowed, but secular humanists bleat about emotion stanislavski, indoctrination of children, while Christian broadcasting is severely restricted, with even one complainer being apparently enough to shut it down. Molon Labe. The Crusades Essay! My question is how do you plan on finding and removing ever gun across the stanislavski, nation? Stop the black market where other cartel and gangs will flood the The Crusades Essay, street with weapons from other countries that produce them? Leprechauns riding unicorns patrolling the candy land streets of on Passion and Principle delusionalville? So the plan is to remove them from the law abiding citizens (because they are the only ones that would turn them in The Crusades, without a fire fight). Criminalize the ones that refuse to turn them in AND fight them with government agencies that have guns. So now with the law abiding citizen are disarmed, the ones that refuse to Vrs Christian Views, be disarmed are criminals and the gangs and criminals keep their firearms because wellthey are criminalsyeap seems like a solid plan to me!

Lets move forward with this and see how well it turns out. Hitler, Stalin, Pot and Moa would be proud!

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Telling the Tales of The Crusades Essay Trees Around the World. Weegee: King of the Nighttime Streets. Credit Weegee/International Center of Photography, Courtesy of Daniel Blau, Munich. Weegee: King of the Nighttime Streets. In Her Own Words, Photographing the Vietnam War. In Her Own Words, Photographing the Vietnam War. Credit Dotation Catherine Leroy. In Her Own Words, Photographing the Vietnam War. The Evolution of Fashion Photography.

The Evolution of Fashion Photography. Credit Tim Walker. The Evolution of Fashion Photography. Credit Gianni Berengo Gardin/Courtesy of Prahlad Bubbar Gallery, London. Global Voices and Emerging Photographers at Photoville. Global Voices and Views, Emerging Photographers at Photoville. Credit Emily Macinnes. Global Voices and The Crusades, Emerging Photographers at Photoville. Credit Kenneth Jarecke. Essay: Cowboys and Photojournalists.

Update | 7 p.m. Mr. Jarecke responds to comments, at No. 25. Original post | While watching the 4-H youngsters going about their business at MontanaFair in Billings this month, I was struck by a parallel. On Greek Vrs Christian Views! Here I am in 2009, at a fair ground: a photojournalist, making pictures of cowboys in every direction I look.

Dont any of The Crusades us know that none of us are supposed to exist? The glory years of the American cowboy started in 1867 with the interesting places Texas cattle barons driving longhorns northward to serve the growing demand for Essay, beef. They ended when the harsh winter of 1886-87 wiped out the herds in Nebraska, Montana and the Dakotas. The iconic cowboy image, part of our national identity, is drawn from a relatively short period of about 20 years. A century after that nasty winter devastated the cattle industry, I received one of interesting my first major assignments. Life magazine hired me to Essay cover Jesse Jacksons presidential campaign. I spent 70 or 80 days over a six-month period photographing him. The piece ran six or eight pages in the magazine. On the campaign trail, I was informed by more than one old-timer that photojournalism was dead; that I had missed it. Kid, theyd say, you should have seen us during the golden age. At the time, 10 days of work per page in Life magazine (even in one of its zombie incarnations) certainly seemed pretty golden to Essay Views me.

It made me wonder. The Crusades! How golden were the so-called glory days? The picture magazines of the by laurie halse anderson late 1930s are credited (along with World War II) with the start of photojournalisms golden age. Magnum was founded in The Crusades, 1947. At about the same time, W. Eugene Smith started producing his genre-defining photo essays. Even then, however, all was not gold. When it didnt have a war to cover, Life often produced uneven work at best. Magnum was hurting financially from the start, even with clients in a dozen different countries and the biggest names in the business. The legendary Gene Smith?

Resigned from Vrs Christian Views Life in 1955 over creative differences and never enjoyed the same level of The Crusades success again, either in print or financially. By 1972, both Look and Life were effectively dead. And Principle! They had managed to last just a decade or two longer than the legendary cowboy. But people didnt stop looking at pictures after Life folded any more than they stopped eating beef in 1887. It turns out that the cowboy skills associated with farming and ranching still have value today. Theres even a good living to be had. Thats where the parallels diverge.

Somehow, the skills of the photojournalist have failed to The Crusades Essay retain their value. The publishing industry is suffering through its killing winter right now. Many of the big outfits Ive worked for in the past wont survive. That doesnt mean photojournalism will disappear, it just means that well have to pay for it a different way. As more publications use the McDonalds philosophy of giving away the hamburger and making money on the fries and soda but then failing to emotion charge for The Crusades, any of it photojournalists will have to create a new market for on Greek Vrs Christian Views, their work. They have two choices. One: they can risk life and limb to capture extraordinary moments that normally would go unseen, like wars and famines.

Two: they can photograph the ordinary in an extraordinary way. That sums up every tool were packing in Essay, our saddlebags. (Thank you kindly.) Professional photojournalists have only state terrorism their eye, their experience and their work ethic to create lasting images. It has nothing to do with what kind of lariat theyre carrying. I grew up in Nebraska and Ive lived in Montana for The Crusades, 17 years, so Ive seen my share of county fairs. Stanislavski! When I approach shooting something familiar like MontanaFair, I remember one thing.

Photojournalists always want to get on a plane (there are probably a thousand Japanese photographers whod love to be standing where I am right now), but if you cant make a great picture in by laurie halse anderson, your own backyard, it isnt going to happen anywhere else. The photojournalism field is too competitive to enjoy success without giving it everything youve got. The highest level is filled with people who dont have a backup plan. If they had, they would have already used it. So if youre talking about the survival of photojournalism, thats the The Crusades kind of people Ill bet on: the ones just like the cowboys all around me in Essay Vrs Christian Views, Billings that show true grit. Kenneth Jarecke became a contract photographer for Time magazine in 1989, after seven years as a freelancer. The Crusades Essay! Among his subjects were The Rotting of the Big Apple in chains summary, 1990 and Essay, the Persian Gulf war in traditional, 1991. He joined U.S. News #038; World Report as a contract photographer in 1996 and The Crusades, was there 10 years. He is Essay on Passion represented by Contact Press Images.

Comments are no longer being accepted. Photographs of the ordinary in an extraordinary way indeed! Thank you , Ken, for Essay, these wonder images. My husband and Essay, I are displaced Texans living over 18 years in South America. For me, your article was a lump in the throat experience. The Crusades Essay! Our son, who was born and raised on this Southern continent is now studying in the States. I feel sad hearing his discription of the country I once loved. He comes back telling us that the US is not the country we described to him while growing up. He calls it homogenized, with no original culture that he can detect. Your article and , photos brought me back to a time and place I recognize.

I am glad that there is some US culture still around and The Crusades, am glad someone is recording it so well. Thank you for this essay. It is a subject that I ponder frequently. As an artist using oils I am not attuned to the tool of photography for expressing the essence of bank account definition life. I am drawn to The Crusades particular photography and cannot always find the words to state terrorism describe it. Kenneth Jarecke makes a good attempt at trying to describe what it is that creates something unique. Something that awakens a portion of us that opens a doorway inside. Beyond that doorway are riches of emotional meaning.

Ken (full disclosure a colleague at Contact) gets it totally right. So lets check for commonality between cowboys and photojournalists: work for damn near nothing; severely under appreciated by the bulk of the population; in a simple ten minute stroll sees hundreds of things which everyone else misses; can figure out The Crusades Essay, sunset times by looking at the length of a shadow; will get back up on that horse even if their shoulder is broken; end up rooming with others of the traditional bank account definition same ilk because travel money dried up; knows how to make a pretty good meal out of spam and Wonderbread; loves campfires and sunsets, and knows, sadly, that first light is usually BEST light, so sleep is Essay short; almost decided to become a successful accountant but after throwing up at the pre-pro meeting headed back to his first love. Were in a very difficult time, but well pull through with commitment, flexibility and bank account, creativity. The Crusades Essay! Many of my favorite photographers have shown me new ways of seeing what I thought I already knew. Did the daguerreotype wipe out painting? No the new technology and traditional bank account definition, marketplace forced old ways of seeing to redefine themselves. The Crusades Essay! Have a look at Fred Ritchins blog: Excellent piece. Perhaps the twenty years of the making of our iconic cowboy was too short because there is so much Western literature based on the violence of gunfighters and sex with a Stetson that diminishes the life of the hard working drover of Essay that twenty year span of time. Check my website for on Passion and Principle, my books: What an eye.

Beautiful shots. Not mostly true, totally true. Nicely done Mr Jarecke. A fair/great subject matter. The Crusades! The colors of the carnival/the buzz/the attitudes/In Indiana where we primarily raised our family had the fairground. After our art gallery closed/we sold what-nots at the fairgrounds in regulation shows. It was fun like selling art on the streets of New York. We were the first street peddlers in front of the Plaza Hotel/the Met/ and even Macys Dept. Store. To create the vibe that contains the chaos of these lovable sequences where the places chatter becomes the essence/everything else washes away/is important and difficult. Again look at The Crusades Essay, our work-www.fortgang.comor http://francystoller-blogspot.comor google Steve and , Francy StollerThanks.

Very nice sharp photos. Makes me want to go to Montana to take pictures, ha ha. But I agree with the whole idea that everyone has a ton of photo ops in their own backyard. It is harder to approach your everyday world with that fresh eye though. Photography as a profession is Essay definitely going through some big changes. Its a bit ironic that this killing winter you talk about is chains by laurie halse anderson occurring at the same time as new and affordable cameras make gorgeous photos easier to capture. The Crusades Essay! The photos on the nytimes website have improved enormously in just the past year. And its definitely driven by the new technology. So it seems that the only problem now is the making money part. Yes, Ken, many things are passing with the The Crusades Essay 21st Century, including the cowboy and photographic film. The cowboy thing is just about extinct.

Mini-farmer settlers like yourself have helped swallow up the last of the open ranges, and in sabah, agri-biz monopolies now dictate to the rancher what his beef will bring. And of course print media that once displayed glossy images are expiring. And as far as the picture never lying we now have PhotoShop, and a generation of computer kidz who know all about digital manipulatiion, and, as such, do not trust nor are impressed by great photography. The Crusades! What next? Most enjoyable article and pics. My wife and I vacation in Wyoming and Montana every year and thoroughly enjoy this type of history in these two States.

Many thanks..Bill Hacock, Ashcroft B.C. I have photographed the New Jersey State Fair in traditional bank account definition, Sussex County for the past eight years, this year blogging my favorites each night. I love seeing this essay, Joel Sartoes in National Geographic as well. The fair is such a right of passage for middle american teenagers and for me has been a blast to bring my kids to see them enjoy the same things I did. This post is great. Thanks for Essay, the history lessons. If you dont know where you came from, its hard to know where you are going. Ken, great column and great pictures. Thanks for Essay Views, reminding all of us that great pictures can be made in our backyard. I spent 70 or 80 days over a six-month period photographing him. The piece ran six or eight pages in the magazine.

and how much did you get paid? 80 days of work for The Crusades, a few hundred bucks i suspect. A beautiful essay in words and pictures. I appreciate the way you bring us close to the feelings of the people at the fair. You render with great clarity many subtle emotional moments, so that we end up learning about the event through the experience of the Vrs Christian people there. The picture of the The Crusades Essay young woman checking her text messages while holding a slop bucket is a classic Jarecke straightforward, elegantly composed, and packed with meaning. As for us photographers, I guess we got to just keep on keepin on. It gets cold and , lonely on the prairie, thats for state terrorism, sure, especially when no one is The Crusades hiring. Great photos, but where are the captions. Without captions these photos lack context.

It was great to definition see the fair through your eyes! The photos of the The Crusades Essay children in 4-H were priceless. Like you, through dedication, theyll do well. The story was told with amazing animation,thank you for a job well done. I did part of my growing up in Montana and for awhile I wanted to be a cowboy. But after studying Montanas history for awhile, I came to understand that the cowboy had come too late and had been an instrument of destruction of what had been good about chains by laurie halse, Montana and that the drover sitting on the horse working for a rich man had not only The Crusades taken the freedom from the land, but already lost his freedom. So I decided that I wanted to a mountain man and live in on Passion and Principle, the mountains with the Indians, but this was impossible, for The Crusades, that life had also ended. Still in pursuit of the dream, I became a photojournalist in Alaska where I have been fortunate to hang out Essay, with Alaska Native Eskimo, Indian and Aleut peoples and to document slices of their lives. But awhile back, I realized that everything was crumbling around me, due to this digital world that I love so much. The Crusades Essay! Thus I decided to start my own blog and to blindly move forward into what I did not know.

So far, the effort has been fun but not the least bit successful. I lack both the time and funds to do the blog right, because I still have to make a living and the blog actually gets in the way of this. But still, I forge on, believing that sometime before I am utterly destroyed I will find the answer. Thank you for The Crusades, your interpretation of the state fair. For a long time I have thought the best images were with the smaller animals like the chickens, and you proved this point again. After looking at them, I want to interesting in sabah head out the The Crusades Essay door and make pictures. What a wonderful article and, of memory course, the pictures are amazing! Each tells a bit of the story, and together, they are a complete canvas of our little slice of the American Dream no captions needed.

The irony of your observations may be that quite soon there may be more outfits where a good working cowboy can hire on than there will be for the best photojournalists going, at The Crusades Essay, least as weve all known it to be in state terrorism, the past. It really doesnt matter how hard it may be or how poor the money; if you really love it, there is no substitute for just doing the The Crusades work. But its always nice to state terrorism get published. The question is, where? Hope our paths might cross out here sometime.

What a wonderful group of images. I was delighted to see them. I like Burnetts cowboy comment. Always good to see your work. The Crusades Essay! See you in state terrorism, the mountains sometime. Thanks for all the great comments! Really, its my pleasure to do this type of project. What can be better? Youve got kids, horses, nice light really all the elements are right there.

I must say, it was also a pleasure working with James Estrin on this. If youre interested, Ive just published the extended version on my website. Be warned there are 79 images there, which is on Greek kind of a lot. Pictures of the Day: Monday, Aug. 24. Telling the Tales of The Crusades Trees Around the World. Telling the Tales of Trees Around the World. Credit Diane Cook/Len Jenshel. Telling the Tales of Trees Around the World. Weegee: King of the Nighttime Streets. Weegee: King of the Nighttime Streets.

Credit Weegee/International Center of Photography, Courtesy of Daniel Blau, Munich.

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20 Time-Saving Grading Apps That Teachers Love. No doubt all our readers in the education field are well aware of the The Crusades explosion of iPads and on Passion, tablets in the classroom and their ability to The Crusades, make learning easier and more interactive. But we suspect at least some of you are still reluctant to turn the new tech loose on grading, an area where you could be needlessly wasting hours assessing students with an antiquated system. We know change can be daunting, but we promise that within this list of apps teachers love, you#8217;ll find something you love, too. If you#8217;re a teacher who#8217;s been hanging on to a hard-copy gradebook, this app is your invitation to see what all the fuss over grading apps is about. For $10 the app comes packed with features like automatic grade calculation, status report notification emails for students or parents, attendance reports on PDF, and more. Teacher#8217;s Assistant Pro: Track Student Behavior: For elementary teachers, this app is a great option for recording behavior infractions and easily contacting parents and emotion, administrators with all the details if need be. Essay! Tardiness, forgetting books, being disruptive, all this and Essay and Principle, more will never go unrecorded or unpunished again. Ah, the dreaded essay.

We#8217;re not teachers, but we have to The Crusades Essay, assume the joy you get out of torturing kids with essay assignments has to be somewhat tampered by having to grade them. iAnnotate takes the pain out of it, letting you ink, highlight, underline, stamp, make notes, and more on a PDF version of your kids#8217; essays via your iPad. For an emotion memory stanislavski app specifically designed for grading essays, try Essay Grader. The standout feature is the wide variety of stock comments, including praise, grammar and style critiques, and organization and documentation notes it comes loaded with. Or you can import your own customized database of your own patented phrases, so you can pick one and go. Essay! Not every assignment is as easily graded as making a check or X mark on chains halse summary each number. The Crusades Essay! Tasks like oral presentations have to state terrorism, be graded on Essay the fly, and that#8217;s where this app shines.

Use sliders to state terrorism, add or subtract points during a speech on The Crusades things like delivery and tone, then let the app add the scores. It even lets you record video for interesting places in sabah playback later if you want to review the performance before assigning a grade. Like A+ Grade Calculator for Android (see below), Groovy Grader is a simple, no-charge app for inputting the number of quiz or test questions and getting back a chart of scores based on The Crusades the number missed. The iPhone version can handle 150 questions and the iPad 300, but both get the helpful ability to either round off numbers or display them with either one or two decimal places. Grades are just a part of this app that#8217;s like a social network for teachers and state terrorism, students. If it would save you time to have an The Crusades Essay easy way to communicate with students about their grades, send them assignments, and hear back from them on what they need help on, this free app is worth a look.

We have to dock some points for traditional definition the high cost ($31), but if you#8217;re serious about a grading app this is one to consider. It will give you suggestions for Essay mid-term and final grades, know based on your calendar what you#8217;re teaching when and adapt accordingly, and of course keep copious grade and attendance records. Stanislavski! Anything you used to do with your grades on a spreadsheet program compiling averages, producing class reports for the principal, using weighted formulas to determine grades you can now do quickly and easily on your iDevice, be it an iPhone or iPad. It#8217;s got a downright iClunky title, but iTeacherBook is a scheduling, attendance tracker, assignment allocator, and The Crusades, grade recorder and reporter all rolled into on Greek one. For $5 and Essay, compatibility with both iPhone and iPad, you can#8217;t go wrong.

Winner of 2011#8217;s Best App Ever award in the teacher category, Teacher Aide Pro can handle 90 students per emotion class and makes communicating with students a cinch via text, mass emailing, and The Crusades Essay, CSV compatibility. And Principle! This version runs $8 but the lite version is free. The self-proclaimed #8220;smart app for busy teachers#8221; (redundant, are we right?), Teacher#8217;s Pet has a solid if somewhat quirky array of features, like the ability to record a student#8217;s attitude with just the right emoticon. Essay! But with a clean interface, calendar integration, and add-ons like student photo uploading for Essay Vrs Christian Views easy recognition, this app#8217;s well worth the $1.99. The developer claims a Boston high school math teacher said (s)he saves 80 minutes a week in grading time thanks to The Crusades, this free app. That alone is interesting in sabah, reason enough to take a flyer on it. Socrative Learner requires each student has the tech to run the The Crusades Essay app, but it turns multiple choice, true false, and #8220;quick quiz#8221; answers digital for instantaneous grading.

On multi-page exams, many teachers find it necessary to write the number of points deducted per page at the bottom of each page, then they have to emotion memory, go back through at The Crusades, the end to add it all up. Streamline that process with Grade Ticker, which lets you see what you#8217;ve deducted as you go and adds it all up for you at the end. There may be a bit of a learning curve before you get the in sabah hang of this app, but once you do you#8217;ll appreciate its customizability and The Crusades Essay, intuitiveness. Emotion! Break grades down into homework, classwork, test, participation, or other divisions, track attendance, and even get reminders of students#8217; birthdays. We#8217;re sure you know that shaving just seconds off the grade time per test adds up to hours by the end of the school year, hours of your life you#8217;ll never get back.

Protect the time you have left with this app that lets you input the number of questions and see percentage and letter grades. The Crusades Essay! The developer obviously didn#8217;t sink too much time into naming this bad boy, or into by laurie anderson summary creating this hilariously brief user guide. No matter. Here#8217;s what you need to know: you can use it to create grade point systems, it works, and it#8217;s free. It#8217;s not strictly a grading app, but if you#8217;re going to be saving a lot of graded papers and tests it will be nice to be able to access them from anywhere. Also available on iTunes, Dropbox for Android is a free service that lets you upload 2 GBs worth of data for retrieval from any device with the The Crusades app. For a standalone attendance tracker, this app is a clean solution. Present, late, and , absent students can be seen at a glance with color-coded labels for The Crusades Essay each. And if you make the list a Google Spreadsheet at the start of the semester, at the end of the year just check it through Google Docs and Attendance will have calculated all tardies and halse anderson summary, absences for you automatically. It requires a free blog with UK site PrimaryBlogger, but teachers #8216;cross the pond are loving Classdroid. It lets them take a picture of a student#8217;s work, grade it, and upload it to the web for The Crusades the students and their parents to view.

It may not save time in the actual process of grading, but it could prevent many of your time-sucking parent-teacher conferences by improving kids#8217; grades.

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ETL Testing / Data Warehouse Testing Tips, Techniques, Process and Challenges. Posted In | Database Testing | Last Updated: June 22, 2017 ETL Testing Process and Challenges: Today let me take a moment and explain my testing fraternity about one of the much in demand and upcoming skills for The Crusades my tester friends i.e. ETL testing (Extract, Transform, and Load). This article will present you with a complete idea about The Crusades Essay ETL testing and what we do to test ETL process.

It has been observed that Independent Verification and Essay on Passion and Principle, Validation is gaining huge market potential and many companies are now seeing this as prospective business gain. Customers have been offered a different range of products in terms of service offerings, distributed in many areas based on technology, process, and solutions. ETL or data warehouse is one of the offerings which are developing rapidly and successfully. Through ETL process, data is fetched from the interesting places source systems, transformed as per business rules and finally loaded to the target system (data warehouse). A data warehouse is an enterprise-wide store which contains integrated data that aids in business decision-making process. It is The Crusades Essay, a part of business intelligence. What You Will Learn: Why do organizations need Data Warehouse? Organizations with organized IT practices are looking forward to creating the next level of technology transformation. They are now trying to make themselves much more operational with easy-to-interoperate data.

Having said that data is most important part of any organization, it may be everyday data or historical data. Data is the backbone of any report and reports are the baseline on which all the Essay on Greek Vrs Christian vital management decisions are taken. Most of the The Crusades Essay companies are taking a step forward for constructing their data warehouse to Essay, store and monitor real-time data as well as historical data. Crafting an efficient data warehouse is not an easy job. Many organizations have distributed departments with different applications running on distributed technology.

ETL tool is employed in order to make a flawless integration between different data sources from different departments. ETL tool will work as an integrator, extracting data from different sources; transforming it into the preferred format based on the business transformation rules and The Crusades Essay, loading it in state terrorism cohesive DB known are Data Warehouse. Well planned, well defined and effective testing scope guarantees smooth conversion of the project to the production. A business gains the real buoyancy once the ETL processes are verified and Essay, validated by an independent group of experts to make sure that data warehouse is concrete and robust. ETL or Data warehouse testing is categorized into state terrorism four different engagements irrespective of technology or ETL tools used:

New Data Warehouse Testing New DW is built and verified from Essay scratch. Data input is taken from customer requirements and different data sources and The Crusades, new data warehouse is build and on Greek, verified with the help of The Crusades ETL tools. Migration Testing In this type of project customer will have an existing DW and ETL performing the job but they are looking to bag new tool in order to improve efficiency. Change Request In this type of project new data is added from different sources to an existing DW. Also, there might be a condition where customer needs to change their existing business rule or they might integrate the new rule.

Report Testing Report are the end result of any Data Warehouse and the basic propose for which DW is build. Report must be tested by validating layout, data in the report and The Crusades, calculation. The below diagram explains very well the ETL testing and interesting, how is it related with the ETL process: (Note: Click on the image for enlarged view) 1) Data transformation Testing : Verify that data is transformed correctly according to various business requirements and rules. 2) Source to Target count Testing : Make sure that the count of Essay records loaded in on Passion and Principle target is matching with the expected count. 3) Source to The Crusades, Target Data Testing : Make sure that all projected data is , loaded into the data warehouse without any data loss and truncation. 4) Data Quality Testing : Make sure that ETL application appropriately rejects, replaces with default values and reports invalid data. 5) Performance Testing : Make sure that data is loaded in data warehouse within prescribed and expected time frames to confirm improved performance and scalability. 6) Production Validation Testing: Validate the data in production system compare it against the source data.

7) Data Integration Testing : Make sure that the data from The Crusades various sources has been loaded properly to state terrorism, the target system and all the threshold values are checked. 8) Application Migration Testing : In this testing, it is ensured that the ETL application is working fine on moving to a new box or platform. 9) Data constraint Check : The datatype, length, index, constraints, etc. are tested in this case. 10) Duplicate Data Check : Test if there is The Crusades Essay, any duplicate data present in the target systems. Duplicate data can lead to wrong analytical reports. Apart from the state terrorism above ETL testing methods other testing methods like system integration testing, user acceptance testing, incremental testing, regression testing, retesting and navigation testing is also carried out to make sure everything is smooth and reliable. Similar to any other testing that lies under Independent Verification and Validation, ETL also go through the same phase. Requirement understanding Validating Test Estimation based on number of The Crusades Essay tables, complexity of rules, data volume and Essay on Greek, performance of job. Test planning based on the inputs from test estimation and business requirement. We need to identify here that what is in scope and what is out of scope.

We also look out for dependencies, risks and mitigation plans in this phase. Designing test cases and test scenarios from all the available inputs. We also need to design mapping document and SQL scripts. Once all the test cases are ready and are approved, testing team proceed to perform pre-execution check and test data preparation for Essay testing Lastly execution is , performed till exit criteria are met. So, execution phase includes running ETL jobs, monitoring job run, SQL script execution, defect logging, defect retesting and regression testing. Upon successful completion summary report is prepared and The Crusades Essay, closure process is done. In this phase, sign off is given to promote the job or code to the next phase. The first two phases i.e. requirement understanding and validation can be regarded as pre steps of ETL testing process.

So, the main process can be represented as below: It is necessary to define test strategy which should be mutually accepted by stakeholders before starting actual testing. A well-defined test strategy will make sure that correct approach has been followed meeting the testing aspiration. ETL testing might require writing SQL statements extensively by testing team or may be tailoring the bank definition SQL provided by The Crusades, development team. In any case testing team must be aware of the results they are trying to get using those SQL statements. Difference between Database and account, Data Warehouse Testing. There is a popular misunderstanding that database testing and data warehouse is Essay, similar while the fact is emotion, that both hold different direction in testing. Database testing is done using smaller scale of Essay data normally with OLTP (Online transaction processing) type of databases while data warehouse testing is Essay Vrs Christian Views, done with large volume with data involving OLAP (online analytical processing) databases. In database testing normally data is consistently injected from chains summary uniform sources while in data warehouse testing most of the data comes from different kind of data sources which are sequentially inconsistent. We generally perform only CRUD (Create, read, update and The Crusades Essay, delete) operation in database testing while in interesting data warehouse testing we use read-only (Select) operation. Normalized databases are used in DB testing while demoralized DB is The Crusades, used in data warehouse testing.

There are number of universal verifications that have to Essay on Passion, be carried out for any kind of data warehouse testing. Below is the The Crusades list of objects that are treated as essential for validation in ETL testing: Verify that data transformation from by laurie summary source to Essay, destination works as expected. Verify that expected data is added in Essay on Passion target system. Verify that all DB fields and The Crusades, field data is loaded without any truncation. Verify data checksum for record count match. Verify that for rejected data proper error logs are generated with all details. Verify NULL value fields. Verify that duplicate data is not loaded. Verify data integrity. We have included a link to an article in the Further Reading section that will help you to understand the difference between ETL/Data warehouse testing database testing very clearly.

The article is named as ETL vs. DB Testing A Closer Look at ETL Testing Need, Planning and The Crusades, ETL Tools ETL testing is quite different from conventional testing. There are many challenges we faced while performing data warehouse testing. Here is the list of few ETL testing challenges I experienced on my project: Incompatible and duplicate data. Loss of data during ETL process. Unavailability of inclusive test bed. Testers have no privileges to execute ETL jobs by their own. Volume and complexity of data is very huge. Fault in business process and in sabah, procedures. Trouble acquiring and building test data.

Unstable testing environment. Missing business flow information. Data is important for businesses to make the critical business decisions. ETL testing plays a significant role validating and ensuring that the The Crusades business information is exact, consistent and Views, reliable. Also, it minimizes hazard of data loss in production. Hope these tips will help ensure your ETL process is accurate and the data warehouse build by this is Essay, a competitive advantage for your business. This is a guest post by and Principle, Vishal Chhaperia who is working in an MNC on a test management role. He is having extensive experience in managing multi-technology QA projects, Processes and teams.

Have you worked on ETL testing? Please share your ETL/DW testing tips and challenges below. In simple words it is Essay, collection of data from different departments of a company or from different technologies to one warehouse. Extract from source, transform in a suitable format and traditional definition, then load into The Crusades destination data warehouse. thanks for sharing this resource.. How to get into this profile? As no matter what exp or knowledge one has it requires exp of by laurie anderson ETL testing.

Hai frnds, I am new to testing.Did any one know best coaching center for learning ETL testing in chennai.PLZ reply me asap. Very informative post on ETL testing. Specially the The Crusades Essay section which talks about the difference in DB Testing and DW Testing. Thanks. Hi Bishal its very useful info shared by you, I was looking for some docs related to ETL testing got them here. I just checked by state terrorism, Anindita di in Lotus notes the link that u shared and goin thru same, would like to learn more about ETL testing. Its a very good information shared by The Crusades, you . Thanks for chains by laurie anderson sharing this . Please let me know any coaching center in bangalore. I have around 6 months of The Crusades Essay exp in ETL testing .I want to learn more in this area.

I think to Start with ETL Testing One Need a Very Hands On SQL concepts specially Conversion Funcions as like when you want to change date in Essay on Passion different format or Numeric to string etc. @Kishore: There is no prerequisite as such, may not be one need to have knowledge of any ETL tool still fair understanding of SQL concepts are much desirable. @Aarthi Bhavya: I believe there is no institute which provides training on ETL testing, still you can check with institutes those are proving training in ETL tools. @Chaitu: Yes absolutely, one need to be very conversant in SQL as to map the SQL vs actual business transformation rule that applies. Clear Understanding of Conversion Functions are also much required. Thanks for sharing such a useful information.. i am very confused about the difference between the database testing and data warehouse it is clear..Thanks.. Coming to challenges the major thing is to create a test data for the scenarios which we found in planning phase . Thanks for sharing the more info of Essay DWH TESTING. and could please share the oracle queries in interesting in sabah general asked , anyway thanks for sharing the info.. can someone explain any example , Backend Testing using SQL queries??

S this is a good study on a warehouse testing. I feel it parallel o my approach on testing a warehouse. I have a good understood with this information. This is lakshmi, Please tell me about execution of ETL Testing. There is an institute in HYD for ETL testing: this is Essay, really informative and appreciate Vijays crisp explanation about ETL testing and halse anderson, really liked the way he gave the difference between Database testing Data Warehouse testing. sorry to Essay, provide wrong name of author as Vijay whereas it should be VISHAL in my earlier post. The problems generally found in ETL testing comprising the graphics transformations is the emotion memory stanislavski unavailability of tools or language(symbol) gap. The article however gives a detail of ETL testing. @ Pavan Kumar: Test Data Management has always been a challenge and The Crusades, when its comes to DW application it is reasonably more challenging. Its very tough to get correct, clean and secure data considering the fact that data is coming from multiple sources.

On contrary there are many good Test Data Management tools which are potentially capable to memory, overcome these problems. @Purna: Talking about SQL that are asked in any QA interview are mostly from Joins, Referential Integrity concepts, some basic SQL like sorting, grouping and query related to The Crusades, where clause. @JD: Could you please make your question more precise? Backend testing is done using SQL testing and we test many things such as SQL injection, Data Correctness etc. Data warehouse information delivery system of an definition organization. Testing of data warehouse the process of The Crusades Essay making sure data acceptance of end business users(Report generators) Please reach me on my email if you want to learn ETL testing. Hi , I am working in ETL project since 4 years and state terrorism, having overall 9 years experience. Currently working in The Crusades Essay one of interesting Top MNC in India and The Crusades, presently working from account definition client place(London) since 2.5 years in banking project.

If you have any questions on ETL or any banking domain then you can reach me at Can You Please explain landing area, staging area and workflows. I provide online trainings. I cover Database Testing and ETL Testing. To get good amount of knowledge in both Database Testing and ETL Testing, one should have sufficient knowledge in SQL Queries. Please do contact me for more information. Hi.. very informative and clear. I am working on ETL testing and i do provide training on ETL testing.. please reach me on if anyone interested.Thanks. I am currently in manual testing.I want to learn informatica and move to datawarehouse testing. how feasible is it. Will I have any opportunity to move. As you are currently working in Manual testing, its very easy for u to learn ETL testing and it would be easy for u to work on ETL testing projects. but going to Essay on Passion, informatica development may not be a good idea. this is just my opinion.

Hi. I have 12 months of Essay experince in manual testing.I know the basics of JAVA and emotion memory, SQL. Now i got opprtunity in 1.ETL Testing and The Crusades, 2.Automation testing ( SELENIUM ). Please advice which one to choose for better career growth. what is the difference between factless fact table and non-additive fact? Very good information and emotion, detailed diff between DB and DW testing. Appriciate your efforts in doing this one and Thanks a lot for sharing such a nice post. Can anyone please tell me which is best institute for ETL testing. Im new to this tool. Very informative article. i wanna to know the list of Essay on Passion and Principle data warehouse products (like db2, ibm data stage2) if u know the latest products for Essay this means pls rply.

i have been offered a part time trainer position in a company for DWH testing.. what is the pay they generally offer per session? Can anyone pls help me with the list of ETL Automation testing tools used in your projects. open source or commercial both will be fine. Thanks. I am looking for interesting places a part time software testing job in bangaore or full time testing in chennai with 2 years of experence. Do let me know ,if you have the same. Mobile no: +91-9480321532. I have 3 year of Experience in Essay Java and Oracle and i want to work in ETL tools. Can anyone help me to know its future prospects and salary.and where i get the good knowledge of ETL tools. Very nice article, and very informative too..Thanks. Plenty of memory ETL testing jobs are available in Essay almost all Fortune 100 companies.

I am working in ETL Testing. Please do not always go for tools like Informatica, Web Intelligence 11 etc. First and foremost thing that comes into action is Writing the traditional bank queries. In case to know more please do contact : ITs very good one thanks fopr ur post :) Thanks for Essay information. keep on sharing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

You have helped me understanding ETL testing. A very good article. Also check out on Youtube the The Crusades video What is , a data warehouse and how do I test it? This article is nice one . I just want to know is The Crusades Essay, it in scope of testing if different short of data loading method testing . as my project experience delta data loading and bulk data loading these two have generate two separate scenarios and corresponding issues mainly data loss and duplicate data and , null value . Does ETL testing has any proper path to solve this case ? Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You have helped me understanding ETL testing. I have written a book on the subject of data warehouse testing available at Essay, Amazon and others as well as an ebook.

Let me me know of any questions. Im Working in a software company in Chandigarh as a DotNet Developer. Someone suggested me to change the profession and go for ETL or WareHousing. As i dont know anything about ETL and WH also. And i found lots of people here who having knowledge about both terms.So anyone can please guide me. Thank you Vishal, really its very useful information. At present I am as a manual test engineer in one of the MNC, Bangalore. I want to change my domain from manual to ETL testing, so can anyone suggest me that what are the basic skills required to , switch from manual to The Crusades, ETL.

Also are there any centres or institutes that provide training on ETL. Incase there are no such centres how to emotion memory, prepare myself. Please suggest me. Thanks in advance. Anyone please suggest on my above post. I am providing this training which will help the students who doesnt have any software experience. We will take scenarios and execute them and guide them when they get into job. I have experience of by laurie anderson summary 12+ years in the industry.

I worked as a Test manager, Business Analyst, project manager. I Worked with the companies like ITC Infotech, Honeywell, Accenture, TCS. I provide corporate training also. After this training the student will scale up to The Crusades Essay, 3+ years experience level. Manual Testing.(Web Applications Architecture)

Why ETL Testing.(Datawarehouse Architecture) Difference between manual/automation and ETL Testing/BI testing. SQL required for ETL Testing Easy and only required SQL s for interviews. ETL test case documentation. ETL Test Life Cycle. Realtime Scenarios of Interaction between Business Analyst, Developers and chains by laurie anderson, Testers. Test Planning(Useful for people trying for lead Level) Discussion of Interview Questions. How to Accept and handle the Essay work after joining the company. IBM openings for ETL Testing QTP. If anyone willing to join kindly send me ur resume on.

Desired Skills Experience. Total Relevant 3 to 4 Years of Experience for ETL Testing QTP ( NO Contractual Employee ) 16 Years Education Mandatory ( BE, B.Tech, or 16 Year Education ) Interview Joining Location for ETL TESTING Bangalore. Interview Joining Location for by laurie halse QTP Chennai. Interview Date : 8 Dec 2012. Hi if any want to learn ETL testing in pune please contact on my mobile +91-8888095648,+91-9036238979.

Hi if any one want to learn ETL testing in pune please contact on my mobile +91-8888095648,+91-9036238979. If anybody interested in learning Dataware house Testing with Real time data please contact me @ 9886137833 Bangalore. Hi all please the above all comments seems like blaming unemployed people. i am not understanding why people coming to etl testing side. you should go development side. I had seen that many persons wanted to learn ETL Testing. I am not aware about the institute but i can teach each and everything about ETL testing or you can mail me your questions if you stuck somewhere, i will reply to all the answers.

This will help me also to stanislavski, gain knowledge. I am having 6 years exp in this technologies and working for No. 1 product based (database) organization. @Siraj:- Thanks for giving some assurance for me to The Crusades, master ETL Testingconcepts.If you dont mind can I know your email id inorder to contact you?My email id is this is really useful learn ETL testing. Very helpful and , accurate information.

Thanks for sharing. Hi if any body wanted to learn Practical ETL testing online please contact on my mobile +60-107767499 (Malaysia) . I have experience of The Crusades 8+ years in the industry and worked in various domains as ETL test lead. Hi i would like to interesting places, say my self maniteja working as a Etl and Bi testing in wipro pune. if any body want to learn Etl and Bi testing contact me. classes available only weekends(pune) and Online. Could you plz support me to find ETL testing tool to :- Verify that expected data is added in and Principle target system. Verify that all DB fields and field data is loaded without any truncation. Verify data checksum for record count match. Verify that for Essay rejected data proper error logs are generated with all details. Verify NULL value fields. Verify that duplicate data is not loaded. Verify data integrity.

Hi,only by knowing etl testing doesnt make sense because you need to know atleast one etl tool to understand and to work on etl testing.So make sure to learn etl tool as well.If any body wants to state terrorism, learn etl testing with etl tool through ONLINE we are giving ETL testing training and The Crusades, we give support untill you got the stanislavski job. Base on batch schdules we are giving etl testing and The Crusades Essay, etl tool traing on daily basis as well as weekend batches. We have successfull track @ +91-8237320101. Hi, can anyone pls tell me which is the best to Essay and Principle, chose as a career in on of these, ETL , Performance, Data Base or Mobile testing. I feel performance testing is the best because it has lot onsite opportunity, well paid and less resources in market. I would like to Essay Vrs Christian Views, here from some experienced teters. Pls help me to Essay, choose the right career for my life, ur comments n replies are very impt to me, pls guide me properly. thanks..

@ etl testing trainer : I am interested to learn. Can you let me know in state terrorism which location r u based in? I am taking training on ETL tool..DW Testing..I ll post the doughts and clarifications .. I Provide Online Training on ETL Testing. I am working in a MNC in Essay Hyderabad. what is Testing ? what is the need for Testing? Software development life cycle. software Testing life cycle.

Types of Testing. Data Ware Housing Concepts: What is Data Ware House? Difference between OLTP and interesting places, Data Ware Housing. Dependent Data Mart. Independent Data Mart.

Data ware housing Approaches. Top Down Approach. bottom up Approach. Data Base Design. Snow Flake Schema. SCD(slowly changing dimension) Basic Concepts in SQL. SQL Concepts(A-Z) execute the pl/sql procedures,functions. Overview of ETL Tool Architecture. Testing Functionality on Different Transformation Rules.

Data Ware House Life Cycle. Different Types of Essay Testing Techniques in ETL. ETL Testing Introduction. What is use of chains by laurie halse anderson summary testing. What is quality standards. Responsibilities of a ETL Tester. Understanding various documents such as Business Requirement Document, Design Documents,Mapping sheets. ETL Testing Work Flow Process. How to Prepare the ETL Test Plan.

How to design the Test cases in ETL Testing. How to reporting the Bugs in The Crusades Essay ETL Testing ? ETL Testing Responsibilities in DataStage, Informatica, Abinitio etc; How to detect the bugs through database queries. ETL Performing Testing Performing Tuning. etl testing life cycle. day to day process. eKnowledge Infotech, a Leading providers of ETL Testing Training in Essay Views Pune, Qlikview Training Institute in Bangalore. People can have benefit of The Crusades this.

Good to by laurie summary, read as a beginer. Good Artcile for The Crusades Essay testers who want to advance their levels in ETL. My questions is: The differences between manual and automated testing, inkl. some examples. Is there practical example of test strategies?. If you are using source and target SQL to do your manual testing then you are more then likely using the minus function to aggregate the results. If this is the case then there is a new tool on the market to automate the testing process for you. Google QuerySurge ok this is a great info thanks or sharing but i need a guide on how to get a job by chains halse anderson, learning this and The Crusades Essay, the step by step procedure thank u :) Hi all,am in production support from Essay 3 years and I am desparate for a move..Know the concepts of manual testing and sql querieswill I be able to get into Essay ETL testing,can anyone guide me.

Anyone know, who can teach ETL class in Vadodara(Gujarat). which is the best institute for Essay on Passion trainig etl testing. Let me know any ETL/DW testing opening in Singapore/Malaysia. Please reach me @ +91-9840219089 (india-mobile). I got very good information about ETL Testing, Difference between DB DW Testing and Challengesits great. Any good training institutes for learning etl testing in Bangalore. If any body is looking for group preparation or search then contact me.

Which ETL tool is good for testers- Informatica Testing or Cognos tool testing.. I am working as a manual tester in Essay a MNC. Which one is better among QTP and ETL testing. Career wise and job security wis. Thanks in advance. Can any one advise me ETL is best or Selenium is best. Which tool have more openings in Market. Plz advise me ASAP. Reply for #91 Chandu. I suggest you to learn QTP as automation. Know SQL to work in ETL Tool.

Thanks a lot for the information. I came to know a lot. I have been working in ETL Tool without knowing the halse summary differences between Database testing and DataWarehouse testing. Thanks a lot for the info that you had given very useful info for The Crusades Essay the ETL testers. Any good training institutes to learn ETL Testing in hyderabad.pls help.

Hi iam working as manual tester in chennai , now i am intersted in learning the ETL testing. please help me how to go ahead with ETL testing. Now i am in emotion memory chennai , trainer in chennai please contact to my mobile number. Hi, This is a very nice and Essay, Informative post. Currently I am working as a manual tester and testing a BI application. I am pretty much interested to learn DWH testing.

Please lemme know if anyone is memory stanislavski, willing to The Crusades Essay, teach this in Pune (Near Wakad). Hi, THis is Shiva. how to autoamte datawarehouse testing and emotion memory stanislavski, etl testing? pleasse suggest notes ASAP. If anybody wants online training /offline training / corporate training on ETL testing,Informatica,Sql with realtime project and job assistance in The Crusades Essay bangalore,pune and hyderabad pls contact @ 8237320101. Pls note: daily batches in pune weekend batches in hyderabad/ bangalore or one to one online class daily. I have 6 + Experience in BI technologies like informatica,ETL testing also trained 40+ students and completed 10+ batches offline successfully.

90% students already placed in top mncs. Pls note: Daily batches in pune weekend batces in hyderabad and bangalore or one to one online class daily. This is Essay, venkat .can anyone help me for etl testing qestions and answers or else send me at VENKATADDAGATLA.SP@GMAIL.COM. If anybody learn ETL testing ,Database Testing,BI Testing in Pune. pls contact +91-9885320101.

Nice Article.Thanks, Now i got basic idea abt DWH.But i want to knw some ratcial tips also, as in interview, they are asking for hands on experience. Also in SQL what all i need to learn.Please guide. hi friends this is rajesh i have knowledge on java and 3 frame works past 8 months i am searching job in banglore. . Someone suggested me to change the profession and go for ETL or WareHousing. As i dont know anything about ETL and Essay, WH also. compare to java and etl testing which is the interesting best in The Crusades Essay future salary and secure.please suggested me.

I do have an stanislavski excellent opening for Database Test Lead. Database Testing Test Analyst with minimum 4 year(s) experience at Gurgaon location. Location- Gurgaon , Telephonic Interviews on this saturday i.e 8th June 2013. Experience required 2 to 5 years Domain: Investment Baking (Preferred) Essential Experience: (Must have skills) 2 to 5 years of experience in a Software organization on testing (Web technologies, Client/ Server, Database). Some experience in development may also be considered. Expertise in Essay database testing and should be well versed with complex SQL queries. Good experience of chains halse manual/database testing throughout the testing life cycle. Understand the application and write test scripts/conditions using a tool (e.g. Test Director) and its review. Experience to carry out Test execution, logging of defects, preparation of daily test logs, updating Requirements Traceability Matrix. Should be well versed with UNIX commands and knowledge in shell scripting is preferred. Experience of interesting in sabah using tools such as Test Director for test planning and Essay, defect management. Experience in adapting to testing processes and provide inputs for test process improvements. Experience in the financial services industry would be an added advantage. Desirable : Experience in the financial services industry would be an added advantage. Domain Knowledge in Essay investment banking preferred.(Bonds Equities, Credit, Collaterals , Exotics) etc Certifications like ISTQB will be an added advantage. Any good training centers for etl testing in hyderabad or bangalore . pls let me know. I Provide Online Training on ETL Testing. I am working in a MNC in Hyderabad. what is Testing ? what is the need for Testing?

Software development life cycle. software Testing life cycle. Types of Testing. Data Ware Housing Concepts: What is interesting places in sabah, Data Ware House? Difference between OLTP and Data Ware Housing. Dependent Data Mart.

Independent Data Mart. Data ware housing Approaches. Top Down Approach. bottom up Approach. Data Base Design. Snow Flake Schema. SCD(slowly changing dimension) Basic Concepts in The Crusades Essay SQL. SQL Concepts(A-Z) execute the pl/sql procedures,functions. Overview of bank definition ETL Tool Architecture.

Testing Functionality on Different Transformation Rules. Data Ware House Life Cycle. Different Types of Testing Techniques in ETL. ETL Testing Introduction. What is use of testing. What is quality standards. Responsibilities of a ETL Tester. Understanding various documents such as Business Requirement Document, Design Documents,Mapping sheets. ETL Testing Work Flow Process.

How to Prepare the ETL Test Plan. How to design the Test cases in ETL Testing. How to The Crusades, reporting the Bugs in ETL Testing ? ETL Testing Responsibilities in DataStage, Informatica, Abinitio etc; How to detect the bugs through database queries. ETL Performing Testing Performing Tuning. etl testing life cycle. day to day process. Want to join in this network.. ETL is and Principle, not a tool its a process to Essay, test DWH domain. As it explains as Extract, Transform and Load. Extract data from multiple sources like system at various OS, flat files etc.. apply business logic to such extracted data to transform and than load those transformed data into the system for generating reports and analyzing.

Whereas, Selenium is a functional automation tool. That requires to have knowledge of JAVA specially javascript and Essay, not and easy tool to master as compared to QTP. Development is better than testing in IT. So,for a long time career prospect ,growth and for stable job,development is far better. Development in The Crusades Essay Java is one having many opportunities.

Looking for state terrorism an ETL Testing opportunity anywhere in India..I already have worked on ETL Related Projects and I have around 7 years of Experience. Kindly let me know for any openings. Im working for Essay a Top MNC in PUNE and if any one is , interested in learning ETL Testing, BI testing, DB Testing through ClassRoom Training or Online. Please feel free to contact on the below numbers. I have a good track record on ETL testing training. I will be teaching the real time scenarios and how to play with the Essay tools. Will provide the demo session on weekends.Interested people can call me on +91-8237320101 for online or class room trainings . Note : Class Room training will be conducted on daily weekend basis.

Drop me a mail if you have any queries : SANDEEPREDDY.MANEM@GMAIL.COM. call me on +91-8237320101. If any one is interested to ETL testingin PUNE please contact me on the above mentioned number. I am looking for ETL Testing Training in Essay Hyderabad. I am looking for ETL Testing Training in Hyderabad. Please let me know the good institutes in hyd.. I heard most of the Essay and Principle people looking in to ETL These days..People dont know where they need to grasp knowlege.It is the platform to those who really want to learn What going on in ETL.. I heard most of the people looking in to ETL These days..People dont know where they need to grasp knowlege.It is the platform to those who really want to Essay, learn What going on in ETL..furthur

hay give me the etl projects interview queations with answers. Hello, i want to learn ETL testing. IF any one knows best institute in Bangalore, please let me know. Contact through mail if want to know best training providers in bank account Chennai for ETL Testing. hai pls give me the etl projects interview questions with answers. can you plz send me the interview questions and answers for etltesting and database(Teradata) Any suggestions on free data validation tools?

Data in my case is being dumped from source db to a flat file from which it is loaded to the interim db. From here data is transformed to a xml file readable by the destination system which loads it back in to the db. I want more detailed about etl testing i.e how the process with be going on banking domain using cognos tool. i want best institute for etl testing in bangalore. Can anyone give solution to Essay, the problem as soon as possible.

2) Analyze the below business scenario and design an The Crusades ETL process from Essay on Greek Vrs Christian Views source systems all the The Crusades Essay way to STAR schema. a. Business users maintain/insert customer master records in source_system1, customer data will them get propogated onto source_system2, source_system3 and source_system4. b. Vendor/supplier data is maintained/inserted in source_system2 and interesting places in sabah, this information is then propogated onto source_system1, source_system3 and source_system4. c. Promotion details is maintained on source_system2. d. Material details is maintained on source_system3 and it is then propogated onto system_system1, source_system2 and source_system4. e. Sales information is Essay on Passion and Principle, captured on Source system4.

I am looking for a training institute to learn ETL testing with some ETL tool in Chennai. Could you any one suggest me any good institute here. I have 2 years exp. in testing and Essay, also have good knowledge of traditional account SQL. my email id is: and contact no is: 8015495931. please reply ASAP. Iam looking for a ETL testing freshers job any one plz inform to my any one can send the ETL testing material and real time etl process we are doind and how to check the data by using queris. plz send the etl material how to validate data using queris. I am currently working as a manual tester having 3+ years of experience. I want to The Crusades Essay, learn ETL testing with ETL tool.

So I am looking for a training institute to and Principle, learn ETL testing with ETL tool. Could anyone please suggest me any good training institute in chennai? Contact Number 9994179578. I have an experience of ELT tetsing for past 2.5 yrears. Well skilled in Informatica, Oracle and OBIEE testing. Please contact me incase of any help needed @ your work. I need to Learn ETL/DWH Testing and Informatica Tool, kindly suggest me any Best Training Centre in Chennai.. ? am expecting Full Time Class Room Training n assistance till the Placement. I am interested to learn ETL and make my carrier in Essay the same.

Want to know any institute situated in NCR (Delhi, Noida)Please let me know. I am interested to learn ETL and make my carrier in the same. Want to know any institute situated in NCR (Delhi, Noida)Please let me know. Its really usefull.I am working as manual tester in Health care domain .I want o know where i can get hands of The Crusades Essay information in SQL comands . Hi This is Teja working as a Testing Team Lead in top most mnc company in emotion stanislavski pune, I have 5 + Experience in ETL and BI(Reports) Testing if any one interested to learn course please contact me. daily and weekends batches available in pune Technologies: Oracle,Unix,Informatica,Testing Concepts and dwh Concepts. Course duration: 45 days. Fee: 6000 (Phone: 8149173089 ) daily mock interviews with real time scenariosonly limited students in The Crusades each batch.. Hi friends, pls help me i am 2013 passout students now i am looking job in software testing in ETL side.pls help me. i dont know anything in ETL testing, anybody having study material pls send the chains by laurie halse summary material to Essay, in this mail id

I am from chennai if you know any good course center in near to DLF IT park please let me know to this mail id I have been working in DWH project since last one year. I am working as a QA in the project. ETL testing is quite challenging but good job to do. we run various jobs and make sure that data is getting loaded to our DWH properly and state terrorism, if not we investigate the Essay cause. in simple words i love being an ETL tester. Can you send information about. Role of ETL in Banking domain If anybody wants to go through ETL testing , unix and sql interview questions then follow the below link : I have been working in DWH project for 6 years. I have gone through so many interviews and taken also.. If anybody wants to go through ETL testing , unix and sql interview questions then follow the below link : Hope you will like the The Crusades Essay posts. I am working in a mnc as a etl tester.

Having a good knowledge of etl testing,SQL writing, report testing and test data creation(most critical task) in data warehouse project. For any help you can reach me out at Hii frnds..I m susmita..I am a mechanical engineer. .I m doing job in my field..but now I m interest to switch my field..I want to learn this etl testing course. .plz help my decision is Essay, current. Can it be possible. Could anyone please reply with best answer? Given a source table of 500K rows, Informatica ETL in the middle (treat as a black box) and a resulting row count at the target of only 495K, please share how you would identify the rows which were not migrated at all. Allowed toolsets include HP ALM (formerly Quality Center, Microsoft Office Access/Excel, Quest TOAD for Data Analysts, NotePad, SQL Plus). I want to learn about The Crusades Essay ETL and Data Migration Testing. Can anybody please help me ? I am looking for traditional online classes or Regular Batches in Chandigarh. I am looking to find a job in ETL testing. Please anyone send me ETL Testing Interview questions.My email id is

If any one please send me a ETL testing interview questions. Thanks in advance. Can any one please send me a ETL testing interview questions. @BOB we can use SQl Minus set operator to find out the missing rows. hi, i am MBA Graduate and The Crusades Essay, i want to learn ETL testing can i know which is the best training center in ameerpet and 100% placement institution. Very nice article.

Thanks for posting. Hi all, I Want to learn ETL testing , Can you please suggest me the best institutes in memory stanislavski hyderabad. Hi all, I Want to learn ETL testing , Can you please suggest me the best institutes in hyderabad. Please mail me The above post regarding ETL testing is really good that helps me to enhance my theory knowledge. Can anyone share some useful documents that I can use to improve my practical knowledge. I have 9 years of experience in Manual testing . I would like to know which tool is The Crusades, better to learn now ETL/Data Warehouse testing tool or Selenium Webdriver. Which field (Automation /Data Warehouse Testing) has demand in interesting market and job security.

Very informative in simple workingthanks Vishal Chhaperia for the post. Very informative in simple wordingsthanks Vishal Chhaperia for the post. Hi can anyone send me materials of etl testing basics. Hi can anyone send me materials of etl testing basics my mail id is Very good column. You have written a statement in Difference between Database testing and DWH testing like this: Normalized databases are used in The Crusades DB testing while demoralized DB is used in data warehouse testing. Here is on Greek, that demoralized or de-normalized? Currently i am in The Crusades Essay Manual testing and interested in chains summary ETL testing i have some good knowledge on SQL concept. With SQL concept i can survive ETL testing?

I have 8 years of experience in Manual testing . I would like to know which tool is better to by laurie, learn now ETL/Data Warehouse testing tool or Selenium Webdriver. Which field (Automation /Data Warehouse Testing) has demand in market and job security. I have one year exp in automation testing and 7 months of exp as as a data analyst (back end work) in ms SQL with this knowledge can I switch my career in etl testing n let me know the scope for Essay etl testing. Its really provides good idea to the ETL Testers . Thanks what are different ETL Testing tools available in the industry? whether etl tools and etl testing tools are same or not.

I am sandeep working in an MNC as ETL Test Professional. You can Reach out to Essay, me for Online classes on ETL Testing . I use to cover ETL,Data warehosue and BI Testing. contact me at The Crusades, for Demo Classes. Hi please let me know if any one carried out ETL Testing tranings(not online) in pune. we can have different kinds of dataware housing testing based my consern. 3.Data Reconciliation testing. ETL testing is on Passion, table level testing . we will have different sorts of source from BU.i mean they will come up with DB table,excel etc and on Passion, provide BU logic .we need to Essay, check based on businees rule its getting loaded or not and then all the source data is getting loaded into Essay Views target dataware house or not.we have to check the source table matched with target database table .the etl load may be happen based schedule that might be consider incremental load(transation data have been loaded in incremental load ). Report testing would be format level and data level.

dataware house data published or displayed in reporting.we have to check the BU expecting format.and required data shoud be displayed based on refresh(incremental load). Reconciliation testing is The Crusades, nothing but back tracking. Im beginner to places, learn ETL , I got the info abot ETL ,its very nice..share more info Very Informative share. Can anyone share me the ETL Testing Tutorials and related Docs. Hi All, any one suggest me how was the market for ETL testing. I am zaffar i have experience in The Crusades siebel admin. I want to learn pls suggest me any online training institue. I want to learn ETL testing in Noida location. Anyone?

Is SQL requiered for DWH/ETL testing? SInce i wish to pursue career in same i would like to know the criteria required for DWH/ETL training.. Is anyone working as a Etl tester or informatica Qa tester. In USA please respond me back with ur email id. I need some tips n confidence from you guys. As I started searching a job.

hello Jagadesh, very good day to you. I am working in a MNC company as a Manual tester , Chennai location. with 2 years of experience. Iam planning to jump to a new company as a ETL TESTING. please give me your inputs. hello, very good day to you. I am working in a MNC company as a Manual tester , Chennai location. with 2 years of on Greek Vrs Christian Views experience.

Iam planning to jump to a new company as a ETL TESTING. please give me your inputs. Is it possible if I work as ETL tester for and then want change my domain to developer. what are different ETL Testing tools available in the industry? whether etl tools like Informatica and etl testing tools are same or not. I am working in MNC in Delhi and I have 5 years Experience in The Crusades Essay QTP . If anyone is interested in QTP. Please feel free to Essay, contact on the below numbere. I have an 4.2 years of experience in Essay Manual testing.Iam planning to move to state terrorism, ETL testing.Can any body please help me with some tutorials or notes so that i can start asap. An informative one. ETL testing topics coverage and the order created this article is good.

It gives a single learning point to The Crusades, start with ETL testing basics which would make a reader to interesting places in sabah, understand easily. I am also starting off creating a similar kind of knowledge, share base especially ETL testing. My goal is, I would like to Essay, share across my knowledge whatever I have learnt in DWBI testing. I want to emotion, move into ETL testing. HAving experience of by laurie halse 6.5 years in manual testing. have small experience in The Crusades Essay ETL testing but want to explore more. plz help me with institute name. As an ex data warehouse developer, now tester, I agree with much of the advice. But testers should also understand that many data warehouse solutions now use the ELT process extract, load, then transform. Some developers may still transform before load and then transform again. So its important to The Crusades Essay, speak with the developers and understand what methods they are using to Essay and Principle, get the data into the data marts.

Do a ETL tester need to be an expert in The Crusades Essay Informatica/QLIKVIEW or any BI tool or Testing Knowledge with strong SQL/Unix concepts will suffice? This article is very good and understandable as usual but i realized that one thing is missing in it. Normally all articles shared by The Crusades, STH team contains scenario based examples to build better understanding. These examples are core of STH articles and should not be missed. Farrukh Shahzad Ahmed Islamabad Pakistan. Awful English. Grammatically wrong, poor sentence structure, clumsily worded. Its like an Essay out of traditional bank account definition tune piano being played by a drunk.

Should we feel sorry for the demoralized DB? excerpt from article below- Normalized databases are used in DB testing while demoralized DB is used in The Crusades data warehouse testing. We had many issue with ETL testing, primarily because production data do not always cover all business rules in ETL and manual preparation of test data is quite expensive process. At the end of the state terrorism day, we had to developed a GTL QAceGen: Business Logic Driven Data Generator. Description is on informatica market place in The Crusades case you are interested.

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